Media and Information Literacy LAS Q2

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their influencers and businesses they follow and certain companies see it as a way to make


As major social media sites have to be open regarding the freedom of
Week 10: Discuss the Implication of Media and Information to an speech, it has been difficult for them to control the content that is spread around
especially with messaging apps like Whatsapp that uses end to end encryption so while that
Individual and the Society. Cite an Example of an Issue is secure for consumer use, things that are spread there can have a negative impact to
Showing the Power of Media and Information to Affect Change. those who lack the knowledge on a certain topic.

Social Media are computer-mediated technologies that allow the creating and
sharing of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services
currently available introduces the challenges of defining. However, there are some common
features. It is an essential tool for businesses to communicate and reach out to potential
and returning customers. We’ve seen the power of social media not just in business, but it
affects changes even in politics and the economy.
With the young population straying away from traditional media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube exploded with both the ruling government and opposition
launching various campaigns. Traditional media has always been tied to big business, and
sometimes the ruling government. Many countries worldwide with independent media sites
gaining more traction than ever before and social media is at the center of this growth.
The reason why people choose social media as their main source of news is
due to its ability to provide real-time updates, globally. With Facebook Live and the
ability to share on the spot gives a huge audience coverage. People with larger followings
that share news and articles or giving their opinions have a big impact as followers tend to
trust the people that they are following on these platforms. If you follow people you trust on
social media platforms, it’s more likely that you will believe the news and information shared
by them. The social media platform is also one tool that companies and influencers use to
show authenticity and transparency. For example, the review system on Facebook pages
helps people to evaluate the credibility of a company whether if it’s a restaurant, online retail
store, media site, or any sort of business.
While social media is a powerful tool, it also comes with its fair share of
abuse and the ability to mislead people. According to an article posted by NBC News,
fake news spreads faster on social media compared with the truth. We can see this clearly
with certain media sites are being seen as bias or reports of “medical studies” that can
affect people in a bad way.
The current few examples being seen globally is the rise in Anti-Vaccination, and
the recent case in America involving young blood transfusion has seen an impact on
society, even if the numbers are small. Certain businesses also tend to use fake and bought
reviews to make it look like their product/service is trusted by others. We’ve seen how
companies use social media to promote and cheat customers of their hard-earned money.
Look at the Fyre Festival debacle, where they hired influencers like Kendall Jenner and
Bella Hadid to promote the event to their combined 150+million subscribers. People trust

when he saw us laughing.”
“My Father is a
Dacera Case:
The Flight
Area 51 Raid
last September
20, 2020
People Power
Give ONE

Week 11: Describe the Impact of Massive Open Online (MOOC).

Traditional Learning. This learning is done face-to-face. It takes place inside a

classroom, and it is composed of one teacher and several groups of students. Most of the
learning materials are traditional forms of media such as books and magazines.
Blended Learning. It is a student-centered approach that integrates learning
experiences in online and face-to-face environments. Classroom interactions are not done
not only limited between the students and the teacher. They promote interaction and
cooperation among the students themselves with the use of new technology such as
computers and the internet.
Ubiquitous Learning. This is learning at any time at any place. It allows the
learning to study in the comfort of their own homes using the internet.

Characteristics of Ubiquitous Learning

 Permanency: Learning materials are always available unless purposely deleted.
EXERCISE No. 11: Research, read, or/and watch the articles or videos related to the
 Accessibility: Access from everywhere as personally required.
enumerated situations below. Describe how Social Media was used to solve or worsen the
 Immediacy: Wherever a student is, he/she can immediately access learning
given problem. Complete the table by providing correct information based on the event.
Write your answers in a 1 WHOLE SHEET OF PAPER (or type in a word document):
 Interactivity: Online collaboration with teachers and/or peers (chat/blogs/forums)
 Situated instructional Activities: Learning in context (on-site).
Event Description of Social Media Solution / Result
Situation/Problem Platform/s Used  Adaptability: Getting the right information at the right place for the right student.
Dancing Man Man shamed for dancing in Twitter and Facebook They searched for him using
public. They posted pictures #FindDancing Man social media platforms and MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE (MOOC)
(Example) of him on Twitter with the organized a dance party just
caption “Spotted this for him.  It stands for Massive Open Online Course.
specimen trying to dance  It is a course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very
the other week. He stopped
large number of people.
 It is a world where information is everywhere that can be accessed anytime and  China-XuetangX
anywhere.  France Universite Numerique.
 It is a validation of informal learning.

Characteristics of MOOC EXERCISE No. 12: In 300-500 words, compose an ESSAY using the guide questions
 It is a course. below:
 It is open.
 It is participatory. Guide Questions:
 It is distributed. 1. In our current educational setup, which type of learning best describes our
 It supports life-long networked learning. situation? Explain your answer.
2. In your option, which type of learning would have been more suited for our
Advantages of MOOC situation today? Explain your answer.
 It is a cheaper alternative to high costing high education. It is usually free. 3. How can MOOC be a viable/possible solution to address the academic situation of
our country? Explain your answer.
 It uses non-traditional registration models.
 It helps the administration understand the connected age.
BONUS: Aside from the enumerated institutions above, give 3-5 OTHER
 It utilizes consumerization.
 It creates new business models. something similar to it here in the Philippines. These examples must be stated in your
 It provides information on how people learn through the use of analytics. essay.
 It allows teachers to make the most of their classroom time.
 It is one solution to facility overcrowding.
 It creates a lot of dynamic archives.
 These are real college courses with tests and grades. Week 12: Describe and Analyze the Different Dimensions of
 It brings people together from all over the world. Media on How Each is Formally and Informally Produced,
 It forces professors to improve lectures. Organized, and Disseminated.
Disadvantage of MOOC
 Motivation is corporate profit.
Informational Text
 Cost-cutting to privatize public higher education.
• It is nonfiction writing, written to inform the reader about a specific topic.
 Wal-matriculation of higher education.
• Its primary purpose is to inform the reader about the natural or social world.
 It creates a two-tier education system. Real education is for those who can afford it • It has text that typically has characteristic features such as timelessly addressing
while bargain education is for those who cant. whole classes of things.
 The failure rate is 93%. • It comes in many different formats such as books, magazines, handouts,
 The student-teacher ratio is 150,000 to 1. brochures, CD-ROMs, and the internet.
 Grading papers is impossible.
Characteristics of Informational Text
Institutions that offer MOOCs. • It has specialized language characteristics such as general nouns and timeless
 Coursera verbs that are not common in other genres.
 Udacity • It is often not linear.
 EdX • It is popular with skillful and non-skillful readers as it is usually topical and readers
 NovoEd can locate a text on nearly any topic of interest.
 Diversity
• Authors employ a variety of structures to assist the reader in finding information • Fidelity of Genre
quickly and efficiently.
Text as Visuals
Format These are texts that are created using still or moving images. They are influenced
1. Titles – It allows the reader to identify the overall topic of the text and understand by the cultures, values, ideologies, and world views in and through which they are created
the main idea. and consumed.
2. Headings – It allows the reader to identify specific topics and also divide the text
into sections. Features of Visual Texts
3. Subheadings – It allows the reader to locate information in the text by telling the • Images
reader where to look. • Color
4. Bold Prints and Italics – These are used to signal the reader that a word or phrase • Words (title, headlines, captions)
is important or that the word is a vocabulary word that can be found in the glossary • Typographical Features (type of font, font size)
of the book or article. • Layout (Spatial arrangement of different elements in a text.
5. Charts, tables, and graphs – These are used to organize large amounts of
information into a small space. They also summarize and compare the information. Design and Elements
6. Illustrations – It helps the reader to understand the information in a visual way. 1. Simplicity
7. Captions – These are used to explain the illustrations. 2. Unity and Contrast
a. Text – It must be readable and consistent.
Advantages of Text Information and Media b. Color – It must be chosen wisely.
1. Text—whether in print, large print, digital text, or braille—is a representation of
spoken language in a different format. II. VISUAL INFORMATION AND MEDIA
2. Text reduces the memory demands of spoken language by providing a lasting Visuals are faster and easier for the brain to process and help drive better business
record. results and more eyeballs to your page.
3. It allows us to make our thinking visible and easier to refine. Visual Media and Information refers to materials, programs, applications, and the like
that teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid learning through the use,
Limitations of Text Information and Media analysis, evaluation, and production of visual images.
1. It lacks the inherent expressiveness of speech.
2. A transcript may accurately record the spoken words, but the strategic and emotive Type of Visual Media
qualities and impact of speech are diminished on the page. 1. Photography
3. The cognitive demands of organizing ideas into acceptable syntax, conventions, 2. Video
and presentational form can pose significant barriers to using text for expression 3. Screenshots
among both novice and expert writers alike. 4. Infographics
5. Data Visualization (Graphs & Charts)
Purpose of Text Information and Media 6. Comic Strips or Cartoons
• To bring in better communication and understanding between the General Public 7. Memes
and the Government.
• To help the people know what’s happening in the country about the economic, Purpose of Visual Media
social, and political situation. • To gain attention
• Create meaning
Selection Criteria of Text Information and Media • Facilitate retention
• Accuracy of Content.
• Authority of Authorship Visual Design Elements
• Accessibility

1. Line. It describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick or thin. 2. Music. It refers to vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to
Lines may be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines. produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
2. Shape. It is usually a geometric area that stands out from the space next to or 3. Sound Recording. It refers to the recording of an interview, meeting, or any sound
around it, or because of differences in value, color, or texture. from the environment.
3. Value. It refers to the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast 4. Sound Clips / Effects. It refers to any sound artificially reproduced to create an
between black and white and all the tones in between. effect in a dramatic presentation (ex. Sound of a storm, or a door).
4. Texture. It refers to the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture can be 5. Audio Podcast. It refers to audio or video files for recording, usually part of a
added to attract or repel interest to a visual element. themed series that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or a
5. Color. It is determined by its hue, intensity, and value. computer.
6. Form. It refers to a figure having volume and thickness.
How to Store Audio Information.
Visual Design Principles 1. Tape. It is a magnetic tape on which sound can be recorded.
1. Consistency. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is 2. Compact Disc (CD). It is a plastic-fabricated, circular medium for recording,
necessary, especially in slide presentations or documents that are more than one storing, and playing back audio, video, and computer data.
page. 3. USB Drive. It refers to an external flash drive small enough to carry on a key ring
2. Center of Interest. An area that first attracts attention in a composition. Important that can be used with any computer that has a USB Port.
objects or elements in a composition. Can be achieved by the contrast of values, 4. Memory Card. It refers to a small storage medium used to store data such as text,
more colors, and placement. pictures, audio, and video for use on small, portable, or remote computing devices.
3. Balance. It refers to the visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. It can be 5. Computer Hard Drive. It is a secondary storage device for storing audio files.
symmetrical and evenly or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced. 6. Internet / Cloud. It refers to websites or file repositories for retrieving audio files,
4. Harmony. It brings together a composition with similar units. and more precisely the files are stored in some data center full of servers that are
5. Contrast. It offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a connected to the internet.
composition. It shows the difference between shapes and can be used as a
background to bring objects out and forward in a design. It can also be used to Characteristics and Purposes of Sound
create an area of emphasis. 1. Pitch. It refers to how high or low a sound is.
6. Directional Movement. It is a visual flow through the composition that can be the 2. Loudness. It refers to the magnitude of the sound heard.
suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of
placement and position. Elements of Sound Design
7. Rhythm. A movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, it will 1. Dialogue – speech, conversation, voice-over.
have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of the music. 2. Sound Effects – any sound other than music or dialogue.
8. Perspective. It is created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional 3. Music – vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to
space to look like they appear in real life. It is the learned meaning of the produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
relationship between different objects seen in space.
9. Dominance. It gives interest, counteracting confusion and monotony can be Principles of Sound Design
applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis. 1. Mixing – the combination, balance, and control of multiple sound elements.
2. Pace – time control, editing, the order of events (linear, non-linear, or multi-linear).
III. AUDIO INFORMATION AND MEDIA 3. Stereo Imaging – using left and right channels for depth. It refers to the aspect of
Audio refers to a sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced. sound recording and reproduction.


1. Radio Broadcast. It refers to live or recorded audio sent through radio waves to Motion Media is a form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics
reach a wide audience. on a display. Its purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways (Roblyer, 2006). It
is an integrated sight-and-sound kinetic media (Shelton, 2004).
a. Livestream is a live streaming video platform that allows users to view
General Characteristics of Motion Media and broadcast video content using a camera and a computer through the
1. It communicates the message to large, heterogeneous, and anonymous internet. It offers a free ad-supported service and multi-tiered premium
audiences. service.
2. It communicates the same message to mass audiences simultaneously, b. YouTube. It is a video-sharing website created by three former Paypal
sometimes in public, other times in private. employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view, and share
3. It embodies messages that are usually impersonal and transitory. videos. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can
4. It is a combination of sensory stimuli that forms a complex synergism that can upload an unlimited number of videos.
significantly enhance communication.
5. This powerful double-barreled combination of dual -sense stimulation contributes in Advantages of Motion Media
a large measure to the compelling influence of motion media. 1. Motion – better mastery of procedures as opposed to stagnant images.
6. It is a formal, authoritative channel of communication. 2. Processes Operation – sequential movements needed can be shown.
7. It is instrumental in behavior and attitude modification² that is, attitude formation, 3. Safe Observation – observing phenomena that might be dangerous to view
change, conservation, and canalization (directing a performed attitude to a new directly.
direction). 4. Skill Learning – videos can be viewed over and over, so repeated observation of
8. It confers status upon issues, persons, organizations, or social movements. skills is possible.
5. Dramatization – a recreation of history and personalities; observing and analyzing
Different Motion Media Format human relations problems.
1. Film. It is also called a movie or motion picture. It is a series of still or moving 6. Affective Learning – films for shaping personal and social attitudes;
images. documentaries and propaganda films to affect attitudes.
a. Short Film 7. Problem Solving – open-ended dramatizations can leave viewers to solve
b. Documentary Film problems themselves.
c. Animation 8. Cultural Understanding – Appreciation for other cultures by seeing video
2. Motion Pictures in Television. Television (TV is a telecommunication medium for depictions of them.
transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome (black and 9. Establishing Commonality – People with different backgrounds can discuss
white) or colored, with or without accompanying sound. topics after watching a video.
a. Commercial Advertisement on TV
c. Reality Shows Manipulative Information and Media refers to materials, programs, applications,
d. Game Shows and the like that teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid learning
e. Talk Shows through the use, analysis, evaluation, and production of interactive and hands-on media.
f. Television News Interactivity is the communication process that takes place between humans and
3. Interactive Video. It usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and computer software. This is typically found in games.
linear film or video.
a. Conversational Online Interactive Videos. It allows users to interact Types of Manipulative Media
with a video in a turn-based manner, almost as though the user was 1. Traditional Manipulative. These are materials that have been present since
having a simple conversation with the characters in the video. before technology advanced.
b. Exploratory Online Interactive Videos. It allows the user to move a. Advantages
through space or look at an object such as artwork from multiple angles, i. Hands-on learning
almost as though the user was looking at the object in real life. It refers to ii. Multisensory
the object or space depicted using video loops, not still, creating a more iii. Variation in learning
“live” feel. iv. Promotes collaboration
4. Others. (i.e. phone gaming, computer games, cinema) b. Disadvantages
i. Need for supervision 9. Interactive Television. Interactive Television This is also known as iTV which
ii. Inability to save progress enables the viewer to issue commands and give feedback information through an
iii. Difficulty in assessing electronic device. It allows access to email and e-commerce applications via the
iv. Limited feedback internet. It allows viewers to participate in game shows. It allows viewers to select
v. Costly an alternate ending to their favorite program. It encourages children to interact with
vi. limited educational programs.
2. Digital Manipulative. These are computer-aided objects and materials that also
facilitate interactive learning. VI. MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION AND MEDIA
a. Advantages Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio,
i. Flexible images, text, drawings, graphics, and animation.
ii. Controlled
b. Disadvantages Components of Multimedia
i. Expensive 1. Text. It is the most basic component of multimedia as well as an easy content
ii. Not Accessible type. Text express specific information or can act as reinforcement for the
3. Concrete Manipulative. These are physical objects that students can manipulate information contained in other media items.
to explore and develop an understanding. 2. Images. These are used as a visual representation. These can either be
4. Virtual Manipulative. These are computer-based simulations of physical interactive elements used within the presentation. Images are created through
manipulative that can be accessed through the internet. photography. Graphics, also considered as an image, are created through software
programs such as Photoshop and Paint.
Types of Platforms for Interactive Media 3. Audio. Audio plays an important role in multimedia information and media. They
1. Mobile Applications. These are software applications developed specifically for serve as an aid to interaction. There are a lot of audio formats. These formats
use on small, wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets. include MP3, WMA, WAV, MIDI, and RealAudio. MP3 is the most popular audio
2. 3D Television. It is a television display technology that enables three-dimensional format for downloading and storing music.
effect so that viewers perceive that an image has depth as well as height and 4. Video. Videos are moving images that have been captured or created
width. electronically by a computer. Common digital video formats include the following:
3. Video Games. It is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced Flash, MPEG, AVI, WMV, QuickTime.
by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. Multiplayer 5. Animation. Animations are common in both web and desktop multimedia
games allow two or more players to play with one another or play together. applications. They include interactive effects wherein their users engage with. The
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). These are story- most common tool used for creating animations on the Web is Adobe Flash.
driven online video game in which a player, taking on the persona of a character in
a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with a large number of other players. Characteristics of Multimedia
5. Interactive Websites. It includes polls, surveys, exams, and exercises. 1. Computer-controlled. Producing content uses varied tools – image editor, sound,
6. Virtual Reality and Immersive Environments. These refer to the computer- and video editor. Transmitting the content is usually done via a network.
generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be Presenting the content to a user often-times require electronic devices.
interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special 2. Integrated. All multimedia components must be linked to each other. A single type
electronic equipment. of digital storage caters to all media types. Every device (e.g. microphone, camera)
7. Social Media. users (actual people) are the creators and consumers of the is connected to and controlled by a single computer.
content, and where social interactions (commenting, liking, posting, talking) are the 3. Digital. Multimedia is digitally represented when it is digitized. Digitization means
main features of content. that text, pictures, or audio is converted into digital form and can be processed by
8. Online Classes. Interacting with content, instructors and classmates are ways on a computer.
how you interact through online classes. News and Information Online interaction 4. Interactive. Users select the time at which the presentation starts. Users can
for news and information includes exchanging information, giving reactions, and modify or enrich the content.
monitoring views.

Usage of Multimedia Visual
1. Entertainment and Fine Arts (movies and animation, interactive multimedia, others) Audio
2. Education (computer-based training courses, edutainment (a blend of education Motion
and entertainment, others) Manipulative
3. Scientific Research (simulations) Multimedia
4. Engineering, Mathematical and Scientific Research (modeling, simulation, others)
5. Industry (presentation for shareholders, superiors and coworkers, employee EXERCISE No. 14: Based on the six types of Information and Media stated above, choose
training, advertising and marketing, others) ONE type to produce. Read the additional guidelines of your chosen type below. Submit
6. Medicine (virtual surgery, simulation, others) your work in our Google Classroom on or before the given deadline.
7. Multimedia in Public Places (stand-alone terminals and kiosks in hotels, railway
stations, shopping malls, museums, and grocery stores; digital bulletin boards; Type Additional Guidelines
others) Text - Write a short story related to any of the following topics:
 COVID 19
 Media and Technology
Components of Instructional Design for Multimedia
1. Objectives. The first challenge in multimedia learning is to identify specific - Whichever topic you have chosen, make sure it will deliver a
objectives. The objectives must be stated in measurable terms. significant lesson or message.
2. Content. The content of any instructional design is necessarily informed by the Visual - Draw or create a poster/ editorial cartoon/painting/line art of any of
stated objectives. The choice of content must ensure that the objectives are the following topics:
achieved.  COVID 19
 Media and Technology
3. Media Options. Multimedia incorporates several media. It is important to match
the learning objectives and decide which media will be used to synchronize the - Whichever topic you have chosen, make sure it will deliver a
design. Each media can offer either the whole or part of the content with or without significant lesson or message.
referring to one another. Audio - Write, record, and produce a song related to any of the following
4. Evaluation Options. Evaluation is always part of instructional design. Without topics:
evaluation, one would not determine whether objectives were achieved or not.  COVID 19
 Media and Technology
a. Content (Target Audience; Sender; Key Content; Purpose). In
Content, it is important to know the tone of multimedia whether it is - Whichever topic you have chosen, make sure it will deliver a
authoritative, informative, encouraging, or enticing. The precision of the significant lesson or message.
information, as well as alignment to the objectives, are also equally Motion / Multimedia - Create a 3-5-minute short video clip/film/trailer/animated video
important. related to any of the following topics:
b. Technology (Form/Style; Medium/Format). In Form/ Style, we  COVID 19
 Media and Technology
determine what type of elements are used. These elements may refer to
text, sounds, images, and animations. We also determine if these - It can be digitally drawn or animated, or you can record a flipbook
elements convey the message. animation. It can also be
- Whichever topic you have chosen, make sure it will deliver a
significant lesson or message.
- You can form a small group with 3-5 members.
EXERCISE No. 13: Based on the provided text, complete the needed information found in
Manipulative - Create one of the following:
the table below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.  PowerPoint Presentation that uses HYPERLINK. It can be a
simple question & answer game, a virtual tour of a certain
5 Materials/ place, a create-your-own story presentation, & other. Create
Type of Info & 3-5 slides only.
5 Characteristics Equipment used 5 Examples
Media  Mobile App or Mobile game. You can use any mobile
for Production
Text application creator program. I recommend . Send the download link in our
google classroom.
 360 View of your street/home/backyard. Download and
install any 360 Camera App on your phone. Capture a 360
video/image and upload it to any of your social media
accounts. Send the link to our Google Classroom.
- Whichever topic you have chosen, make sure it will deliver a
significant lesson or message.
- You can pair up with another classmate.
SUMMATIVE TEST 6: Read the following statements. Determine if each given
REMINDER: The following tests are considered SUMMATIVE TESTS for the entire quarter. statement/situation is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Shade the circle of your answer in the
Please review your module before answering each question. Write your answer on a given answer sheet.
separate sheet of paper.
1. Blended Learning promotes interaction and cooperation among the students
SUMMATIVE TEST 5: Read the following situations and determine if each is themselves with the use of new technology such as computers and the internet.
classified as an OPPORTUNITY (O) or a CHALLENGE (C) in media and information. 2. Enrolling in a MOOC is more expensive.
Shade the circle of your answer in the given answer sheet. 3. Grading papers in MOOC is easy.
4. The module is an example of ubiquitous learning.
1. The information posted on the internet often has high levels of inaccuracies. 5. MOOC has a high percentage of success.
2. The Internet provides easier access to health diagnosis and information. 6. MOOC is a study that allows learners to learn anytime and anywhere.
3. Media and technology promote connectedness among teachers and students. 7. MOOC promotes life-long learning.
4. Media are attracted to sensationalism. 8. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Cooperative.
5. Media is an important sector in business communication. 9. One characteristic of ubiquitous learning is that learning materials are limited.
6. Media often does not cover itself. 10. One disadvantage of MOOC is that it creates a two-tier education system.
7. Mobile phones have become necessary in education nowadays. 11. One of the characteristics of MOOC is permanency.
8. Most media companies often cover topics that cater to the needs and interests of 12. There is a large percentage of failure among MOOC enrollees.
people which are usually insignificant. 13. Traditional Learning takes place inside a classroom and is composed of one teacher
9. Online banking is becoming popular these days. and several groups of students.
10. Social Media provides easier ways for people to contribute ideas on how they are 14. Ubiquitous Learning allows learning at any time and any place.
governed. 15. Ubiquitous learning offers online collaboration with teachers and/or peers.
11. Sophia is very sickly. She is often confined in a hospital for several months.
Nevertheless, she can still catch up with her studies using MOOC.
12. Technology gives opportunities for students to take advantage of the internet and social
13. The internet is an open space where anyone can do anything they want even if it is not
socially acceptable. SUMMATIVE TEST 7: Read the statements carefully and identify which type of
14. The use of technology in education has become a staple these days. media each item belongs to. Shade the circle of your answer in the given answer
15. Trial by publicity through social media has become frequent nowadays. sheet.
16. The cyberlaw in the Philippines is almost non-existent.
17. A lot of individuals have a limited understanding of how influential social media is. A. Text Media C. Audio Media E. Manipulative Media
18. Due to the pandemic, everyone has become reliant on using technology despite B. Visual Media D. Motion Media F. Multimedia
inaccessibility to others.
19. Using computers, tablets, smartphones, and many other electronic devices make office
1. Authors employ a variety of structures to assist the reader in finding information quickly
work easier and faster.
and efficiently. Examples are the use of titles, headings, bold prints, and others.
20. Since information is easily accessible nowadays, people tend to be more
2. Dialogue and sound effects are some of its elements.
knowledgeable about logical and efficient practices in everyday interactions and
3. Examples of this type of media are graphs and charts.
4. Examples of this type of media are VR environments and mobile applications.

5. It can be computer-controlled, integrated, digital, and/or interactive.
6. It communicates the same message to mass audiences simultaneously, sometimes in
public, other times in private.
7. It embodies messages that are usually impersonal and transitory.
8. It helps reduce the memory demands of spoken language by providing a lasting record.
9. It is a combination of making use of two or more types of media.
10. It makes use of elements such as texture, color, and form.
11. It refers to materials, programs, applications, and the like to aid learning through
interactive activities.
12. Its main characteristics are pitch and loudness.
13. Its primary purpose is to inform the reader about the natural or social world.
14. Some examples are radio broadcasts and audio podcasts.
15. This provides a faster and easier way for the brain to process information.

SUMMATIVE TEST 8: Study the given examples below. Classify each

according to its appropriate type. Shade the circle of your answer in the given answer

A. Text Media C. Audio Media E. Manipulative Media

B. Visual Media D. Motion Media

1. MIL Module 6. Avon Brochure 11. Acapella

2. Mobile Legends 7. DWRV News 12. Avengers Infinity War
3. NASA Website 8. Genshin Impact 13. K-pop
4. Picture Book 9. Marriam Dictionary 14. Ready Player One
5. The Inquirer 10. Thinking Out Loud by Ed 15. School Year Book


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