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DB UTBK SNBT Portalinformasi SepatarKampus LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Covid-19 and the ugly truth about Indonesian education (2) The disparity in Indonesian education has widened since the Covid-19 pandemic began ‘spreading its power. Countless schools have closed, and five months later doubts linger as to when things will return to normal. Some schools in areas where infections are very low have gradually resumed classes, but it does not mean the problem has gone away. (2) Last week the Federation of Indonesian Teachers Associations sai atleast 42 teachers have died due to the coronavirus and hundreds havebeen infected. It added weight to 2 recent study that said over 70 percent of schools were not ready to implement social distancing protocols, (2) A closer look, however, shows it a an additional problem but one which has laid bare inherent failures and an ualy reality within the education system, When the government instructed schools to switch to distance learning in March, only a few schools were ready and most of them were in cities. For urban schools with adequate equipment and a better internet connection, conducting online lessons was not so much an issue. It was a severe problem for schools in remote areas that lacked internet connections or electricity and where not many people have smartphones (4) A lack of quality teachers is another problem. indonesia has over three milion primary and secondary school teachers, more than half of whom are not certified, according to government figures. This is because in many parts of the country schools lacked teachers. To address this, many non-permanent people were hired whose main qualification was a passion for teaching. During the pandemic, these teachers have suffered the most as they are paid based on classroom attendance, while fulltime qualified teachers have had their pay cut. (5) There is also an unfair distribution of basic school infrastructure in many parts of the country, with schools in rural areas playing second fiddle to urban ones, This is something that the government has failed to solve in the 75 years since becoming independent (6) For schools beleaguered by the pandemic, this is only a temporary reprieve as the Underlying problems stil need addressing. Undeniably, online learning has the potential to create or widen social and economic disparity. For the haves, it is not a problem, but for the have-nots the burden Is heavier because they will have to obtain the computers, mobile phones and internet packages to be able to lear. (7) On Aug. 14, President Joko Widodo said the government was committed to improving the country’s education and would spend 37 billion USO , or 20 percent of the state budget, on education next year, up from 3455 billion USD this year. He said the money will be used to carry out educational reforms through the transformation of school managers and teachers, and the acceleration of improving the quality of educational facilities and infrastructure, especially in disadvantaged, rural and remote areas. was mentioned as an example of school being unprepared for applying the protocol. ‘a. Unfair distribution of basic tools b. Government hiring non-permanent teachers ¢. Government to spend 20% of the national budget d. The fact that 42 teachers getting infected €e. The distance learning policy © @® © © @utbk_snbt UTBK SNBT Portatiniormasi SeputarKampus In paragraph 8, the author implies that a, There have been corruption cases in indonesia, b. There was a little corruption problem in the past. ¢. There was rarely a corruption case in Indonesia, d. The corruption in the education sector has been rampant . The corruption in the education sector can be overcome The author's attitude towards the current educational system in Indonesia Is a, Contradictory b. Neutral Supportive 4. Satirical e. Contemptuous The word beleaguered (paragraph 6) most nearly means. a. Usual b. Principal . Struggling 4. Controlling €. Prevailing If the author were to ask President Joke Widedo, he would probably be most interested in the answer to which of the following questions? 3. What kind of help does the government offer? 'b. Which schoo! will the government prioritize for assistance? ¢. What measures will the government take to supervise the budget spending? 4d. What technology will the government apply to address the problem? €. Who will be involved in realizing the infrastructure needed? Questions 6 to 9 are based on the following passage. Measies, a childhood disease, has caused suffering to mankind for thousands of years However, the search for an effective measles vaccine lasted two hundred years and has finally ended in success. Now, for the first time, measles is a preventable disease, You may ask, "How is this important to children?” Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio does. More children die from ‘measles than from any other common childhood disease. Also complications of some degree occur In about one child out of six. Most complication include pneumonia and ear disorders. Another after- effect of measles: brain damage ~ is less common, but it ean have such serious consequence that it deserves special attention Brain damage due to measles sounds like something far away from our experience. n reality, it Is not. Uke other injury, damage to the brain can be very slight or very severe. Its quite possible that we have never seen or heard a child who has severe brain damage ~ the child would either have died or would be in an institution. However, in medical research a relation has been found between ‘measles and such things as behaviour problems, personality changes and dulling of metal ability. For example, 2 child may be bad:-tempered or a little slow to learn after he has recovered from measles. © @® © O @utbk_snbt UTBK SNBT ratiniormas| SeputarKampus The main information of the text is that A. measles has been a disease for thousands of years. 8. after 200 years of research, an effective measles vaccine was found. C. measles is a serious disease greatly neglected in the past D. alotof research was done on the complications of measles E. Measles may have bad effects on children who get the disease Which of the following is NOT an after etfect of measies? A. Polio 8. Personality changes C. Slow learning D. Eardisorders Pneumonia “or would be in an institution” (paragraph 3) A an orphanage 8. arehabilitation © a public schoo! b. ahospital & acompany One of the important findings of the research on measies is that children who have got measles may be come difficult to handle because of their behaviour. in reality, there are no measles patients who get brain damage. ‘measles can cause children to become physically handicapped, A 8 . personality changes already occur at the time a child has measles, 0. E. measles is the first killer of childhood disease in the world. Questions 10 to 14 are based on the following passage. Despite the fact that parrots are well known for their long lives and complex cognition, it remains unknown whether the two traits have influenced each other, "The problem has been Sourcing good quality data,” says Simeon Smeele, a doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB). Understanding what has driven parrot longevity is only possible by comparing living parrots, "Comparative life history studies require large sample sizes to provide certainty, because many processes are a play at once and this creates a lot of variation," says Smecle To generate an adequate sample size, scientists compiled data from over 130,000 individual parrots. This database allowed the team to gain the first reliable estimates of average lifespan of 217 parrot species. The analysis revealed a diversity in life expectancy, ranging from an average of two years for the fig parrot up to an average of 30 years for the scarlet macaw. Next, the team employed a large-scale comparative analysis to determine whether or not parrots’ renowned cognitive abilities had any influence on their longevity. They examined two hypotheses: First, that having relatively larger brains enable longer lifespans. Second, that relatively larger brains take longer to grow, and therefore require longer lifespans., These scientists then combined the data and ran models for each hypothesis. Their results provide the first support that increased brain size has enabled longer lifespans in parrots. The findings suggest that the parrots with relatively large brains had cognitive capabilities that allowed them to solve problems in the wild that could otherwise kill them, and this intelligence enabled them anger lives. © @® © © @utbk_snbt UTBK SNBT por Kampus ‘Max-Planck Geselichaft, (2022), Unaveng the mystery of parrot longevity: ger brains have ed some pecs of pato o ve suepisney anaes, new research shown, Taken of Api 14 2022 from wor enced com/eleases/2022/04/120329152826 Him 10. The relationship between parrot longevity and their complex brain is difficult to determine because A. There is a shortage of scientists, 8. There is insufficient time for detailed research, Scientists need to collect data from a specific parrot species. .Ahigh number of living subjects js required for the research [The research requires the right amount of data collection. From the first paragraph, it ean be predicted that A. We will never know how parrots’ complex cognition affects how long they lve, Comparative life-history studies will be used to study animals other than parrot. The existence of long-lived parrots with complex cognitions will remain a mystery. Collecting high-quality data will always be a challenge in comparative life-history studies Gaining large sample sizes for comparative life-history research will become easier in the future. 32. In relation to peragraph 1, paragraph 2 discusses A. the first step and the result of the study mentioned in paragraph 1 8. number of samples required to qualify the data told in paragraph 1 CC. data analysis related to the obstacle of research written in paragraph 1 0. € process of collecting the data presented in paragraph 1 anaction to address the issue raised in paragraph 1 13. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Parrots are compared in order to determine why they live so long. 8, Parrots have a wide range of life expectancy. C. Researchers came up with theories about parrots' brains and their longevity, ©. Large-brained parrots may have longer life spans E. Hundreds of thousands of parrots with different brain sizes are collected by scientists 14, Based on the last paragraph, it can be inferred that A. Parrots with larger brains outperform those with smaller brains, Parrots have intelligence that can make them live longer than other birds, Parrots’ cognitive capabilities may kill them in the wild, Big-brained parrots have cognitive capabilities that help them survive in the wild Further research on parrots! large brain and their long lives is needed to support the current finding, ‘Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. In studying the phenomenon usually referred to as sleep, we are actully dealing with more than one phenomenon. In point of fact, we spend the night alternating between two different types of sleep, each with different brain mechanism and different purposes. As a person falls asieep, his brain waves develop a slower and less regular pattern than in waking state. This is called orthodox Jeep, In this state the brain is apparently resting. Its blood supply is reduced, and its temperatuyg © ® S © @utbk_snbt

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