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Holly Swortzel

Mrs. Carey Perkins

English 101 Class 36921

Reflection Final Exam

Consider your accomplishments this term; describe the strengths and weaknesses of your

work in this course in terms of both your process work and your final written texts.

One of the strengths I uncovered this term pertains to my writing abilities. Historically, I

haven't perceived writing as a strong suit, but this term revealed a newfound capability. Utilizing

a dictation application proved to be a particularly effective strategy, enabling me to articulate my

thoughts and compose papers with enhanced efficiency and clarity. This discovery not only

improved my writing process but also positively influenced the quality of my final written texts.

The incorporation of dictation technology allowed me to overcome previous challenges,

showcasing a notable advancement in my approach to written assignments. Despite this strength,

I acknowledge that there is room for improvement in terms of refining my writing style and

incorporating more nuanced elements into my final texts. Nevertheless, recognizing and

leveraging this newfound strength in writing has been a significant positive outcome of this term.

What strategies will you take away from this semester to use in other classes? Why?

The most valuable strategy I will carry forward from this semester is the skill of

effectively organizing my papers. Learning the various stages of the writing process has proven

immensely beneficial, and I anticipate it will be particularly useful when I embark on my journey

in nursing school. Clear organization not only streamlines my thought process but also enhances

the overall coherence and impact of my written work. Additionally, the assignment on utilizing
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different databases and refining search techniques has been a highlight. Proficiency in navigating

databases and employing effective search strategies is a transferable skill that extends beyond

this specific course. As I move into other classes, especially those in the healthcare field, where

accurate and up-to-date information is critical, these research skills will undoubtedly play a

pivotal role in my academic success. In essence, the strategies acquired in this class, from paper

organization to adept use of databases, will serve as foundational tools for tackling diverse

subjects and assignments in the future. They not only enhance my current academic performance

but also equip me with valuable skills applicable across various disciplines, providing a solid

foundation for success in my academic journey.

Which essays do you feel especially proud of? Explain why.

The essay I take particular pride in is essay number 3, the position argument. This

assignment stands out as it was the most straightforward for me to complete. My proficiency as a

technical writer became evident during this task, showcasing my ability to translate facts into a

coherent narrative that is easily comprehensible for the reader. I take pride in my capacity to

distill complex information into a clear and accessible format, making the content more engaging

and digestible. The ease with which I navigated this particular assignment reaffirmed my

confidence in my technical writing skills. It highlighted my aptitude for presenting well-

researched information in a manner that not only communicates effectively but also resonates

with the reader. This essay, therefore, represents not only a successful execution of the

assignment but also a demonstration of a writing style that aligns with my strengths as a


Which essay (or writing experience) did you learn the most from? Describe what you learned.

The literary analysis was the toughest assignment for me. Creative writing, a realm
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outside my comfort zone, became a challenging effort as I grappled with the intricacies of

expressing nuanced opinions and delving into the subtleties of a literary work. The struggle with

this essay provided a crucial lesson in the art of articulating thoughts beyond the confines of

straightforward analysis. I discovered that creativity in writing involves thinking outside the box,

breaking away from the apparent and delving into the layers that may not be immediately

apparent. This experience taught me the importance of expressing opinions in a manner that goes

beyond the literal and creates vivid imagery for the reader.

While the process may have been uncomfortable, the literary analysis essay expanded my writing

skills by necessitating a shift in perspective and a departure from the analytical approach I was

accustomed to. Through this discomfort, I learned the value of embracing challenges as

opportunities for growth. This lesson in creative expression has broadened my understanding of

effective communication and equipped me with a more versatile set of writing skills that I can

apply across various genres and styles in the future.

In 2-3 complete paragraphs, please discuss how you met or strived to meet each competency

(1-7) listed below. What steps did you take? Why? How? Explain each one.

In English 101, I strengthened my ability to analyze rhetorical contexts by delving into

the factors that shape written pieces. This involved considering circumstances tied to writing

instances, understanding the author's purpose, recognizing the significance of the chosen topic,

and tailoring the message for the intended audience. Acknowledging the writer's role in shaping

the rhetorical context and evaluating their credibility became crucial, along with recognizing the

ethical, political, and cultural implications inherent in writing. Overall, this process deepened my

understanding of how these elements interact and enriched my comprehension of writing and its

potential impacts on various levels.

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Mastering various techniques for organizing essay writing is paramount for effectively

supporting a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical development, all tailored to a

specific writing context. As I acquire and revisit these skills in English 101, the goal is not only

to meet the requirements of the current class but to equip myself with a versatile toolkit that can

be seamlessly applied in future academic endeavors. The emphasis lies in understanding how to

structure and present ideas cohesively, ensuring that the central theme is well-supported and

flows logically. This proficiency in organization is not just a temporary skill but a valuable asset

that will serve me well in navigating the diverse writing contexts I encounter in subsequent


English 101 Course Competencies:

1. Analyze specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience, and

writer, as well as the writing’s ethical, political, and cultural implications.

2. Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical

development appropriate to a specific writing context.

3. Use appropriate conventions in writing including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar,

and mechanics.

4. Summarize, paraphrase and quote from sources to maintain academic integrity and to

develop and support one’s own ideas.

5. Use feedback obtained from peer review, instructor comments and/or other resources to

revise writing.

6. Assess one’s own writing strengths and identify strategies for improvement through

instructor conference, portfolio review, written evaluation, and/or other methods.

7. Generate, format, and edit, and writing using appropriate technologies.

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BONUS: What advice would you give to a new student in ENG101?

Embrace the writing process. Understand that writing is an evolving skill, and

improvement comes with practice and feedback. Be open to diverse perspectives in your

readings and discussions. Don't hesitate to seek help from instructors or peers, and actively

engage in the writing community around you. Remember, English 101 is not just about fulfilling

a requirement but about developing foundational writing skills that will benefit you in various

academic and professional pursuits. Approach it with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to

learn and grow as a writer. Finally, manage your time effectively to allow for thorough drafting,

revising, and editing—each step is crucial to producing quality writing.

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