TXP Admin 4 Dummies

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.

Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

General Rantings........................................................................ 10
Author Comments:............................................................................... 10
Warnings I’m Covering My As**:............................................................................. 10
References In These Notes:................................................................. 10
Plants Mentioned In Here:.......................................................................................10
Callide ‘A’ Thermal Power Station:................................................................................................................... 10
Callide ‘C’ Thermal Power Station:.................................................................................................................. 10
Stanwell Thermal Power Station:..................................................................................................................... 10
Baiji GT Power Station:.................................................................................................................................... 10
Ras Laffan ‘B’ CCGT Power & Desalination Plant:.......................................................................................... 11
Kogan Creek Thermal Power Station:.............................................................................................................. 11
Al Taweelah ‘B’ New Extension CCGT & Desalination Plant:.......................................................................... 11
ES 680 (Teleperm XP)................................................................. 12
General:................................................................................................. 12
Shutdown Of The ES680:....................................................................................... 12
Primary Disk Root Backup:..................................................................................... 12
Primary Disk Project Backup:................................................................................. 13
Primary Disk Restore From DAT Tape:................................................................... 13
Secondary (Win1) Disk Root Backup:.....................................................................14
Secondary (Win1) Disk Restore From DAT Tape:..................................................15
New ES680 User (Without NIS):............................................................................. 15
Start The Siemens Start Bar:.................................................................................. 17
Login Behaviour Of HP-Vue:................................................................................... 17
Root login:........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Admin Login:.................................................................................................................................................... 17
User Login:.......................................................................................................................................................17
Read Login:......................................................................................................................................................17
Project Selection For All Logins:...................................................................................................................... 17
Log Files For All Logins:...................................................................................................................................17
Useful Processes:................................................................................................... 18
FUP Editor (plan <db name> -l g2):................................................................................................................. 18
Dynamisation (as_server –a <ap#> -p #### -pr <db name>):......................................................................... 18
MMI Editor (mmi –db <db name>):.................................................................................................................. 18
HPVue Session (mwm):................................................................................................................................... 18
Editing The “Engineers Only…” Start Up Message:............................................... 18
Editing The Siemens Logo At The HP Vue Login:..................................................18
Copy DAT Tapes:.................................................................................................... 18
Semaphore Files:.................................................................................................... 18
esMonitor:................................................................................................................ 18
Nachtlauf Will Not Work:......................................................................................... 19
Software Licences:.................................................................................................. 19
Create/Edit OT User Logins:................................................................................... 19
DB Repair/Nachtlauf Error Messages(That I’ve Come Across):............................. 19
Missing Connection In Table Entry:..................................................................................................................19
Missing Table Entry In ver_b (Destination):..................................................................................................... 19
Missing Table Entry In ver_b (Source):............................................................................................................ 19
Symbol In ver_b, But Not In obj_g (q_lid):....................................................................................................... 19
Symbol In ver_b, But Not In obj_g (z_lid):....................................................................................................... 20
Signal “<source kks>” “<source signal>” in diagram “<target kks>” is open on target:....................................20
Signal “<source kks>” “<source signal>” is open at source:............................................................................ 20
Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol BA at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at port
IKZ_SIG:.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DA at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at port
IKZ_SIG:.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Delete or configure the pictogram.Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DMEES at position x: ### and
y: XXX is not connected at port IKZ_Y:............................................................................................................ 21
Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DMEVW at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at port
Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol KENNST at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at port
IKZ_UEB:......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Diagram “<target kks>” : no signal at OM-port (signal ??##, z_kks “<MMI kks>”, z_verw YP##, page #):..... 21
Diagram “<kks>” : signal not at OM-port ( symbol-no. #, page # ):.................................................................. 21

1 of 102
Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Target of navigation “<target kks>” does not exist. In diagram “<kks>” there is a reference from the symbol
VERBW (display ID-code) at position x: ### and y: ### to this diagram......................................................... 22
Target of navigation “<target kks>” does not exist. In diagram “<kks>” there is a reference from the symbol
DMEMM (F2-pushbutton) at position x: ### and y: ### to this diagram.......................................................... 22
FUP Editor:............................................................................................ 22
Locked FUP Plans:..................................................................................................22
Parameter Pruefing Fault:....................................................................................... 22
Processing Function Diagrams (v7.4):.................................................................... 22
Deleting Lines And Signals From A FUP Plan Via The database:..........................23
Copying FUP Drawings To Disk:............................................................................. 23
FUP Editor Print Function Not Working:................................................................. 23
Editing Signal Groups:............................................................................................ 23
Changing The Print Defaults:.................................................................................. 23
Postscript File From Printing A FUP Plan:.............................................................. 24
PDF From FUP Postscript Files (*.ps):................................................................... 24
Important Information:...................................................................................................................................... 24
Printing Directories:..........................................................................................................................................24
Process Of A Print Batch Job:.......................................................................................................................... 24
How To Create PDF’s From A FUP Editor Batch Print:.................................................................................... 24
Fast Paramater Change Problems:........................................................................ 25
Fatal error in “parpruef”.................................................................................................................................... 25
Cannot find order in list of instances!!.............................................................................................................. 25
No More Memory Available! – Please Restart Program.................................................................................. 25
Ingres Databases:................................................................................. 25
Ingres Commands:.................................................................................................. 25
ES680 Ingres Database Tables:..............................................................................26
pr_queue:......................................................................................................................................................... 26
obj_f:................................................................................................................................................................ 26
ver_b:............................................................................................................................................................... 26
lt_f:................................................................................................................................................................... 26
obj_g:............................................................................................................................................................... 26
bpr_signal and bpr_typ:................................................................................................................................... 26
pr_m:................................................................................................................................................................ 26
schr_d:............................................................................................................................................................. 27
uas_d:.............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Obj_d:.............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Useful ES680 Database SQL Queries:................................................................... 28
Pre Made Scripts From Siemens:.................................................................................................................... 28
Save SQL output to file:................................................................................................................................... 28
Opening an TXP database session:................................................................................................................ 28
Opening a database remotely:......................................................................................................................... 28
Unlock locked plans (zust flag):....................................................................................................................... 28
Find where a kks or signal is used:.................................................................................................................. 28
No port destination assigned (xxx):..................................................................................................................28
GETOM Ingres Database Tables:........................................................................... 28
typ_ereig:......................................................................................................................................................... 29
fb:..................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Useful GETOM Database SQL Queries:.................................................................29
Save SQL output to file:................................................................................................................................... 29
Opening an GETOM database session:.......................................................................................................... 29
Opening a database remotely:......................................................................................................................... 29
Database Restore:.................................................................................................. 29
q_bea/z_bea = XXX In Table zuli:........................................................................... 29
Extending Resources In The ES680:...................................................................... 30
Background Information:.................................................................................................................................. 30
Checking The Existing Resources:.................................................................................................................. 31
Extending The Resources (Add Entries To Ingres Table):............................................................................... 31
Final Steps:...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Dynavis:................................................................................................. 32
Cant Do An MMI Generation (v7.4):........................................................................32
Dynavis Check For Faults:...................................................................................... 32
Dynavis Commands:............................................................................................... 32
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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Dynavis Pictograph Libraries:................................................................................. 32
“Current Picture Locked” Message In Dynavis:...................................................... 32
Dynavis Cleanup (Die Dynavis-X Betriebsmittel sind belegt):................................33
MMI Picture Information:......................................................................................... 33
Changing The Scale On A Level Reading:..............................................................33
Get-OM................................................................................................... 33
“Please Insert Correct OKZ” Error When Generating GET Data:........................... 34
Incorrect Referencing When Generating GET Data:..............................................34
Killing The ASR-ME Transfer Window After A Mistake:..........................................34
GETOM Process Tree:............................................................................................ 34
GET-OM Menu Scripts:........................................................................................... 35
Create Data From Get Process Scripts:................................................................. 36
Transferring OM-data To ES680 Errors:................................................................. 36
*** function block does not exist.......................................................................................................................36
Editing The Einstellungen File:................................................................................36
Generation And Transfer:.....................................................................37
AS620 Code Generation & Transfer Error Messages:...........................................37
%ESQL>; E_QE007D Error trying to put a record!!......................................................................................... 37
System error-message Not enough space@1 : exit-code overview AS <ap no.> APF <apf no.>...................37
System error-message Not enough space_LQ002B ‘where ‘ may not be nested within a data retrieval loop.
......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Program block organization is not generated completely for closed loop control............................................ 38
System error: table ZULI: q_pid <plan id #>, q_lid <location id #>: different q_cpu4’s: <#> <#>.................... 38
New code: Could not fill instance list with assemblies..................................................................................... 38
User error: Diagram <KKS> Module <FB Name> (#) has different cycles (<Z#> != <Z#>) within same PB-
Number <PB #>............................................................................................................................................... 38
Lan needs to be generated.............................................................................................................................. 38
Protection Frame Conflicts and errors:............................................................................................................ 39
Complete Code Generation Sequence Problem:.............................................................................................39
Error with Ingres table cg_config_ag_db_inter:............................................................................................... 39
Loading Changed System Function Blocks Error:........................................................................................... 39
‘No Memory Available’ Error:............................................................................................................................39
GET To TXP Signal Generation:............................................................................. 39
AS220 Code Download:...................................................................................................................................40
GETOM:........................................................................................................................................................... 40
TXP Generations:............................................................................................................................................ 40
AS220 Code Download:...................................................................................................................................40
TXP Transfers:................................................................................................................................................. 41
YOR/YOM Generation And Transfer:............................................................................................................... 41
YOP Generation And Transfer:........................................................................................................................ 41
TXP-OMME Generation And Transfer Times (Stanwell):.......................................41
BDM Generation & Transfer:................................................................................... 42
Cant Do A BDM Generation:............................................................................................................................ 42
ET200 (SIM Modules)............................................................................................. 42
IM308 Data Generation Script:........................................................................................................................ 42
LAN Generation & Transfer:.................................................................................... 42
General Info:.................................................................................................................................................... 42
Tools:..................................................................................................... 42
Cleanup Scripts:...................................................................................................... 42
NOTE:.............................................................................................................................................................. 42
Cleanas.sh....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Cleanh1.sh....................................................................................................................................................... 43
Cleanmehrblock.sh.......................................................................................................................................... 43
CleanVf.perl..................................................................................................................................................... 43
Cleanasohneapf.sh.......................................................................................................................................... 43
Cleanbm.sh...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Cleaninstanzen.pl............................................................................................................................................ 44
Cleanna.sh....................................................................................................................................................... 44
WS30 (Teleperm ME).................................................................. 45
Struk:..................................................................................................... 45
STRUK Code Mnemonics:...................................................................................... 45

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Read Dynamic Merker Values In Struk:.................................................................. 45
Module States (From BGVW):................................................................................ 45
GET Editor:............................................................................................ 45
GET Editor Command Line Commands:................................................................ 45
Select AWE:..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Delete Plan:..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Store Temporarily:........................................................................................................................................... 45
Load Diagram:................................................................................................................................................. 45
Insert Rahm Block:...........................................................................................................................................46
What is A Merker?:.................................................................................................. 46
Finding Function Blocks Already Used:.................................................................. 46
Finding Existing Cycle Times:................................................................................. 46
Module Information (Merkers, FB’s etc) For Doing GET Editor Mod’s:.................. 46
1731 (AET) – Analog I/P For Temp. Tx’s and Process Signals:....................................................................... 46
1722 (ASR) – Analog Signal Calculation Module:............................................................................................47
1723 (BSR) – Binary Signal Calculation Module:............................................................................................ 48
1717 (RB) – Binary Calculation Module:.......................................................................................................... 49
1723 (FGS) – Subgroup Control Module:........................................................................................................ 49
1411 (SRZ) – Step Action Closed Loop Controller:..........................................................................................50
1412 (KRZ) – Continuous Action Closed Loop Controller:...............................................................................50
Ingres Databases:................................................................................. 51
ANET Ingres Database Tables:............................................................................... 51
svd:.................................................................................................................................................................. 51
svd_mehrfach:................................................................................................................................................. 51
zvz_zust:.......................................................................................................................................................... 51
bau_st_matr:.................................................................................................................................................... 52
Useful ANET Database SQL Queries:.................................................................... 52
Save SQL output to file:................................................................................................................................... 52
Opening an ANET database session:.............................................................................................................. 52
Opening a database remotely:......................................................................................................................... 52
EA Ingres Database Tables:.................................................................................... 52
anal_op:........................................................................................................................................................... 52
bin_op:............................................................................................................................................................. 52
anal_steck:...................................................................................................................................................... 52
bin_steck:......................................................................................................................................................... 52
bsfolge_rel:...................................................................................................................................................... 53
Useful EA Database SQL Queries:......................................................................... 53
Save SQL output to file:................................................................................................................................... 53
Opening an EA database session:................................................................................................................... 53
Opening a database remotely:......................................................................................................................... 53
Find allocated cycle times (same as the bfn script):........................................................................................ 53
Miscellaneous:...................................................................................... 53
“Update Range Of Operand” Module Code Gen Error:.......................................... 53
Edit The GET-TM Menu:......................................................................................... 54
Code Files:.............................................................................................................. 54
*.akt:................................................................................................................................................................. 54
*.incon:............................................................................................................................................................. 54
Finding Cycle Times:............................................................................................... 54
Finding Blocks Used:.............................................................................................. 54
OM 650......................................................................................... 55
General:................................................................................................. 55
Diagnostic Files (v.7.4):........................................................................................... 55
Log Files For Fault Finding:.................................................................................... 55
/var/adm/syslog:............................................................................................................................................... 55
/etc/rc2.d/messages/….................................................................................................................................... 55
/etc/rc.log......................................................................................................................................................... 55
/etc/shutdown................................................................................................................................................... 55
/sbin/rc#.d/….................................................................................................................................................... 56
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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
/var/opt/K/SCO/SoftMgr/1.0.2b/custom/custom.log......................................................................................... 56
/txp/web/web4txp/log/w4.appletstart.log.......................................................................................................... 56
/etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log............................................................................................................ 56
Log File Management:............................................................................................ 56
OM650 Component Backup (v7.4):........................................................................ 56
Licensing Files:........................................................................................................57
OM Component Time Synchronisation:.................................................................. 57
Start/Stop OM650 Components:............................................................................. 57
Hosts File:............................................................................................................... 57
IKZ Information:....................................................................................................... 57
Patches................................................................................................................... 58
Bug Fixes:............................................................................................................... 59
NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):...................................59
NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):...................................................... 59
NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:..................................59
WARNING: wd0: Error on fixed disk dev 1/42, block=1173, cmd=0x000000C8,
status=0x00000040, LBA sector=2194411, Cylinder/head=8571/0:...................... 60
OT:.......................................................................................................... 60
Create/Edit OT User Logins:................................................................................... 60
ASD Invocation Numbers:....................................................................................... 60
New Web4Txp Clients:............................................................................................ 60
Web 4 TXP Internet Explorer Shortcuts:................................................................. 61
MMI Client Session Locked In The OT:................................................................... 61
Find MMI Clients Logged Into An OT:..................................................................... 61
Semaphore Files Created When MMI Session Started:......................................... 61
MMI Picture Files Information:................................................................................ 62
Disabling Alarms:.................................................................................................... 62
Inhibiting Alarms:..................................................................................................... 62
OT Configuration Files Wiped:................................................................................ 62
Ot.conf:............................................................................................................................................................ 62
Ot.frapple:........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Changing OT System Buttons:................................................................................62
Pictograph showing *****, But Faceplate Showing The Correct Value:.................. 63
What Does MAC And ARC Drive On The MMI Screens:........................................ 63
Copying Files Between OT’s:.................................................................................. 63
MMI Life Time Test:................................................................................................. 63
Virtual Keyboards Faulty:........................................................................................ 63
OT Rebuild From DAT Tape:................................................................................... 64
Web 4 TXP Font Server Problems (Screen Freeze):..............................................65
To Prevent Font Server From Running:.................................................................. 65
NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):...................................65
NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):...................................................... 65
Signal Units Not Appearing On MMI Screen:.......................................................... 66
ASD Faults For OM650:.......................................................................................... 66
Rec.2 DMZ conn.flt:......................................................................................................................................... 66
SU General:........................................................................................... 66
SU Printer Configuration:........................................................................................ 66
SU Rebuild From DAT Tape And Latest Software CD (v7.4):................................. 66
NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:..................................68
BDM:...................................................................................................... 68
BDM Generation File Corrupted (v7.4):.................................................................. 69
Can’t Do A BDM Generation:.................................................................................. 69
Alarm Signals Transferred Over From ES680 For Informix:................................... 69

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

Delete a MOD:.........................................................................................................70
LZA Object Manager Failed (anf):........................................................................... 70
Read LZA Blocks On SU Hard Drive:..................................................................... 70
Read LZA Blocks On MOD:.................................................................................... 70
LZA Keeps Crashing:.............................................................................................. 70
PRT:........................................................................................................ 70
Logging Of PRT Activity:......................................................................................... 70
ES-Configured Logs Output At Wrong Date:.......................................................... 71
NTB:....................................................................................................... 71
PU General:........................................................................................... 71
ASR:....................................................................................................... 71
MAC:...................................................................................................... 71
MAC And The OT’s:................................................................................................ 71
ARC:....................................................................................................... 71
Manual Stopping of the ARC Object Manager:....................................................... 71
ARC And The OT’s:................................................................................................. 72
ARC and YOP Drawings:........................................................................................ 72
IKZ-Liste voll, Anzahl IKZs in Arc.proj erhoehen:....................................................72
Fehler in Programmlogik bei ArcFreeList:............................................................... 72
ARC Process Tree:................................................................................................. 73
Changing The Arc.proj File:.....................................................................................73
Tools:..................................................................................................... 73
OM Component Status (PL):................................................................................... 73
“Infrastruktur Nicht Aufblend” Error Using PL:........................................................73
Arc.Read:................................................................................................................ 73
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 74
Description of the options:............................................................................................................................... 74
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 74
Arc.Attach:............................................................................................................... 74
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 74
Description of the options:............................................................................................................................... 74
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 75
Sig.Attach:............................................................................................................... 75
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Description of the options:............................................................................................................................... 75
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 75
Arc.Moni:................................................................................................................. 75
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Example:.......................................................................................................................................................... 75
File.Copy:................................................................................................................ 76
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Description of the options are:......................................................................................................................... 76
Ikz.Read:................................................................................................................. 76
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Description of the Options:...............................................................................................................................76
Output Headings:............................................................................................................................................. 76
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 76
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 77
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 77
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 77
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 77
SAMPLER:.............................................................................................................. 78
Syntax:............................................................................................................................................................. 78
Examples:........................................................................................................................................................ 78

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

Bus/LAN System........................................................................79
General:................................................................................................. 79
HOPF Clock:........................................................................................................... 79
TXP LAN Architecture:......................................................................... 79
ESM/OSM General:................................................................................................ 79
ESM/OSM Removal:............................................................................................... 79
ESM/OSM Installation:............................................................................................ 79
ESM/OSM Parameter Configuration:...................................................................... 80
Command Line Configuration:......................................................................................................................... 80
Web Based Configuration:............................................................................................................................... 80
TME Bus Architecture:......................................................................... 81
AS 620.......................................................................................... 81
General:................................................................................................. 81
Process Images:......................................................................................................81
Simulation Information:........................................................................................... 81
Simulations Not Removed From A Database Restore:........................................... 81
Program Block Packaging:...................................................................................... 81
AP Resources Allocation:........................................................................................ 81
“AP to AP Connection Fault”:.................................................................................. 81
Execution Cycles:.................................................................................................... 81
Foreign Systems Interfacing Hardware:............................................. 82
CM104 Operation (Siemens Words):...................................................................... 82
SIM (ET200) Hardware:......................................................................... 82
ET200 SIM Module Descriptions:........................................................................... 82
321:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
322:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
323:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
326:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
331:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
332:.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
315F:................................................................................................................................................................ 82
IM153:.............................................................................................................................................................. 83
IM308:.............................................................................................................................................................. 83
Burn New IM308 Flash Card:.................................................................................. 83
General Info:.................................................................................................................................................... 83
When This Should Be Done:............................................................................................................................83
What You Need:............................................................................................................................................... 83
Get IM308 Data From ES680:......................................................................................................................... 83
Burn The New Flash Card:.............................................................................................................................. 84
Final Touches:.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Problem/Solutions:........................................................................................................................................... 84
FUM B Hardware:.................................................................................. 84
FUM Cards Not Starting Up From A Full Rack Power Down:................................. 84
FUM Cards Not Starting Up From A CleanAS:....................................................... 84
AP Rack Hardware:............................................................................... 84
AP (CPU948) Startup & Reset:............................................................................... 84
Warnings:......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Initial Startup:................................................................................................................................................... 84
Cold Reset (switch UP):................................................................................................................................... 85
Overall Reset (switch DOWN):........................................................................................................................ 85
RAM Parity Errors On AP’s:.................................................................................... 85
CP1430 MAC Address Change/View:..................................................................... 85
View/Reset Cycle Times Using pgmaster:.............................................................. 86
Tools:..................................................................................................... 86
RDB – AS620B Status Tool:.................................................................................... 86
Change RDB To English Version (v7.4):................................................................. 89
cleanas.sh:.............................................................................................................. 89
pgmaster:................................................................................................................ 89
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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

AS 220.......................................................................................... 90
General:................................................................................................. 90
MKS Subscription:................................................................................................... 90
Fault Trapped In Module (Cant Clear Fault):.......................................................... 90
Hardware:.............................................................................................. 90
Zenner Diodes For Redundant Modules:................................................................ 90
Tools:..................................................................................................... 90
Win-TM:................................................................................................................... 90
HP UNIX....................................................................................... 92
General:................................................................................................. 92
Disk/Memory Space Available:................................................................................92
Core Files:............................................................................................................... 92
Shutdown Of The HPUX Machine:......................................................................... 92
Programs:.............................................................................................. 92
FTP:......................................................................................................................... 92
lp:............................................................................................................................. 93
cut:........................................................................................................................... 93
Database sql:.......................................................................................................... 93
awk:......................................................................................................................... 93
sed:.......................................................................................................................... 93
tr:............................................................................................................................. 93
Variables:................................................................................................................. 93
Special Characters:................................................................................................. 93
tar:........................................................................................................................... 94
Compress:............................................................................................................... 94
Cron:........................................................................................................................ 94
History recall:...........................................................................................................94
VI Editor:.................................................................................................................. 95
Files:...................................................................................................... 95
Work Space, Front Panel And Right Click Appearance:......................................... 95
Hosts File (v7.4):..................................................................................................... 95
SCO UNIX.................................................................................... 97
General:................................................................................................. 97
Disk/Memory Space Available:................................................................................97
Core Files:............................................................................................................... 97
NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):...................................97
NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):...................................................... 97
NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:..................................97
Programs:.............................................................................................. 98
FTP:......................................................................................................................... 98
script:....................................................................................................................... 98
tar:........................................................................................................................... 98
Compress:............................................................................................................... 98
badtrk:..................................................................................................................... 98
fsck:......................................................................................................................... 98
History recall:...........................................................................................................99
Find Core Files And What Type Of File They Are:.................................................. 99
Find What Users Are Using A Process/Program:....................................................99
Remove ^M From Files And scripts:....................................................................... 99
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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Suspend A VI Session For A Shell Prompt:............................................................99
Sort Files And Directories By Size:....................................................................... 100
Print All Strings In A Binary:.................................................................................. 100
lpsched & lpshut:................................................................................................... 100
Files:.................................................................................................... 100
Hosts File (v7.4):................................................................................................... 100
Associated TXP Interfaces......................................................100
PPAI:.................................................................................................... 100
PPAI Status Feedback To OM650:........................................................................101
PPAI Data Inconsistent Fault:............................................................................... 101
Business LAN Interface:.................................................................... 102
Topology:............................................................................................................... 102

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

General Rantings
Author Comments:

Warnings I’m Covering My As**:

• As I was branded a ‘Cowboy’ by some and a ‘Useless Know-It-All’ by others, I advise that you form
your own opinion about the completeness and correctness of my notes in this document.
• I take no responsibility for people using these notes and don’t want to hear any complaints like “But
Glenn’s Document Said blah, blah, blah”. I wrote them so I could understand them, so unless you
have a mushed up brain like mine (I pity you if you have), then most probably you will not understand
some of my mumblings and notes.
• It is assumed that you have a good understanding of TXP and/or TME administration before you
attempt any of these fixes in here, especially when it comes to the scripts and Ingress/Informix
• Finally, have fun creating havoc!!

References In These Notes:

Plants Mentioned In Here:

Callide ‘A’ Thermal Power Station:

• TXP v6.3 (I think)
• This is where I first got my taste for TXP with the help of Mr Leigh Amos.
• Took a keen interest in it, read every manual I could get my hands on, asked 1 million questions and
wrote down 1 million notes.
• Coal fired with 4 x 30MW Steam Turbine Generators (built in the 1960’s).
• Biloela, Queensland, Australia.
• Jan 2001 – Jan 2003

Callide ‘C’ Thermal Power Station:

• TXP v6.5 (I think)
• Luckily we had a test TXP system here, so I was able to wreak havoc to my hearts content…sort of.
Mr Ian Collard liked to keep a strong noose around my neck!!
• Coal fired with 2 x 420MW Steam Turbine Generators (completed 2002).
• Biloela, Queensland, Australia.
• Jan 2001 – Jan 2003

Stanwell Thermal Power Station:

• TXP v7.4
• OM650 with Teleperm ME back end (OM-ME System).
• Wouldn’t let me fully “develop” (cough, cough) my skills at Callide, so left to Stanwell. This is where I
learnt most of my admin skills, and yes, made most of my screw ups. Interesting plant where I learnt
all of my TME knowledge, and Database skills as it really got screwed up a number of time
(especially with large mods). Wrote 2000+ line script here to help with admin and automation of time
consuming tasks.
• Coal fired with 4 x 350MW Steam Turbine Generators (completed in the 1990’s).
• Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.
• Feb 2003 – Jan 2005

Baiji GT Power Station:

• TXP v6.5
• Some would argue that this was not my best choice of location, but hey, everyone needs a little
adventure in their lives. Would I do it again after what I experienced there…probably!!
• 2 x 265MW GT Generators (new installation that we resurrected after the 2nd Gulf War, even though
they were still killing each other).
• Baiji, Iraq.
• Oct 2004

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

Ras Laffan ‘B’ CCGT Power & Desalination Plant:

• TXP v7.5
• My first time back after 2 years away from Siemens systems. Just like riding a bike…you never
• Combined Cycle plant with 3 x 265MW GT’s, 3 x Ansaldo HRSG’s and 2 x 200MW Steam Turbine
Generators. Additionally LP steam was sent to the Doosan Desalination plant.
• Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar.
• Dec 2006 – Mar 2007

Kogan Creek Thermal Power Station:

• TXP v7.8
• Back to Australia…ye ha.
• Coal fired with 1 x 750MW Steam Turbine Generator.
• Met some amazingly smart cookies here: Bernd Butner & Michael Saengar.
• Chinchilla, Queensland, Australia.
• April 2007 – July 2007

Al Taweelah ‘B’ New Extension CCGT & Desalination Plant:

• TXP v7.4
• 3 x GT, 3 x HRSG (Doosan), 1 x Steam Turbine, Desalination plant (FISIA).
• Commissioned HRSG 97, and Unit Coordination with Mr. Migl.
• Al Taweelah (near Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates.
• September 2007 – April 2008.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

ES 680 (Teleperm XP)


Shutdown Of The ES680:

• Make sure all clients have been logged out of the ES680 (command: finger). If thay are not, and
they have an application that opens the database, you run the risk of corrupting the database when
the ES680 is shutdown…. deep shit man!
• Log into HP Vue as root and open a terminal session.
• Use command:
o shutdown –h –y 0
• To restart the HP Machine, substitute the –h switch with –r
• The HP machine will then shutdown. It takes a bit of time so be patient.
• On versions prior to ES680 v7.4, you were required to additionally shutdown the MSR, GMF/Print and
Ingres servers before you performed the shutdown –h –y 0. This was done by:
o MSR Server:
 Command: ps –ef | grep msr
 Command: kill –9 <process id>
o GMF/Print Server:
 Command: ps –ef | grep gmf
 Command: kill –9 <process id>
o Ingres Server:
 Login to a terminal session as root or Ingres.
 Command: iishutdown –s
• The reason you have to shut these servers down is because they have active links to the Ingres

Primary Disk Root Backup:

• Make sure that the DAT tape you have matches the DAT Streamer you are using. Normally they are
backward, but not forward compatable. At minimum you should be using DDS2 Tapes.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 3 (OM650 uses channel 2).
• Log all clients to the ES680 out. This is very important as database damage may occur if this is not
• Log in as the root user and shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Connect the DAT Streamer with the 50 pin SCSI cable (if the DAT Streamer is not integral to the
ES680) (don’t use the Ultra Wide SCSI connector).
• Remove the Terminal Bus connection.
• Power up the DAT Streamer then HP machine.
• Boot into Single User mode by pressing the esc key during the Boot up sequence (best to press the
esc key as soon as you turn the HP box on).
• Press enter at the prompt (don’t know why, just need to!).
• Boot the system by:
1. bo fwscsi6.0 pri, or
2. bo pri , providing the primary boot path is fwscsi.6.0 (use command pa to find out).
• Answer “Y” to “Interact With IPL”.
• You will get the prompt ISL> (ISL is Initial System Loader).
• Load the HP Unix bootstrap: hpux –is (-is means boot into single user mode).
• Change to the / (root) directory at the # prompt.
1. If you don’t do this, the entire root file system will not be backed up. Only the file system you
are in will be backed up.
• Insert cleaner tape into DAT Streamer.
• Insert DDS tape into DAT Streamer (green LED stops flashing when DAT is fully loaded).
• Start BU: tar cv `ls –1`
1. tar cv means create a new archive (c), and verbose (v) the archived files.
2. `ls –1` means list the files in a single column format.
• BU takes a few hours and:
1. First files to be backed up are /dev/…
2. Last files to be Backed Up are /var/x11/….
• Check for error messages.

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• Check that the BU worked (command: tar –t |tail –50).
• Shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Re-connect the Terminal Bus connection.
• Remove the DAT Streamer.
• Let it Boot it into Multi User mode.

Primary Disk Project Backup:

• You must be logged in as the correct user. For example to back up the project Baiji, you must be
logged in as the Baiji user, not root or ingress etc.
• Make a temp directory if one does not exist (command: mkdir BaijiBU). Make sure the directory
name is small, otherwise tar will not like this and fail. I tried TawNBE_ProjBU_20080609 once and
this was causing tar to fail!
• Change to your temporary directory (command: cd /BaijiBU).
• Create links to files that need to be backed up in your new temp directory:
o ln –s ~/om . (Don’t forget the dot to signify the current directory).
o ln –s ~/listen/as . (Don’t forget the dot to signify the current directory).
o ln –s ~/listen/lan . (Don’t forget the dot to signify the current directory).
o ~ means the home directory.
o . means current directory.
o The links are so the tar command can follow those links and back up the data.
• Prepare the database to be unloaded:
o unloaddb –c <database name>
o eg. Unloaddb –c baiji
o This creates the unload.ing executable in the directory you are currently in.
• Unload the database to files in the current directory:
o ./unload.ing
o This may take a little bit of time, depending on the database size.
• Move out of the current directory with all of the files and links to be backed up (command: cd ..).
• You can either save the archive to the HDD, or to a DAT tape:
o Save to HDD:
 tar cvfL <database name>.tar <directory to back up>
 eg. tar cvfL baiji.tar BaijiBU
o Save to DAT tape:
 Command:
• tar cvL <directory to back up> => For some old versions of Unix.
• tar cvh <directory to back up> => For new version of Unix.
• Be careful which one you use (‘L’ or ‘h’ because if you use the wrong one,
then the symbolic links that you set up wont be followed, therefore the
necessary om, lan etc directories wont be archived to the Tape or tar file.
• To make sure you use the right one, search the man pages (command: man
tar) to find out.
 eg. tar cvfL BaijiBU
 It is very important that you are in the parent directory of the directory you want to tar.
If the directory to backup is /tmp/BaijiBU then you must be in the /tmp directory when
you execute the tar cvfL BaijiBU command. If you do tar cvfL /tmp/BaijiBU, then it will
most likely fail as you are the project user and this type of access can’t tar a directory
from the root position.
• tar cvfL:
o tar – creates an archive of all the directories contents.
o c – Create an archive
o v – Verbose (list what is being archived).
o f – Force the name of the archive to be what is specified (i.e. baiji.tar).
o L – Follow and archive the contents of any links (old versions of Unix I think).
o h – Follow and archive the contents of any links (new versions of Unix I think).
• Verify the data was copied to the tape: tar tvf baiji.tar or tar tv (for reading directly from the Tape).

Primary Disk Restore From DAT Tape:

• This is a last resort method, and all other fixes should be attempted before doing a full ES680 restore.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
• There is a good chance that the code on the restored ES680 will differ from that in the AS system.
You may require a full offline download (bad stuff because you will need to have a plant outage).
• All files on the ES680 will be removed, and then restored.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 3 (OM650 uses channel 2).
• Log all clients to the ES680 out. This is very important as database damage may occur if this is not
• Log in as the root user and shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Connect the DAT Streamer with the 50 pin SCSI cable (if the DAT Streamer is not integral to the
ES680) (don’t use the Ultra Wide SCSI connector).
• Power up the DAT Streamer then HP machine.
• Boot into Single User mode by pressing the esc key during the Boot up sequence (best to press the
esc key as soon as you turn the HP box on).
• Press enter at the prompt (don’t know why, just need to!).
• Boot the system by:
o bo sescsi.3.0 isl, or
o bo sec , providing the secondary boot path is sescsi.3.0 (use command pa to find out).
• Answer “N” to “Interact With IPL”.
• A basic system installation will commence.
• The system will reboot several times. This is normal.
• When complete the HPVue login screen will appear.
• Login with root (no password will be required).
• Change to the root directory (command: cd /).
• Put the DAT Tape into the DAT Streamer.
• Start the tape restoration by: tar xv
• BU takes a few hours and:
1. Last files to be restored are /var/x11/….
• Check for error messages.
• Shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Re-connect the Terminal Bus connection.
• Remove the DAT Streamer.
• Let it Boot it into Multi User mode.

Secondary (Win1) Disk Root Backup:

• Best to use DDS2 DAT’s.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 3 (OM650 uses channel 2).
• Log all clients to the ES680 out. This is very important as database damage may occur if this is not
• Log in as the root user and shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Connect the DAT Streamer with the 50 pin SCSI cable (if the DAT Streamer is not integral to the
ES680) (don’t use the Ultra Wide SCSI connector).
• Remove the Terminal Bus connection.
• Power up the DAT Streamer then HP machine.
• Let the HP machine boot up into Multi User mode.
• Log in as the root user.
• In a terminal window, switch user to stntxp (command: su – stntxp) (ensure there is white space
either side of the “-“).
• Stop the Siemens process-monitoring program for the Station project (command: esMonitor.sh
• In a terminal window, switch user to u01txp (command: su – u01txp) (ensure there is white space
either side of the “-“).
• Stop the Siemens process-monitoring program for the Unit 1 project (command: esMonitor.sh stop).
• Exit out of the u01txp user and switch user to ingres (command: su – ingres) (ensure there is white
space either side of the “-“).
• Stop Ingres (command: iishutdown –s) (ensure there are no errors).
• Exit out of the ingress user.
• As the root user, find and kill the esMonitor program (command: ps –ef |grep esM then kill –9
• Ensure the esMonitor program is actually dead (command: ps –ef |grep esM).
• Change to the / (root) directory at the # prompt.
• Insert cleaner tape into DAT Streamer.
• Insert DDS 2 tape into DAT Streamer (green LED stops flashing when DAT is fully loaded).
• Start BU: tar cv win1.
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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
• BU takes a few hours and the last files to be Backed Up are ????
• Check for error messages.
• Check that the BU worked (command: tar –t |tail –50).
• Shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Re-connect the Terminal Bus connection.
• Remove the DAT Streamer.
• Let it Boot it into Multi User mode.

Secondary (Win1) Disk Restore From DAT Tape:

• This is a last resort method, and all other fixes should be attempted before doing a full ES680 restore.
• There is a good chance that the code on the restored ES680 will differ from that in the AS system.
You may require a full offline download (bad stuff because you will need to have a plant outage).
• All files on the ES680 will be removed, and then restored.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 3 (OM650 uses channel 2).
• Log all clients to the ES680 out.
• Log in as the root user and shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Connect the DAT Streamer with the 50 pin SCSI cable (if the DAT Streamer is not integral to the
ES680) (don’t use the Ultra Wide SCSI connector).
• Remove the Terminal Bus connection.
• Power up the DAT Streamer then HP machine.
• Let the HP machine boot up into Multi User mode.
• Log in as the root user.
• In a terminal window, switch user to stntxp (command: su – stntxp) (ensure there is white space
either side of the “-“).
• Stop the Siemens process-monitoring program for the Station project (command: esMonitor.sh
• In a terminal window, switch user to u01txp (command: su – u01txp) (ensure there is white space
either side of the “-“).
• Stop the Siemens process-monitoring program for the Unit 1 project (command: esMonitor.sh stop).
• Exit out of the u01txp user and switch user to ingres (command: su – ingres) (ensure there is white
space either side of the “-“).
• Stop Ingres (command: iishutdown –s) (ensure there are no errors).
• Exit out of the ingress user.
• As the root user, find and kill the esMonitor program (command: ps –ef |grep esM then kill –9
• Ensure the esMonitor program is actually dead (command: ps –ef |grep esM).
• Change to the / (root) directory at the # prompt.
• Use the command bdf to ensure that the Win1 disk is mounted.
• You need to remove all files on the Win1 disk (scary) by:
1. Change to the Win1 directory: cd /win1
2. Make sure you’re in the win1 directory: pwd
3. Remove all files (very scary command, make sure you know what you’re doing!): rm –r *
4. Check that directory is empty: ls –al
• Change to the root directory (command: cd /).
• Put the DAT Tape into the DAT Streamer.
• Start the tape restoration by: tar xv
• BU takes a few hours and:
1. Last files to be restored are:??
• Check for error messages.
• Shutdown the HP machine (command: shutdown –h –y 0).
• Re-connect the Terminal Bus connection.
• Remove the DAT Streamer.
• Let it Boot it into Multi User mode.

New ES680 User (Without NIS):

• NIS (Network Information Service) is where all configurations are made at a master server and the
client-server structure ensures that all updates are automatically sent from the master to the clients.
• At Stanwell, all HP machines are treated as stand alone ES680 (each have their own databases etc)
and are linked via symbolic links (/net/s0#es1/…).

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
• Because of the above, the new user’s home directory needs to be linked from the host machine to the
remote machine.
• You still do all of the Ingres, TXP and SAM work on the host machine but just give the new user a
HPVUE login account.
• Procedure (e.g. Create new U1 user on a U4 machine):
1. Log into U1 and start a SAM session.
2. In Users and Groups, add a new user:
a. Group – txpes
b. Shell - /bin/csh/
3. In a terminal window, switch to the ingress user (command: su –ingres)
4. Type: Accessdb, then: F5 -> New User Name. Then: F1 (to save), then: F8 (to exit)
5. Run script: install_txpes680
6. Install a new user via:
a. Option 5 -> Option 2 -> name/project/password -> Option 10
7. Copy the new users password line in the passwd file from U1 to U4.
8. Symbolically link the new users home directory from U1 to U4.
9. Now the U1 user can log into U4, whilst still accessing all of U1’s databases etc.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

Start The Siemens Start Bar:

• Run scripts:
o /install/txpes/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/start_es.sh or
o /install/txpes/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/autostart.sh
o It’s probably better to run the autostart.sh script. This starts up all processes etc.

Login Behaviour Of HP-Vue:

Root login:
o The profile: $HOME/.login is run through.
o A HP Term is opened in the workspace.
o No Siemens start bar is started (autostart.sh).

Admin Login:
o The profile: $HOME/.login is run through.
o The Siemens start bar is started via: $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/autostart.sh
o Because the .login profile is run, you get access to the HP-Vue bar that allows you to open a
HP terminal, change workspaces etc.

User Login:
o The workspace window manager (mwm) profile is run.
o The Siemens start bar is started via: $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/autostart.sh
o You will not have access to HP terminals etc.

Read Login:
o The workspace window manager (mwm) profile is run.
o The script: $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/autostart.sh is run and automatically starts the
FUP editor.
o You will not have access to the Siemens start, HP-Vue manager etc.

Project Selection For All Logins:

o The project to be loaded is configured in: /$HOME/.project
o The last project to be correctly called up is in: /$HOME/.project.old

Log Files For All Logins:

o $HOME/xp_startprotokoll
• Lists all servers started etc.
• Same as in log window during normal start up.
• Use it to find out why start up is faulty (i.e will let you know if the user is not
configured in Ingres etc.).
o $ HOME/listen/edit/startmenue/protokoll/.actionprotokoll.<user>
• All activity for a users session is logged here.
• This may be for older versions. Its not on Stanwell’s v7.4
o $ HOME/listen/edit/startmenue/error/checkerror.<user>
• This logs all system errors from field tests of a users session.
• This may be for older versions. Its not on Stanwell’s v7.4
o $ HOME/listen/edit/startmenue/error/xp_meld.<language>.err.<user>
• This logs all system errors from non-existing alarms of a users session.
• This may be for older versions. Its not on Stanwell’s v7.4
o $HOME/.defaultxpstartmen
• Default reservation in the start up menu.
• This is in Kraut and is not really clear to follow.
o $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/env_template.sh
• Initialisation of access paths with respect to installed version is done via this script.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Useful Processes:

FUP Editor (plan <db name> -l g2):

• /<file path>/plan <database name> -l g2
• In later versions of TXP this process changed to simply:
o plan <database name> -l g2
• Kill it to kill the FUP Editor.

Dynamisation (as_server –a <ap#> -p #### -pr <db name>):

• as_server –a <ap#> –p #### -pr <database name>
• Kill it to kill the FUP Editors Dynamic Function.

MMI Editor (mmi –db <db name>):

• Mmi –db <database name>
• Kill it to kill Dynavis.

HPVue Session (mwm):

• Mwm
• Kill it to kill the xsession and log you out.
• Just like clicking “exit” on the HPVue task bar.

Editing The “Engineers Only…” Start Up Message:

• File Path:
o /install/txpes/sw/sw7.4.0/bin/user_msg.sh
o The start_es.sh script calls this file when you log into your HPVue session.

Editing The Siemens Logo At The HP Vue Login:

• Open with a bitmap editor:
o /usr/vue/icons/Vuelogin/Hplogo.bm

Copy DAT Tapes:

• Use script:
o T.copy
• I don’t know too much about this script. Next time I use it I’ll have to update this!

Semaphore Files:
• Path:
o /$HOME/$PROJECT/Semaphore….
• All files in this directory should be zero length when all applications are closed. If you can’t start or do
something (dynamise etc) check these files. You can just delete them once you ensure everything is
shut down.
• All of the semaphore files are deleted upon logout of the client from the OT.
• Some times these are not deleted if you leave a FUP plan open and Dynamized when Nachtlauf runs.
Make sure everyone is logged out of the FUP editors and delete these all of the files in this directory.
• You may possible have to “kill -9” the as_manager process as well to get Dynamization working

• This program monitors Siemens specific processes.
• esMonitor.sh info
o Lists all processes that are monitored.
o Gives statuses of monitored processes.
o Gives and error message if a process is faulty.
• esMonitor.sh start or stop
o Start/stops monitoring.
• esMonitor.sh shut
o This kills entirely the esMonitor program.
• Refer to the TXP Manual: Maintenance Manual, Ch.5, Section 1, 3.3

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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Nachtlauf Will Not Work:
• Make sure the lock file for Nachtlauf is deleted (path: /$HOME/dba/nachtlauf.lock)

Software Licences:
• Path: /install/txpes/sw/sw5.0HP800/config/lizenz

Create/Edit OT User Logins:

• This is done on the ES680, then transferred to the OT’s.
• To create/edit a users login details:
1. Administration -> OT-Usernames -> Edit/Change
2. Highlight an existing user to edit, or ‘create’ to make a new user login
3. E.g. Enter:
o User Name: u3icms
o Real Name: ICMS team login
o Password: smci
4. Select the user type:
o Engineer/Operator/Supervisor/Administrator
5. Click the ‘FB Op’ box to select the Function Areas you want to user to be able to operate.
6. Click the ‘FB Inf’ box to select the Function Areas you want to user to only have read access to.
7. User is now made/edited.

• To transfer details to the OT’s:

1. Administration -> OT-Usernames -> Transfer
2. Log all sessions off the OT you’re transferring to (but don’t completely log the MMI Clients out)
3. Select All OT’s or type in the individual OT you want to transfer to.
4. Done

DB Repair/Nachtlauf Error Messages(That I’ve Come Across):

Missing Connection In Table Entry:

o zuli = z and ver_b = v
o zuli_id (z) = zuli_id (v) and z_lid (z) = loc_id (v) and z_pid (z) = plan_id (v)
o zuli_id (z) = zuli_id (v) and q_lid (z) = loc_id (v) and q_pid (z) = plan_id (v)
o This message is usually accompanied by the respective “Missing Table Entry….” Depending
if the problem was with the source (q) or destination (z).
o From dbrepair script: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0HP800/bin/dbrepairP099.pl

Missing Table Entry In ver_b (Destination):

o zuli = z and ver_b = v
o zuli_id (z) = zuli_id (v) and z_lid (z) = loc_id (v) and z_pid (z) = plan_id (v)
o I found this fault generally appears after project inception where Siemens script and
automatically generate and install their FUP plans. Mostly its signals caught in the database,
that doesn’t appear on the actual FUP plan. I found them to be source signals actually ported
in onto themselves, rather than to a destination port. They have to be manually deleted from
the databases (zuli as well as ver_b).
o From dbrepair script: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0HP800/bin/dbrepairP099.pl

Missing Table Entry In ver_b (Source):

o zuli = z and ver_b = v
o zuli_id (z) = zuli_id (v) and q_lid (z) = loc_id (v) and q_pid (z) = plan_id (v)
o From dbrepair script: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0HP800/bin/dbrepairP099.pl

Symbol In ver_b, But Not In obj_g (q_lid):

o ver_b = v and obj_g = g
o q_lid (v) = loc_id (g) and plan_id (v) = plan_id (g)
o Found this to be a signal going to a YOA graphic, according to ver_b, but it never existed on
the YOA. According to zuli, there was no signal going to the YOA. You have to manually
delete these entries from the database.
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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
o From dbrepair script: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0HP800/bin/dbrepairP087.pl

Symbol In ver_b, But Not In obj_g (z_lid):

o ver_b = v and obj_g = g
o z_lid (v) = loc_id (g) and plan_id (v) = plan_id (g)
o From dbrepair script: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0HP800/bin/dbrepairP087.pl

Signal “<source kks>” “<source signal>” in diagram “<target kks>” is open on target:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means that a KKS signal has been configured in the FUP editor to go to an MMI page,
but that MMI page doesn’t have a pictogram configured with that KKS in it.
o To fix:
• TXP signals are easy to fix. You just delete the connection in the FUP editor, or put
the relevant pictogram on the MMI page and configure the KKS into it.
• TME signal is not so easy to fix. This is generally from project inception stage when
everything is scripted in and shortcuts are taken.
• To fix, you need to manually delete the entry from both the zuli and ver_b ingres
• The easiest way to delete the entry in the ver_b table is via a match on zuli_id,
plan_id and loc_id.
• The easiest way to delete the entry in the zuli table is via a match on q_kks,sig and
o To distinguish between TXP signals (YFR, YOP etc plans) and TME signals (YOT plans), its
easy to just use this sql query (it will display the plan type):
• select distinct f.uas as type, z.q_kks as source, z.z_kks as destination, f.bez as
from obj_f f, zuli z
where (z.z_bea=’XXX’ and z.z_kks not like ‘YP%’) and z.q_kks=f.nam
order by type, source

Signal “<source kks>” “<source signal>” is open at source:

o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means that a KKS signal has been configured to a pictogram on an MMI page, but the
signal has not been configured in the FUP editor to go to that MMI page.
o This error doesn’t display the MMI page that the signal is configured on so use this sql query
to display the page information etc.:
• select distinct z.q_kks, z.sig, z.z_kks, m.mtext, z.q_bea, z.z_bea, o.po_x,
o.po_y, b.name
from zuli z, ver_b v, obj_g o, pic_b b, mmi_obj_f m
where (z.q_bea = ‚XXX‘ or z.z_bea = ‚XXX‘) and z.z_pid != 0 and z.z_cpu1 = -2
and z.z_pid = v.plan_id and z.z_pid = o.plan_id and z.z_lid = v.loc_id and v.z_lid
= o.loc_id and o.pic_id = b.pic_id and o.plan_id = m.plan_id
order by q_kks, z_kks
o This is easy to fix:
o TXP signals:
 Just create a connection on the relevant signal to point to that MMI page, or
delete the pictogram and signal off the MMI page.
 In v7.0 and up of TXP, this is automatically done for you (i.e. When you
configure a pictograph in Dynavis, and the configured signal exists, then a Z#
page and signal is created automatically)…cool man!!
o TME signals:
 Create a YP## signal in the GET-Editor, then create and insert it. Use
Generate Destinations to create the link between the MMI page and the
signal in the ES680 database.

Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol BA at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at
port IKZ_SIG:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means a BA (binary indication point) pictogram has been put on a MMI page with no
signal configured to it.
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o Fix:
• Delete or configure a signal to the pictogram.

Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DA at position x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at
port IKZ_SIG:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means a DA (analog indication point) pictogram has been put on a MMI page with no
signal configured to it.
o Fix:
• Delete or configure a signal to the pictogram.

Delete or configure the pictogram.Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DMEES at position
x: ### and y: XXX is not connected at port IKZ_Y:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means a DMEES (digital on/off valve,actuator,damper etc) pictogram has been put on a
MMI page and has no signal configured to the IKZ_Y port..
o Fix:
• This is a so-called ‘unavoidable’ error due to our OM/ME system at Stanwell.
• Unfortunately you just have to ignore this error.

Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol DMEVW at position x: ### and y: XXX is not
connected at port IKZ_BSI:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means a DMEVW (1 out of 2 etc preselection block) pictogram has been put on a MMI
page with no signal configured to it.
o Fix:
• Delete or configure a signal to the pictogram.

Diagram (YOA) “<MMI page kks>“ : Symbol KENNST at position x: ### and y: XXX is not
connected at port IKZ_UEB:
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o This means a KENNST (operating point page, eg show where MW influence is operating in
relation to its limits) pictogram has been put on a MMI page and has no signal configured to
the IKZ_UEB port.
o Fix:
• This is the port for a binary signal if the range is exceeded. The manual says that
this is optional, but it still outputs an error (which is bull crap!!).
• Unfortunately you just have to ignore this error.

Diagram “<target kks>” : no signal at OM-port (signal ??##, z_kks “<MMI kks>”, z_verw YP##,
page #):
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o The target signal was configured to a pictogram on an MMI page, but the signal was wiped
out of the pictogram without a code generation being done, therefore the linking port between
the signal and pictogram and is still configured.
o This is different to the ‘Open at source’ error, because the port is still configured.
o Fix:
• Re-configure the signal into the pictograph, or generate code and wipe the signal.

Diagram “<kks>” : signal not at OM-port ( symbol-no. #, page # ):

o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o A function block on a YOP plan has an output signal that is not SIGDEF’d and sent to an MMI
page when it should be.
o Fix:
o SIGDEF and connect the signal to the relevant MMI page.

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Target of navigation “<target kks>” does not exist. In diagram “<kks>” there is a reference from
the symbol VERBW (display ID-code) at position x: ### and y: ### to this diagram.
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o VERBW is a jump pictogram to a YOV (trend).
o The YOV jump’s target KKS doesn’t exist.
o Fix:
• Delete the YOV jump, or
• Reconfigure the YOV jump to point to the correct YOV trend.

Target of navigation “<target kks>” does not exist. In diagram “<kks>” there is a reference from
the symbol DMEMM (F2-pushbutton) at position x: ### and y: ### to this diagram.
o This is an OM examination message and is run by the executable
o DMMEM is an individual drive pictogram (switch, motor etc.) with the F1, F2, F3 pushbuttons
configured in its mask.
o The F2 buttons target KKS doesn’t exist.
o Fix:
• Delete the F2 signal, or
• Reconfigure the F2 pushbutton to point to the correct MMI page.

FUP Editor:

Locked FUP Plans:

• If plans are locked, you need to update the zust flag (status flag)(zust_fl) entry in the Ingres table
• A number will be allocated in the zust_fl field as to why the plan was locked. These numbers
correspond to:
o 0 - Diagram is enabled (i.e. its ok).
o 1 - Diagram still open by the FUP Editor, or FUP Editor not closed properly.
o 2 - ?????
o 3 - Diagram locked by the night run (nachtlauf) due to an error.
o 5 - Diagram being generated, or generation cancelled.
o 10 - Diagram is an ES680 MSR diagram (DO NOT ENABLE!!).
o 11 - Diagram is a Reference diagram from another unit (DO NOT ENABLE!!).
• Procedure to unlock the locked plans:
1. Open an SQL session for the relevant database (i.e. sql s01es1::u01txp)
2. * select* from obj_f where zust_fl!=0 \g
3. Take note of the number of rows returned by your SQL query and that none of the zust_fl
number are 10 or 11.
4. * update obj_f set zust_fl=0 where zust_fl!=0 \g
5. Make sure the number of rows updated was the same as the number of rows returned
from the select query. If not you’re in some shit (databse may be inconsistent).
6. * \q (quit)
• If any of the zust_fl entries are 10 or 11, the above procedure will not work and will cause you
problems. You will need a different SQL statement to update the obj_f table.

Parameter Pruefing Fault:

• The “Parameter Pruefing” fault is apart of the FUP Editors Generation script.
• This fault occurred at Callide C Power Station and almost caused serious problems, as the ES680
was practically useless, as you couldn’t dynamise any FUP Plans or do Mod’s.
• Initially Germany was stuffed as to what was causing the problem. They had to build the fault into
their R & D system, and then reverse engineer the fault. They rebuilt the Generation script, and then
e-mailed it to Callide C to fix the fault.

Processing Function Diagrams (v7.4):

• YOR Diagrams.
• Each Processing Function (PF) Plan has its processing cycle set by a Processing Sequence Plan

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• PF Generation and Transfer Procedure:
1. Generate any YFR drawings inputting into your YOR plans. If this is not done, the PF generation
script will bitch.
2. Generate necessary YOR Plans (Generators -> OM -> Processing Functions)
3. Synchronise the ES680 to the Master PU (Transfer -> OM -> Processing Functions ->
4. Transfer the data to the Master PU first (Transfer -> OM -> Processing Functions -> Load
Projecting Data)
5. Transfer to the Redundant PU second (Transfer -> OM -> Processing Functions -> Load
Redundancy). This stops the PU’s infrastructure and doesn’t start it back up. You will manually
have to restart the PU’s infrastructure (command: Om.Start)
• Synchronising:
o This synchronises the ES680 with the Master PU to ensure that the data is consistent
between the two.
o This may also have to be done if a Redundancy change over happens when you are
Transferring PF data to a PU (hence PU data and ES680 data will not be synchronised).
• BF Reset:
o Transfer -> OM -> Processing Functions -> BF Reset
o This resets all of the processing cycles as set in the YOM Plans.

Deleting Lines And Signals From A FUP Plan Via The database:
• The Ingres table zuli contains all information regarding the signals FUP Editor zuli table.
• The Ingres table ver_b contains all information regarding the signal lines on the FUP Plan.
• zuli and ver_b are linked via their zuli_id, loc_id and plan_id.
• Thus, to successfully delete an entire signal from a FUP Plan you will need to delete is associated
table entries in both zuli and ver_b.

Copying FUP Drawings To Disk:

• In the FUP editor you can create a batch print job to send to a postscript file.
• The file path is: /$HOME/listen/edit/dbkopie
• From the file you can save it to a DOS disk, FTP to another machine or run the postscript file through
the Ghost Script program to create *.PDF format’s of FUP Plans.

FUP Editor Print Function Not Working:

• Found that every time I’d go to print out a certain Plan, the FUP Editor would crash. I also noticed
that most of my drawings had not printed out.
• The Ingres table pr_queue shows all drawings waiting to be printed. It showed a fair few drawings
waiting, so I cleared out this table using the delete Ingres command.
• Just to make sure, I killed the print process’s database application by:
o ps –fae |grep gmf
o kill –9 <PID of gmf process>
• I logged out, and then logged back in. This started the print database application.

Editing Signal Groups:

• When you add/delete signals from sig_grp blocks in YOP’s, you will need to do a BDM generation
and transfer on top of your protocol generation and transfer.
• If this is not done, the signal will not appear on the new sig_grp log, or will be incorrect!
• I found this problem when adding signals from YOR’s. I haven’t tried it from YFR’s yet.
• I didn’t think that you’d need to do a BDM because you’re not changing any data in Informix, just
updating the PRT object manager!

Changing The Print Defaults:

• This is a change so that you don’t have to keep changing the N’s to Y’s for the default print options
(mark closed connectors, print grid and print CPU reference).
• The table and fields you are dealing with are:
o Table: pic_d (ES680 DB)

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o Fields: dek, def and pic_id
• You need to change the ‘N’ in the def field to a ’J’ (not ‘Y’). It appears as a Y on the screen, but you
need to make the change to ‘J’ in the DB. If you enter ‘Y’ into the DB, ‘?’ appears on the screen.
• 2 occurrences need to be updated in the DB, 1 for the “Print Diagram” defaults and 1 for the “Print
Page” defaults. They are distinguished by the field pic_id (-1004 and –1014) in the table.
• The update sql queries you need to run are:
o update pic_d set def=’J’ where dek=’mark closed connectors’ \g
o update pic_d set def=’J’ where dek=’print CPU reference’ \g
o update pic_d set def=’J’ where dek=’print grid’ \g
o Keep in mind that 2 rows will be updated
• You will need to restart the FUP editor for the changes to take effect.

Postscript File From Printing A FUP Plan:

• When you print out a FUP plan, it is converted to both ascii and postscript formats in 2 separate files.
The 2 formats allow you to either use an ascii or postcript printer.
• Directory: /var/spool/lp/request/<printer name>/….
• Ascii file: c….
• Postscript file: d….
• In order to get these files to remain in this directory, you must have the printer offline or unplugged.
The files are deleted once they are printed by the printer.

PDF From FUP Postscript Files (*.ps):

Important Information:
• You will need Acrobat Distiller. I’m sure there are other ways, but this is the only way that I know.
• If a “Print to Postscript file” has not been configured for the ES680, then you can just disconnect a
printer and make sure that you send the batch job to that printer (this way it is not printed out).

Printing Directories:
• When you create a batch print job, it dumps the required files into the printing directory that is
associated with the printer that you selected in the FUP Editor.
• The printing directories are found in:
o /tmp/get_gmf/…..
o Example: /tmp/get_gmf/file.ps
o Example: /tmp/get_gmf/dp_prin1.es
• The print directory is the one that you will have to go to to get the Postscript files (*.ps).

Process Of A Print Batch Job:

• 3 files are created:
o *.gmf
 No Idea what this is for.
o *.ps
 This is the Postscript file that you need for creating the PDF.
o *Tempfile*
 No idea what this is for.
• You must be patient, as this process can take a while:
1. Print directory is loaded with a *.gmf file for each KKS.
2. Some time later, the *.ps files are created for each KKS.
3. After the *.ps files are loaded, then the *.gmf files are deleted.
4. The *Tempfile* then has the names of the *.gmf files written into it (no idea why).
5. At the end only the *.ps files are left in the Printing Directory.

How To Create PDF’s From A FUP Editor Batch Print:

1. Unplug the printer you are going to send the Batch Job to (if print to Postscript is not configured for
your ES680).
2. Create the Batch Print job using the FUP Editor and make sure that you select the correct printer to
send it to. I usually just batch each FGC (A1, M1, H1, W1 etc).
3. Go to the associated Print Directory for the printer you sent the batch job to (/tmp/get_gmf/…).
4. Patiently wait for the *.ps files to be created and the *.gmf files to be automatically deleted.
5. Compress and archive the new *.ps files (tar –cvf <name>.tar *.ps).

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6. Ensure that the tar file has the necessary files in it (tar –t <name>.tar), then delete the *.ps files out of
the Printing Directory, because if you don’t they will all be printed out as soon as you plug the printer
back in!!
7. Extract the tar file from the ES680 so you can FTP it to a W4TXP client etc.
8. Open the *.ps files on your computer and with Acrobat Distiller create new PDF’s.
9. Easy!!

Fast Paramater Change Problems:

• Fast Parameter changes is what you do when you Dynamize a FUP and then change a valve and
load it into the concerned AP.

Fatal error in “parpruef”

• Got this problem at Kogan when we had far too many people with FUP editor sessions open.
• Fast Parameter Changing is when you have the FUP Dynamized, and then you change a mask value
etc online.
• In short, Ingres couldn’t cope, so weird things started to happen.
• Got a lot of “<defunct>” process (use command: ps –fae), and the system was running really badly.
• This problem was also causing a lot of fatal errors etc.
• Logged all of the users off and re-started the ES680 before the HDD or Ingres Database crashed.
• Was able to do fast Parameter changes after that.
• As a rule, made everyone log off FUP editor when it was idle.

Cannot find order in list of instances!!

• Full version of the fault you get in the pop-up window is:
o Reset of the changed paramaters to their original values Reason: Cannot find order in
list of instances.
• This is caused by someone doing a cleanas.sh, not completing a complete Offline Generation &
Transfer, then you try and change the function block parameter whilst dynamized.

No More Memory Available! – Please Restart Program

• This message appears in a pop-up box.
• The only option available to you is “ok”, so you press that and the FUP Editor crashes!!!
• The plan you had open then get’s locked with a zust_fl=1.
• Again, like most of these problems that were encountered at Kogan, it was a case of too much
loading on the ES680 server (about 14 client sessions open).

Ingres Databases:

Ingres Commands:
• \g
o Go.
• \p
o Print.
• \r
o Reset/clear the workspace.
• \q
o Quit.
• \i <file name>
o Read file name into workspace.
• \a
o Append to workspace.
• \e
o Edit workspace.
• help help or help \g or help <DB table name> \g
o Full help, list of DB tables, all fields for a DB table.
• select:

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o * select [*/distinct] from <table name> where <table field> [=,like,<,>,!=] <?,%,search
description> order by <table field> \g
• update:
o * update <table name> set <table field> = <new value> where <table field> [=,like,<,>,!=] <?,
%,search description> \g
• %
o Same as *
o Must use the ‘like’ expression when using this one.
• ?
o Same as a single character
o Must use the ‘like’ expression when using this one.

ES680 Ingres Database Tables:

• sql u0#txp or stntxp
• Only one ES680 databse exists in the TXP system.
• The GETOM database is imported into the ES680 database for TME/TXP integration.

• All print jobs from the FUP Editor are spooled via this table. You could get confused when the
printing fails that the spooling is handled via the unix /var/spool/…
• You may have to delete from this table if the printing stuffs up using the FUP Editor.

• Handles the zust flag (status flag) etc.
• Has the KKS (nam) and Description (bez) of the plan.

• This table handles all information found in the input and output zuli’s on FUP Plans.
• If you manually remove all entries in this table for a signal, it will only remove the input/output zuli
entries on the FUP Plan, and will leave the connection line (this is removed via the ver_b table).
• This table is linked to the ver_b table via the zuli_id, plan_id and loc_id.

• This table contains all of the line and port information of a FUP Plan.
• If you remove all entries in this table for a signal, the connection line will be removed from the FUP
• So, if you want to completely remove a signal from a FUP Plan, you must remove all of its entries
from this table, as well as from the zuli table!

• This table has all of the packet cycle information. i.e. instead of manually editing the kks packet
allocation via the YDH diagram (select AP -> CPU References), you can do it via this table.

• This table has the information regarding connected ports of a function block. Like the zuli and
ver_b tables, which give you the text and line information, obj_g gives you the information of the
connected signals to function block ports.

bpr_signal and bpr_typ:

• These tables have alarm info in them.
• These tables are transferred over to the BDM Informix database via the files (on the SU):
o bpr_signal.001
o bpr_instanz.001
o bpr_kennz.dat
o bpr_om_instanz.dat
• Refer to BDM in this document for more Alarm info.

• This table is used as a mask for entering data where non-standard KKS is used.
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• This table has to be manually edited to allow the non-standard KKS to be used in the FUP Editor.
• Column pr_st gives you the non-standard KKS mask, where # is a number and @ is a letter.
• After changing the table you’ll need to log out, then back into the FUP Editor.
• See the script file /$HOME/proc/pr_m_filters

• This has all of the schritfeld (page) data for FUP Plans.
• It gives you page revision numbers, drawer etc (title block data).

• This has all of the different FUP Plan types and descriptions in it.
• The Plan type identifier (frm_id) is also set in this table.
• Fields:
o uas_id – Uas table number
o uas – Plan type (YOR, YOT, YFR etc)
o frm_id – Plan type identifier
o zuli – 1: exists in zuli table, 0: doesn’t exist in zuli table
o beschr – Plan type description
frm_id uas uas_id
1 YFH 1
2 YFR 2
3 YFM 3
4 YDH 4
5 YDM 5
6 YDR 6
7 YOF 7
8 YOA 8
9 YOV 9
10 YOP 10
20 YX 11
30 YOR 12
YOM 13

• This has the Function Block data in it.
• Search by the fields plan_id and pic_id.
• You get the plan_id and pic_id of the Function Block by right clicking on the Function Block =>
properties in the FUP editor.
• This table has quite a lot of good information regarding the settings of the concerned Function Block,
however it is a real pain in the a** to work out what-is-what as there are no nice headings etc.

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Useful ES680 Database SQL Queries:

Pre Made Scripts From Siemens:

• If you do a search for the directory “Mike” or “Mikes Tools”. Not sure who Mike is but he was a busy
boy and created about 50 useful scripts for extracting different information.
• Granted, they are not really refined and the data displayed could be a lot nicer and easier to read, but
if you’ve got this far with TXP you should have no problems in deciphering the script outputs.
• A word of warning: it is a possibility that the scripts won’t work on newer versions of TXP. I definitely
know that we had some problems at Kogan Creek project which was running v7.8. However, sql is
sql at the end of the day, so there is probably just an issue with some system variables or shell
syntax. You will just need to sit down and figure it out!!

Save SQL output to file:

• Before you open the database (sql <database name>), you need to start the logging program called
• At the command prompt, enter script <file name>.
• Everything from now on that is done in the terminal you have open will be logged in the file you
specified. This is an easy way of capturing your SQL outputs.
• Now open the database and do what you have to do.

Opening an TXP database session:

• Command: sql <project name>txp
• Example:
o sql stntxp (station).
o sql u01txp (unit 1).
o sql tawebpi
• You can get the Ingres DB name from the top of the ES680 too bar.

Opening a database remotely:

• Command: sql <remote machine name>::<database name>
• Example:
o sql s01es1::u01txp_gettom

Unlock locked plans (zust flag):

• Select query:
o select * from obj_f where zust_fl != 0 \g
• Update command:
o update obj_f set zust_fl = 0 where zust_fl != 0 \g
• Make sure the number of rows in the select query is the same as the update command. If not,
something’s gone wrong.
• See “Locked FUP Plans” under the “FUP Editor” heading in this manual.

Find where a kks or signal is used:

• Select query:
o select * from zuli where q_kks = ‘1 PAB10 AP001’ and sig = ‘XQ01’ \g
• The list can be quite big if you limit the query to KKS only.

No port destination assigned (xxx):

• Query:
o select * from zuli where q_bea=’xxx’ or z_bea=’xxx’ \g
• This happens if you don’t do ‘Generate Destinations’.
• It can also happen if the signal has been deleted in GET_TM but left in a diagram associated with
TXP (YOA plan, YOR plan etc).
• It leaves ‘XXX’ in q_bea or z_bea.

GETOM Ingres Database Tables:

• sql u0#txp_getom or stntxp_getom
• Only one GETOM database exists in the TXP system.
• The GETOM database is imported into the ES680 database for TME/TXP integration.
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o Gives you all alarm types etc configured in the TME system, using the letters of the TME
system and not the TXP system (i.e. B,UE,Z,P etc not O,S,C,OE etc).
o Use admin manual to convert the Error Type Code (erg_typ_int) to convert between the TME
alarms types to the TXP alarm types.

o All Functional Areas configured for the project.

Useful GETOM Database SQL Queries:

Save SQL output to file:

o Before you open the database (sql <database name>), you need to start the logging program called
o At the command prompt, enter script <file name>.
o Everything from now on that is done in the terminal you have open will be logged in the file you
specified. This is an easy way of capturing your SQL outputs.
o Now open the database and do what you have to do.

Opening an GETOM database session:

o Command: sql <project name>txp_getom
o Example:
o sql stntxp_getom (station).
o sql u01txp_getom (unit 1).

Opening a database remotely:

o Command: sql <remote machine name>::<database name>
o Example:
o sql s01es1::u01txp_gettom

Database Restore:
• NB. This is an operation that has considerable risk. Consultation should be made to the Siemens TXP
Hotline before considering this action. The problem may be able to be fixed in other ways. Following a
rebuild, it may be necessary to carry out complete generation and transfer to the AS620 system
offline. Consultation should be made to the TXP hotline
• The Nachtlauf at Stanwell doesn’t include the databases associated with TME. It only unloads and
saves the ES680 database.
• To reload the Ingres database do the following:
1. Log onto the ES680 as the administrator.
2. Make sure noone else is logged into the ES680.
3. Stop the TXP process monitoring program:
o cd $HOME/config/esMonitor
o Command: esMonitor.sh stop
4. destroydb <database name>
5. createdb –d<database name> <database name>
6. Change to the directory where Nachtlauf sends the database backup (normally the save
7. reload.ing
8. On older versions you might have to run sysmod <database name>. This optimises Ingres’s
system tables. If you aren’t regularly dropping/creating tables or views it isn’t necessary to run
sysmod on the database.
9. Reboot

q_bea/z_bea = XXX In Table zuli:

• q_bea – source function block port identifier.
• z_bea – destination function block port identifier.

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• This happens when the port identifier is not known to the system i.e. the link has not been created to
the port of the function block.
• To fix this you will have to do a Generate Destinations to link the TME signal to the TXP database.
• In a full TXP system, these links should be automatically created when signals are created. But
sometimes you will need to do a Generate Destinations.
• All Generate Destinations does is create the port links at a database level, then when the ASR is
generated, it picks up those new links, which are subsequently transferred with ASR, hence defining
the signal path between the AS and OM650.

Extending Resources In The ES680:

Background Information:
• This is caused from you running out of places that Analogue values can reside. Datablocks are used
to store the Analogue values, hence if you run out of them, then you will have a problem!!
• Concerned Ingres Tables:
o cg_config_pb:
 For allocation of local program memory blocks.
o cg_config_ag_db_inter:
 Modus “D” – Must have different block number than “D” in cg_config_ag.
 DB 255 & DB 0-99 are used by the system, so cant use these for extending the
 Last DB you can use is DB 254.
o cg_config_ag:
 Modus “S” – Simulation Datablock.
 Modus “X.x” – Paramater Datablock.
 Modus “D” – Must have different block number than “D” in cg_config_ag_db_inter.
 Modus “V” – For special function blocks, if not used on site, just delete. If they are
used, then you will get an error message at Code Gen (just put them back in).
 DB & DX can use the same block number as they are independent.
 DB 255 & DB 0-99 is used by the system, so can’t use these for extending the
 Last DB you can use is DB 254.
o cg_config_tz_bau:
 This is the management of the resources 220-254 (DB’s used by Code Generator) &
180-199 (Send/Receive DB’s for communication).
 Must ensure that if you extend the system resources, then the ranges in this table
must fit to the new extended ranges that you made in cg_config_ag_db_inter and
cg_config_ag etc.
o cg_config_h1:
 Set’s up Send & Receive DB’s.
 Default is 180-199, but have seen in the past 180-219 (Al Taweelah NBE). This
makes no sense as an AP can only handle 32 connections!!!
 Really need to check with the TXP Hotline before you go modifying these though.
o cg_config_fnr:
 Normally empty.
• Default settings for the DB’s:
o 100-104 : Modus “D”.
o 105-116 : Free in a standard AP, can be used for Resource Ext. (mainly Modus “D”).
o 130-175 : For cg_config_ag_db_inter.
o 176-179 : Local memory DB’s. DO NOT TOUCH!!!!!!!
o 180-199 : Send & Receive DB’s for communication.
o 200-219 : For cg_config_ag_db_inter.
o 220-254 : DB’s used by the Code Generator.
• Useful fields:
o cpu1: AP Number.
o db_adr: DB Number.
o Modus: block type (we normally extend the “D” type).
• The reason I had to extend the system resources at Al Taweelah NBE was due to System Error’s:
• <###> data words missing => table cg_config_ag_db_inter need to be modified.

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Checking The Existing Resources:
• You first need to ascertain what DB’s are used where, as you cant have duplicates in the different
tables. I found this out the hard way, I extended cg_config_ag_db_inter to 176-190, but didn’t realize
that cg_config_pb already used 176-179,hence got 100’s of system errors when I tried to Generate
the code (System Error: address area overflow db_adr <###> => table cg_config_ag, cg_config_pb,
cg_config_h1, cg_config_ag_db_inter, cg_config_ag_parm need to be modified.).
• These are the necessary SQL data you need to search for:
o cg_config_pb:
 select *
o cg_config_ag_db_inter:
 select cpu1,cpu4,db_adr,anf_dw,end_dw
 where cpu1=<AP No.>
 order by db_adr
o cg_config_ag:
 select cpu1,cpu2,modus,db_adr,anf_dw,end_dw
 where cpu1=<AP No.> and cpu2=0
 order by db_adr
o cg_config_tz_bau:
 select cpu1,cpu2,modus,anf_nr,end_nr,fl_frei
 where cpu1=<AP No.>
 order by modus
o cg_config_h1:
 select
 where cpu1=<AP No.>
 order by db_adr
• I made a script that just did all of this, it’s much easier and you only have to enter an AP Number.

Extending The Resources (Add Entries To Ingres Table):

• Once you have made sure that the DB’s you’re going to add don’t conflict with any of the other Ingres
tables, you need to add entries into the necessary table.
• SQL command is:
o insert into cg_config_ag_db_inter values (<AP No.>,0,<New DB No.>,0,0,’’,’’) \g
o insert into cg_config_ag values (<AP No.>,0,'D',<New DB No.>,0,255,1,'') \g
o Each value in the brackets corresponds to the fields, so make sure that you get the correct
information into the correct order.
o Make sure you use 2 x ‘, and not a single “ as they are not the same thing!!
o If you make a mistake, then you can delete an entry using:
 delete from cg_config_ag_db_inter where ??? and ???? \g
 This is very similar to the select commands, but make sure you get it right otherwise
you might delete the entire table contents, then you’ll really bein the sh!t.

Final Steps:
• After you have updated the tables, then you need to do:
o cleanas.sh, and
o HW Generation, and
o Full code generation, and
o LAN Generation, and
o Offline Transfer.
• All should be ok now…fingers crossed.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008


Cant Do An MMI Generation (v7.4):

• Error message:
o “Dynavis In Graphics Mode”
• This happens if some dickhead doesn’t shut down Dynavis properly i.e. not doing a “Terminate Step”
before exiting Dynavis.
• Need to check file:
o /$HOME/om/mmi/cnt/Mmi.Ctrl
o /$HOME/om/mmi/cnt/Mmi.Lock
• This file should be zero length when Dynavis is shutdown. If its not zero length it will look like:
o | 1 | machine name | user name | date and time | PID?? |
 This means that Dynavis was exited with “Create Page” left open.
o | 2 | machine name | user name | date and time | PID?? |
 This means that Dynavis was exited with “Process Connection” left open.
• You can just delete this file after you ensure that Dynavis is in fact not open.
• Alternately, you could run the script (but this doesn’t always clear the fault):
o /$DYX/etc/cleanup
o You should run this script a few times to fully clean up Dynavis. Generally, you run it until no
text is output from the script.

Dynavis Check For Faults:

• Run script: /$DYX/etc/check
• This script checks and reports faults for Dynavis.

Dynavis Commands:
• Bring To front:
o Highlight pictograph -> Middle click on any of its handles
• Push to back:
o Highlight pictograph -> SHIFT + Middle click on any of its handles
• Ungroup:
o F1
• Group:
o F2
• Rotate:
o F3
• Rotate a pictograph properly:
o Highlight pictograph -> Ungroup (F1) -> Rotate (F3) -> Group (F2)

Dynavis Pictograph Libraries:

• /Mmiproj/Muster/…
o std – standard pictographs
o kurv – trend curves
o balk – bar graphs
o kennl – weird trends
o projp – motor, valve and bar symbols

“Current Picture Locked” Message In Dynavis:

• Whilst doing the Process Connections to a YOA, the drawing simply froze and would not allow me to
do anything. So I had to kill Dynavis Process by:
o ps -fae
o Mmi –db <database name>
o Kill this process to kill Dynavis.
• I killed Dynavis and could not start it up again. So I:
o Ran the cleanup script (script: /$DYX/etc/cleanup)

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o Cleared the lock file for Dynavis (path: /$HOME/om/mmi/cnt/MmiCtrl)
• Now I could start Dynavis, but couldn’t open the YOA I was working on (but could open any other
YOA or YOV). I kept getting the message “Current Picture Locked”.
• The message came about because when Dynavis froze and was forcefully shutdown, it obviously
didn’t shutdown properly and hence never removed its “locked” status from Ingres.
• To fix this all you had to do was change the zust_fl to 0 in the Ingres table obj_f.
o * select* from obj_f where zust_fl!=0 \g
o * update obj_f set zust_fl=0 where zust_fl!=0 \g
• Now it’s all ok!

Dynavis Cleanup (Die Dynavis-X Betriebsmittel sind belegt):

• Run the cleanup script (but this doesn’t always fully cleanup Dynavis so it will work):
o /$DYX/etc/cleanup
o You should run this script a few times to fully clean up Dynavis. Generally, you run it until no
text is output from the script.
• If Dynavis still wont work, you will need to check the files:
o /$HOME/om/mmi/cnt/Mmi.Ctrl
o /$HOME/om/mmi/cnt/Mmi.Lock
o These files should be zero length when Dynavis is shutdown. If its not zero length it will look
 | 1 | machine name | user name | date and time | PID?? |
This means that Dynavis was exited with “Create Page” left open.
 | 2 | machine name | user name | date and time | PID?? |
This means that Dynavis was exited with “Process Connection” left open.
o You can just delete this file after you ensure that Dynavis is in fact not open, or better still, just
echo the files to zero length (command: echo > <file name>).

MMI Picture Information:

• When you create a MMI picture in Dynavis, it gets saved as a *.pic file and *.cnt file.
• The *.pic is an ASCII file containing the dynamic details of the MMI picture (i.e. the details of the
picture whilst you’re working on it in Dynavis). This file is not transferred to the OT’s.
• Once saved, the *.pic file is saved as a *.cnt (Container) file. This file is the actual picture that will be
sent to the OT’s.
• Before being sent to the OT’s, the Container file needs to be serialised. The serialised Container file
is saved as a *.xdr file.
• There are also *.cnt files on the OT’s. These files are different to the *.cnt files on the ES680 (i.e.
cant be directly transferred).
• The process that happens in a Generation and Transfer of MMI pictures is:
o Generation serialises the *.cnt file and saves it as a *.xdr file.
• Transfer sends the serialised *.xdr file over to the OT where it is then deserialised into a *.cnt file

Changing The Scale On A Level Reading:

• If the scale is set wrong, the level reading will not look right on the bar level reading.
• It will either fluctuate up and down over scale or over a small distance up and down on the scale.
• To fix this you will need to:
o Open the pictogram in Create Graphic Mode.
o Click ‘NEXT’ till you see a screen with 2 values at the top (Bound and Range).
o Bound represents the bottom of the scale.
o Range represents the top of the scale.
o Save, generate and transfer.


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“Please Insert Correct OKZ” Error When Generating GET Data:
• This is because somewhere on a GET Plan the Physical Slot number (3CCA09.CC063) has been
allocated wrong. The accompanying Physical Slot numbers shows what has been allocated on GET
plans throughout the AWE its currently working on.
• To fix you need to sort through the GET Plans to find the culprit that has caused the problem.
• One way to find the bastard is to do a select query on the ANET database:
o select kennzeichen,xeinbaup1,xeinbaup1_2
from svd
where xawe=’<awe>’ and (xeinbaup!=’<correct slot #>’ or xeinbaup1_2 !=’<correct slot #>’)
o An example of the slot number format is 3CCA09.CC063 (not CCA09.CC063, or

Incorrect Referencing When Generating GET Data:

• The error message says:
o The following identifications are referenced to different designations, FKZ or FB. The
reference is to be unique. Please correct in the function diagrams.
• This means that for a KKS, there are differing FKZ’s allocated to GET Plans.
• Example:
o 3 LBB01 CU001 /D1 has FKZ = YCCA05
o 3 LBB01 CU001 /B3 has FKZ = UNIT 3
• By default, when you create an entirely new KKS drawing set, the FKZ is allocated wrongly, hence
you need to go through and allocate the correct FKZ.
• You also need to make sure that the FB (05) is allocated correctly as well.

Killing The ASR-ME Transfer Window After A Mistake:

• This needs to be done if you accidentally stuff up and say ‘Y’ to transferring ASR to both PU’s at the
same time.
• You will need to manually kill –9 the instigating process.
• If you just do ps –fae you will be able to trace back (via PID and PPID) to the start of the GETOM
• Find the process by using ps –fae |grep asr
• The process you will want to kill –9 is: /tmp/_/tmp/_p.asr_gen –auftr ueb
• So, command is: kill –9 <PID of above process>

GETOM Process Tree:

• The following is the Process Tree for starting of Get-OM
• Init




hpterm –iconic –name PV –geometry 65x5+700+900 –s1 2000 –sb

sh –c PATH=”$TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin:$TXP_HOME/$Sw/etc:$PATH”; export

/$TXP_HOME/$Sw/start_es.sh tee –a /$HOME/xp_startprotokoll

/$TXP_HOME/$Sw/startes.pl /$TXP_HOME/$Sw/start_checkDBAnpass.sh

sleep 60

xterm –fn 9x15bold –n GET-OM –t GET-OM –s1 1000 –sb –e /inst…

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/$TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.0_getom/bin/getom_verw –d

/$TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.0_getom/men/en –m (Get-OM Menu Structure)

Get-OM Applications are launched from here on.

GET-OM Menu Scripts:

• Each selection in the GET-OM menu structure is an individual script that is run. Almost all of the
scripts are shell scripts, however, some of the larger and more important ones are executables (which
sucks because you cant reverse engineer what the executable does with respect mainly to what is
done with the databases).
• The menu script that is directly called from the menu selection are found in the path:
o /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0_getom/men/en/…
• The actual script that runs and is called by the menu scripts above and does all of the database
manipulation etc, are found in the path:
o /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0_getom/bin/…
o These scripts also call other scripts to do specific things…be careful.
• The way the GET-OM menu appears and looks is configured in the file:
o om.defaults.en
• GET-OM is started via the script: /install/txpes/sw/start_getom which inturn calls the script …/men/
en/mh_start.om which is responsible for displaying the actual menu you see on the screen. The
script is started with the following arguments: mh_start.om –o 1
• The actual processing scripts (and associated arguments) that are run for each menu selection (I’ve
left out the associated menu script) in the path …/sw7.0_getom/bin… are:
o Create OM-data From GET-TM:
 p.sign_aufb –aus get
o Create OM-data From Import Files:
 p.sign_aufb –aus imp
o Processing OM-data:
 Get: p.om_edit –her get
 Import: p.om_edit her imp
o Insert OM-data Into Database:
 GET: p.om_les –art get
 Import: p.om_les –art imp
o Mask Processing
 Control Components: p.mask –mask ltk
 Function Blocks: p.mask –mask inst
 Signals: p.mask –mask sig
o Transferring OM-data to ES680:
 p.es680 –art delta
o ASR Generator:
 Generate Data: p.asr_gen –auftr gen
 Transfer Data: p.asr_gen –auftr ueb
o Dynamic Fup:
 Display Generation List: p.genlist_om auftr anz
 Edit Generation List: p.genlist_om auftr edt
 Print Generation List: p.genlist_om auftr dru
 Delete Generation List: p.genlist_om auftr loe
 Dynamize Fup: p.fubi_vns –auftr gen
 Delete Fup: p.fubi_vns –auftr loe
o List Output:
 Functions: p.om_list –tab fkt
 Function Blocks: p.om_list –tab inst
 Signals: p.om_list –tab sig
o Service Functions:
 Transfering OM-Data Completely To ES680: p.es680 –art all
 Processing EINS/EINH: Opens einstellungen file.
 Adaption Of Project: init_getom anp
 Unix: p.unix
o Complete:
 p.ende
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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Create Data From Get Process Scripts:
• The scripts are all called from the directory: /install/txpes/sw/sw7.0getom/bin/….
• All GETOM specific Environmental variables are exported as soon as you open the GETOM Editor.
The script that exports the variables is: start_getom
• The initiating and controlling script is: p.sign_aufb
• The first script called is for “Processing Extension Blocks”: p.sign_pserw
• Then for “Generating Channel Blocks”: p.sign_erzka
• Then for “Evaluating The OM-Source Blocks”: sig_ombst
• Then for “Evaluating Delta’s From Actual Code Files”: p.sign_delta
• Then for “Creating Signals From MU And GWM”: p.sign_mu_gwm
• Then for “Creating OM Ports”: p.sign_omports
• All other DB checks, AWK/SED’ing, text oriented manipulation etc is carried out via the p.sign_aufb

Transferring OM-data To ES680 Errors:

*** function block does not exist

• Example:
o Signal : bus_tln=<005>,kks=<0 QCG70 ED001>,sig<XQ03>,t_bst_typ=<AKS>
,t_bst_nr=<102>,t_ea_nr=<10> *** function block does not exist
• This is generated by the script om_es680, which in turn was called by the Transfer script p.es680.
• The actual alarm is generated from the file om_es680.en and is alarm number 1032.
• The script just calls the alarm from the file. This is so you can customise a small text file in the
language you want without altering the calling script (.en for English).
• This error is caused when the GET-OM comparator marks the function block to be deleted, and the
function block doesn’t appear in the ES680 database.
• When a function block is marked to be deleted, a function block entry (inst table in the getom
database) is marked to be deleted, as well as a corresponding signal for that function block (sig table
in the getom database). The aend field in these database tables are marked with a D for delete.
• The signal appears to be deleted ok from the ES680 and getom databases, but the function block
doesn’t get deleted from the getom database if it doesn’t appear in the ES680 database (hence the
• A cause of this is deleting of the function block out of the MMI page it belongs to, before it has been
deleted in getom.
• Once this has happened, it becomes stuck, and no manner of re implementing the signal etc will fix it.
You have to manually delete the function block from getom database.
• To fix you need to manually delete the database entry for the function block that is marked to be
deleted in the getom database. Firstly check that there is no trace of the function block in the ES680

Editing The Einstellungen File:

• This file is responsible for signals engineering units that are displayed on the MMI screens and in the
OM650 system (eg. Min, Hrs, % etc).
• Generally the Create OM data procedure would ask you to edit this file when you create a new signal
in GET (but only if the engineering units associated with that signal don’t appear in the einstellungen
• The whole idea of the Einstellungen file is to break up what is entered in the ‘Setting’ field of the GET
sheet into a range and engineering units.
• There are 3 columns in the Einstellungen file:
o Column 1:
 The full range of the signal and its units.
 This is what appears in the ‘Setting’ field of the GET sheet.
 Eg. –10-10Kpa, 0-100% etc.
o Column 2:
 The range of the signal.
 If you have the units in this column, they will not appear on the screen.
 Eg. –10-10, 0-100 etc.
o Column 3:
 The units of the signal (that are displayed on the screen).
 Eg. Kpa, % etc.

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• If you stuff up or want to manually edit this file, you can do this using the VI editor etc.
• In order for the changes to be projected into the ES680 database correctly you will need to follow this
1. Edit the einstellungen file.
2. Create OM data.
3. Insert OM data.
4. Transfer OM data to ES680 database.
• When you create OM data, the file is accessed and the necessary units are placed in the ANET
database (which is then transferred into the GETOM database, then finally into the ES680 database).
• If you don’t follow this sequence, the changes will not be reflected into the ES680 database.
• If the units do not appear on the screen, the first port of call would be to check that the Einstellungen
file has been filled out correctly.

Generation And Transfer:

AS620 Code Generation & Transfer Error Messages:

%ESQL>; E_QE007D Error trying to put a record!!

• This is a System fault.
• At Ras Laffan we believe that this error came from Generating the AP whilst at the same time
someone starts Dynamic Function in the same AP. The clashing of these events will not always
cause this error, it’s only when they coincide after bmonline.sh (script responsible for Generating
FUP code) has finished with its error checking etc, then Dynamic Function is started.
• At Kogan Creek I also saw this error and it was a result of having too many connections open to
Ingres. I think we had about 8-10 FUP editor sessions (editing as well as read-only sessions) going
at once. In this instance, we also received fatal errors when trying to do online parameter changes
(using dynamization mode). We shut the system down, then did a cleasas.sh, complete
generation & offline transfer.
• It places an entry in the semaphore file:
o /install/txpes/data/<proj name>/listen/as/ag<ap.nr>/log/ingres.error
• If you keep trying to generate the code, the System Fault count will keep increasing because it keeps
making entries in the above file.
• If you scroll around enough on this error (using “View/Print”), you will most probably come across the
o !!x You have to find out, if a reset is necessary.
o !!x For this process has to be proved.
o !!x If an error occurred, for which you suppose that the
o !!x data HAVE not been written COMPLETELY to the database
o !!x it is absolutely necessary to reset by cleanas.sh
o !!x ONLY if you can assure that the database is complete
o !!x you can repeat the process again.
o !!x For this the file ingres.error has to be removed FIRST.
• Pretty much what it is saying is:
o If you Can confirm that it was something that you or your team did, you can delete (save a
backup first…of course) the ingres.error file, and then re-try the Code Generation.
o If you CANT confirm this, you MUST do a cleasas.sh (followed by a complete AP generation
and offline transfer) which will result in the AP having to be totally shutdown etc, hence
probably tripping the plant.

System error-message Not enough space@1 : exit-code overview AS <ap no.> APF <apf no.>
• Got this system error when we had too many FUP editor sessions open.
• I had 1, Daniela had 1 and Klaus had 3 – so a total of 5 were active.
• It seems that the ES680 just ran out of RAM due to all of the sessions running.
• Luckily the Generation Process bombed out before it got too far, otherwise all of the plans would have
been lock with a Zust Flag = 5.

System error-message Not enough space_LQ002B ‘where ‘ may not be nested within a data
retrieval loop.
• Also got this message at Ras Laffan:
o ELQ002B ‘zust_fl IN (5, 15) AND plan_id’ may not be nested within a data retrieval loop.
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• Also got this message in ES680 protocol window on the desktop:
o Per1Interpreter::Per1Interpreter, fork failed : Not enough space
• Got this system error when we had too many FUP editor sessions open.
• I had 1, Daniela had 1 and Klaus had 3 – so a total of 5 were active.
• It seems that the ES680 just ran out of RAM due to all of the sessions running.
• The Generation Process bombed too far into it, so all of the plans were lock with a Zust Flag = 5.

Program block organization is not generated completely for closed loop control.
• Got this one at Kogan Creek, and again, all we could put it down to was too many connection to
Ingres, thus causing it too ‘freak out’ a little bit.
• Usually when you drill down the HTML error file from ‘View/Print’ it lists all of the concerned files. In
this instance, none of the files were any I had touched, additionally I was only changing SGC logic,
which has nothing to do with Closed Loop Control!
• We tried many things, but only was around it was with a cleanas.sh, complete generation of the
AP, then an Offline transfer.

System error: table ZULI: q_pid <plan id #>, q_lid <location id #>: different q_cpu4’s: <#> <#>
• Has associated User Error:
o User error: KKS “SIGDEF” no as number assigned
• Also has associated Hint:
o NOTE ==> signal <kks> <sig> Page # has open destination SIGDEF.
• Happens from time-to-time when you delete and create signals.
• From the error description it is hard to tell which signal is causing you grief:
o You could be a freak and delete, then re-connect all of your signals, OR
o Just do and SQL query on Ingres table “zuli” and fix the problem in 5 minutes.
o SQL Query to use:
 select * from zuli where q_pid=<q_pid # from your error message> and
q_lid=<q_lid # from your error message> \g
 Example: select * from zuli where q_pid=12183 and q_lid=113 \g
 From the SQL result you will be able to see what the troublesome signal is (‘zuli’
table field ‘sig’), also you will see the differing numbers in the field ‘q_cpu4’.
o With your new found piece of knowledge:
 Go to the correct plan and signal,
 Cut all occurrences of the signal from your FUP,
 Save & Close FUP (very important),
 Re-open the FUP and re-connect all of the signals,
 Save and Close,
 Generate & Transfer Online, and then happy days.

New code: Could not fill instance list with assemblies.

• You get this when a cleanas.sh has been done, not transferred, and then someone else tries to do a
Code Generation For Transfer.
• To fix you need to complete the Offline Generation & Transfer, otherwise access to this AP with be

User error: Diagram <KKS> Module <FB Name> (#) has different cycles (<Z#> != <Z#>) within
same PB-Number <PB #>.
• Got this when I put a DCM block on a page and assigned it the incorrect cycle. The Page was
configured for the Z2 cycle, and the DCM’s default cycle is Z1, hence the error.
• Just change the “CPU Reference” of the Function Block (right click => CPU Ref).
• Example:
o User error: Diagram 10HDD16AA030 Module RA.MO (22) has different cycles (Z2 != Z1)
within same PB-Number 44.

Lan needs to be generated

• I truthfully do not know why this message sometimes appears. It may have to do with mod’s involving
signals that go from 1 AP to another?
• To get around it, just do a LAN generation and it will clear the error message.
• It is not overly critical, and the new LAN data (for the CP1430 cards) will be transferred the next time
an Offline Gen & Transfer is done.

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
Protection Frame Conflicts and errors:
• Got this message when I did some changes to DCM’s:
o Conflict loading modified PB running inside the protection frame. Two or more signals have
new or changed addresses. The online handler tried to construct a loading sequence so that
the PBs containing the origins of the signals are loaded before the PB containing the
corresponding destinations. This strategy failed, because there are at least two PB’s which
communicated with each other in both directories by signals and signals of each direction
have changed. Important: By setting the button ‘Loading absolutely modified signals used in
protection’ a loading can forced. Be careful! If these are active low signals, this can cause a
tripping on faults.
• If the system is offline, then you can use the ‘Force Protection Frame’ button when you transfer the
code via the online handler, but be careful as it will probably trip the plant.

Complete Code Generation Sequence Problem:

• Got this message when I did a Complete AP Code Generation:
o Sequence problem: diagram <kks> with cc-symbol must be generated first. Actual diagram
<kks> will automatically be regenerated at the end.
• This is caused by the code associated with a CCON (PI Controller) being generated before the
CCON block is generated. For example; the Binary portion of the CCON being generated before the
Analogue portion. of the CCON
• Solution is to regenerate the KKS of the Analogue logic associated with the CCON and then do an
Incremental Generation of the AP.

Error with Ingres table cg_config_ag_db_inter:

• Got this message when I did an AP Code Generation for Transfer:
o System Error: <###> data words missing => table cg_config_ag_db_inter need to be
• This fault wouldn’t clear even after I did a cleanas.sh etc, however I did find that if I did small chunks
of logic changes, generated and transferred them, then after a cleasas.sh it would somehow work…
• Initially I thought that this was caused by an Analogue Switch, as the fault would clear as soon as I
removed the Analogue Switch off the FUP.
• As it turns out, this problem was caused due to a lack of system resources (yes this error does
happen with things other than timers). It was very strange because it didn’t say that we were out of
Resources in the Generation Protocol file (we needed the TXP Hotline to diagnose this one).
• I extended the resources in the table (making sure that there were no other DB conflicts) and all
seemed ok….fingers crossed!!.
• See the section in this document on “Extending Resources In ES680” to see how it’s done.

Loading Changed System Function Blocks Error:

• Got this message box when I did an AP Code Transfer:
o New System blocks required for user software. No download possible!! Active Button!
“Loading changed system software blocks”.
• I had forgotten that our system admin had done an update of the ES680 software from v7.4 to v7.8.
• After a version update, you need to do a cleanas.sh and full offline Generation & Transfer.
• Although, I think it is stil possible to Transfer code to the running AP if you select the “Loading
Changed System Software Blocks Updates Of System Software” selection at the Online Handler
menu box (the menu/selections box that appears when it is time to transfer the code to the AP during
a Code Generations For Transfer).

‘No Memory Available’ Error:

• Got this message box when I did a Complete Code Generation:
o System error: no memory available: 319200 Bytes for CF [].
• At the time we had 2 other Complete AP Code Generations, so this must have caused an overload of
the Unix Server (ES680) processor.
• As soon as one of the Complete code generations was finished I could do the Complete Cone
Generation for my AP.

GET To TXP Signal Generation:

• To ensure correct transfer of all signals, you should follow the below sequence i.e. do Module Code
Generation, GETOM, then TXP Generations, then Module Code, then ASR, then TXP Transfers.

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AS220 Code Download:
1. As a minimum, the module code and EAS code must be generated. This ensures everything is
how it should be in the EA database.
2. Generate module code and debug
3. Generate EAS code and debug

1. Create OM Data from GET-TM
o This manipulates and imports data from the ANET database
2. Insert OM Data into the GETOM Database
o This inserts the ANET data into the GETOM database
3. Run script: $HOME/bin/stanAWT.sh
o This script calls 4 other scripts and manipulates the GETOM database data
4. Alter Delta/Step values if required in Mask Processing
5. Transfer OM Data to the ES680 Database
o This inserts the GETOM data into the ES680 database
6. Run script: $HOME/tools/set_unit_pro_id
o This sets the correct unit number for the project

TXP Generations:
1. Generate Destinations
o This creates the port to port links for each signal at a database level
o ASR then picks these links up and establishes them between the AS and OM650
o If a port link has not been established for a GET signal, the field q_bea or z_bea (in zuli)
will indicate XXX instead of ETX, OTA etc
2. Generate MMI Diagrams
3. Generate BDM

AS220 Code Download:

1. Transfer Module Code to the redundant module first (ensure it hasn’t failed).
2. Transfer to the second module (this ensures minimal plant impact if the modules fail).
3. EAS Code

1. ASR Generation
2. Use PL to find the Master (fue) and Redundant (akt) PU’s (P1a and P1b)
3. Do an Om.Stop on the Redundant PU (this makes the transfer much quicker)
4. ASR Transfer to the Redundant PU only
o Answer Y to the Redundant PU only.
o If you answer Y to both PU’s, all process connections will be lost to the OT’s for about 4
minutes, thus the Operators will have no control of the unit…. bad stuff. If you accidentily do
this, you will have to manually kill -9 the asr parent process (/tmp/_/tmp/_p.asr_gen –auftr
o The ASR Transfer transfers over the files:
 E_BST_typen
 E_Inst.5300
 E_Ereig.5300
5. Do an init 6 on the Redundant PU after the transfer is complete (you could just do an Om.Start,
but the init 6 is cleaner)
6. Use PL to make sure that the Redundant PU runs up correctly (can take about 15-20 min)
7. Inform PT’s that a momentary red-out may occur when you fail over the PU’s
8. Fail over the Master PU with an OM.Stop
o The new Master PU will now be running with the latest update of ASR
9. Use PL to make sure that all Object managers have become fue on the new Master PU
10. ASR Transfer to the new Redundant PU
o Answer Y to the new Redundant PU only
11. Do an init 6 on the new Redundant PU after the transfer is complete
12. Use PL to make sure that the new Redundant PU runs up correctly

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TXP Transfers:
1. Transfer MMI to the Leading OT:
o Log all leading OT (usually OT1) sessions off (but don’t completely log the MMI Clients out)
o Transfer MMI to the Leading OT
o Log OT sessions back in
2. Update MMI from the Leading OT:
o Log all other OT (usually OT2) sessions off (but don’t completely log the MMI Clients out)
o Update MMI from the Leading OT
o Log OT sessions back in
3. Transfer BDM to spa and spb. This doesn’t interrupt the SU at all

YOR/YOM Generation And Transfer:

1. Generate Processing Functions
2. Use PL to identify the Master (fue) PU
3. Synchronise the ES680 to the Master PU
4. Load Projecting Data to the Master PU (no alarms generated and no interruption to the PU)
5. Load Redundancy to the Redundant (akt) PU (this generates loss of redundancy alarms and
stops the PU infrastructure)
6. Start the PU infrastructure with an Om.Start, but an init 6 would be cleaner and better
7. Use PL To ensure that the PU runs up correctly

YOP Generation And Transfer:

1. Generate Protocols
2. Transfer Protocols to spa and spb. This doesn’t interrupt the SU at all

TXP-OMME Generation And Transfer Times (Stanwell):

• The following are various Generation and Transfer times:
o Gen Redundant Module Code: 30 sec
o Trans Module Code: 40 sec per module
o Gen EAS Code: 15 min
o Trans EAS Code: 6 min
o Create Data From GET: 19 min
o Insert Into GETOM: 17 min
o Transfer To ES680 Database: 5 min
o Generate Destinations:
 1 KKS: 30 sec
 1 FA: 4 min
 All KKS: 18 min
o MMI Gen: 3 min
o MMI Trans:
 Leading OT: 5 min
 Second OT: 30 sec
 Plus Stuff Around Time To Log OT's In And Out
o BDM Gen: 6 min
o BDM Trans: 30 sec
o ASR Gen: 6 min
o ASR Trans:
 Code Transfer After Om.Stop: 5 sec
 PU Run Up After init 6: 20 min
o stanAWT.sh: 2 min
o set_unit_pro_id: 5 sec
o Synch ES680 To PU: 2 min
o YOR/YOM Gen: 13 min
o YOR/YOM Trans:
 To Master: 5 min
 To Redundant: 2 min
o PU Run Up After init 6: 20 min
o YOP Gen: 30 sec
o YOP Trans: 1 min

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BDM Generation & Transfer:

Cant Do A BDM Generation:

• Check the file:
o /$OMPROJDATA/mmi/bdm/Bdm.lock
• Also try to rlogin from the SU to the ES680 to ensure that the link is ok.
• Also check the semaphore files.

ET200 (SIM Modules)

IM308 Data Generation Script:

• Path:
o /install/txpes/sw/sw.7.4.0/perllib/TXPDefs.pm
o This is the same script that’s called via: Generate -> AP -> Memory Card Data For Field
o You use this to generate the necessary files for updating the Flash Cards for IM308 modules
used with SIM.

LAN Generation & Transfer:

General Info:
• Cleans out the CP1430 and replaces its binary file with all of the updated network information.
• Under “View/Print” you can see:
o The *.asc (assembler code) file.
o The protocol file toped.prot_<date & time>.
• When you transfer the LAN information, you can choose weather you send the info to AP-A, AP-B or


Cleanup Scripts:

• Apart from cleasas.sh most of the information for these scripts was gathered off other people. I very
rarely used most of them (apart from cleanas.sh), so you should really know what you are doing if
you use them (as they are quite powerful scripts and can really stuff up your system).

o cleanas.sh –p <database name> -a <ap#>
o Example:
 cleanas,sh –p kogan –a 27
• I think the script is found in the ~/listen directory (if not, just do a search for it).
o Deletes the generated data AP specific.
o The functions of the AP will be reset.
o The script cleanas.sh must be executed after a change of the resources (DX,DB,etc).
o After cleanas.sh you have to run HW, SW, and LAN-gen.
o After the code is loaded, the online handler works again. After big changes (add>10
diagrams), this script is required to use the CPU resources with a high efficiency. The
instances will not be changed.
o It is best to have all of the plant’s AP’s un-dynamized when you do a cleanas.sh. It is not
critical, however sometimes it can screw things up (good old “undocumented features of the
o Easy way to check which AP’s are dynamized is to:
 Open the “Semaphore” directory (~/semaphore).
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 Use “ll” or “ls –al” (same thing really) to search for the files in this directory.
 File entries “procGenAsAg<ap#>” are dynamized AP’s.
 Find the culprit FUP editors and shutdown dynamization, or kill the session by killing
the relevant “as_server….” Process.
• To do the entire process properly though, you should follow the following process. This ensures that
you have the most current project information, CP1430 data, generated code etc sent to the
concerned AP:
1. Run the cleanas.sh script.
2. HW Generation.
3. LAN Generation (only on TXP versions older than v7.0 is this required – not sure why).
4. Complete Code Generation for the AP
5. LAN Generation (do this for all versions of TXP).
6. If unsure of valid software perform the following prior to transfer of code to the AP’s:
o Take the “B”-AP Processor to STOP mode.
o This will save the “old” code in the “B”-AP in case of a problem.
7. Offline Transfer of code to the AP.
8. Verify the Software is functioning properly (open a plan and dynamize).

• Syntax:
O clean1.sh –p Project –i y/n –a AS-No {-b  -n}
• Options:
o -p Project name
o -i info Modus on/off
o -b clean internal AP-AP connections
o -n clean auxiliary unit connections
o -a AS-Number of AO to be reset respectively 0 for all
• Example:
o cleanh1.sh –p txpauto –i y –a 3 –b
o clean1.sh –p txpauto –i y –a 3 –n
• Function:
O Deletes generated H1-addresses out of the zuli, cg_config_h1, cg_config_tz_bau for one/all
O The option –n means that in the table cg_config_h1 only the rows for the subsystems are
o The parameters of the sus.-symbols for information—no changes on the individual diagrams
are remaining (no update)
• Hint:
o Overall code generation
o LAN-generation

• Syntax:
o cleanmehrblock.sh –p <project>
• Function:
o The addresses of Unit-connection will be reset
• Hint:
o Generate SW
O Generate LAN.

• Syntax:
o cleanVf.perl –p <project>
• Function:
o The complete VF-code will be reset.
• Hint:
o Generate VF new.

• Syntax:
o cleanasohneapf.sh –p <project>
• Function:
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o Deletes the LAN-project engineering
o Deletes the MAC-addresses of all devices
• Hint:
oThe following is required!:
1. cleanna.sh
2. toped.sh
3. Hardware-generation of all Aps
4. toped.sh
5. Software-generation of all APs (if an AP has APF, the APF has to be generated first)
6. LAN-generation
**WARNING: If you do not follow this order, the DX 140 will have errors in the table entries**

• Syntax:
o cleanbm.sh –p <project>
• Function:
o All data will be deleted.
o All BDM data, VF-data (processing data), Instances, and LAN code.
o With this script, you execute cleanver.sh and cleanVF.sh.
o Functions like (not the same) cleanas.sh and cleanh1.sh
• Hint:
o The following is required!:
1. cleanna.sh
2. toped.sh
3. Hardware-generation of all Aps
4. toped.sh
5. Software-generation of all Aps (if an AP has APF, the APF has to be generated first)
6. LAN-generation
**WARNING: if you do not follow this order, the DX140 will have errors in the table entries**

• Syntax:
o cleaninstanzen.pl –p <project> -fb <name of FC>
• Function:
O Instances for a FC will be reset
• Hint:
O You must generate and transfer everything (+toped.sh) because the instances will have been

• Syntax:
o cleanna.sh –p <project> {-n <Sub. Sys. –No.>} {-a <AS-Nr>} {-m}
• Options:
o -p Name of project
o -n Number of the APT-/AGF-/NA (Sub.)-Systems
o -a Number of AP in which it is connected
o -m Address mode
O 0for manual and automatically assigned addresses
O 1only manual
O 2only automatically (given by code generator)
• Function:
o After changes the toped.sh sometimes brings, the hint to run cleanna.sh.
• Hint:
o After running the script, the following is necessary (for all Aps that are connected to Sub.-
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. LAN

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WS30 (Teleperm ME)


STRUK Code Mnemonics:

• V: Transfer
• ER: Replace line
• EI: Insert line
• LS: Delete line

Read Dynamic Merker Values In Struk:

• Must be in the slow cycle (LZYK) before you go into test state.
o FB,LZYK or R to go back into the LZYK.
o Struk code sequence goes AZYK Code, SZYK Code, then LZYK Code.
• Go into test mode:
o TEST,1
o All Merker values can be viewed now, even ones you cant see.
o You can now just navigate around once in test mode. Its only initiating test mode in the LZYK
that’s an issue.
• View Merker values by:
o TW, MA,403,2 or
o TW,AA,T,24 or
o TW,EA,S,9 etc…
• Exit test state by:
o TEST,0

Module States (From BGVW):

• BGF: Module Fault (Channel fault etc.)
• BPS: CPU Stopped
• BGT: Wrong Moduale type inserted
• BGNA: Module not available

GET Editor:

GET Editor Command Line Commands:

Select AWE:
o p.awe_wechsel;vart 1 txt= “/pro/<unit #>/a.<awe>”
o E.g. p.awe_wechsel;vart 1 txt= “/pro/unit03/a.wat.307”

Delete Plan:
o p.fup.rm;vart 1 “=<kks>”;vart 5 “<page #>”
o E.g. p.fup.rm;vart 1 “=3 HAH01 EB001”;vart 5 “B3”
o This deletes the plan from Ingres and the following files:
 *.log, *.opd, *.gra, *.sfd

Store Temporarily:
o sipl art=z;rs

Load Diagram:
o epl art=n ua=$s96 ib1=”=<KKS>” bnr=”<page #>”
o E.g. Epl art=n ua=$s96 ib1=”=3 HAH01 EB001” bnr=”B3”

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Insert Rahm Block:
o $s51;prot echo=j;$s50bg.<module type>.<rahm block type> $s65;prot echo=n;aegf
typ=rk art=aeo : $p99 314.96 283.41;bti name=bgva txt =<module version>
o E.g. $s51;prot echo=j;$s50bg.srz.rahmen2 $s65;prot echo=n;aegf typ=rk art=aeo : $p99
314.96 283.41;bti name=bgva txt =8DD

What is A Merker?:
• A Merker is memory address space where data can be stored from the accumulator or URAM.
• When Function Blocks without assigned Merkers (e.g. And, Or, Neg etc) are solved, their result is
stored in the Accumulator. Before the Accumulator is flushed, the result needs to be written to
memory. This is what a Merker is used for. If the accumulator isn’t saved, the result is lost.
• The same is for Merkers associated with the EAS’s URAM. Because RAM is dynamic and volatile,
information from the various Telegrams needs to be written to memory, hence written to a Merker.
• You can’t just use any old Merker for a task. There are many different Merker types. The most
commonly used ones are:
o Free Merkers: These are for linking of FB’s etc on a FUP Plan.
o Transfer Merkers: These are for transfer in and out of the URAM.
o Driver Merkers: These are also Merkers associated with the URAM, but are assigned
directly to Module I/O.
o Configurable Update Merkers: Usually a redundant pair of modules is not aware of each
other’s state. This Merker type is used so certain values in each module are synchronised
together. Foe example; if Flip Flops are used, they could get out of synch with each other,
then if the fuse is pulled on the master, the redundant may come back into service with its
FF’s in the wrong state.

Finding Function Blocks Already Used:

• This is used so you don’t run short of function blocks when designing a mod.
• Also use this for correct naming of some blocks i.e. assigning a unique number to a VW block so the
EAS code generation wont reject it.
• Run the script: /tmp/drivers
• You must be on the correct units WS30 to run it.

Finding Existing Cycle Times:

• This is used to allocate new drawings cycle times etc.
• Run script: /tmp/bfn
• You must be on the correct units WS30 to run it.

Module Information (Merkers, FB’s etc) For Doing GET Editor Mod’s:

1731 (AET) – Analog I/P For Temp. Tx’s and Process Signals:
o 4 analog channels.
o Accepts:
 Thermocouples.
 RTD’s.
 0/4 – 20mA current signal.
 0/2 - +10V voltage signal.
o Inputs:
 4 Binary:
• Binary qualifiers for analog signals.
 4 Analog:
• Tx input signals.
o Outputs:
 8 Binary:
• Supply to tx’s (L+G).
• 100mA.
 8 Analog:
• 4 x 0/4 – 20mA current signal.

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• 4 x 0/2 - +10V voltage signal.
o Function Blocks:
 8 in total of:
• IBR (SP entry or analog value from MMI screen),
• IVL (preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc), or
• ITE (subgroup control).
 16 in total of:
• MU, or
• GWM.
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M31,1 => M80,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M14,1 => M21,6
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M22,1 => M30,16
 Field I/P’s:
• E,S,1 => E,S,4
 Field O/P’s:
• A,S,1 => A,S,4
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA3,1 => MA40,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• EA,T,1 => EA,T,14
 O/P’s to URAM:
• AA,T,1 => AA,T,56
 Field I/P’s:
• EA,S,1 => EA,S,4
 Field O/P’s:
 AA,S,1 => AA,S,8

1722 (ASR) – Analog Signal Calculation Module:

o 14 analog channels.
o Inputs:
 14 Analog:
• 0/4 – 20mA current signal, or
• 0/2 - +10V voltage signal.
o Outputs:
 14 Binary:
• Supply to tx’s (L+G).
• 120mA.
 14 Analog:
• 0/2 - +10V voltage signal only.
o Function Blocks:
 8 in total of:
• IBR (SP entry or analog value from MMI screen),
• IVL (preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc), or
• ITE (subgroup control).
 16 in total of:
• MU, or
• GWM.
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M30,1 => M89,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M400,1 => M407,6
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M600,1 => M607,16
 Field I/P’s:
• E,S,1 => E,S,14

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 Field O/P’s:
• A,S,1 => A,S,14
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA10,1 => MA40,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• EA,T,1 => EA,T,24
 O/P’s to URAM:
• AA,T,15 => AA,T,38
 Field I/P’s:
• EA,S,1 => EA,S,14
 Field O/P’s:
• AA,S,1 => AA,S,14

1723 (BSR) – Binary Signal Calculation Module:

o Inputs:
 Binary:
• 56 x single wire,
• 28 x two wire, or
• 18 x three wire.
o Outputs:
 28 Binary:
• Supply to tx’s (L+G).
• 24V/120mA.
o Function Blocks:
 8 in total of:
• IBR (SP entry or analog value from MMI screen),
• IVL (preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc), or
• ITE (subgroup control).
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M50,1 => M89,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M400,1 => M407,6
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M600,1 => M607,16
 Field I/P’s:
• E,S,1 => E,S,28
 Field O/P’s:
• A,S,1 => A,S,28
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA1,1 => MA20,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• EA,T,1 => EA,T,12
 O/P’s to URAM:
• AA,T,1 => AA,T,12

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1717 (RB) – Binary Calculation Module:

o ESG Channels:
 Motor (M/MK):
• Motor (M) - 4 channels.
• Motor with desktile (MK) - 4 channels.
 Actuator (S/SK):
• Actuator (S) – 3 channels.
• Actuator with desktile (SK) – 2 channels.
 Solenoid Valve (V/VK):
• Solenoid Valve (V) – 5 channels.
• Solenoid Valve with desktile (VK) – 3 channels.
o Total number of channels:
 Upto 5 ESG drives on the one module.
o Inputs:
• ESG channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Outputs:
• ESG channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Function Blocks:
 2 x VL (VW):
• Preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc.
 2 x TE (BA):
• Mode changeover or subloop control.
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M900, => M903,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M14,5 => 16,16
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M71,1 => M86,16
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
 Rest are ESG channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA2,3 => MA12,16
 Rest are ESG channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).

1723 (FGS) – Subgroup Control Module:

o 4 channels.
o Inputs:
• Channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Outputs:
• Channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Function Blocks:
 4 x SGC with step blocks (SB).
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M6,1 => M89,16
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA5,1 => MA25,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• EA,T,1 => EA,T,24
 O/P’s to URAM:
• AA,T,65 => AA,T,88
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 4).

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1411 (SRZ) – Step Action Closed Loop Controller:

o 2 channels.
o Function Blocks:
 8 in total of:
• IBR (SP entry or analog value from MMI screen),
• IVL (preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc), or
• ITE (subgroup control).
 16 in total of:
• MU, or
• GWM.
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M35,1 => M80,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M5,1 => M8,6
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M11,1 => M14,16
 Field I/P’s:
• E,S,1 => E,S,33
 Field O/P’s:
• A,S,1 => A,S,9
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 3).
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA10,1 => MA40,16
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 3).

1412 (KRZ) – Continuous Action Closed Loop Controller:

o 2 channels.
o Function Blocks:
 8 in total of:
• IBR (SP entry or analog value from MMI screen),
• IVL (preselection of 1oo2, 1oo3 etc), or
• ITE (subgroup control).
 16 in total of:
• MU, or
• GWM.
o Binary Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• M35,1 => M80,16
 I/P’s from URAM:
• M5,1 => M8,6
 O/P’s to URAM:
• M11,1 => M14,16
 Field I/P’s:
• E,S,1 => E,S,23
 Field O/P’s:
• A,S,1 => A,S,12
 Timers:
• T,1 => T,32
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 3).
o Analog Merkers:
 Free Merkers:
• MA10,1 => MA40,16
 Rest are channel specific. Refer to the manuals (book 3).

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Ingres Databases:

ANET Ingres Database Tables:

• sql anet#08
• There is only one ANET database in the TME system.
• This database is a culmination of all the EA database tables from each AWE. This allows for easier
manipulation and transfer of data over to the GETOM database.

o kennzeichen – source kks (2 HHY01 AA001)
o vkennz – destination kks (2 HHY02 AA002)
o signal – signal (XQ01)
o xawe – source AWE (AIRG.203)
o yawe – destination AWE (WAT.207)
o xbezeichen – source FUP Plan description
o ybezeichen – destination FUP Plan description
o xeinstellung – source “setting” paramater (MG/M3)
o yeinstellung – destination “setting” paramater (Mpa)
o xfkz – source BUS/TLN (203)
o yfkz – destination BUS/TLN (201)
o xbg_ty – source Module type (ASR)
o ybg_ty – destination Module type (SRZ)
o xeinbaup1 – (source) master Module Physical Slot number (2CCA01.AC075)
o xeinbaup1_2 – (source) redundant Module Physical Slot number (2CCA01.BC075)
o yeinbaup1 – (destination) master Module Physical Slot number (2CCA02.AC075)
o yeinbaup1_2 – (destination) redundant Module Physical Slot number (2CCA02.BC075)
o xst_p1_nr - (source) master Module Logical Slot number (7)
o xst_p1_nr_2 - (source) redundant Module Logical Slot number (107)
o yst_p1_nr - (destination) master Module Logical Slot number (23)
o yst_p1_nr_2 - (destination) redundant Module Logical Slot number (123)

o kennzeichen – source kks (2 HHY01 AA001)
o vkennz – destination kks (2 Hhy02 AA002)
o signal – signal (XQ01)
o vber – YP## allocation (YP36)
o xplan_nr – source FUP Plan page number (B2)
o yplan_nr – destination FUP Plan page number (D1)
o yadresse1 – FUP Plan’s “address” field 1 (generally blank)
o yadresse2 – FUP Plan’s “address” field 2 (MKS 110)

o uas – FUP Plan type (YFR)
o inhalts_kenn – FUP Plan kks (1 LBB01 CU001)
o zaehl_nr – FUP Plan page number (MU1)
o bezeichnung – FUP Plan description
o fkz – functional group complex (YCCA05)
o fb – functional group (205)
o awe – FUP Plan AWE (WAT.107)
o There are also other fields that I have to get!!!!!!!!

o uas – FUP Plan type (YFR)
o inhalts_kenn – FUP Plan kks (1 LBB01 CU001)
o zaehl_nr – FUP Plan page number (MU1)
o zustand – FUP Plan update number (0,1,2 or 3) (0 is the date the original was drawn)
o zust – FUP Plan revision number of each update (21,a,b,c…)
o zust_dat – FUP Plan dates that the original and updates were done (04.10.02)
o There are also other fields that I have to get!!!!!!!!
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o b_typ – Function block on FUP Plan (KR1)
o baust_name – technical name of Function block on FUP Plan (br.KR1.1)
o sym – Function block I/O signal name on FUP Plan (ARZU)
o sig – signal (XQ01)

o This table has all the Module details in it.
o erzeugnis_nr – Module product number (6DS1722-8AA)
o typ – Module type (ASR)

Useful ANET Database SQL Queries:

Save SQL output to file:

o Before you open the database (sql <database name>), you need to start the logging program called
o At the command prompt, enter script <file name>.
o Everything from now on that is done in the terminal you have open will be logged in the file you
specified. This is an easy way of capturing your SQL outputs.
o Now open the database and do what you have to do.

Opening an ANET database session:

o Command: sql anet<project #>08
o Example:
o sql anet008 (station).
o sql anet108 (unit 1).

Opening a database remotely:

o Command: sql <remote machine name>::<database name>
o Example:
o sql s01es1::u01txp_getom

EA Ingres Database Tables:

• sql ea#08<AWE>
• There are individual databases for each AWE in the TME system.

o This has all information regarding the modules internal analog merkers.
o Same as the information you would get from:
 Module Processing -> Operand Processing -> Analog/Binary Operands.
o Editing this table is the same as editing the plugs through the relevant mask.

o This has all information regarding the modules internal binary merkers.
o Same as the information you would get from:
 Module Processing -> Operand Processing -> Analog/Binary Operands.
o Editing this table is the same as editing the plugs through the relevant mask.

o This has all information regarding the modules analog plugs.
o Same as the information you would get from:
 Module Processing -> Operand Processing -> Analog/Binary Plugs.
o Editing this table is the same as editing the plugs through the relevant mask.

o This has all information regarding the modules binary plugs.

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o Same as the information you would get from:
 Module Processing -> Operand Processing -> Analog/Binary Plugs.
o Editing this table is the same as editing the plugs through the relevant mask.

o Has all the information regarding the cycles of function blocks and merkers on GET Plans.
o bg_nr – module logical slot number (24, 124 etc)
o pt – cycle type (A (azyk), L (Lzyk), S (SZYK) etc)
o bfnr – cycle number (303, 303.1 etc)
o function – kks of the GET Plan
o blatt – page number of the GET Plan

Useful EA Database SQL Queries:

Save SQL output to file:

o Before you open the database (sql <database name>), you need to start the logging program called
o At the command prompt, enter script <file name>.
o Everything from now on that is done in the terminal you have open will be logged in the file you
specified. This is an easy way of capturing your SQL outputs.
o Now open the database and do what you have to do.

Opening an EA database session:

o Command: sql ea<project #>08<project #><bus part. #>
o Example:
o sql ea008005 (station, bus part 5).
o sql ea108119 (unit 1, bus part 19).

Opening a database remotely:

o Command: sql <remote machine name>::<database name>
o Example:
o sql s01es1::u01txp_gettom

Find allocated cycle times (same as the bfn script):

o Query:
o Select * from bsfolge_rel where bg_nr = 23 order by pt, bg_nr \g
o bg_nr is the module number.
o Output is in order of the cycle time and module number.


“Update Range Of Operand” Module Code Gen Error:

• I was code generating a module when I got the error message:
o CF50OBS: signal 3 LBB01 CU001 XQ02 is received by 3 LAF12 AA004 / D6 via operand
MA,7,7 (FU34) => update range of operand.
• This was caused by the AWE being in “Auto Operand Allocation” mode.
• This mode is how Siemens usually set up a project, hence when they came to site to do the HMI
upgrade, they set all of the AWE’s to this mode.
• Stanwell operate the projects in Manual Operand Allocation mode, hence we have control over what
Merker gets assigned where.
• The error was caused by a violation of an Auto Operand Allocation rule, i.e. a Merker was assigned
where Auto Allocation didn’t want it to be.
• The fix is just to set the AWE to Manual Operand Allocation mode, via:
o Process AWE-Structure -> Set AWE Status -> Without Operand Allocation

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• You can tell if AWE is in Auto or Man Operand Allocation mode via the menu where you select what
AWE you want to be in. It will show you:
o Manual Allocation:
 Airg.303 303 (FUP)
o Auto Allocation:
 Airg.303 303 (FUP, OPD-ALLOCATION)

Edit The GET-TM Menu:

• You will need to edit the file:
o mh.start
• I have not done this, I got it from Bruce.

Code Files:

o Buffer file
o This is what the actual code (*.akt) is going to be once the download has been done.

o The actual code that is in the module.

o Partial code generated.
o Same as viewing the partial code via the menu.

o Error file generated if an incomplete download/generation has been done.

Finding Cycle Times:

• Use the script: /tmp/bfn

Finding Blocks Used:

• Use script: /tmp/drivers

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OM 650

Diagnostic Files (v.7.4):

• These files have been written by German architects, for German architects, therefore can be very
hard to decipher!!
• Master DiagMld files:
o /txp/om650/txptest/DiagMld
• Within the txptest directory are separate directories for each Object Manager (BDM, PRT, LZA…).
There are separate DiagMld files in each of these directories (providing that Object Manager exists
on the OM Component you are logged into). These DiagMld files provide more detailed information
with respect to the Object Manager.
• Each file entry has 2 lines:
o | date | time | program name | PID | module name | module version | line # in script |
function name|
o | line # of fault | fault in German |
• One way of finding what has initiated the fault is to follow the PID of the initiating application, but
generally this is a binary and you will not be able to interrogate it.
• Search these files using the more pager and search using the / switch.
• Often these files will refer to an Object Manager via its component number (i.e. Objektmanager
Tkopm –50 ist abgebrochen. Translation: MAC is broken). To list these numbers use the script
• They may also refer to the OM Component numbers. These can be found in:
o /txp/om/txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfOmk.proj
• Other files of interest, which may have useful info when it comes to deciphering the DiagMld files are:
o /txp/om/txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfFb.proj
o /txp/om/txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfDevInst.proj
o /txp/om/txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfObm.inst

Log Files For Fault Finding:

o This has the entire boot up messages, including error messages from boot up.

o This has all of the system faults in it.

o This logs all errors on the machine and can be a useful resource if you know how to interpret
these errors.
o It also gives any diagnostics of the system i.e. broken file links etc.

o These are the messages from everything that starts up when booted into multi user mode
(init 2)

o Tells you what scripts have run what upon system start-up.
o All messages and errors of the rc#.d scripts.

o Tells you who shut the machine down
o If it was a non scheduled shutdown, the reason might be stated (e.g. kernel panic)

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o Directory that has the entire boot up scripts wrt the run level you are booting it up to.

o This has fairly incomprehensible information in it, however it can get quite large, thus you will
need to keep an eye on it.

o All info pertaining to MMI Clients logged into an OT.

o Only for OT’s
o Can become very large (seen it at 1.42GB) and will crash the OT. Needs to be monitored
and deleted.

Log File Management:

• In order to manage the log files to a reasonable size, there is a script that monitors log file sizes and
reduces their size if they exceed a defined limit.
• This script is: /var/adm/bf21_file_watch.lgf
• There are 2 other files under the same path with similar naming;
o One is the Binary file that runs to monitor/clean up the log files.
o One is a protocol file that has all the messages associated with the monitor/cleanup.
• One problem found in a few versions of OM650 is that the custom.log file is not included in the
bf21_file_watch.lgf program. A lot of the Australian sites got Siemens to send them a patch for this
but it is just as easy to edit the file yourself.

OM650 Component Backup (v7.4):

• You will require the SCO Boot and Root disks to perform these BU’s.
• This OM650 version does a file copy BU. Upon a System Restore, the HDD is automatically
partitioned and files installed. Older versions (v.6.3 etc) like at Callide C, do a block copy BU, thus
the System Restore is a complete mirrored copy of the Backed Up HDD.
• Best to use DDS2 DAT’s.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 2 (ES680 uses channel 3).
• Its best to do this with a terminal and keyboard plugged directly into the OM650 Component (OMK).
This is because the display is easier to interpret compared to an rlogin session.
• If you are Backing Up an OT, log all clients out (command to view the number of clients still logged
onto the OT: ps –ef | grep vw).
• Procedure:
1. Log into the OMK as user TXPOM in terminal TTY 1 (command: alt + F1).
2. Log into another OMK on the Unit you are working in on terminal TTY 5 (command: alt + F5)
as user TXPOM.
3. Terminal TTY 5 will be used to monitor the status of the OMK you will be backing up, as well
as its redundant partner (command: PL –t).
4. Make sure the component you are Backing Up is the redundant OMK!
5. Switch back to Terminal TTY 1 (OMK you are backing up).
6. Shutdown the OMK’s infrastructure (command: Om.Stop). Monitor via TTY 5.
7. Switch to the root user and power down the OMK (command: su root then init0). Monitor via
TTY 5.
8. OMK is off when its LED is orange.
9. Connect the DAT Streamer to the SCSI port of the OMK and ensure the DAT Streamer is set
to channel 2.
10. Run the cleaning DAT tape, and then put in the blank DAT tape.
11. Put the SCO Boot disk into the OMK and turn it on (LED goes green). A mini version of the
SCO OS will be loaded into a RAM disk.
12. Press enter at the Boot prompt.
13. Enter the Root disk into the OMK when prompted to do so.
14. Run script: Txp.Backup (takes approx. 20min).
15. When its finished, type command: haltsys
16. Select either:

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 REBOOT – do another BU (dual BU)
 POWER DOWN MACHINE – finished Backing Up.
17. Power down the OMK (orange LED) then DAT Streamer.
18. Remove the DAT Streamer after the OMK is powered down (otherwise damage may occur.
Very important!).
19. Best to remove the keyboard and monitor before turning the OMK on. This is because
problems sometimes happen if the keyboard/monitor are hot swapped after the OMK is
turned on whilst the keyboard/monitor are plugged in.
20. Monitor the OMK starting up via TTY 5.
21. After OMK has properly run up (be bloody patient, it may take 15-30 min), log in as user
TXPOM and restart its infrastructure (command: Om.Start). Monitor via TTY 5.
22. Once everything is back to normal, log out of TTY1 and TTY 5.

Licensing Files:
• Path:
o /txpproj/proj_std/inf/opt.conf
• This file is transferred over from the ES680 upon a Generation and Transfer.

OM Component Time Synchronisation:

• This re-synchronises the selected OMK’s time with the bus’s master clock (Hopf or CP1430).
• Procedure:
1. Log into necessary OMK.
2. In the home directory of the OMK, type: touch SET_TIME
3. Switch to the root user (su root) and restart (init6).
• You can tell if the OMK is not synchronised with the bus by doing running the command: PL –t

Start/Stop OM650 Components:

• Start: Om.Start (as txpom user)
• Stop: Om.Stop (as txpom user)
• This only stops the OM infrastructure, it doesn’t shut down all processes etc, so don’t expect this to
fix problems when processes hang etc!
• Power Off: init0 (as root user)
• Reboot: init6 (as root user)

Hosts File:
• Path: /etc/hosts
• This file acts like a Domain Name Server (DNS), where by aliases are mapped to IP addresses.
• EXAMPLE: When you rlogin s1ot1 the host machine first looks in the hosts file for a corresponding
entry and subsequent IP address. If the alias (s1ot1) is not present, then you will have to rlogin using
the IP address (rlogin
• The OM650 hosts file is in the format:
o <IP address> <host name> <Infrastructure name>
• This file is very important for the Infrastructure run up of the OMK. When the OMK runs up, it looks at
the host name and Infrastructure name, then initialises and operates a connection to those OMK’s in
the hosts file.
• Because of the above reasoning, extreme care must be taken when editing this file to ensure no
typos are done and the correct format is done (I edited this file without knowing the above info and
got a typo, hence the SU I did it on never booted up…oh well, gotta learn the hard way sometimes!!).
• Also, this file has Print_SVR specific information in it. These are unique drivers for the OM ring laser
printers and should not be altered in any way.
• Also, do not include any Plant or Web bus IP addresses in this file. They should all just be the
Terminal bus addresses.
• If you want to build this file up to help rlogin, just include the IP and Alias of the OMK, don’t include
any other details or this can cause incorrect operation of the OMK.

IKZ Information:
• The IKZ is a numerical representation of a KKS signals information (signal type, data type etc)
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• Its done like this because computers are better at dealing with numbers rather than letters.
• IKZ’s have the following information:
o FB: Functional Area
o Inr (IN): Instance Number
o EA: Input/Output signal identification number
o Btyp (BT): Component Type Number
o Etyp (ET): Event Type (A, W, T, F, S etc) identification number (Hex)
 0001 (E) Event
 0002 (A) Alarm
 0004 (W) Warning
 0008 (T) Tolerance
 0010 (O) Operator Tracking
 0020 (L) Local
 0040 (F) Function Fault
 0080 (M) Maintenance
 0100 (I) Indirect Device Fault
 0200 (OE) Operator Event
 0400 (SM) Common Alarm
 0800 (C) Configured Status Event
 1000 (ST) STAD Event
 2000 (-) Compressed Value set by ARC
 4000 (S) Superordinate I&C Alarm
 8000 (D) Device Fault
o Dtyp/Styp (DT/ST): Data Type (binary, analog etc) identification number
 0 Nil Value
 -1 Analog Value
 -2 Count Value
 -3 Binary Value
 -4 Operator Adjustable Nil Value
 -5 Operator Adjustable Analog Value
 -6 Operator Adjustable Count Value
 -7 Operator Adjustable Binary Value
 -8 Command
 -9 TTD Analog Value
 -10 TTD Count Value
 -11 TTD Binary Value
 -12 Analog Value with Period Of Time
 -13 Count Value with Period Of Time
 -14 Binary Value with Period Of Time
o Quality Code: This is a Hex value and shows the ‘health’ of the signal. If several errors
occur, the hex numbers are added (i.e. 0060 means HW error and NOD).
 0000 All Ok
 0001 Out Of Range
 0002 Default Value
 0004 Un-calibrated
 0008 Manually Entered
 0010 Test Mode
 0020 No Data (NOD)
 0040 Hardware Error (HWE)
 0080 Undefined Error (UND)
 0100 Unknown Address (UNK)
o Gkomp (GK): AS component number. If negative, its an OM internal signal
o SKZ: Signal
o Ityp (IT): Invocation Type. Shows the signal type and function block type. All
types are found in /txpproj/proj_std/asr/R-BstTypen

• All patches installed on the OMK are listed in the patches file: /txpsys/Patches
• Read this file to see what patches are installed.

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Bug Fixes:
• All tar files for bug fixes are in the directory: /bugfix/…

NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42)
• It indicates that an error log has increased to a size that cant be handled by the system. Obviously
bf21_watch is not monitoring this file.
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
o The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42)
• It indicates that there is no room left on the root partition of the Hard Drive (minor number 42 means
root partition. See hd(hw) man page).
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
• The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:
• Initially I thought that we had blown another SCSI HDD. But was wrong.
• I found this problem is caused by trying to initialise or activate a MOD with its write protect on.
• That’s why the fault was only found on the SU’s or SUPU’s.

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WARNING: wd0: Error on fixed disk dev 1/42, block=1173, cmd=0x000000C8,

status=0x00000040, LBA sector=2194411, Cylinder/head=8571/0:
• This, or something similar comes up when sectors of your HDD become corrupted.
• 1/42 is the root partition.
• Ran some simple checks whilst booted into single user mode, and without the TXP infrastructure
o fsck –n –ofull (-n for no repair, -ofull for full fs check). This pointed toward the damaged
sectors on the disk.
o badtrk –v (-v gives you a graphical menu to choose from). I only do a non-destructive test to
check for HDD damage. This too pointed to the damaged sectors on the HDD.
• I could have used badtrk to update the bad track table used by the OS so it doesn’t lay data in those
bad areas of the HDD. However for the sake of an $200 80GB HDD, just replace the disk.


Create/Edit OT User Logins:

• This is done on the ES680, then transferred to the OT’s.
• To create/edit a users login details:
8. Administration -> OT-Usernames -> Edit/Change
9. Highlight an existing user to edit, or ‘create’ to make a new user login
10. E.g. Enter:
o User Name: u3icms
o Real Name: ICMS team login
o Password: smci
11. Select the user type:
o Engineer/Operator/Supervisor/Administrator
12. Click the ‘FB Op’ box to select the Function Areas you want to user to be able to operate.
13. Click the ‘FB Inf’ box to select the Function Areas you want to user to only have read access to.
14. User is now made/edited.

• To transfer details to the OT’s:

5. Administration -> OT-Usernames -> Transfer
6. Log all sessions off the OT you’re transferring to (but don’t completely log the MMI Clients out)
7. Select All OT’s or type in the individual OT you want to transfer to.
8. Done

ASD Invocation Numbers:

• These are output on the ASD when the text for the alarm doesn’t exist in the BDM Informix database
(e.g. 310 – 721 – 202).
• First number is the Functional Area (FA) (i.e. 310 = C&FH on Unit 4) (0## = U1, 1## = U2 etc).
• Second number is the actual component the initiated the alarm (i.e. UPS).
• Third number is the actual fault with the component (i.e. Battery Low).
• All FA’s can be found in the ES680 via file:
• /$HOME/om/bdm/bpr_fktbereich.dat

New Web4Txp Clients:

• Its best to do this with a terminal and keyboard plugged directly into the OT. This is because SCO
Admin is hard to interpret via an rlogin session.
• To implement new Web4Txp Clients, you must let each OT (that its going to connect to) know it
exists. If the OT doesn’t know about the Client, you will not be able to log into that OT.
• Procedure to configure new Web4Txp Clients on OT’s is:
1. Log all clients out of the OT you are working on (command to view the number of clients still
logged onto the OT: ps –ef | grep vw).
2. Close the OM infrastructure down on the OT (command: Om.Stop).
3. Log into the OT as root and start SCO Admin (command: scoadmin).

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4. Account Manager -> Users -> Add New User
5. Enter:
a. LOGIN – Client Name (i.e. s8030)
b. USER ID – sequentially incremented as new Clients are added (don’t need to alter).
c. COMMENT – description of the client (i.e. web4txp user, power PG etc)
d. PASSWORD – select ‘set now’
e. SHELL – change to csh
f. HOME DIR - /txp/web/users/<Client name> (don’t alter any of the permissions).
g. LOGIN GROUP – web4txp
h. PASSWORD - /1<Client name> (i.e. /1s8030)
6. Make sure the new Client appears on the list.
7. Exit out of scoadmin.
8. As the root user, open; /txp/web/install/w4.Install.Para with the vi editor.
9. Enter the necessary data in the file (i.e. IP, Screen size etc). See the TXP Manual for screen
10. Make sure you alter 2 areas within the file for each new Client (scroll down the entire file).
11. As root user, run the script; /txp/web/install/w4.config
12. Select/Enter:
a. Option 6 (Setup Web4Txp Server Database).
b. OPERATOR PASSWORD - /1operator
c. TXPOM PASSWORD - /1txpom
13. Log out as the root user and restart the OT (command: init6).
14. Log Clients back into the OT and check that the new Clients work.
15. Make sure the Online Log is started.

Web 4 TXP Internet Explorer Shortcuts:

• You need to start the shortcuts within IE, otherwise if you start another session on a client with a
session already running, it will cancel the existing session! This could hang the session in the OT.
• Eg.
o TARGET: “c:\ Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”

MMI Client Session Locked In The OT:

• If MMI sessions become locked in the OT and you cant re-login to the OT from that client, you would
normally have to wait 30-45 min for the hung processes to be cleared.
• There are 3 other ways of quickly clearing this problem so you don’t have to wait for the 30-45-min:
o You can do an Om.Stop 3 times. You will see in the sequence window that the hund
sessions are being cleared after each Om.Stop. Then do an Om.Start.
o You can do a straight init 6 of the OT
o Or the fastest way is to fo a ps –fae |grep vw, get the PID and just do a kill –9 <PID>. This
will kill the offending process and allow you to just log straight back into the OT with the MMI

Find MMI Clients Logged Into An OT:

• Look at the file:
o /txp/web/web4txp/log/w4.appletstart.log
• You will be able to see the client names (s8021 etc), their PID, when they were logged in, what
semaphore directory they are resided in (mmi.0, mmi.1 etc) and much more info.

Semaphore Files Created When MMI Session Started:

• To find what clients are logged into an OT, tail the file:
o /txp/web/web4txp/log/w4.appletstart.log
o You will be able to see the client names (s8021 etc), their PID, when they were logged in,
what semaphore directory they are resided in (mmi.0, mmi.1 etc) and much more info.
• The following semaphore files are created in /$HOME/web4txp/etc/mmi.0/1/2/3/4:
o OPDconf.work.template.#
o ts.Start_s#ot#_<client name>. <client name> (Start time and date of login)
o w4.semaphore.# (user, pid, ip address etc)
o w4_mmistart.log.#

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• The following semaphore files are created in /txpproz/mmi.0/1/2/3/4:
o _Otx_.# (PID of the MMI session started)
o ipc_ids01
o rights.curr (User login authentication file. Same info as rights.usr. Created when you log
into the MMI session, deleted when you log out.)

MMI Picture Files Information:

• When you create a MMI picture in Dynavis, it gets saved as a *.pic file and *.cnt file.
• The *.pic is an ASCII file containing the dynamic details of the MMI picture (i.e. the details of the
picture whilst you’re working on it in Dynavis). This file is not transferred to the OT’s.
• Once saved, the *.pic file is saved as a *.cnt (Container) file. This file is the actual picture that will be
sent to the OT’s.
• Before being sent to the OT’s, the Container file needs to be serialised. The serialised Container file
is saved as a *.xdr file.
• There are also *.cnt files on the OT’s. These files are different to the *.cnt files on the ES680 (i.e.
cant be directly transferred).
• The process that happens in a Generation and Transfer of MMI pictures is:
o Generation serialises the *.cnt file and saves it as a *.xdr file.
o Transfer sends the serialised *.xdr file over to the OT where it is then deserialised into a
*.cnt file again.

Disabling Alarms:
• Disabling of an alarm only stops it from appearing on the ASD.
• MAC still conditions it and sends it to ARC and LZA.

Inhibiting Alarms:
• When an alarm is Inhibited, MAC discards it.
The alarms Process Image is still built up but dismissed by the PU.

OT Configuration Files Wiped:

• I did a restart (init6) on s3ot1 to clear a hanged MMI client from the OT (normal task).
• After the restart, I noticed that the SYSTEM menu only had 3 selections and the History (back arrow)
button never worked.
• I found that the following files were zero length:
o /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.conf
o /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.frapple
• To fix I just copied the files from s3ot2 to s3ot1.

o File used to change configuration settings for the OT
o E.g. Order of newest alarms to top, blink rate of ASD alarms, number of previous pages etc.

o File used to enable/disable individual OM functions for an OT.
o & in front of OM function enables it, blank disables it.
o E.g. video, printer, MOD, Logs etc
• After these files are changed/replaced you will need top restart the OT.
• What I think caused this problem in the first place is I did a Om.Start on the OT as it was still starting
up from the init6 (stupid and impatient me!!).

Changing OT System Buttons:

• Need to edit the file: /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.frapple
• The active ones have an & in front of them.
• The first field is the text or bitmap picture that is displayed on the button.
The second field is the script that is run when the button is pressed.

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Pictograph showing *****, But Faceplate Showing The Correct Value:
• This was caused by the signal not being a TTD (time tagged data) signal.
• This is because the popup Faceplate gets its information directly from the MAC Object Manager in
the PU, thus the signal will be displayed weather or not the signal is TTD or not.
• The Pictograph on the other hand, gets its value from the ARC Object Manager. And as you know, in
order for a signal to get into the ARC, it must be a TTD signal.
• To fix, just make the signal a TTD signal.
• You can also use Sig.Attach (for ASR and MAC) and Arc.Read (for ARC and LZA) (path:
/txpsys/swi/….) to read values directly from the OM650 system.
• It should be noted that this was for the older versions (V5 and old v6). This is not the case in newer
versions (v7.4). Everything on the screens (faceplates and pictographs) is driven by MAC, whereas
ARC drives the curves.
• If you loose time stamp on your data, MAC will still display the data, but ARC will not and you will get
curve flat lining and white curve colours (you can also get white curve colours from bad signals).

What Does MAC And ARC Drive On The MMI Screens:

• MAC drives all of you faceplates and pictographs.
• ARC drives all of your curves.
• If you loose time stamp on your data, MAC will still display the data, but ARC will not and you will get
curve flat lining and white curve colours (you can also get white curve colours from bad signals).

Copying Files Between OT’s:

• Script used is: /txpsys/swi/Mmi.Distr
• This is probably the script that is run when you transfer MMI Pictures from the leading OT?
• This script is run from the korn shell (ksh) and must be initiated from the source OT.
• Mmi.Distr checks that all sessions are logged out of the target OT.

MMI Life Time Test:

• On the OT, it’s the X-Server that is the daemon responsible to project the graphics onto the screen.
• When a screen operation is carried out (CAI, open faceplate, screen jumps etc), this initiates an X-Lib
call from the X-Server, which results in the incrementing of a 32-bit counter (32 bit = 4,294,967,296).
• This counter isn’t reset by X11 (X-Server), so after the counter is maxed out, the X-Application (OT) is
shutdown (due to a counter overflow).
• Apparently an alarm is generated when there is approx 5 days remaining, but knowing Siemens this
could probably range from 1 day to 10 days!
• You can check the status of the MMI Life Time via the MmiLog.(0-3) files. These are found via the
o /txptest/mmi/MmiLog.(0,1,2,3)
o Format: <date> <time> <message>
• Alternatively you could use the command:
o Poll grep lifetime /txptest/mmi/MmiLog.?

Virtual Keyboards Faulty:

• When you go to log in to a Web4tXP session, create a log or configure a free curve, the virtual
keyboard doesn’t display the entire alphabet, or it is the wrong type of language.
• The OMK that the configuration file lives on is different with respect to what virtual keyboard is used:
o Login keyboard config file – OT
o Log creation keyboard config file – SU (PRT Object Manager)
o Free curve keyboard config file – PU (ARC Object Manager)
• The path of the config file is the same for both OMK’s, and is:
o /txpsys/txpconf/GLOBALS/resource/omglobalxresources
• The lower half of the file is the mappings for the virtual keyboard keys. When I had the problem at
Stanwell, this portion of the file was missing and hence the virtual keyboard defaulted to a
Germanised English version.

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OT Rebuild From DAT Tape:
• You will require the SCO Boot and Root disks to perform a restore.
• A restore of an OT doesn’t require the installation of the Software CD (Unlike the SU etc).
• Upon a System Restore, this OM650 version automatically partitions the HDD and installs the file
systems. Older versions (v.6.3 etc) like at Callide C, do a block restore, thus the System Restore is a
complete mirrored copy of the old HDD when it was backed up.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 2 (ES680 uses channel 3).
• Its best to do this with a terminal and keyboard plugged directly into the OT. This is because the
display is easier to interpret compared to an rlogin session.
• Procedure:
1. Log into the OT you are restoring as user TXPOM in terminal TTY 1 (command: alt + F1).
2. Log into another OMK in the same Project using terminal TTY5 (command: alt + F5). This
will be used to monitor the status of the OMK’s (using PL).
3. Shutdown the OT’s infrastructure (command: Om.Stop). Monitor via TTY 5.
4. Switch to the root user and power down the OT (command: su root then init0). Monitor via
TTY 5.
5. The OT is off when its LED is orange.
6. Connect the DAT Streamer to the SCSI port of the OT and ensure the DAT Streamer is set to
channel 2.
7. Put the SCO Boot disk into the OT and turn it on (LED goes green). A mini version of the
SCO OS will be loaded into a RAM disk.
8. Press enter at the Boot prompt.
9. Enter the Root disk into the OT when prompted to do so.
10. Run the cleaning DAT tape, and then put the latest system backup into the DAT streamer.
11. Run script: Txp.Restore.
12. Attend to error messages if there are any.
13. Eject DAT Tape.
14. Enter the command: haltsys
15. Turn off the OT and remove the DAT streamer.
16. Remove the Terminal Bus connection from the OT. This allows the OT to reboot as a stand-
alone machine.
17. Restart the OT and ensure it starts up ok.
18. Stop and start the OT’s infrastructure (Om.Stop and Om.Start) to ensure it works correctly.
19. Run OmProj.Check to ensure Infrastructure files are correct.
20. Reconnect the Terminal Bus, then init 6 the OT.
21. Check the Infrastructure configuration files across the OM ring using the Poll or Compare
commands (Poll more <file path>). All files should be the same on all OMK’s. The files to
be checked are:
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfObm.inst
• Object manager assignments to each OMK.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfFb.proj
• FA assignment to each OMK.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfOmk.proj
• Internal component number (LTK-No) for each OMK in the project.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfDevInst.proj
• Device monitoring file for printers MOD drives etc.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
22. Check the OT configuration files across the rest of the OT’s in the project, using the Poll or Compare
commands (Poll more <file path>). The files to be checked are:
 /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.pwd (prior to release 6) …/Rights.usr (release 7
• Created on ES680 in /$HOME/om/mmi/…
• Copied to OT on each MMI transfer.
• Contains FA authorization levels for each MMI user.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.hrn
• Created on ES680 in /$HOME/om/mmi/…
• Data for horn activation on the OT’s.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.amu
• Data for automatic alarm suppression for the ASD.
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• File is not always used.
• File is manually created or changed on the OT.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.frappl
• File determines how the MMI screens look.
• Enable/disable certain function (buttons) on the MMI screens.
• File is manually created or changed on the OT.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.conf
• Configuration data for the OT. Determines how the ASD operates.
• File is manually created or changed on the OT.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
23. Do a full MMI and Dyn FUP code download from the ES680. You will not need to do a full
generation of the code because when you do incremental generations, it updates the full
24. Reinstall any patches or bug fixes, as these are not included in the root BU of the OMK’s,
thus are not reinstalled upon system restore.
25. Everything now should be running, as it should be.

Web 4 TXP Font Server Problems (Screen Freeze):

• Web 4 TXP uses the local fonts on the clients, thus doesn’t require the OT’s Font Server to run.
• The Font Server runs on port 7000 and can be checked by using the command: ps –ef |grep fs
o Output: /usr/bin/X11/fs -port 7000 -config /txp/om650/txpsys/txpconf/mmi/fs.cf
• OT's that used MX terminals or mMT terminals needed the font server to provide fonts for display on
those graphics servers. Also the OTX system required the font server to run whenever the OM
process was running on that system. Typically, on these systems, the font server was checked or
started on the start of the OM process (Om.Start).
• If this problem is let go, it can cause a lot of intermittent problems with MMI sessions running. It can
cause the screen to just freeze, it will cause various error logs to overflow with Font Server errors,
thus crashing the OT.

To Prevent Font Server From Running:

• Path for files concerned:
o $HOME/web4txp/etc/…
• Files concerned:
o w4_OPDconf.sed.LGBW
o w4_OPDconf.sed.1FW
o etc for all configured clients.
• The following entry must be in the files in order to prevent the font server from running on the OT’s:
o 1,$s= -FSstart = =g

NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42)
• It indicates that an error log has increased to a size that cant be handled by the system. Obviously
bf21_watch is not monitoring this file.
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
o The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42)

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• It indicates that there is no room left on the root partition of the Hard Drive (minor number 42 means
root partition. See hd(hw) man page).
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
• The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

Signal Units Not Appearing On MMI Screen:

• This may be because you have edited the Einstellungen file incorrectly (OMME system only. This is
not the case on a full TXP system).
• See section on GET-OM with the heading “Editing the Einstellungen File” on how to correctly edit this
• The whole idea of the Einstellungen file is to break up what is entered in the ‘Setting’ field of the GET
sheet into a range and engineering units.
• There are 3 columns in the Einstellungen file:
o Column 1:
 The full range of the signal and its units.
 This is what appears in the ‘Setting’ field of the GET sheet.
 Eg. –10-10Kpa, 0-100% etc.
o Column 2:
 The range of the signal.
 If you have the units in this column, they will not appear on the screen.
 Eg. –10-10, 0-100 etc.
o Column 3:
 The units of the signal (that are displayed on the screen).
 Eg. Kpa, % etc.
• So, if the units do not appear on the screen, the first port of call would be to check that the
Einstellungen file has been filled out correctly.

ASD Faults For OM650:

Rec.2 DMZ conn.flt:

• “S” & “D” type fault.
• You get it sometimes when you put in a simulation or an external system (e.g. Teleservice) accesses
the LAN.

SU General:

SU Printer Configuration:
• The control etc for the printing on the SU is configured from the file: /$OmProjData/prt/PrtProj

SU Rebuild From DAT Tape And Latest Software CD (v7.4):

• You will require the SCO Boot and Root disks to perform a restore.
• Upon a System Restore, this OM650 version automatically partitions the HDD and installs the file
systems. Older versions (v.6.3 etc) like at Callide C, do a block restore, thus the System Restore is a
complete mirrored copy of the old HDD when it was backed up.
• DAT Streamer must be on channel 2 (ES680 uses channel 3).
• Its best to do this with a terminal and keyboard plugged directly into the SU. This is because the
display is easier to interpret compared to an rlogin session.
• Procedure:
1. Disable and remove and MOD’s from the SU’s.
2. Log into the SU you are restoring as user TXPOM in terminal TTY 1 (command: alt + F1).
3. Log into another OMK in the same Project using terminal TTY5 (command: alt + F5). This
will be used to monitor the status of the OMK’s (using PL).
4. Shutdown the SU’s infrastructure (command: Om.Stop). Monitor via TTY 5.

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5. Switch to the root user and power down the SU (command: su root then init0). Monitor via
TTY 5.
6. The SU is off when its LED is orange.
7. Connect the DAT Streamer to the SCSI port of the SU and ensure the DAT Streamer is set to
channel 2.
8. Put the SCO Boot disk into the SU and turn it on (LED goes green). A mini version of the
SCO OS will be loaded into a RAM disk.
9. Press enter at the Boot prompt.
10. Enter the Root disk into the SU when prompted to do so.
11. Run the cleaning DAT tape, and then put the latest system backup into the DAT streamer.
12. Run script: Txp.Restore.
13. Attend to error messages if there are any.
14. Eject DAT Tape.
15. You need to stop the SU’s infrastructure from automatically booting up. To disable this, do
the following:
 Backup the file: /etc/conf/cf.d/init.base
 Open the file init.base using the VI editor.
 Comment out (#) the line om:2:once:/txpsys/inf/InfOmBoot > /dev/null 2>&1
 Save the file and exit.
 Because this change is to the kernel, you will need to initiate a kernel recompile by
using the command: link_unix
 Enter y and y when prompted to do so.
 To initiate the new kernel you will have to init 6 the SU (or just follow onto the next
step (haltsys), which is probably better).
16. Enter the command: haltsys
17. Turn off the SU, turn off and remove the DAT streamer.
18. Remove the Terminal Bus connection from the SU. This allows the SU to reboot as a stand-
alone machine.
19. Restart the SU.
20. Put the software CD into the CD-ROM drive of the SU
21. Run script: post_om.sh this any old OM software installations then reinstalls all new OM
software from the software CD. The CD installs the directory /txpsys/ and also rebuilds the
LZA archiving blocks on the HDD. This takes about 45min – 1hr.
22. Once complete, reboot the system.
23. Disable the Log Archive button. This is because we don’t require it at Stanwell, plus it just
logs unnecessary data onto your SU’s HDD. Its done by:
 Backup the file: /txpsys/prt/working/Txp17
 Open the file Txp17 using VI and add the following line:
• *Txp17*XmBulletinBoard*ArchButton*sensitive: false
 Save and exit the file.
 Backup the file: /txpsys/prt/working/Txp19
 Open the file Txp19 using VI and add the following line:
• *Txp19*XmBulletinBoard*ArchButton*sensitive: false
 Save and exit the file.
 Backup the file: /txpsys/prt/working/Txp28
 Open the file Txp28 using VI and add the following line:
• *Txp28*XmBulletinBoard*ArchButton*sensitive: false
 Save and exit the file.
 Backup the file: /txpsys/prt/working/PrtOF
 Open the file PrtOF using VI and add the following line:
• PrtOF*archiv.sensitive: false
 Save and exit the file.
 SU will need a reboot for the changes to take effect.
24. Reconnect the Terminal Bus, then init 6 the SU.
25. Check the Infrastructure configuration files across the OM ring using the Poll or Compare
commands (Poll more <file path>). All files should be the same on all OMK’s. The files to
be checked are:
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfObm.inst
• Object manager assignments to each OMK.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfFb.proj
• FA assignment to each OMK.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfOmk.proj
• Internal component number (LTK-No) for each OMK in the project.
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• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/InfDevInst.proj
• Device monitoring file for printers MOD drives etc.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
26. Check the SU configuration files across the rest of the SU’s in the project, using the Poll or Compare
commands (Poll more <file path>). The files to be checked are:
 /txpproj/proj_std/inf/Opt.conf
 /txpproj/proj_std/prt/Prt.proj
• Online printer configuration data.
• The configured printers must also exist in the Prtproj file.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/prt/PrtProj
• Printer configuration data.
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/ntb/Ntb.proj
• NTB configuration data (multiple notebooks etc)
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 /txpproj/proj_std/lza/Lza.proj
• Configuration data for LZA (alarm types logged etc)
• See admin manual for clearer description of file.
 (on ES680) /$HOME/om/bdm/bpr_LTK.dat
• All of the user defined alarming.
27. Run the script OmProj.Check to finally check that all configuration files are ok.
28. Do a full BDM and PRT code download from the ES680. You will not need to do a full
generation of the code because when you do incremental generations, it updates the full
29. It may also be a good idea to transfer over any new configuration files (Lza.proj, Ntb.proj etc)
from the ES680 if the corresponding Object Manager was the cause of the SU failure.
Example, we had the LZA Object Manager go anf, thus upon the SU rebuild, we transferred
over the Lza.proj file from the ES680.
30. Copy over the cron files and scripts by:
 Stop the cron: crontab –r
 Copy from another project, into the /usr/txpom/… directory the following:
• log.sh
• wo.sh
• txp.cron
 Restart the cron (crontab txp.cron)
31. Reactivate the auto boot of the SU’s infrastructure by:
 Open the file /etc/conf/cf.d/init.base using the VI editor.
 Take out the # from the line: om:2:once:/txpsys/inf/InfOmBoot > /dev/null 2>&1
 Save the file and exit.
 Because this change is to the kernel, you will need to initiate a kernel recompile by
using the command: link_unix
 Enter y and y when prompted to do so.
 To initiate the new kernel you will have to init 6 the SU.
32. Everything now should be running, as it should be.
33. The LZA will take about 1 day to resynchronise with its redundant mate (don’t put a MOD in
when this is happening!!!). After this it is good practice to ensure that the LZA’s are updating
and that they are both writing to MOD. Take turns in running them both as Master etc.

NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:
• Initially I thought that we had blown another SCSI HDD. But was wrong.
• I found this problem is caused by trying to initialise or activate a MOD with its write protect on.
• That’s why the fault was only found on the SU’s or SUPU’s.


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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
BDM Generation File Corrupted (v7.4):
• When a full BDM generation is performed, the “User Defined” instance-listing file is overwritten, hence
corrupted. Once this corrupted file is transferred, all text for the “User Defined” alarms will be non-
existent in the BDM Informix database; hence only invocation numbers will appear on the ASD.
• Examples of “User Defined” alarms are:
o MOD Full
o PPAI Fault
o Redundancy a/b Loss
• The “User Defined” alarms file is:
o /$HOME/om/bdm/bpr_LTK.dat
o /$HOME/om/bdm/bpr_LTK.dat.backup (Backup bpr_LTK.dat file)
• All alarms in the file with an invocation number in the 700’s are the manually assigned alarms.
• In the worst-case scenario, you can rebuild this file using the VI editor.
• Procedure for over coming this problem:
1. Do full BDM generation (if absolutely required).
2. Copy the bpr_LTK.dat.backup file over the top of the corrupted bpr_LTK.dat file.
3. Do BDM transfer as per normal.
4. Ensure the “User Defined” alarms work.
• One thing to keep in mind is that when an alarm with no text appears on the ASD (i.e. Invocation
number only), the clearing alarm (i.e. in [not coming]) will still display with the Invocation number as
well, even after the BDM is done. It’s not until the alarm is reinitiated that the alarm displays the
correct text.
• Apparently this is a know fault on v v7.4 and was rectified in v7.5. Its also not know to occur on
versions prior to v7.4 (as verified by other plants in Australia).
• BDM: Buschriben Daten Manager (Translation: Deskription Database Manager)
• More descriptions of the bpr_LTK.dat file can be found in the TXP manual.

Can’t Do A BDM Generation:

• Check the file:
o /$OMPROJDATA/mmi/bdm/Bdm.lock
• Also try to rlogin from the SU to the ES680 to ensure that the link is ok.
• Also check the semaphore files.

Alarm Signals Transferred Over From ES680 For Informix:

• All alarms etc are configured in the ES680 database via the bpr_* tables.
• The best table to use when extracting alarm signals is the bpr_signal table.
• When you do a BDM Generation and Transfer, the following files are manipulated on the SU:
o bpr_signal.001
o bpr_instanz.001
o bpr_kennz.dat
o bpr_om_instanz.dat
• The file with the best format for viewing is the bpr_signal.001 file. Its column format with respect to
the bpr_signal table is:
o Alarm Type Number (ereigtyp)
o Functional Area (fa)
o Gkomp
o Instance Number (inr)
o Eanr
o Instance Type (ityp)
o Signal Type (styp)
o Quality code
o KKS (fkz)
o Signal (skz)
o KKS Signal Text (signal_tx)
o Signal Setting On (kommend_tx)
o Signal Setting Off (gehend_tx)
o Date and time
• Entries in these files can be clarified by using the following files on the SU:
o /txpconf/bdm/bpr_ereigtyp.locl – Alarm Type Number and Description

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o /txpconf/bdm/bpr_styp – Description of the type of signal that is being used (Analog, binary
o /txpconf/bdm/bpr_quality – Quality Type of the signal (NOD, UND, DIS etc)


Delete a MOD:
• Need to run the script /txpsys/lza/delete.sh

LZA Object Manager Failed (anf):

• On 15/09/2003, Station SU_A crashed (was fue) and when SU_B took over as master, the LZA
Object Manager failed (anf).
• Because this was not reported to us till 22/09/2003, we lost archived data approx from the 15-
22/09/2003 (7 days). This was because LZA failed and therefore, with SU_A crashed, data could not
be transferred from the ARC on the PU to the LZA on the SU.
• The loss of data was evident by using the script: ReadHD, to look at the dates of the data written to
each HD disk block on SU_B.
• The script: sampler was run to extract diagnostic data from both SU’s, but any decipherable data as
not found. A core dump was not even on SU_A, indicating that the SU did not just crash!
• Mark Woodhart from Siemens was called to resolve the problem. He consequently rebuilt SU-B from
our latest DAT tape backup.
• Mark’s theory behind the fault was that the combination of the way that SU_A failed and that the MOD
was in SU_A at the time confused the LZA Object Manager, hence making it anf.

Read LZA Blocks On SU Hard Drive:

• Use script: ReadHD
• Terminology used:
o frei – Hard drive blocks of data already written to the MOD.
o gesch – Hard drive blocks of data waiting to be written to the MOD.
o Aktive – Hard drive block currently being written to the MOD.
o FREI – Blank hard drive data blocks that have not been written to by the LZA Object

Read LZA Blocks On MOD:

• Use script: ReadMOD <MOD #>
• If you don’t specify a MOD #, all MOD blocks will be displayed.

LZA Keeps Crashing:

• DiagMld.0 file of LZA we found the following line:
o 31.05.2007 11:07:44 LzaPdaSp 836 PDAInsert.c 2.05 174 ErrorOut
o -> 50 13 PDAInsertIkz: ActIkzCount=100000 >= MaxIkzCount=100000
• This means that more messages were logged than what was planned for the project.
• We needed to raise increase the number of allowed messages in the file:
o $OmProjData/lza/Lza.proj
• You need to change these parameters:
o AnzAikz 40000 # number of user-specific events
o AnzLikz 80000 # number of type-specific events
• You possibly also need to look at the Instance Listing (IKZ) for the ARC (short term archive) as well
(Arc.proj file). This is detailed in these notes as well (see the “ARC” section).


Logging Of PRT Activity:

• All activity of PRT logs generated, including auto triggered logs, as well as manually created logs, are
indicated in the following file:
o /txpproj/proj_std/prt/re_admi

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• You can tell if the log was an ES-Configured log (automatically generated) or manually created by a
user. To do this, look at the 3rd field in the entry for the log. If the log was ES-Configured, there will
be no entry on this field. Otherwise the user’s login name will be listed in the field.
• Column 1: Functional Area (FA)
• Column 2: Date log created.
• Column 3: User name or blank if ES-Configured.
• Column 4: File path of log in $OmprozData directory.
• Column 5: ??
• Column 6: Log name.
• Column 7: Master PU at the time.
• Column 8: Log name.
• Column 9: Date from
• Column 10: Date to.
• Column 11: ??

ES-Configured Logs Output At Wrong Date:

• Our ES-Configured logs became output 3 days after they should have. This offset was reflected in
the log data as well.
• Even though the Monthly Balance Logs had an external trigger to set them off at the start of the
month, they were still output 3 days later.
• This was because the function block was configured to output every 30 days. This is ok if every
month has 30 days in it, but when it doesn’t, the log output is offset by an extra day. This will
accumulate throughout the year…not good. That’s why you use an external trigger from a YOR
Synchron block!
• If you use a Synchron block output as a trigger, don’t paramatised the ES-Configured Log block to
output at a specific time cycle, just rely on the external trigger.


PU General:



MAC And The OT’s:

• MAC drives all of you faceplates and pictographs.
• ARC drives all of your curves.
• If you loose time stamp on your data, MAC will still display the data, but ARC will not and you will get
curve flat lining and white curve colours (you can also get white curve colours from bad signals).


Manual Stopping of the ARC Object Manager:

• This can be used if you have to shut down ARC on both PU’s to fix a fault:
o Clean out the ARC buffer
o Update the arc.proj file
o If you find that signals are not being passed from MAC to ARC
• It’s always best to transfer ASR (on PU-ME’s) before rebooting the PU after a change.
• Shutting down ARC on both PU’s will mean a loss of data for approximately 15-20min.
• Because the Curve values are extracted from ARC, the Curves will flat line for this period.
• The screen values will be ok, as the MAC Object Manager supplies them.
• This is the rough way to shutdown both arc’s at the same time. From experience, this way can
cause orphaned system faults in your ASD (PU partial faults), which can be hard to get rid of. This
was also backed up by Peter Frick from Germany (OM650 guru):
1. Om.Stop on the redundant PU
2. Transfer ASR (ignore on TXP PU’s)
3. ARC should be shut down now on the redundant PU, so you will not need to kill the ARC process.
4. On the master PU: ps –fae |grep Arc
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o You will see an ARC process called ArcInit. You can see that this is the parent process
for all other ARC processes, thus killing the parent kills the children.
5. On the master PU: kill –9 <ArcInit PID #>
o You will see the ARC Object Manager on the master PU go to ABG, whilst still ensuring
the other Object Managers on the PU stay FUE.
6. On the redundant PU: init 6
o The PU will now run up with a clean ARC
o Make sure it takes over master of the ARC Object Manager
7. On the master (after the redundant has run up): Om.Stop
8. Transfer ASR to the PU
9. Reboot the PU with an init 6

• The clean way to shutdown both arc’s is:

1. Om.Stop on the redundant PU
2. Transfer ASR (ignore on TXP PU’s)
3. Now arc is stopped, along with all of the other Object Managers on the PU, you need to hash (#)
out the arc Object Manager in the file /txpproj/proj_std/InfObm.inst
4. init 6 the PU so it restarts and you will notice that arc will not run up on the PU.
5. Do the same for the master PU, so that arc will not run up.
6. Do your work, then remove th hashing in the InfObm.inst file.

ARC And The OT’s:

• MAC drives all of you faceplates and pictographs.
• ARC drives all of your curves.
• If you loose time stamp on your data, MAC will still display the data, but ARC will not and you will get
curve flat lining and white curve colours (you can also get white curve colours from bad signals).

ARC and YOP Drawings:

• The ARC Object Manager controls the data into your Protocol (YOP) drawings, thus if you shut down
both ARC’s at the same time you will loose data for your YOP’s.
• For example; at Stanwell, none of the data will flow to the PPAI, none of the configured logs will work.

IKZ-Liste voll, Anzahl IKZs in Arc.proj erhoehen:

• This fault may appear in the file /txptest/arc/DiagMld.
• Translation:
o IKZ list full. Number of IKZ’s in the Arc.proj file needs to be increased.
• It is generally partnered with the fault:
o Fehler in Programmlogik bei ArcFreeList.
• This fault means that the parameter AnzAikz in the file /txpproj/proj_std/arc/Arc.proj is too small.
The number of signals, hence IKZ’s in your system exceed this value.
• It should be noted that changing this parameter should be done in conjunction with Germany. There
is a formula used to calculate this value, as it may also have a bearing on the operation of the LZA
Object Manager. LZA may not be able to handle the configured amount of IKZ, hence a change to
the file /txpproj/proj_std/lza/lza.proj file may be needed.
• See ‘Changing The Arc.Proj File’ for effecting changes to this file.

Fehler in Programmlogik bei ArcFreeList:

• This fault may appear in the file /txptest/arc/DiagMld.
• Translation:
o Error in program logic with ArcFreeList.
• It is generally partnered with the fault:
o IKZ-Liste voll, Anzahl IKZs in Arc.proj erhoehen.
• This fault means that there is a fault in the program /txpsys/arc/Arc Client. Generally due to
incorrect parameterisation of the file arc.proj.
• The way you find the program responsible for this fault is via the PID of the fault (line 2, column 4 of
the DiagMld file). The DiagMld file also has the line number responsible for the fault in the program,
but unfortunately, the program /txpsys/arc/Arc Client is a binary and cannot be interrogated by us,
only Siemens!!

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Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

ARC Process Tree:

• The tree for the processes responsible for the ARC Object Manager is:
• Init


/txpsys/arc/ArcInit 14 –5100 –30

/txpsys/arc/ArcClient /txpsys/arc/ArcUpdate /txpsys/arc/ArcServU /txpsys/arc/ArcServH

Changing The Arc.proj File:

• To effect any changes to this file, you will need to shut down both the ARC Object Managers on both
OMK’s at the same time.
• Follow these steps and use ‘Manual Stopping of the ARC Object Manager’ for help:
o Om.Stop the redundant PU.
o Hash (#) out ARC in the /txpproj/proj_std/InfObm.inst file.
o Om.Start the PU.
o Use PL –t to make sure the PU runs up with out the ARC Object Manager.
o Om.Stop the master PU.
o Make changes to the /txpproj/proj_std/arc/Arc.proj file on both PU’s.
o Om.Start the previous master PU and make sure that ARC runs up freshly.
o Om.Stop the PU with the hash. Remove the hash from the file and Om.Start it.
o Check the /txptest/arc/DiagMld file has not got the messages:
 IKZ-Liste voll, Anzahl IKZs in Arc.proj erhoehen
 Fehler in Programmlogik bei ArcFreeList


OM Component Status (PL):

• Use command:
o PL –ta
• The –t switch indicates if the components time is synched.
• The –a switch shows you all components on the OM ring (i.e. On a multi unit plant, all OM
Components will be displayed).
• There are other switches that can be used. Do a man PL to read about PL.
• When an Object Manager is starting/stopping, it goes through a number of phases. These phases
o syn – synchronising.
o akt – standby/redundant.
o abg – shutdown/faulty.
o anf – starting.
o pas – initialising.
o abf – in suspence (not good).

“Infrastruktur Nicht Aufblend” Error Using PL:

• This error means that the OM Software is not running or has failed to start/run correctly.

• This script reads signal values out of ARC then if they are not there; it searches LZA (optionally you
can only read out of LZA with the –l option), for the date, time and duration specified. This script can
be run from any OMK.

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o Arc.Read –d date –u time –i duration –a –l <KKS> <Sig>
o Path is: /txpsys/swi/…

Description of the options:

o –d date:
 <day> or <day.month>
 -d 18.12 – from 18/12/2003
 Default is current time!
 You can only go back 365 days, thus it automatically fills in the year.
o –u time:
 <hr> or <hr.min>
 -u 13.30 – from 1:30pm
 Default is current time!
o –i duration:
 <min> or <hr.min>
 -i 21.15 – for 21 hrs and 15 min
 Default id 5 min.
o –a: Show initial value of the signal
o –l: Extract data from LZA not ARC.
• If white spaces appear in the KKS or Sig, you must enclose them in “” or ‘’.
• * and ? can be used within a KKS or Signal, but you don’t need to use a * at the end of a query as the
script automatically does it for you.
• Because the default date and time are the current date and time, if they aren’t specified, you will only
get 1 or none values as it is impossible to project 5 min into the future (default: -d <current date> -u
<current time> -i 5).
• Also keep in mind that entries are only made in ARC and LZA if the analog signal has exceeded its
delta value, or a binary has changed state. So, if you did a search on a binary that hasn’t changed
state for the time duration you are searching, nothing will show up!

o Arc.Read -a “2 HFC02 AA020” XU01
 Searches the ARC (then LZA if it’ not in the ARC) then shows the initial value from
the current time and date for 5 min.
o Arc.Read –d 18.11 –u 7.15 –i 30.45 –a -l “2 HFC02 AA020” XU01
 Searches the LZA only and shows values from 18.11.2003 @ 07:15 for 30 hours and
45 minutes. It also shows the initial value.

• This script reads signal values out of ARC then if they are not there, from the LZA. This script can be
run from any OMK.

o Arc.Attach –i duration –a <KKS> <Sig>
o Path is: /txpsys/swi/…

Description of the options:

o –i duration:
 <min> or <hr.min>
 -i 21.15 – for 21 hrs and 15 min
 Default is 5 min.
o –a: Show initial value of the signal
• If white spaces appear in the KKS or Sig, you must enclose them in “” or ‘’.
• * and ? can be used within a KKS or Signal, but you don’t need to use a * at the end of a query as the
script automatically does it for you.
• Because this script searches from the current date and time, you will only get 1 or none values as it is
impossible to project 5 min into the future (default: -i 5).
• Unlike Arc.Read, this script keeps monitoring until the duration times out. Example, if you set the
duration (-i) for 3 min, Arc.Attach will stay open and monitor the specified signal for 3 min. Arc.Read
would just stop after one passthrough of the signal.
• The output from this script is identicle to Arc.Read.

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• Also keep in mind that entries are only made in ARC and LZA if the analog signal has exceeded its
delta value, or a binary has changed state. So, if you did a search on a binary that hasn’t changed
state for the time duration you are searching, nothing will show up!

o Arc.Attach –i 1.30 -a “2 HFC02 AA020” XU01
 Searches the ARC (then LZA if it’ not in the ARC) then shows the initial value from
the current time and date for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

• This script reads the dynamic values of a signal out of MAC and ASR. This script can be run from
any OMK.

o Sig.Attach –c cycle –o cycle –p count <KKS> <Sig>
o Path is: /txpsys/swi/…

Description of the options:

o –c cycle:
 Sample rate in seconds.
 -c 2 – 2 sec sample time
 Sample time for MAC search.
o –o cycle:
 Sample rate in seconds.
 -o 2 – 2 sec sample time
 Sample time for ASR search only.
o –p count:
 Number of samples.
 -p 10 – only take 10 samples of the signals value.
 Default is 20
• If white spaces appear in the KKS or Sig, you must enclose them in “” or ‘’.
• * and ? can be used within a KKS or Signal, but you don’t need to use a * at the end of a query as the
script automatically does it for you.

o Sig.Attach –c 2 –p 10 “2 HFC02 AA020” XU01
 Searches MAC and returns 10 signal values with a 2 sec sample time.
o Sig.Attach –o 2 –p 10 “2 HFC02 AA020” XU01
 Searches ASR and returns 10 signal values with a 2 sec sample time.

• This script monitors and gives you the status data of the ARC. This script can only be run on the

o Arc.Moni cycles
o Path is: /txpsys/swi/…
• It gives you:
o The size of the ARC (500 000)
o Number of events, cycle
o Events/sec, Max events/sec
o Begin and end time
• Press delete to exit.

o Arc.Moni 5
 Run the ARC Monitoring tool with an update time of 5 seconds.

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• This script copies a file from OMK to all OMK in its localised ring (i.e. all OMK’s in the project).

o File.Copy –a –i –v <file name>
o Path: /txpsys/swi/…

Description of the options are:

o –a: Copy to all hosts of the OM ring.
o –i: Interactive mode. Confirms if you want to do it or not.
o –v: Verbose. Copied files are displayed.
• File.Copy can only create new files on the OM ring. It has trouble copying over existing files.


• Ikz.Read [-i] [-p] [-s] [-a] <KKS> [SIG]
o With the given KKS and optional SIG, you get data for the appropriate signals/components.
o It is optional to give the SIG.
o If you use a KKS or SIG that contains blanks, then you have to frame KKS/SIG with "..." or '...'
o KKS and SIG may contain the wildcards * and ?.
o At the end of a KKS or an SIG it is unnecessary to use the wildcard * because the script adds
it by itself.

Description of the Options:

o No Option: IKZ information for all appropriate signals.
o -i: IKZ information for the component-instances.
o -p: IKZ information for the projected signals.
o -s: The complete IKZ (as used for Test Object Client (TOC)):
• if SIG is given: IKZ for the signals.
• if no SIG is given: IKZ for the component.
o -a: Same as -s, but always IKZ for the signals.

Output Headings:
o FB: Functional Area
o Inr: Instance Number
o EA: Input/Output signal identification number
o Btyp: Component Type Number
o Etyp: Event Type (A, W, T, F, S etc) identification number (Hex)
o Dtyp: Data Type (binary, analog etc) identification number
o Gkomp: AS component number. If negative, its an OM internal signal
o SKZ: Signal

o Ikz.Read "2 MAG10 CL002" XQ01
109 474 1 26587 0001 -1 30213 09 2 MAG10 CL000 XQ01

o Ikz.Read -i "2 MAG10 CL000" XQ01

109 474 26587 30213 09 2 MAG10 CL000
109 941 25705 30213 09 2 MAG10 CL000
109 1039 25702 30213 09 2 MAG10 CL000

o Ikz.Read -p "2 MAG10 CL000" XQ01

109 474 1 26587 0001 -1 30213 09 2 MAG10 CL000 XQ01

o Ikz.Read -s "2 MAG10 CL000" XQ01

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o Ikz.Read -s "2 MAG10 CL000"


o BTyp.Read [-l] [number or name of a component-type]
o Displays the function block number and name of the component type from the given number.
o You use the Btyp number derived from the IKZ (use the script Ikz.Read to obtain this
o The given name may contain the wildcards * and ?.
o It is not necessary to append the wildcard *, because the script appends * to a given name.
o Option -l: Additionally displaying the inputs/outputs
o Note: The data is fetched from the BDM.

o BTyp.Read 25068
number name
25068 MKS

o BTyp.Read -l 25702
ITyp-Nr EA-Nr ETyp STyp Name
25702 PMKS
1 0000 -3 XXXX


o Descr.Read [-l] <FB> <INr> [ea-nr]
o The script displays the description data for an Instance number.
o Get all the info required via the Ikz.Read script.
o If no IO-no (EA-Nr) is given, the script finds out the component-instance.

o Without:
 if IO-no is given, some description data for this signal is displayed.
 if IO-no is not given: the description data for this component delivered by the service
OciReadDescription is displayed.
o -l: the description data for this component or signal delivered by the service
OciReadDescription is displayed.

o Descr.Read 404 347
NDescriptions = 1, DescriptionType = 2
Buffer[ 0]
qualitaet = "v"
fkz = "0 QCY01 EU001"
bkz = " "
okz_einheit = " "
okz_platz = " "
kanal = " "
ityp_na = "PMKS"
ea_anzahl = 1
fup_name = " "

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o SAMPLER –h –u –c –s –i –v <additional file>
o Make sure that you use the correct cAsE for SAMPLER!!.
o This collates all of the diagnostic files for an OM Component.
o The output is place in:
 /txp/om650/txpproj/proj_std/SAMPLER.<OMK>.<date>.<time>.tar.z
 This is a compressed tar format and is not recognised by Winzip!!
 To make it just a tar file use gunzip <file name>, and this will enable you to open it in

o –h : help for SAMPLER and saved file location.
o –u : help for available paramaters.
o –c : acknowledge each file before it is copied into the *tar.Z file.
o –s : don’t copy the fault analysis files (???).
o –i : don’t copy over any of the additional fault analysis files (???).
o –v : include a list of the collected files in the *tar.Z file.
o <additional file> : include this file in the final *tar.Z file.

o Make sure that you press the ENTER key once the >> appears on the screen, otherwise it
will not progress. I think that it is waiting for you to enter another file name in which to save it
(not sure never tried it).

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Bus/LAN System

HOPF Clock:
• Our bastardised system at Stanwell requires a slightly different clock LAN configuration. We have
BNC Coax connections from the HOPF 7317 card to each of the Station PU-ME’s. These provide
time stamping to the CS-275 bus. We also have 5 RJ45 connections to the OLM’s making up each
H1 (plant) Bus on the 5 projects (1/2/3/4/Stn).
• The Hopf Clock gets its time stamp from Atomic clocks situated on orbiting satellites. It uses GPS to
obtain the times.
• System operation at Stanwell (test performed on 18/12/2003):
o Disconnect Coax cable from HOPF Clock to Station PU-ME’s – no problems with
timestamp or time synchronisation of OMK’s. It appears that the Station PU-ME’s continue to
broadcast their own internal clock, independent of the terminal Bus time, once they loose
their HOPF Clock connection.
o Disconnect GPS aerial – no problems with timestamp or time synchronisation of OMK’s. It
appears that the HOPF continues to broadcast its own internal clock when the GPS aerial is
o Disconnect H1 (Plant) Bus connection from HOPF clock – All OMK’s for the removed
connections go momentarily into Time Synch Error. Once the AP’s take up time master ship,
the Time Synch Error disappears. The small error is caused by the time lag produced by the
Time Stamp Broadcast telegram (1 per minute). There was no flat lining in the Curves, or
whiteout of the Curves. When the Station H1 bus was disconnected, it remained in error
because there are no AP’s installed on Station to take up time master ship.
o We tried to remove the BNC Coax connection, as well as the Terminal Bus connection to
determine weather the Station PU-ME’s used their own internal clock, or were synchronised
with the Terminal Bus. This failed as the PU-ME shutdown its Infrastructure as soon as it
sensed the loss of the Terminal Bus.

TXP LAN Architecture:

ESM/OSM General:
• OSM – Optical Switch Module for fibre optic LAN’s
• ESM – Electrical Switch Module for ITP LAN’s.
• When you work with these switches it is imperative that you know what you are doing. If you stuff up
you risk a LAN failure, which is bad stuff. Especially on the Plant bus where you run the risk of
tripping a unit.

ESM/OSM Removal:
• Shutdown all OMK’s, ES680’s, KPC’s etc connected to the OSM/ESM.
• Disconnect any standby uplink cables required to complete the bus ring. The standby partner will
automatically close the ring bus and provide an active path.
• Disconnect any LAN ports connected to the OMK’s etc that you shutdown.
• Ensure the bus is functioning correctly and there are no problems.
• Remove the redundancy managed cables from ports 7 and 8 (no turning back now!).
• If used, remove the link to the standby partner of the ESM/OSM you’re disconnecting.
• Pull the power plug. Don’t remove the wires.
• Remove the ESM/OSM from its mounting.

ESM/OSM Installation:
• Don’t connect any cables until the ESM/OSM has been configured.
• Set the DIP switches (2 off) next to the power connection.
• Set the standby DIP switch (only 1 of the pair will have this switch set).
• Set the redundancy management DIP switch ( Only 1 of the OSM/ESM’s in a redundant ring bus will
have this set).
• Connect the power (it will boot and error lights will probably be lit).
• Configure the OSM/ESM parameters etc.
• Connect redundancy LAN management backbone cables to ports 7 and 8.
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• Connect the standby link cable (if used).
• Connect any standby uplink LAN cables.
• Connect any other LAN cables.
• Restart the OMK’s etc connected to the ESM/OSM. Stagger their start up in order to reduce bus

ESM/OSM Parameter Configuration:

Command Line Configuration:

• This is done via the V24 port on the OSM/ESM.
• Main reason to do it this way is to set the IP address and subnet mask so you can configure via the
web browser interface.
• You can do a heap of configuration via the command line, but this can be done easier through the
web browser interface.
• Procedure:
o Connect a 9 pin null modem to the V24 port of the OSM/ESM and com1/2 on the PC.
o Start HyperTerminal.
o Port settings:
 115200 BPS,
 8 bits,
 No parity,
 1 stop bit,
 No flow control.
• HyperTerminal must be set to:
o Enable terminal keys,
o Emulation set to Auto Detect.
• Connect using Hyper Terminal.
• On connection, you may have to press the <enter> key to make the prompt appear.
• Log on as admin user.
• Type ‘?’ to view the current menu.
• IP and subnet mask can be found in the IP address and hostname database.
• Access IP addressing with the command: agent
• Enter the IP address: IP (or whatever the IP is meant to be).
• You will be prompted to reboot the ESM/OSM. Answer ‘N’ to stop it rebooting.
• Enter the subnet mask: subnetmask (or whatever the subnet mask is meant to be).
• Allow the ESM/OSM to reboot.
• If a reboot is not necessary make sure you log out with exit.
• Disconnect the Null modem.

Web Based Configuration:

• Connect a LAN cable between port 2 of the OSM/ESM and the LAN port of a PC.
• Open Internet Explorer.
• Access the OSM/ESM by: http://<IP Address>
• Login as the admin user.
• Check that the firmware version is current:
o SYSTEM => Version Number
o Make sure the version number is equal or newer than that already installed in the plant.
o If older, a firmware upgrade will be required.
• Set up the fault mask:
o Values must be the same as the old OSM/ESM, or other identical devices.
o When a value is adjusted, the ‘Set New Value’ button must be pressed to apply the change.
• Set up the standby mask:
o Values must be the same as the old OSM/ESM, or other identical devices.
o When a value is adjusted, the ‘Set New Value’ button must be pressed to apply the change.
• Check parameterisation in the AGENT menu.
• In the SWITCH menu:
o May have to parameterise the FDB multicast configuration to block the time stamp between
inter unit Plant (H1) busses.
• Other parameters may be configured, read the necessary manual to get familiar with these
• If changes are made, it is good practice to reboot the ESM/OSM and ensure the changes remain

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TME Bus Architecture:

AS 620


Process Images:
• All Process Images (Process Image inputs (PAE) and Process Image outputs (PAA)) are all initially
built in the IM614 card.
• The AP’s then take them so they can build up their Process Image table for the OM650.

Simulation Information:
• Simulations reside on the actual FUM card.
• The Simulated signal’s Process Image is replaced by the transferred Simulation value, which is then
treated like a normal process value by the AP.
• If a problem exists that you remove a simulation and it doesn’t appear to be removed, try cycling the
power of the module. This will reload the current processing into the module.

Simulations Not Removed From A Database Restore:

• After an overhaul there were heaps of simulations put into the system. Instead of manually removing
all of them, we just did a database restore (from a BU prior to the O/H), then full offline Generation
and Transfer to all AP’s.
• The AP’s failed to register the simulation changes; hence the simulations were removed (w.r.t. the
ES680), but they still remained on the FUM modules.
• So the FUM cards would register the new state of the simulations, they all had to have their power

Program Block Packaging:

• AS620 only provides 255 Program Blocks (PB). PB’s 0-10 are allocated to the AP for its system
functionality, thus only PB’s 11-245 are available to the user.
• Because each AP has many more KKS than PB’s, a technique known as packaging is used. This is
where KKS are grouped into a packet before being loaded into a PB. This allows for a larger number
of KKS per AP.

AP Resources Allocation:
• So you don’t have to manage the S5 Resources (timers, flags, data blocks etc), the Code Generator
does this for you.
• When you run a Code Gen. on new logic, it auto allocates a portion of address space to each new
function block etc.

“AP to AP Connection Fault”:

• One possibility is a fault with one of the system parameters in a DX block. (Didcot had this problem
with DX140…thanks Mr. Collard).
• This parameter meant that sometimes when an AP-to-AP Test telegram failed, it suspended all AP to
AP Signal telegrams…bad shit!
• It can be up to 10sec between Test telegrams, thus 10sec without a Signal telegram can be
• To fix, you will most definitely require the assistance of the Hotline.

Execution Cycles:
• There are 9 Execution cycles:
o Z1 -> Z8
o G
• You can find the speed of each execution cycle via the ES680 table abtast.

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• The times of each cycle increases from Z1 (0.1ms) to Z8 (12.8ms) then after they’ve all been solved
then the G (ground) cycle gets solved. The G cycle doesn’t have a defined time, but it does have a
maximum time to be solved.
• If G is not solved you will get a “Wake Up” fault. If you get numerous ones of these it generally
means that you have one of your cycles overloaded and you will need to re-packet your KKS.
• Analog signals cannot live in the G cycle.
• The YDH diagram has info regarding the cycle times. You need to middle click an AP and select CPU

Foreign Systems Interfacing Hardware:

CM104 Operation (Siemens Words):

• These are only rough notes. Better detail can be found in the online TXP Manuals.
• Runs Siemens DOS.
• l gives you a list
• To look at the details of a modbus port use a,#. E.g. a,4
• Modbus RTU Inception codes are used. It runs Modbus hex, not ascii.
• Administration support is through Port 1.
• The UPS is through Port 3.
• UPS PC runs Interlution FIX.
• Function keys switch between screens.
• Run a telnet session into port 1 (8 data bits, no parity,1 stop bit in HyperTerminal)
• To configure the CM104 you must:
o Use HyperTerminal (Com 1, IRQ 4, 57600 Baud)
o Reboot CM104
o Press ‘q’ until the dos prompt appears.
o \cm\cm.ini is the configuration file. You set up the link etc in here.
o Use send/receive in HyperTerminal when editing the config files. I.e. edit the file in windows
then send back to the CM104. Then reboot the CM104.

SIM (ET200) Hardware:

ET200 SIM Module Descriptions:

• Digital Input module

• Digital Output module

• Digital In/Output module.
• Used for DCM blocks.

• Digital In/Output module.
• Used for Fail Safe applications in Boiler Protection 315F.

• Analogue Input module

• Analogue Output module

• Fail Safe processor.
• Used for Boiler Protection.

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• Interface module.
• Used to connect ET200 to the L2 Bus connection from the AP’s (IM308 card in AP rack is Interface
Module for the L2 bus, therefore it’s LAN cable (usually Purple) goes out and is connected to the
IM153 card in the ET200 rack).
• If power to one of these is switched off, then it will cause a “BF” (Bus Fault) on the OLM’s and IM308

• AP rack interface module for IM153.

Burn New IM308 Flash Card:

General Info:
• This process can be done with the AP online providing:
o You are careful,
o You know what you’re doing,
o There are REDUNDANT AP’s, and
o That the Redundancy Fail-over works on the AP rack.
• Make sure the IM308 is in STOP and POWERED OFF when ever you INSERT or REMOVE a Flash

When This Should Be Done:

• If you:
o Change any of the ET200 I/O types (i.e. from 0-10V to 4-20mA etc. etc, etc).
o Add new ET200 stations etc, etc, etc.
o Delete any of the ET200 stations or I/O etc, etc, etc.
• Sometimes if you change a channel from T/C to RTD you also may have to burn a new Flash Card.
• If you’re just adding/deleting a signal in TXP to an existing (configured) ET200 card, then this
“Flashing” malarkey isn’t required.

What You Need:

• PG with Flash Card slot in it.
• PG running ComProfibus (make sure you have the correct licences installed).
• Flash Card from IM308.
• USB memory stick to get data from ES680 (could also use a Floppy Disk).

Get IM308 Data From ES680:

• Make sure a full HW Generation has been done first!!
• On the ES680 menu:
o “Generators” => “Select AP” => “Create ET200 Memory Card Files” => Enter “AP” number.
o Check for generation errors etc. If there are errors and you continue with burning the flash
card you run the risk of damaging plant and causing havoc!!
• The new ET200 file is located at:
o $HOME/listen/as/ag0<AP #>/transfer/…
o The file will be called A00<AP #>_<Bus #>.pbp (e.g. A0021_1.pbp)
• Copy the *.pbp file over to a HMI server (using FTP) so you can copy it onto your USB memory stick:
o Cmd: cd $HOME/listen/as/ag0<AP #>/transfer to the */transfer/… directory detailed above,
o Cmd: ftp <HMI server name> (use PL –t to find the HMI server name) (e.g. ftp se_hmi1).
o Login as the necessary user (usually user txpom),
o Cmd: binary (to make the transfer mode as binary, instead of ASCii),
o Cmd: put A00<AP #>_<Bus #>.pbp (this puts the *.pbp file onto the HMI server),
o Cmd: close (closes the connection to the HMI server),
o Cmd: bye (shuts down the FTP program).
• Retrieve the *.pbp file from the HMI server:
o Put your Memory Stick into the HMI server (it should be a Windows machine),
o Navigate to the txpom users home directory (or just do a search fro the *.pbp file),
o Send it to the USB stick,
o Happy days.

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Burn The New Flash Card:
• Start ComProfibus on the PG,
• Import the *.pbp file using ComProfibus:
o “File” => “Import” => “ASCII Data” => select correct drive => select the *.pbp file
o The imported file should be displayed showing the ET200 chain (review and make sure it’s
correct for the installation).
• Burn the card:
o Put the Flash card into the slot in the PG,
o Click the Head Station so it’s highlighted,
o Click the Flash Button (one with the lightening bolt on it),
o Memory card will be written to.

Final Touches:
• With the IM308 in STOP and Powered OFF, insert the new Flash Card.
• Turn the power ON and put the IM308 into RUN.

• No communication with the ET200 station:
o Incorrect station address (DIP switches) on IM153.
o Bus cable not ok.
o Wires (Red/Green) are switched or broken.
o End terminating resistor is not installed.
• IM308 showing “BF” (Bus Fault) or “IF” (Interface Fault):
o Incorrect station address (DIP switches) on IM153.
o Bus cable not ok.
o Wires (Red/Green) are switched or broken.
o End terminating resistor is not installed.
o IM153 has no power supply.
o ET200 not mounted as per Topology Diagram.
o ET200 module may have faulted.
• File import errors on the PG:
o PG config files (gsd, gse, master etc) are missing from the PG740.
o File not transferred properly from the ES680.
o Check end of each section for incomplete lines of 0x0. Need to correct with “Notepad” to
make them 0x0.

FUM B Hardware:

FUM Cards Not Starting Up From A Full Rack Power Down:

• After an entire rack power cycle, the FUM don’t start up properly.
• One theory is that the FUM’s return to service faster than the IM614 cards. Once online the FUM’s
try to Tx/Rx data with the IM614’s and because they are not online yet, the FUM fail or don’t start up
• To overcome the problem, all FUM’s have to be manually power cycled by pulling the fuses.

FUM Cards Not Starting Up From A CleanAS:

• This happened to multiple FUM’s at Vales Point.
• To overcome the problem, the troublesome FUM were power cycled.

AP Rack Hardware:

AP (CPU948) Startup & Reset:

• DO NOT mix up the “Cold Restart” and the “Overall Restart” as you may cause a whole lot of

Initial Startup:
• Make sure that the “Run” switch on the CPU948 is in standby (switch DOWN).

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• Make sure any other Interface or Communication Module cards (IM308, CP1430 etc) are in the “OFF”
• Turn AP-A power supply on.
• Do a “Cold Reset” (see below) on the CPU948. The green “RUN” light should be hard on.
• Turn the Interface and Communication Modules into the “RUN” positions.
• Once AP-A is up and running, then repeat for AP-B.
• It is a possibility that you will have to re-install the MAC addresses in the CP1430 cards, especially if
it’s the first powerup of the AP rack.

Cold Reset (switch UP):

• Run/Stop switch in the STOP position,
• Hold Reset switch in the UP position,
• Turn Run/Stop to the RUN position,
• Let the Reset go back to the MIDDLE position.
• All timers, flags etc are now reset. They will start up again once the AP is running.

Overall Reset (switch DOWN):

• Run/Stop switch in the STOP position,
• Hold Reset switch in the DOWN position (Overall Reset),
• Cycle the Run/Stop switch up-and-down 3 times (leaving in the STOP position),
• Let the Reset go back to the MIDDLE position.
• Now do a “Cold Restart” (see above) to start the AP.
• Be careful because an Overall Reset erases the code in the AP, so you will now need to do a FULL
OFFLINE GENERATION & TRANSFER (I usually do a cleanas.sh, LAN & HW at the same time).

RAM Parity Errors On AP’s:

• “RAM Parity Error” fault has happened at nearly every TXP site in Australia.
• Siemens installed a dedicated earth at Osborne GT to try and overcome the fault.

CP1430 MAC Address Change/View:

• You will need:
o PG running STEP5 (make sure it has the necessary Step5 licence file installed).
o Cable with D26 (PG end) and D16 (CP1430 end). Siemens P/N: 6ES5734-2BF00.
o MAC address from ES680 Topology (YDH) diagram (Add. 1: AP-A, Add. 2: AP-B).
• Get MAC address from ES680:
o Open YDH (topology) diagram (usually *TOP*).
o Right click the CP1430 => Module Properties.
o MAC-address (1) = AP-A.
o MAC-address (2) = AP-B.
• Connect & go online to CP1430 card:
o This can be done with the CP1430 in run mode.
o Connect to the REDUNDANT AP’s CP1430 (the AP with the flashing green “RUN” light).
o Using the D26-D16 cable, connect the D26 to the PG and the D16 to the top port (“Prog”) of
o Start up STEP5 program.
o Select “Change => Further (or Other) => COM 1430 directory => SINEC NCM COM’s”
o Select “CP-Functions => Status (to check if the CP1430 is ok) => Stop”. CP1430 ‘stop” light
should go out.
o Select “Edit => CP-Init => Add MAC Address (Base SSNR = 232 for AP-A and 236 for AP-B)
=> F7”.
o Select “CP-Functions => Start”. The “run” light should go on.
• Final checks:
o Download LAN to the CP1430 (check for error messages).
o Stop the CPU on the Master AP (AP with hard green “run” lamp on) to force a redundancy
switch over.
o The CP1430 you just modified is now the Master.
o Check that signals to the OM are healthy and that you can Dynamize, after all, the CP1430 is
the AP’s link to the OM650 and ES680 systems. If the CP1430 is faulty, you will have no
communications to OM650 or ES680!!
• Updating the other AP’s CP1430:
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o Now the other AP is the slave, therefore you can repeat the above steps.

View/Reset Cycle Times Using pgmaster:

• This allows you to view the cycle times dynamically, as well as the max cycle times.
• Once this is set up, you wont have to change it:
1. Load up pgmaster
2. Connect to the AP (Option 1)
3. Scan Memory (Option 23)
4. Enter there values:
o BstTyp: DX (Block type: DX, PB etc)
o Bst.nr: 68 (Block number to be scanned)
o Offset: 0
o Laenge: 10 (Number of values to be scanned)
5. Press Enter
6. You will get:
o 0000 = 0021 0046 0000 000a 0000 0000 0000 0000
o 0008 = 0000 0000
7. The values displayed are:
o 1st value (0021): Dynamic GC time (hex)
o 2nd value (0046): Max GC time (hex)
o 3rd value (0000): Dynamic Z1 cycle time (hex)
o 4th value (000a): Max Z1 cycle time (hex)
o I am not sure about the rest of the values, weather they relate to the other cycle times
(Z2 -> Z8)
o Times are in milliseconds.
8. To reset the max times, highlight the correct value and press TAB.
9. Enter the new value at the prompt: Wert =
10. ESC then Enter to exit Scan Memory
11. Disconnect (Option 2)
12. X to exit


RDB – AS620B Status Tool:

• Important Note:
o RDB can only be started once on each PU. If it started more than once, the program will be
o If you do inadvertently start RDB more than once do the following to clean it up:
 End all RDB’s.
 Restart RDB (only once dickhead).
 Empty the pipe using Function 44.
 Restart RDB.
• Function 2:
o Indicates the status of the communication connection between the PU and AS620B at a point
in time.
o This is how you view the ASR object manager starting up. It’s quite useful during start-up
commissioning of new AP’s etc.
o Best to use Function 3 to watch ASR start-up[ dynamically.
o The following statements, in tabular form are:
 AS Index – Index of the AS620B
 Status – Status of the AS620B (allocation of the status word S.U.)
 Anz UebSeg – Amount of Instance List segments delivered.
 AnzIst ListTei – Number of targets in the delivered Instance List segments.
 AnzUeb Instanz – Actual number of handed over Instances.
 Anz Instanz – Actual number of targets in the delivered Instances.
 Anz GAanf – Number of pending GA requests.
 Anz Update ToSS – Number of synchronization requirements from the image to the
condition server.
• Function 3:
o Same as Function 2, except updated cyclically.
• Function 16:
o Reads the result of an ASR image.

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• Function 24:
o Determines the allocation between the AS numbers and As index.
• Function 32:
o Explanation of the AS620B status.
• Function 33:
o Explanation of the AS620B fault code.
• Function 44:
o Empties a pipe.
• Determining the AS620B status word:
o If you now want to find out what status fc000710 means you must add the following bit by bit:
fc000710 = 80000000 + 40000000 + 20000000 + 10000000 +
08000000 + 04000000 +
00000400 + 00000200 + 00000100 +
You are now able to read the statuses from the table.
o Normal status word for an AP is FC000710.

• Allocation of the status words:

DMZ_STARTED 00000100
DMZ_CHECK 00000200
DMZ_OK 00000400
DMZ_NOSEQ 00000800
DMZ_NO_CHECK 00008000
GA_STARTED 00010000
GA_RUNNING 00020000
GA_ENDED 00040000
GA_ABORTED 00080000
GA_MASK 00FF0000
NEG_QUITT_SS 02000000
POS_QUITT_SS 04000000
STATUS_ES _VERF 40000000
STATUS_AS _VERF 80000000
• Meanings of the status words:
o This Merker is set with the start of an Instance List transmission (of AsrEsStartSyncList).
• INSTLIST_CHECK 00000002:
o If this Merker is set then the received Instance List telegram is tested. Within the Watchdog
time for instance list telegrams (INST_WAITING_TIME) at least 1 telegram must be received.
The Merker will test the reception of the telegrams of the function (AsrEsCheckStatus ()) after
the first time a set Merker for INSTLIST_STARTED or INSTLIST_RUNNING was recognized.
The Merker is deleted after an instance list telegram was received by the AS620B
(AsrEsSyncAsProj) or the transmission was interrupted because of an error
(AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsCheckStatus).
o This Merker is set after the first telegram of an Instance List was received
(AsrEsSyncAsProj). The Merker is deleted after an instance list was received by the AS620B
(AsrEsSyncAsProj) or the transmission was interrupted because of an error
(AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsCheckStatus).
o This Merker is set if the transmission of an instance list was interrupted because of an error
(AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsInstListError, AsrEsCheckStatus) or in processing of a GA, or a
parameter change list mistake was recognized. If this Merker is set, then the transmission of
the instance list is initiated (AsrEsCheckStatus). The Merker is deleted once the

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transmission of the Instance List has been initiated (AsrEsStartSyncList) or upon the receipt
of a new instance list (AsrEsSyncAsProj).
• INSTLIST_REC_OK 00000010:
o This Merker is set after the normal reception and treatment of an instance list
(AsrEsSyncAsProj). The Merker is deleted upon the transmission of the Instance List (of
AsrEsStartSyncList) or upon the receipt of a new Instance List (AsrEsSyncAsProj).
• DMZ_STARTED 00000100:
o This Merker is set at the start of a DMZ (data with time stamp) transmission (AsrEsStartAll).
• DMZ_CHECK 00000200:
o If this Merker is set, then the reception of the DMZ telegram is tested. Within the Watchdog
time for DMZ telegrams (project engineering date Eu_Zeit in file Asr.conf) at least 1 telegram
must be received. The Merker will test the reception of the telegrams of the function
(AsrEsCheckStatus ()) after the first time a set Merker for DMZ_STARTED or DMZ_OK was
recognized. The Merker is deleted if no telegram is received within the watchdog time
(AsrEsCheckStatus ()).
• DMZ_OK 00000400:
o The Merker is set at start of the DMZ transmission (AsrEsStartAll). The Merker is deleted if
no telegram is received within the watchdog time (AsrEsCheckStatus ()).
• DMZ_NOSEQ 00000800:
o This Merker is set if no DMZ telegram is received within the Watchdog (AsrEsCheckStatus
()). The Merker is deleted upon the start of the DMZ transmission (AsrEsStartAll).
• DMZ_NO_CHECK 00008000:
o This is an auxiliary flag for test purposes. If set, the testing of the DMZ telegrams is switched
off. The Merker is set by the function AsrEsDebug. If by the same function the transmission
of the DMZ telegrams at the AS620B are broken off (by operation of RDBG), the Merker is
deleted upon the start of the DMZ transmission (AsrEsStartAll).
• GA_STARTED 00010000:
o This Merker is set at the start of a GA (general query…I think) for the entire AS620B. It
corresponds with the start of the DMZ telegram transmission (AsrEsStartAll). The Merker will
be deleted at the start of a part AS620B set (AsrEsGAstart). The Merker is deleted after the
reception of the GA_END (AsrEsDmzBearbeiten).
• GA_RUNNING 00020000:
o This Merker is set after reception of GA_BEGINNING (AsrEsDmzBearbeiten). The Merker is
deleted after reception of GA_END (AsrEsDmzBearbeiten).
• GA_ENDED 00040000:
o Not Used.
• GA_ABORTED 00080000:
o Not Used.
• GA_STARTED_ALL00100000:
o This Merker is set at the start of a GA for the entire AS620B. It corresponds to the start of the
DMZ telegram transmission (AsrEsStartAll). The Merker is deleted after the reception of the
corresponding GA_END (AsrEsDmzBearbeiten).
• GA_REQUEST_ALL 01000000:
o If this Merker is set, a start of a GA is initiated for the entire AS620B. The Merker set
(AsrEsDmzBearbeiten) if for an AS620B more than MAX_GA_ANF is demanded
(GAAnforderungen) for a partial hierarchy to be present (???). The Merker can also be set
by the function AsrEsDebug after operation by RDBG. The Merker is deleted with the start of
a GA for the entire AS620B.
• NEG_QUITT_SS 02000000:
o This Merker is set (AstEsUpdateEndSS) after reception of a negative receipt of the condition-
server for an update order after GA_END or after reception of an Instance List during
operation. The Merker is also set (AsrEsInstCheckEnd) after reception of a negative receipt
of the condition-server for an update order after reception of a Parameter Change List during
normal operation. The Merker is deleted at the start of an Instance List telegram
(AsrEsStartSyncList) and before delivery of the update order after reception of a Parameter
Change List (AsrEsInstCheckEndSS).
• POS_QUITT_SS 04000000:
o This Merker is set (AstEsUpdateEndSS) after reception of a positive receipt of the condition-
server for an update order after GA-END or after reception of an Instance List during
operation. The Merker is also set (AsrEsInstCheckEnd) after reception of a positive receipt of
the condition-server for an update order after reception of a Parameter Change List during
operation. The Merker is deleted at the start of an Instance List telegram
(AsrEsStartSyncList) and before delivery of the update order after reception of a Parameter
Change List (AsrEsInstCheckEndSS).
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• STATUS_OS_VERF 10000000:
o Indicator of the condition of the control connection from the ASU object. (1 corresponds to
• STATUS_SS_VERF20000000:
o Indicator of the condition of the control connection from the ASU object. (1 corresponds to
• STATUS_ES_VERF40000000:
o Indicator of the condition of the event connection from the ASU object. (1 corresponds to
• STATUS_AS_VERF80000000:
0 0 =0
0 1 =0
1 0 =0
1 1 =1

Change RDB To English Version (v7.4):

• Default RDB is in German.
• Normally when you run RDB, you just use the rdb from the command line. This calls the script
/txpsys/swi/rdb. This is not the real RDB script; it’s just a script that calls the actual RDB binary.
The real binary RDB is found in /txpsys/asr/RDB.
• Apart from exporting some variables, you can see a line in the /txpsys/swi/rdb that calls
/txpsys/asr/RDB (German version).
• In the /txpsys/asr/… directory, you will also see RDB.engl. This is the English version of RDB.
• All you need to do is change the script /txpsys/swi/rdb so it calls RDB.engl and not RDB.

• Syntax: cleanas –p <project name> -a <ap number>
• The reason you run cleanas.sh is to clean up an AP’s wasted resources, and also to clean up the
unused code created from a Gen and Tran.
• When you Gen new logic, the Online Handler auto allocates address space to each function block.
The Online Handler remembers the allocated address space, thus if you alter the function block, then
re Gen it, the same address space is used. BUT, if you delete a function block, the Online Handler
isn’t smart enough to free up the address space that was allocated to that deleted function block. As
far as its concerned, the address space is still in use. SO, if a lot of FUP Editor work is carried out, it
is possible to run out of address space (resources), and the only way to free up the unused resources
is to do a cleanas.
• After you run a cleanas.sh, you will have to do a complete offline Gen and Tran, as all the Step 5
code for the AP will have been destroyed.
• You are able to check the Resources Capacity for an AP via the Siemens start bar;
o Information -> Resource Settings
o This brings up a sub menu that lists all allocated resources.
o It is a good tool for diagnosing telegram overloading, AP – AP connection overloading etc.

• This program is for direct interrogation of the AP software.
o Data, program and system blocks
o Cycle times, RAM info etc.
• This program is not very well documented at all, but I have picked up some useful tips on using it
from various sources. Examples can be found under the “OPERATION” heading of AS620.
• The biggest things to remember when using pgmaster is:
o Always DISCONNECT before exiting.
o This program is very powerful and should not be taken lightly.
• Syntax for running: pgmaster –p <project name>

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AS 220


MKS Subscription:
• MKS telegrams can only be subscribed to a max of 6 addresses.
• Need to ensure that MKS doesn’t get oversubscribed, and that they also go to both redundant
• Station PU’s NAT Card Bus/TLN: 23 and 24
• Unit PU’s NAT Card Bus/TLN: 16 and 17
• You check the telegram subscriptions via Struk. Look in the EAS code and use the command


Fault Trapped In Module (Cant Clear Fault):

• Check if module is redundant or not!!!!
• Can reset module 2 ways:
o Frei,1 is a soft rest of the module
o Pull the fuse on the front of the module
• Module will take a few minutes to run back up.


Zenner Diodes For Redundant Modules:

• The zenners are used for correct operation of signals when redundant modules are used.
• You must be really careful when removing and replacing the zenners because the genuine Siemens
zenners work in FWD Bias. I have no idea why, and I suspect that the line indicating the Cathode
end is actually on the Anode end.
• When you replace a Siemens Zenner (which is in fwd bias), you must put the replacement Zenner in
the correct Rev bias. Otherwise the redundancy of the signal will not work…..trust me!!


• Start Windows 3.1 on the PG750 (type win at command prompt)
• Start the Scan Software:
o Win-Tm -> Scan
• Open the configuration file for the correct unit you are working on. This directly loads all the
configured monitoring points automatically (there’s no ‘run’ button), so its not a very wise idea to load
the incorrect units config points as all info will be hauled across the Bus Couplers. :
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o Coupling File -> Load -> Scan -> “select unit” -> agc_islt.cfa -> Ok!
• Start archiving the data:
o Save -> All Archives On -> Ok!
o This starts writing to a file *.arc which can then be copied to a 1 ¼” floppy disk.
• Stop archiving the data (once test is complete):
o Save -> All Archives Off -> Ok!
• If you need to change a config file from another unit so it can be used on the unit you are currently
working on, you just cant load the other units config file (as it will suck all data across the Bus
Couplers). You will need to do the following:
o Disconnect the bus from the PG 750
o Open the other units config file (agc_islt.cfa)
o Save the config file to a new location (for the unit you will be working on):
 Coupling File -> Save As -> Scan -> “select unit” -> give file a name
(agc_islt.cfa) -> Ok!
o In the new file, edit the bus connections for each logic point
o Close File
o Reconnect bus to PG 750
o Open new file

• Only run this from the PG’s, not from the WS30. If you do run it from the WS30, you will need to go
and reset the EAS it connected to.
• Module alarm types:
o BGF – Module Fault (channel fault etc.)
o BGNA – Module not available
o BPS – CPU stopped
o BGT – Wrong Module type entered

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Disk/Memory Space Available:

• Use unix command:
o bdf
• This command will show you; all partitions, memory, mount points etc.
• No more than 90% of the HDD should be used, otherwise you run the risk of ES680 crashes due to
insufficient disk space.

Core Files:
• Switch user to root and use the unix command:
o find / -name core
• These are large files and need to be deleted if no problem exists.
• They’re generated whenever the HP machine turns off incorrectly (duh!!)

Shutdown Of The HPUX Machine:

• Make sure all clients have been logged out of the ES680 (command: finger). If thay are not, and
they have an application that opens the database, you run the risk of corrupting the database when
the ES680 is shutdown…. deep shit man!
• Log into HP Vue as root and open a terminal session.
• Use command:
o shutdown –h –y 0
• To restart the HP Machine, substitute the –h switch with –r
• The HP machine will then shutdown. It takes a bit of time so be patient.
• On versions prior to ES680 v7.4, you were required to additionally shutdown the MSR, GMF/Print and
Ingres servers before you performed the shutdown –h –y 0. This was done by:
o MSR Server:
 Command: ps –ef | grep msr
 Command: kill –9 <process id>
o GMF/Print Server:
 Command: ps –ef | grep gmf
 Command: kill –9 <process id>
o Ingres Server:
 Login to a terminal session as root or Ingres.
 Command: iishutdown –s
• The reason you have to shut these servers down is because they have active links to the Ingres


• If you want to FTP to another machine via its alias (i.e. s1spa) there must be the necessary entry in
the /etc/hosts file.
• To open the FTP connection:
o ftp <remote machine IP or alias>
o enter username and password.
• To end the FTP connection:
o ftp> bye
• To get a file from a remote machine:

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o ftp> get <remote machines absolute file path> <host machines absolute file path>
• To put a file on a remote machine:
o ftp> put <host machines absolute file path> <remote machines absolute file path>

• lp –o fp15 –o vsi5 –o tl66 <file name>
o –o means option. The options are set according to the print server associated with your
system. But generally these will work across most system configurations.
o fp# sets the printed text width. Smaller the number, larger the text width.
o vsi# sets the printed text hight. Smaller the number, larger the text hight.
o tl# sets the max number of printed lines on a sheet. I usually don’t use this option as it may
hinder the amount printed on the page, especially if you’ve reduced the font size.
• As you can see you need to adjust both fp an vsi at the same, otherwise the printed text turns out like

o buspart=`echo $awe | cut “-d.” –f2`
o –d. sets the delimiter as “.”
o –f2 means cut and return the second field
o $awe=mlab.104, $buspart=104

Database sql:
o sql > $Temp ${INGRES_SERVER}anet$ANL_NR <<!
Select <*,distinct>
From <table name>
Where <criteria>
grep “^|” $Temp > $Output_File
o You need the databases host (INGRES_SERVER) in braces otherwise Ingres doesn’t like it.

o cat <file path> | awk ‘ { print $1, $2, $3 }’
o $1, $2 etc are fields separated by white space

o sed s’/<variable1>/<variable2>/’
o Use \ as the null character (e.g. you cant go: sed s’//<variable1>/’ you will need: sed

o buspart=`echo $awe | tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’`
o $awe=mlab.104, $buspart=MLAB.104

o $# - This gives you the number of variables passed to the script you are running.
o $0 – Outputs the absolute path name for the script you are running.
o $1, $2, $3…$n – Outputs the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc variable passed to the script you are running.
o $@ - Outputs all variables passed to the script you are running.
o $? – Gives you the exit value of the last run command by the script.
o $$ - Gives you the PID of the shell you are running the script in (good for creating temp files)
o $! – Gives you the PID of the last run background process (good for keeping track of
processes as they are executed.

Special Characters:
o \ - This is used to nullify special characters so they are not interpreted by the shell ($, `, “, \, *
etc). Example: To Output he said “hello man” to me You would need to use the command
echo “he said \”hello man\” to me”
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o ` - Means that the enclosed text is to be executed as a command. Example: buspart=`echo
$awe | cut “-d.” –f2`
o > - Redirect and overwrite the output to a file.
o >> - Redirect and append the output to a file.
o < - Take the command input from a file.

• tar cvf <new file name> <file to be tar’d>
• Tar is not a compression utility. All it does is takes a bunch of files and makes them into one happy

• Compress <file name>
• The new file will end in *.Z

• The binary that runs is: /etc/cron
• Cron is also called the clock daemon.
• The start up boot script; /etc/rc2 is what is responsible for starting the cron when it boots into Multi
User mode. rc2 boots the machine into init2 state, which is Multi User mode.
• /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs is the scheduling information for the cron queue’s (i.e. how it handles
multiple jobs, assigns priority etc). An example of this file is: b.2j2n90w and a.4j1n.
1. a, b and C (at, batch and cron) are the queue types.
2. j (jobs) is the number of jobs that can run at the same time.
3. n (nice) sets the priority.
4. w (wait) is the wait time in seconds that a job will need to wait if it wants to start when #j jobs
are already running.
• /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/… is the directory where all scripts that are run by cron live. When you do
the command: crontab <file name> , that file is imported into this directory so cron can run its
• Cron’s default behaviour is controlled by file: /etc/default/cron.
1. You enable logging of cron via this file by setting CRONLOG=YES.
2. There are also other parameters that can be changed and are mentioned in the cron man
• Cron’s log file path is: /usr/lib/cron/log. It details all jobs and commands run by cron. This file is
only active if CRONLOG=YES has been set in the /etc/default/cron file.
• /usr/lib/cron/olog is the overflow log file for /usr/lib/cron/log.
• /usr/lib/logchecker is a script that monitors the size of the cron’s log file. If it exceeds a specified
size (as set by MAXLOGSIZE), it is sent to the overflow log file (…/olog).
1. The MAXLOGSIZE paramater is in block size (512Bytes). Default is 2048 blocks, which is
1MB. With log and olog, the max default HDD space taken up is 2MB.
• You can start, stop and list cron jobs using the command: crontab
1. crontab <import file name> (e.g. crontab txp.cron)
• This starts the cron.
• This places the import file into the crontab directory so cron can run the scripts.
2. crontab –l
• This lists all cron jobs for a user.
3. crontab –r
• This stops the cron job for a user.
• If you want to change the import file (e.g. txp.cron) you will need to:
4. Edit the import file
5. Stop the cron (crontab –r)
6. Start the cron (crontab txp.cron)

History recall:
• In order to use command line vi editing (also known as history recall), you must change to the ksh.
The csh doesn’t support this.
• To change to the ksh and start command line vi editing:

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o exec ksh –o vi
• To enable command line vi editing when ksh is running:
o set –o vi
• The keys are:
o esc:
 Puts you into vi editing mode.
 Need to press this before you can use any of the history recall functions.
o j and k:
 Recall the last used commands.
o h:
 Move left along the recalled command.
o l:
 Move right along the recalled command.
o i, a, r:
 Insert, append line and replace character commands respectively.
 Just like normal vi editing.

VI Editor:
• Commands are:
o :wq : Write & quit
o :q! : Quit without saving
o :<#> or <#>G : Goto #’th line (e.g. :0 or 0G takes you to the 1st line)
o :$ or G : Goto last line
o ^f : Forward 1 screen
o ^b : Backward 1 screen
o ^r or ^l : Re-draw screen
o i : Insert text
o o : Open new line and add text
o r : Replace single character
o dd : Delete line
o #dd : Delete # lines
o yy : Yank (copy) line
o #yy : Yank (copy) # lines
o p : Paste yanked lines
o /<string> : Forward <string> search
o ?<string> : Backward <string> search
o n : Goto next occurrence of <string>
o ^g : Gives line # and total # of lines


Work Space, Front Panel And Right Click Appearance:

• To change the way the Front Panel looks, and what appears when you right click the screen, you
need to edit this file:
o /$HOME/.vue/vuewmrc
• Once you look at its format, you will realise what needs to be added in order to add/remove features.
• It is also possible to change this file via the GUI (change actions etc.). You will need to refer to the
HP Manual to know for sure.

Hosts File (v7.4):

• File path:
o /etc/hosts
• This file acts just like a Domain Name Server (DNS). It maps aliases to its respective IP address.
• This file is also used extensively on OM650 Components (OMK) with respect to each OMK’s
infrastructure checks. They are carried out during a Red to Master changeover, infrastructure start up
(Om.Start) and OMK restart (init6). So if you fuck this file up, chances are that the OMK will not start
up or change over (trust me…I did it!!).

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• If you want this file to be used as a DNS for all other devices in the system, all you need to put in the
hosts file is the devices IP and alias. You do dot need any of the other information (i.e. web
addresses etc).

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Disk/Memory Space Available:

• Use unix command:
o /etc/dfspace
• This command will show you; all partitions, memory, mount points etc.
• No more than 90% of the HDD should be used, otherwise you run the risk of SCO crashes due to
insufficient disk space.

Core Files:
• Switch user to root and use the unix command:
o find / -name core
• These are large files and need to be deleted if no problem exists.
• They’re generated whenever the SCO machine turns off incorrectly (duh!!)

NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42)
• It indicates that an error log has increased to a size that cant be handled by the system. Obviously
bf21_watch is not monitoring this file.
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
o The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

NOTICE: HTFS: No Space On dev hd (1/42):

• This error message appeared with the other error message:
o NOWARNING: err: Error Log Overflow On dev hd (1/42)
• It indicates that there is no room left on the root partition of the Hard Drive (minor number 42 means
root partition. See hd(hw) man page).
• The 2 error messages flooded the screen, and made it pretty hard to login and search the system
(but it is possible).
• I found the log file that was causing the problem to be:
o /etc/rc2.d/messages/S90Tarantella.log
o It was 1.42GB in size. Which is bad considering the root partition is only 2GB!
o Because it was with Tarantella, it only happened on the OT’s.
o The problem was referred to the PPA Australia Hotline, who referred it onto Germany.

NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error writing SCSI disk 0 dev 44/0 (ha=0 bus=0
id=4 lun=0) block=0. Write error: Media is write protected:
• Initially I thought that we had blown another SCSI HDD. But was wrong.
• I found this problem is caused by trying to initialise or activate a MOD with its write protect on.
• That’s why the fault was only found on the SU’s or SUPU’s.

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• If you want to FTP to another machine via its alias (i.e. s1spa) there must be the necessary entry in
the /etc/hosts file.
• To open the FTP connection:
o ftp <remote machine IP or alias>
o enter username and password.
• To end the FTP connection:
o ftp> bye
• To get a file from a remote machine:
o ftp> get <remote machines absolute file path> <host machines absolute file path>
• To put a file on a remote machine:
o ftp> put <host machines absolute file path> <remote machines absolute file path>

• This program automatically tee’s all screen text to a file.
• Syntax is:
o Script –a <file name>
• Options are:
o –a: append data to the file. If this is not set, the file will be overwritten each time something
is output to the screen.
o <file name>: this can be either the absolute path name of the file, or is just a relative file
name is entered, the file is just put into the directory you are in.
• The program is stopped by typing: exit
• This program is good for logging everything you are doing, as it places the command you typed, as
well as its output.
• One thing to remember with this program is that even backspaces etc are displayed as characters in
the file. So you may need to tidy up the file.

• tar cvf <new file name> <file to be tar’d>
• Tar is not a compression utility. All it does is takes a bunch of files and makes them into one happy

• Compress <file name>
• The new file will end in *.Z

• /etc/badtrk –v
o This gives an interactive menu in which you can select what you want the program to do.
• This program scans the HDD for bad tracks or blocks.
• It reports any errors into a table.
o You must be in Single User Mode (init 1)
o Don’t select destructive scan by mistake
• See also: badblk

• fsck –n –ofull
o –n - indicated “no” to all options, hence read only
o –ofull - is a full scan of the file system
• This program scans the file system for any errors.
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History recall:
• In order to use command line vi editing (also known as history recall), you must change to the ksh.
The csh doesn’t support this.
• To change to the ksh and start command line vi editing:
o exec ksh –o vi
• To enable command line vi editing when ksh is running:
o set –o vi
• The keys are:
o esc:
 Puts you into vi editing mode.
 Need to press this before you can use any of the history recall functions.
o j and k:
 Recall the last used commands.
o h:
 Move left along the recalled command.
o l:
 Move right along the recalled command.
o i, a, r:
 Insert, append line and replace character commands respectively.
 Just like normal vi editing.

Find Core Files And What Type Of File They Are:

• Need to be root user to run.
• To find core files and file types:
o find / -name core* -exec file { }
o You must include the { }.
• To find core files and delete them:
o find / -name core* -exec file { } \; -exec rm –I { } \;
o The I means interactive, thus it will ask you if you really want to delete the file.

Find What Users Are Using A Process/Program:

• Need to be root user to run.
• Syntax:
o fuser –u <absolute path of program>
o You must include the full path name of the program.
o fuser is in the /etc/…. Directory.

Remove ^M From Files And scripts:

• This generally happens when a DOS formatted file is put onto a unix system. The ^M appears at the
end of every line.
• Syntax:
o dtox <file> > <new file>
o e.g. dtox sig_al > sig_al.new
o You just use dtox to manipulate the <file> and redirect (>) the output to the <new file>.
o There is more explanation in the man pages.

Suspend A VI Session For A Shell Prompt:

• Use this if you ever want to interrupt a vi session, so you can search/look at something with a shell
• Use:
o :shell
• To exit the shell and return to the vi session on the file:
o Exit

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Sort Files And Directories By Size:
• Sort files only by size in descending order:
o ls –al |grep ^- |sort –nr –k 5 |more
• Sort files only by size in ascending order:
o ls –al |grep ^- |sort –n –k 5 |more
• Sort files and directories by size in descending order:
o ls –al |sort –nr –k 5 |more
• Sort files and directories by size in ascending order:
o ls –al |sort –n –k 5 |more
• You must include the –k 5 as it is the field identifier to which the sort is done. If you change it it wont

Print All Strings In A Binary:

• Instead of cat’ing a binary file and getting all of the ASCII characters, you can just use the strings
command to view all of the strings in the file.
• Syntax:
o strings <binary file name> |more

lpsched & lpshut:

• These start (lpsched) and stop (lpshut) the Print Server.
• You must login as root to use these commands.
• You must use the absolute file path for the commands as well:
o /usr/lib/lpsched
o /usr/lib/lpshut
• I had to do this when the printing stuffed up on the HMI servers. You just stop and start the Print
Server and it all starts to work again like magic!!!
• You can see all of the unprinted requests in the directory /var/spool/lp/requests/…. You may want
to remove these first as they will most probably be printed out once you restart the Print Server, and
who knows, may bog it all down again!!.
• You should also try and ping the printer first before you stop/start the Print Server as it may only be a
problem with the network cable etc. Can generally get the Printers IP address from the Printers
diagnostics, or goto the Unix Servers /etc/hosts file and look for the entry “PRINT_SVR” next to it.


Hosts File (v7.4):

• File path:
o /var/opt/K/SCO/Unix/tcp/2.1.1Ga/etc/hosts
o /etc/hosts (linked to above file path).
• This file acts just like a Domain Name Server (DNS). It maps aliases to its respective IP address.
• This file is also used extensively on OM650 Components (OMK) with respect to each OMK’s
infrastructure checks. They are carried out during a Red to Master changeover, infrastructure start up
(Om.Start) and OMK restart (init6). So if you fuck this file up, chances are that the OMK will not start
up or change over (trust me…I did it!!).
• If you want this file to be used as a DNS for all other devices in the system, all you need to put in the
hosts file is the devices IP and alias. You do dot need any of the other information (i.e. web
addresses etc).

Associated TXP Interfaces


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Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008
PPAI Status Feedback To OM650:
• TXP Manual:
o OM650 Process Information, CH.14 Data Exchange With External Systems
• Link is via a Terminal Bus connection to the PPAI (OM650 Alarms to PPAI is via RS232 from OT’s).
• Feedback data from PPAI to OM650 is via the MAC Object Manager on all Unit PUSU’s and Station
p2# PU’s.
• FTP’d data from the PPAI is sent to the following files:
o /txp/om650/txpproz/trans/PPAI.DAT
o /txp/om650/txpproz/trans/PPAI.ON (Only if redundant PU’s are running)
• PPAI.DAT file format:
o Line 1 – file name
o Line 2 – “B” for binary values
o Line 3 – date and time (W = winter time)
o Line 4 – number of values in file
o Line 5+ - quality code, value
o Last Line – “R” indicates end of file and data is consistent
• The PPAI.DAT file is written to the OM650 system by the PPAI. The file is linked to the BW_K_EIN
block on the relevant YOR Plan (# PPA00 EK002) and is processed every 1 sec, as set by the
relevant YOM Plan (# PPA00 EK001).
• You can configure the receive file (PPAI.DAT) in the BW_K_EIN block as either “Delete Mode” or
“Overwrite Mode”. These are:
o Delete Mode:
 “R” is attached to the end of the receive file to indicate that the file’s data is
 BW_K_EIN block looks if the file is consistent (“R” is present) and if it is it reads the
data from the file then deletes it. If the file is not consistent, it reads it once more,
and then if the file is still inconsistent processing is halted.
 The external system (PPAI) checks to see if the file exists. If it does, no action is
taken. If not, the file is written to the OM650.
o Overwrite Mode:
 “R” is attached to the end of the receive file to indicate that the file’s data is
 BW_K_EIN block looks if the file is consistent (“R” is present) and if it is it reads the
data from the file (and doesn’t delete it). If the file is inconsistent, an alarm is initiated
(PPAI DATA ACQUISITION Data Inconsistent).
 The external system (PPAI) just writes the file over to the OM650, hence continually
overwriting the PPAI.DAT file.

PPAI Data Inconsistent Fault:

• Fault on ASD:
o # PPA00 EK002 PPAI DATA ACQUISITION Data Inconsistent
• This fault was due to a conflict with the R/W of the PPAI.DAT file from the PPAI to the OM650. This
file lives on all SU/PU’s and s5p2a/b on station. It’s path is:
o /txpproz/trans/….
• Because the file is written to the OM650 on a cyclic basis (as well as upon a change of event), there
will eventually be a scenario where the PPAI is writing the file at the same time that the MAC
(BW_K_EIN block) is trying to read it, hence MAC doesn’t see the “R” at the end of the file, therefore
thinks that the data is inconsistent. Because the cyclic refresh rate on the PPAI was set relatively low
(5sec), the conflict was happening on a regular basis. To reduce the amount of alarming I wound the
cyclic refresh out to about 10min. This is ok, because the PPAI.DAT file will still be written upon a
change of status.
• The read cycle (from the YOM Plan) of the MAC function block in the corresponding YOR Plan is

101 of 102
Glenn Neill Siemens TXP/TME DCS Notes Created: 10.04.2003
Ramblings From A Lost Aussie Last Update: 06.09.2008

Business LAN Interface:

• Topology Diagram:
Terminal Bus

FTP Server LAN IP:
(Windows Box)

LAN IP (TXP Side):

CISCO Pix LAN IP (Business Side):

FTP Client
(Windows Box)

Business LAN

• The cron (usr/txpom/txp.cron) controls when files are transferred to the FTP Server, which is every
• More accurately, cron runs our log.sh (and wo.sh scripts (which are the only means in which data is
transferred to the Buisness LAN).
• A Visual Basic (VB) program (written by Shane Rowe at SCL) polls the FTP Server, across the
firewall, from the FTP Client every 5 min.
• The VB program deletes the files off the FTP server when they are transferred over to the FTP Client.
• FTP’d file are found on the business LAN via path:
o P:\MEETINGS\ICMS Data\………..
• You can check the integrity of the TXP to Business LAN link by using the ping command.
• Just a warning, you can’t ping the opposing side of the Firewall from which you are calling the
command from (e.g. If I were at my P.C. connected to the Business LAN, I could not ping the TXP
side of the Firewall ( And visa versa if I were connected to the TXP side of the Firewall
(e.g. at the FTP server).

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