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CLASS: Intermediate / CareerLink North TOPIC: Giving Opinions DATE: 10/23

Lesson Objectives:
● Students will be able to give advice orally and individually in a given scenario. (Your daughter is starting high school. Give her advice on
how to do well.) using should/have to and adjectives such as cooperative, dependable, efficient, etc.
● Students will be able to construct sentences to give opinions with the appropriate sentence structure (it is + adjective or noun phrase +
infinitive) in written form and check their answers through sharing with the whole class orally.
● Students will be able to use phrases such as “In my opinion,” “I assume that," and “I am certain that” to state their opinions orally and
individually in a given scenario (What do you think about children using electronic devices?).

Activity Activity Stages Technology Used Key Language forms/ Resources/ Time
Focus functions Materials

Strand Warm up Phrases-should/have PowerPoint 9:00-9:30

(Nation, Ts greet the Ss and ask about their to slides 4-12 (Students
2007) week. Vocabulary- tend to
Ts reviewed what was taught adjectives: arrive late;
Fluency previously through asking Ss to cooperative, therefore,
Developm recall what they remembered. dependable, efficient, this part
ent Ts guide the Ss to use the phrases flexible, hardworking, has a more
and vocabulary taught in previous motivated, organized, flexible
classes to give advice about a given punctual time
scenario (Your daughter is starting frame)
high school. Give her advice on how
to do well.) .
Ts model the activity by giving an
example (You have to be hard-
working so you can get good
Ts will not give Ss time to think
about their answers but call on
them to share right after giving out
an example to address the element
of pushing in the fluency
development stage.

How to give opinions? -PowerPoint Slides What specific specific 9:30-10:00

Meaning- Pre-Stage language forms/ materials
focused · Ts introduces the topic of giving functions must the handout or
input opinions by asking Ss if they noticed Engagement: Instead of Ts giving all student use to do resources
any differences in giving opinions in the explanation, Ts will let Ss these activities in this (internet sites)
English and their first language. brainstorm based on their stage of the lesson you will need for
· Ts give an example of how background knowledge first and build (e.g., TO BE verbs, this part of the
people tend to tell a story and give up ideas as a whole class together. adjective + noun lesson
explanations before giving an pairs, family-related
opinion in Chinese. (Instead of Evidence of engagement Ss willing to vocabulary, polite PowerPoint
starting with saying “It is important answer questions and volunteer to requests)? slides 13-30
to study hard.” Parents may start share their opinions is viewed as
with explaining the benefits of engagement. The classroom assistant Ss should be able to
having good grades before getting is also there to assist in guiding the Ss use the sentence
to the point.) into engagement. structure correctly.
· Ts start giving examples of how it is + adjective or
to give opinions (It is good to swim.) noun phrase +
· Ts shows Ss that the sentences infinitive
can be extended to hold more and
more information (It is a good idea
to swim, It is a good idea for you to
swim, It is a good idea for you to
swim at the beach.)
· Ts show Ss the chart for
forming sentences that can express
their opinions.
· Ts define the vocabulary used
in the charts by asking students to
draw on previous knowledge and
try to describe what those words
mean (noun, noun phrase,
· Ts give Ss time to finish
exercises on the slides, which are on
the textbook, some underlying
exercises, and fill in the blank
exercises. in written form to assess
their learning process, and ask the
classroom aide to walk around and
see if the Ss are on the right track
(whether they are doing the activity
as the Ts asked and if they
encounter any problems when
doing so)
· Ts ask Ss for volunteers to
share their answers orally with the
whole class.
· Ts give Ss positive feedback and
corrective feedback if necessary
(mainly give corrective feedback
through recast after Ss finish
speaking, because recasting
involves the teacher subtly
rephrasing the student’s error in the
correct form. It’s less intimidating
and doesn’t disrupt the flow of the
conversation. And Ts will use
explicit metalinguistics if Ss are still
confused, because it helps students
understand the underlying rules of
Language- language, which is crucial for their
focused long-term language development.)
learning -PowerPoint Slides Ss should use the PowerPoint
Transition-Ts give hints that there is correct form (putting slides 31-38 10:00-10:20
something that can be used in front of the the phrases in front of
sentence structure to express opinions. For Engagement: Instead of Ts giving all the sentence to
example, some common phrases, like ‘In my the explanations, Ts will let Ss express opinions).
opinion...', ‘Personally, I feel that...', ‘I would brainstorm based on their
say that...' or ‘Speaking personally...’ background knowledge first, and Phrases:
build up ideas as a whole class In my opinion, I feel
together. that I would say that,
Personally speaking, I
Evidence of engagement Ss willing to assume that I would
answer questions and volunteer to say that, I am sure
share their opinions is viewed as that…
engagement. The classroom assistant
What are some ways to express our is also there to assist in guiding the Ss
opinions? into engagement.
· Ts ask Ss what they think they
can say to express their opinions in
a more polite way.
· Ts give feedback and give
examples within the feedback. (In
my opinion, it is a good idea…, I
think it is wonderful, etc.)
· Ts shows Ss a list of phrases
they can use to emphasize that
what they say is their own opinions.
· Ts goes over the list to make
sure Ss understand the meanings
and how to use them.
· Ts gives an example of how to
use these phrases with the sentence
structure just taught. (I would say
that it is a good idea for you to
swim at the beach.)
· Ts let Ss practice on a written
exercise they previously did. Ss add
phrases in front of each sentence.
· Ts give Ss time to finish, and ask
the classroom aide to walk around
and see if the Ss are on the right
track (whether they are doing the
activity as the Ts asked and if they
encounter any problems when
doing so)
· Ts ask Ss for volunteers to
share their answers orally to the
whole class.
· Ts give Ss positive feedback and
corrective feedback if necessary
(mainly give corrective feedback
through recast after Ss finish
speaking, but will use explicit with
metalinguistic if Ss are still
· Ts concludes this activity by
complimenting Ss’ answers and ask
Ss if they have further questions.
Transition-Ts let Ss think of what scenarios
we can use to express our opinions.

Five to Ten-minute break 10:20-10:30

Meaning- Let’s give our opinions! -PowerPoint Slides Ss should use the PowerPoint 10:30-10:55
focused Pre-Stage correct forms and slides 39-44
output · Ts ask Ss when they can use sentence structure
what they have learned so far in this Engagement: Instead of Ts giving all when doing this
class (when they can give opinions the explanation, Ts will let Ss activity.
in everyday life). brainstorm based on their
· Ts give positive feedback and background knowledge first and build
introduce the scenario that will be up ideas as a whole class together.
used today. (What do you think
about children using electronic Evidence of engagement Ss willing to
devices?) answer questions and volunteer to
· Ss should think of how they share their opinions is viewed as
would express their opinion about engagement. The classroom assistant
this particular scenario and share it is also there to assist in guiding the Ss
with the class orally and into engagement.
· Ts model this activity by giving
an example and asking for
volunteers to read out loud. (The
example: In my opinion, it is
necessary for kids to spend less
time on phones to protect their
· Ts instruct Ss with higher
proficiency levels to not only
provide their opinion, but also their
reasonings behind as well.
· Ts give Ss time to finish and ask
the classroom aide to walk around
and see if the Ss are on the right
track (whether they are doing the
activity as the Ts asked and if they
encounter any problems when
doing so)
· Ts tell Ss feel free to ask
questions if they have any during
the practice.
· Ts ask Ss for volunteers to
share their answers orally to the
whole class.
· Ts give Ss positive feedback and
corrective feedback if necessary
(explanation can be typed into the
chat box by Ts if necessary).
· Ts conclude this activity by
giving compliments and asking Ss if
they have further questions.

Conclusio Ts wrap up the class and ask Ss if they have 10:55-11:00

n any further questions.

Rationale: This lesson focuses on the practical applications of language skills in real-life scenarios, which include giving opinions. The
first goal of this lesson is to enable students to give advice using modal verbs and adjectives, which targets their ability to articulate
guidance effectively. This task, set in a relatable context like advising a daughter starting high school, fosters students' empathetic
communication and understanding of contextually appropriate language usage. The second goal is to involve the construction of
opinion sentences in written form, which emphasizes the importance of structured language in written communication. It develops
students' ability to articulate opinions clearly and grammatically, a skill critical in academic and professional writing. The oral sharing
component of this activity further enhances their speaking skills, promoting confidence in public speaking and peer-to-peer learning.
Finally, the last goal focuses on expressing opinions orally using introductory phrases. This practice encourages students to voice
their thoughts in a structured, respectful manner, which is essential for engaging in thoughtful discussions and debates. Collectively,
these objectives aim to build a well-rounded linguistic capability, preparing students for diverse communicative challenges.
Homework: The next class meeting will start with fluency development for the grammar and vocabulary learned in this class. Thus,
the slides used today will be uploaded into the group chat, and students can review the content before next class.

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions: Audio may not be clear enough, and the camera angle may only allow us to see
students from the front row. As the site coordinator is still working on providing more microphones or a better camera, we can ask
the students to speak up and try our best to adjust camera angles to see their faces.

Contingency Plans: If we finish everything planned too early, we will give them more written exercises to practice what was taught
today. If we do not finish everything planned in time, we will save it for the next class.

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