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Direction: Read the short story below and answer the following
"The Grand Contest in the Forest"

One day, in the forest, the animals, birds and trees were
excited. They began to prepare for the Great Day when they would
give their best to the Great One except the little grey squirrel.
There was excitement in the air. There was going to be a grand
contest. Everyone should show something special, and the best one
would be praised by the Lords of Fire, Wind, Water and Sun. The
animals and trees began preparations.
"I'll shine like sparkling sun-shine." Said the laburnum," My
flowers will look like golden raindrops." The Gestony said, "I'll
dress myself so that I look like the early morning sun-golden-
red, spreading radiance."
"I'll offer the best honey I can find," shouted the bear.
The elephant said, "I'll get the best fruit, so fresh it would
still be on the branches... And lay them at her feet."
Everyone had something beautiful or wonderful to offer on the
great day. Everyone except a little grey squirrel, who talked
sadly to himself, "What does a little squirrel with black stripes
have to offer?"
The Phoebe said, "The forest will be ablaze with my beauty.
Though late, I'll save some flowers,"
"And though early, I'll make some flowers bloom, "snapped the
Gestony. The beautiful trees and creatures had started competing
and fighting.
"My mangoes are ready," announced the mango tree. The peacock
said, "Emeralds and turquoises are my feathers." The lark
trilled, "I'll sing a song, beautiful and moving..." The dove
cooed, saying the Great One would love her soft notes.

Direction: Choose the answers for the following questions.

1. Base on the story, what is the great day?

2. Why are the animals, birds and trees were excited?


3. Why was the little grey squirrel not excited about the
great day?

4. Who do you think will win the contest on the Great day and

5. Who do you think would not win the contest on the Great day
and why?
Direction: Read the short story below and answer the following
"Peace and Harmony"
Somewhere, in the mountains the animals fought each other
for so long. The moon thought for a while and decided to come
down among the animals and the birds as a Goddess. As soon as the
Goddess appeared in the forest, the animals and the birds
approached her to tell her about their problems and distress.
They cried, sobbed and blamed each other for disturbing the peace
in the forest. And the Goddess listened to them. The Goddess
brought together the lions and the rabbits for a common meal. She
visited the python and the viper, and had a long chat with them.
He advised the eagle not to attack the little chicks that had
lost their mother. The Goddess accompanied the tiger and the wild
bear to the nearest market. She played with the owl and the
monkeys. But the jackal was very angry with what the Goddess was
doing. He did not want the animals to live in peace and harmony.
So he was waiting for an opportunity to attack the Goddess, not
too long after that the jackal attacked the Goddess but the
animals protected the Goddess, the Goddess then told the jackal
to get out of the mountain and never come back.

Direction: Answer for the following questions.

1. Why did the jackal attack the Goddess?


2. The birds and the animals blamed each other because...


3. What happened to the birds and the animals when the Moon had a
meeting with them?

A) They did not agree with the moon

B) They didn't want to be in the forest
C) They wanted to make the jackal as their king
D) They agreed with the Moon to maintain the peace and harmony in
the forest
4. What happened in the forest before the arrival of the sadhu?
A) The jackal divided the animals and started eating them one by
B) The animals suspected and blamed each other
C) All the animals did not know what to do
D) All the above

5. "The Goddess accompanied the tiger and the wild bear..."

A) the Goddess killed the tiger and the wild bear
B) the Goddess guided both the tiger and the wild bear
C) the Goddess ate the tiger and the wild bear
D) the Goddess misled the tiger and the wild bear


Direction: Read the short story below and answer the following
The Firefighters
Firefighting is an important job to keep people safe and help
keep fires from damaging houses. It is a hard job, but if you
like helping people, it could be the job for you! Firefighters
have to make sure their bodies are strong enough to do all of the
work required. They have to be able to carry heavy objects, go up
many stairs and work for a long time. Firefighters also have
frequent training.
They need to be aware of the latest techniques in fighting fires
and keeping themselves and others safe. They train themselves and
they also talk to other people about fire safety. One of the most
important parts of being a firefighter is working as a team.
Firefighters have to work together to stop fires!
Firefighters wear special equipment to keep them safe. They wear
big jackets and pants made of special materials to protect them
from fire. Helmets are another type of equipment to protect their
heads from falling objects. They wear face masks and oxygen tanks
to help them breathe even when the air is filled with smoke.
Firefighters also wear boots to protect their feet from kicking
objects and from the heat. In some places, firefighters also have
to be prepared to help people who are sick or injured. They are
trained to help people with first aids. Fire departments have
ambulances that carry the firefighters to the accident place with
all the tools to help treat the injured.
Thankfully, firefighters are close by to help us if there is an
emergency. Firefighting is not easy, but if you like helping
people, it could be a good fit for you!

Direction: Answer for the following questions.

1. Why do firefighters wear helmets?

2. Why do firefighters wear special jackets and pants?


3. Why is team work important in firefighting?

4. Who could be good firefighters?
5. Why are firefighters very important people?


Directions: Read the paragraphs. Write the vocabulary word that

best fits on each line.

In the redwood forest, there is a trail of (1)________ (flimsy,

sinister, considerable) interest and great beauty where people
can hike. The trail leads through (2)__________ (tush,
supportive, rowdy) old-growth forests with incredible views. This
area also has many (3)_____________(obscure, jubilant,
continual,) unspoiled, and out-of-the-way beaches. A group of
hikers decided to follow this trail to a campsite they had asked
about at the visitor center. When they arrived, they pitched
their tents and built a fire in the fire pit. They tried to be
quiet. They did not want to be (4)______________(resolute,
magnificent, rowdy) or make too much noise. They told ghost
stories late into the night. Later that night they were awakened
by a dreadful sound (5)______________(sinister flimsy,
supportive) laughter coming from the woods. It turned out to be
only the wind howling through the trees.

Directions: For each item, first read the definition. Then fill
in the blank in the sentence with the correct adjective from the
three choices. Use the context to help you make your choice. You
may use your glossary to help you,

1. Definition: polite and respectful brash

Serene Somber courteous
It is _________to say "thank you for a gift.

2. Definition: very odd or strange; peculiar

Overcast Outlandish Serene
Everyone stared when Lewis arrived wearing a ___________weather-
beaten bear-skin coat

3. Definition: clear, obvious, lets light through

Exotic radiant Transparent

The water was so ________ you could see ten feet down to the

4. Definition: covered with clouds: gray

Sparse bash overcast
The group returned on a damp, dark __________day in September.

5. Definition: dangerous, not to be trusted

Courteous Explosive treacherous.

The ____________wooden bridge swung beneath their feet,

terrifying them at every step

Direction: Select the word from the word list that fits into each
sentence and write the words on each line.
Word list:
government's vegetation enforce critical obligation
analyzing explain. compare

1. The ability to operate a computer is _______&for this job

2. Photo radar is successful in________speed limits on our


3. They're _________the samples.

4. I agree with the__________policy on education.

5. _________your answers with the teacher's.

6. Can someone______this to me?

7. Lush tropical rainforests are full of vibrant green_______

8. We have a legal_________to pay our taxes.

Directions: Read each sentence below. Fill-in the blank with a
vocabulary word from the word box.

asleep afternoon practice scare

telephone band exciting

1.In the _________ we will go home from school.

2. I fell ___________ at night

3. The_______played a lot of good songs.

4. The game was very________at the end.

5. used my________to call my parents.
6.My older brother__________me.
7.We had basketball________after school.


Directions: Fill in the blanks with one of the given words below.
Carry on give up look up take off look
1. Can you ______ my cat when I'm on school?
2. You can_______ your raincoat______. The weather is sunny
3. My father should _______ smoking. He feels really bad!
4. I______ the world _____ in may dictionary.
5. _______ going alone this road, the post office is at the end
of this street.


Direction: Read the short story below and answer the

following questions.
It’s Sarah’s Birthday

Sarah celebrates her birthday on Friday.

It is her seventh birthday. Sarah will celebrate her
birthday with all of her friends and relatives.
Her party will have a lot of fun and games.
There will be big cakes, clowns and balloons.
A lot of kids will be there, and Sarah will get a couple of
gifts from them. Sarah will be giving everyone a party bag
and treats!

1. What kind of party will Sarah have?
2. If you were invited to Sarah's birthday, would you attend
it and why?
3. If you could give Sarah a gift, what gift would it be?
4. Would you like to have a birthday like Sarah's? Why?
5. If you have a party, who would you invite in your party?


Direction: Read the short story below and answer the

following questions.
Jena’s Pet

Jenna has a pet. He is a cute little dog.

His name is Jerry. He is a sweet dog. They like to play
outside and walk at the park. They jump and run outside the
house. They spend lots of time together.
Jena her love dog and her dog loves her too.

1.What do you think about the story?
2.What kind of pet owner is Jena to her dog, Jerry?

3. What kind of dog is Jerry?

4. If you were to have a pet, what kind of pet would it be and
5.If you had a pet, what would you name it and why did you chose
that name?

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