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Hi my name is Angello Inga I am a student of the UTP of the mechanical engineering career, I

am studying the third cycle.

Hi my name is Cristhian Ramos I am a student of the UTP of the systems engineering career, I
am studying the second cycle.
A: Hi guys
B: Hi Angello, Hi Carlos how are you?
C: Hello guys, I’m fine.
A: I’m fine too. Well guys I wanted to invite you to go on an excursion to the hills of
Mangomarca at 8 am tomorrow to be able to have a good time as the friends we are, since we
haven't seen each other for a long time.
B: I'm sorry Angello, but I won't be able to tomorrow, I have another appointment that I had
already planned a long time in advance.
C: I can go Angello, maybe I'll bring some friends from college to come with us.
A: Great Carlos, so see you tomorrow, I'll bring food and drinks for everyone, a pity that
Cristian can't join us.
B: I'm sorry I can't go guys, well, maybe another day we can see each other, what do you think
if the three of us go out to the movies next week?
A: I'll see my schedules, most likely I can go, then see you there.
C: I'm sorry, I don't think I can, I'll be busy all next week.

My partner Cristian gets up at 7 am and goes to the university to study from Monday to Friday,
he has lunch at approximately 2 pm, after that, he goes to train soccer from three to six pm.
After that he starts playing video games, Finally he sleeps at ten pm.

My partner Angello gets up at six am and goes to the university to study from Monday to
Friday, he has lunch at approximately 3 pm, after that, he trains boxing on Monday and Friday
afternoons. On Tuesdays and Thursdays he usually studies autocad. After that he eats dinner at
about 8pm, Finally he sleeps at ten pm.

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