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District cout

(Selection static GK)

) Who is the tucte ot Qsth chiet Election
C0mnisSio)er ? Rayir Kumar
(2) who is the sepne me commanes ok Aome
forces ?- Psesient
(Q-3) Who is the cerent pesilent oF leJ .
-Justice Joen E Dos9oghue
|&1) Cobo is the cwrsent cJI ?(505)
Jst Dychanefrac huc
(&s) Nane the county oho wo9the odloorijcop z2: >
- Australia
(Q-b)1st Coormes Airforce oFficen to rec eive Galantny
medal - DeepiKa mishra
(a1) 1st womes Lawer to become aJudqe in supse ne
CoUt- lodu malhota
(Q-8) NESCO birector Ge neral-Audrey Azou)ay
(a-1) JME CUrent Dand chasman
- Kristalina Geove
(a-10) F AO bireetor General
(Q-) WHO D)rector Generey WHo
bo. Te dros hdhanom Ghobreesu
(-2) RB) Gover nOY - shaktikanta bas
(Q>) NA TO HQ- Brusse |s
(Q44) Asia n Develope nt BaoK p esien t
8 )asats ugu Asakawa
(&-6) |LO pirectoT Generay
- Gjlbert Houngho
(&6) UNHRC,
(I) Coho bas been
~Vac lav B leK
crw n eo MIss
ao23 ? - Sheyonis palacios (NicaONvee
(QR) Retoraj G,ai7ceacq is ascociated with which,
sports ?- coi Ciset
(Q-9) Honobil Festiva)
state ? - Nagaland celeboate) in which

(Q-20) wbo was the 1st 0oran

presiclent oFlodia
Pratibha beri singb pati l
(Q-21) ybo cwas the 1$t cm i
India >
- Pandit GGovio
(0-22) e)ho was the 1ct omen Ballabh pant
cm io lodia
Sucheta Criplani
who ws the lst
Swim the Englishchannelsoimmer to
(&-23) who wee the 1st)-Mibir se)
S wis Accross
odian 00men ScoiNMer to
the En9/shchannei 2 Arati Saha
(a24) 1et cricket cw0 ri ceñ orqanse
tohich yeam ?. lqs (6o orer mateh)
7Oown as: Pruoential wocid cop
(Q-2s) which is habest civilian Awarg oF lodia >
- The Bharat Ratoe
(Q-26) oho wrote
Q 24) coho was
Ramayana Sage
? va loiké
the Fo boderr oF SOCial
Site omegle Leif k-BrooKs
? netoc
(&-29) Leho wos the
fobnder oF Twitter ?Founden
Create on-2006 - Jack DoTsey Biz Stone
(Q24) te ho is cerre nt ceo ofNoah qlass ? Evan williams
- Linga yaccarino
(Q- 30)chieh
country Known ac (barK cotient)
(a-31) eohat is the AFrrica
capital Nane of Belanus 2
- MiosK
(Q-32) whi ch is the
longyest sea beach in lodia
(a 33) who coas
the foUsderr OFmarioa Beach
(2) Founden >wiKieedia
Larmy Sagere
(&34) Wbich is the Jii
my wales
hghest mountainmOvntan peak(849m)
)ount Everest io the word
(Q- s) (ehat isthe capital DQne of C2ech Republic>
(Q35) Wbichis +he n lamgest pes ertin the ooy?
Takiimakan pesert(chin)
(a 36) Lamge«t 0Ceasn co tbe woTo
Tbe paific ocean
(Q-3+) Longe st mives in the orld ?
- The Nile
(Q38) Who wrote odia
mababharata, 3ilao9N
Ramayana g cbandipoTana
(&34) The sun Te mple Konar K(sigdhecwana jpariday
Ghet wor Herate
Site stetuc in which yecr
? -
(Q-40) bo is the Aethor of Gitanjali ?
- Rabindranath Tagone
( )Cohotwes the 1st
OF lodian Arm ?-lndian
commander in chief
(Ay2) C)bo coasthe koandera madappa cariappa
first Field marshal oF lodia
(Q-43) 3amiyan rocK cut -Saon maneksha
io wbich Buddha scul pture located
countY?- AFghanistan
|oteroational courtt oF JUstice
located i
which oUnty 2- Nether land (The
is situafeo on the ban of ehieh rciver
Saraye nve
(G y6) Coho wote vande matram
Banki ch chatteryee
(94) obite elephant Found iowhichcouT
- Thailand
(a48) Ohichis the Jangest Temple in the ooc4,
yorat (camboqia)
(Q-49) The Hecc) Quarter of
Red crocs
(Q-s0) Tbe crency oF -Gqeneva
odoneSia s
(Q5|) Nbat is the Ropiah
cpital oF canada?
(a-s) SAARC ottawa
Head Quanter
(-s3) The lowest patof Kathmandu,Nepal
helow see |erel Earth
- Dead sea (approx 414reterr
(Q-5t) The beepest parrt oF the
Eath is
(Q-s5) The 3i99est lsla nd iormarane Trench
the worl is
(Q-s6)Cohich countys -Greenland
Known as jano of
|slands ?- lndonesia Tbousand
[a-s)which is the
smallest see in the D0rld
- Ba)ic see
(-58) Lan oF Thousand laKes which coUntry?
OF C2ech Repoblie>
(Q- 51) Ceohat isthe cepi tal name
- Prgue
(Q-60) The 15t Nlobel poie euarde 1
(Q-61) Ce)bich continent -140l
bes the bighest o r
cOuntes D- Afi ca
(Q-G2) Tbe ceor's lamgest (aKes
-Caspian sea
(a-63) twor cewar -1 begn in-
End in- 1918
Cortlo w- 2 beqan in- 434
(Q-6t) Tbe ptomnic bomb
on- 6 AUqust i945 dropped oo Hirosima
(LiHle boy w
q August I915-Naga saki (Fat boy)
(a65) who was the Founder of
microsOFt ?
(a-66) cohich is the Ajex Billqaes
eoont of nqia 2
The supreme cOUrt
(Q-61) Tbe Acade my Aard of
Qs- Os CAR merit Known
(Q-69) which Team won the iPL 20)3 2
(Q-61) oh eh chea scepe KIOgs
es the 1st odia lm >
sita Bibaba (1436)
(Q0) obo wnote Panchatantra ?
yiskne shasma
(*) Longect Railoay platform in the org
(Soj on)- Hobballi Railway
(Q-2) c4led as: shee siddharooha swamijisfatin
cOhich eity is +he southero most
eity o lo*
(Q5) 1st odia to Kanyakpmaci (cape comorin)
mount Everest
(R1) Gmawy of TKapana ash
odisha Bajosone /Bales lwaz
(8-75) which is the longest
peoiosoles river in lne
(Q-6) lobo is the Todavari
carment brine mioistes oF
Japan 2- Fumo Kishida
(a) oho is the cerent
presiclent oF Nepay
Ram chandra Poule)
(Q48) Cohat is the
cereny name oF o
(Q-14) obo is the Kgat
men'e croiCKetplagro cup ao23
of the
touament lce
(Q-s0) Ceohich is the 1st virat Kobl:
organic state
siKKi oflia
(a-81) oho
ceent c moF Goa
(a-82) tOho is the curent c m OF
- N.Karasammy Puduchery
3) coho is Koow Qs Father oF ln9
Constitei Hon ?- pr. B R

state ?p?ralesh
Inagerate in whichmadhya
Kock Gjarden open ed in wbich dishict
OF odis ha ?- Ganjam
(Q S6) ohich coutny is Koownes the
gnoun oF EUrope ? - Swizerolae

(Q- 87) oN which oate the constitotion of lodia

adopted on- Q6l, NovIa49
CQme into Force
a6th Jan 1950
(Q-89) oho is presenthainman oF NIti gayog?
shoi suman Bery
(Q-99) Kuno National paK located in which state >
-Maclhya pradest,
(Q-90) coho is Known as mother Teresa of
(western oisha ? - parbati Giri
(Q-a1) To mb oF Sa nd booK Aethor
(a-92) 6sgth - Geetanjaishree
Geth ilmFare Awand a023
Best Actor Ray
(A1) qst; Eqition
ActresS- HiaKumar
Ka0 (adhai Ho)
(hangubai Kathiant
Best pictone - Everthiny everohere allatomce
Best Actor- Branon fraser
Best nctress - miche lle yeoh Dots

(Q-4) ) Utkamani Gopa bandhu Das Bornio whicb

vilage /istrict ? - Svandovillaqe Pora
(Q95) Ut7a 6ouno
madhusudan bas Bor) in dht
village/istrict 2- Satyab hamapus (cuttaay
(Q ge) How many lions io
oor eyafiom) Emblem)
(&9) Satyameva Jayate hich is the
Embem aVo pte From yationy
which opankhags >
- Mungaa Ujanishat
(a98) oho was the 1st
Legis lative Aesembly 2
of odis baha
(Q-Ioo) oho is the leades of
in odisha oppositio)
Legislative Hssem bly ? curesty
(Q-Jo) cbo is the correot Jayanaagan missca
spease oF Odisha legistatie
Smt pami/a maliK
Deputy speaker
Sri saluga prdhan
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