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Daisy C.

Cooperation with Public Officials
- Policemen must cooperate with public officials, perform authorized duties without party
affiliation or bias, and be diligent in ensuring lawful actions and avoid misuse of their

Proper Conduct and Behavior

- Police officers are seen as law-abiding individuals, and their personal conduct and
behavior are expected to uphold the law. They must avoid disrespect or seek special
privileges, as their role does not grant them special entitlements.

Conduct towards the Community

- Police conduct towards the community is guided by principles such as being aware of
their responsibility, treating individuals with respect and fairness, upholding the law,
inspiring confidence, and not being overbearing or subservient. Their behavior is driven
by their duty as law officers.

Conduct in Arresting Law Violator

- Police officers must adhere to specific guidelines when arresting law violators. They
must comply with the law, respect the individual's rights, and minimize force usage. They
must also demonstrate commitment to serving the community and ensuring fair

Firmness in Refusing Gifts or Favors

- Policemen must uphold government institutions' honor and integrity by refusing gifts or
favors, avoiding situations where public perception may influence their judgment. This
firmness maintains public trust and ensures impartiality in their actions.

Impartial Presentation of Evidence

- Policemen must uphold justice and maintain public trust by presenting evidence
impartially, treating both prosecution and defense equally, determining evidence type
without personal malice, disregarding social, political, or distinctions, and emphasizing
their role as the sole impartial witness in cases, ensuring reliability and integrity in the
legal process.

Attitude towards Police Profession

- Police officers should view their duties as public trust, apply scientific methods for crime
detection, and actively seek leadership for public safety. They should recognize their role
as an honorable service and pursue continuous personal and professional development
for efficient performance. This approach ensures a valuable service to the community.
Police Principle
The following are the professional police principles:
1. Prevention of crime and disorder.
2. Cooperation of the community.
3. Unreasonable force reduces community cooperation.
4. Use of reasonable force when persuasion is not sufficient.
5. Impartial enforcement of laws.
6. The community are the police.
7. Police should not usurp judicial powers
8. Rules of engagement impartially observed
9. Reduction of crime and dishonor
10. Police discretion

Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The basic mission for whom the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder as an alternative to
the repression of crime and disorder by police force and severity of legal punishment.

Cooperation of the Community

- The police department's effective functioning relies on community cooperation, voluntary
law observance, and maintaining respect and support. Police must foster positive
relationships and fulfill community needs to ensure their existence, action, and behavior
are effective.

Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation

Police officers should use force only when necessary and with restraint, after de-escalation
methods. Avoid unnecessary pain or suffering and avoid cruel treatment to maintain community
trust and support in their duty to serve and protect.

Use of Reasonable Force When Persuasion Is Not Sufficient

- Police officers may use reasonable force when persuasion and advice aren't enough to
achieve objectives, but only to uphold the law and restore order, avoiding unnecessary
force beyond detainment, to maintain public safety and minimize harm.
Impartial Enforcement of Laws
- The police strive to gain community favor by consistently demonstrating impartial law
enforcement, treating all individuals equally and upholding laws without bias, regardless
of race or social standing, fostering trust and confidence within the community.

The Community Are the Police

- The article emphasizes the interconnected nature of police and community, emphasizing
the police's responsibility to uphold peace and order, while citizens also have a
responsibility to ensure safety and security.

Police should not Usurp Judicial Powers

The police should always direct their actions strictly toward their functions and never appear to
usurp the powers of judiciary by averaging individuals of the state of authoritative judging guilt or
punishing the guilt.

Reduction of Crime and Disorder

The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder until totally eradicated, not by
evidence of police present and action in dealing with the community.

Rule of Enforcement Impartially Observed

- The article emphasizes the need for impartial law enforcement and the use of force,
including firearms, only as a last resort when peaceful means have been exhausted, and
directed towards lawless elements within the community, with the police profession
dedicated to protecting and ensuring welfare.

Police Discretion
Police officers exercise discretion within the law, guiding decisions based on reasonableness
and considering circumstances. Consistent, wise use of discretion helps maintain good
relationships and public confidence. Timely advice, rather than arrest, can be more effective in
achieving desired outcomes.


Officers and members of the Philippine National Police are entrusted with the enforcement of
rules, regulations, and ordinances created by the City/Ws and Congress Municipality, and any
violation or failure to enforce these standards dishonors the law.

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