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Using the Master Family Chart

The Master Family Chart shows the

different relationships of the influen-
tial families of Nakamaru and the sur-
rounding area. Each family is
identified by its name and monogata.
The monogata is the crest or family
seal, much like the heraldry of the
European knight. Through it, others
are able to quickly recognize the affili-
ation of the person wearing the
badge. Monogata are used by family
members and their retainers in most
The arrowed lines show who owes
obligation or service to whom. All the
arrows pointing out from a family
show who owes them or whom they
can make requests of. Thus, the Mata-
suuri (the shogun’s family) can
demand service of the Funada. The
arrows present a complicated web of
loyalties and allegiances. Some of
these exist from blood relations and
marriages. Others are obligations
incurred by ancient friendships and
alliances or the sheer sense of duty
and honor.
You can use this chart to keep track
of the web of allegiances of the differ-
ent families as you play the plots of
this module. Furthermore, player
characters can elect to belong to
these families for their background
(subject, of course, to DM approval). A
player character samurai could
choose to belong to the Arao family,
for instance, and would immediately
be placed within the network of loyal-
ties shown.
Furthermore, clever use of the infor-
mation on this chart can increase dra-
matic tension and colorful
descriptions. When different families
meet, you might check the chart to
see if there is any relationship
between them. Those with strong ties
to the Funada might be hostile or sus-
picious of families with direct ties to
the Goshukara or the Emperor. If you
frequently describe the monogata to
the player characters, they will begin
to identify families by their crests. This
identification will strengthen the color-
ful feel of the campaign for your player
The Master Family Chart is
arranged to reflect the current power
struggle in Nakamaru. At one end is
the Matasuuri/Funada power group—
the forces of the shogun. At the other
end is the Goshukara/Emperor group,
their fierce rivals. In between are the
lesser families. The connections
between them give an idea of the
power each side might be able to mus-
ter in an open conflict.
Official Game Adventure

Blood of the Yakuza

by David “Zeb” Cook

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Life in Wa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Politics of Wa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Districts of Nakamaru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Architecture of Wa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Factions of Nakamaru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Encounter Construction Booklet

NPC Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
NPC Record Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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Editing: Christine Christensen, Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
Cover Art: Jeff Easley OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks of
Interior Art: Richard Bennett TSR, Inc.
Cartography: Dave Sutherland This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the
Typography: Kim Lindau United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthor-
Graphic Design: Dennis Kauth, ized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohib-
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Blood of the Yakuza is the fourth in the

series of Oriental Adventure modules
background information on the city of
Nakamaru and its districts, descrip- Life in Wa
set in the world of Kara-Tur. Beginning tions of the important factions within Wa, like its neighbor Kozakura, is a
in Swords of the Daimyo and continu- its walls, and several interconnected, fiercely independent island nation. In
ing into Night of the Seven Swords, the interweaving plots ranging from politi- many ways the two have shared a
player characters have roamed cal intrigue to monstrous attacks. common history and background. The
through the lands of Kozakura and The second booklet contains list- language of each is the same,
then set sail upon the Celestial Sea for ings of all the prominent NPCs the although each uses a different dialect
grim and mysterious islands in Ochi- player characters are likely to (comprehension between the two is
mo, the Spirit Warrior. Now, returning encounter, along with relevant statis- 65%). Both have similar institutions,
from their sea voyage, they have come tics for monsters and frequently although those of Wa are much more
ashore in Wa at the city of Nakamaru. encountered folk. These are arranged advanced. Kozakura and Wa even
Blood of the Yakuza is also the sec- alphabetically by family or organiza- share similar ethical and religious atti-
ond Oriental Adventures campaign tion. The Encounter Tables are for use tudes, a factor which has greatly
adventure module, the first being in creating random encounters while affected their daily life.
Swords of the Daimyo. In that module the player characters explore and Historically, Wa is somewhat mod-
a complete province of Kozakura was adventure in the streets of Nakamaru. elled after the early Tokugawa period
mapped and detailed to use as the The large mapsheet has an over- of Japan — shortly after that nation
setting for player character adven- view of the city of Nakamaru on one had been truly unified under a single
tures. In Blood of the Yakuza, you are side. This shows the lay of the land, leader. A great age of warfare had just
presented with a populous, indeed arrangement of streets, and locations ended and tensions between the vic-
crowded, seaport rife with intrigue, of principal compounds. A number torious shogun, his allies and his
romance, and fell secrets. Your player key is not given on the map, allowing defeated opponents created a politi-
characters can consort with the you to show it directly to the players cal climate filled with intrigue, plots
mighty and powerful or slink through without revealing anything. and counter-plots.
darkened streets with those of ques- The inside of the module screen The people of Wa are rather strictly
tionable repute. Here your characters has the Master Family Chart. This divided into four groups — the mer-
will find all the things to make their shows the names and relationships of chants, the craftsmen, the farmers,
lives easier and all the perils to make the different families of Nakamaru, so and the lords. Each group supposedly
their lives exciting. you can keep track of the varying alle- has greater status than those below it.
The Blood of the Yakuza package giances and conflicts among those of While this status is reflected in favor-
contains two booklets, a mapsheet, the city. able treatment and special laws, it is
and the charts found in the inside of not a true measure of the actual socie-
the module folder. This 48-page book- ty.
let is the Background and Adventure
Booklet. It contains a history of Wa,

Eta ness, since they can always refuse to
pay the poor merchant. When this
the spectacular beauty of the crafts-
man. It is a plain and drudging exist-
The lowest of all classes, so beneath happens, there is little that can be ence, working in the fields day after
all the others that they do not receive done. Protesting to a higher lord is day. Still, because of his rank, the
even the most basic of considerations, risky, at best. At the same time, with farmer can depend on the protection
are the eta or outcasts. These poor their wealth, the merchants want to of his lord from bandits and the right of
souls are despised by all others, parti- live like the nobles, which may also his headman to seek redress for griev-
ally for their occupations and partially incur their anger. On rare occasions a ances. It is not uncommon for a village
for their parentage. Children born of merchant of wealth and power is headman to be granted the privileges
eta parents are automatically one of granted the rights of a samurai in re- of the samurai class in recognition of
them. There is little they can do to cognition of his power. However, this his importance to the social structure.
change this. Eta traditionally take on is the exception rather than the rule.
the jobs of butchers, tanners, under-
takers, and executioners. These tasks
dealing with death and blood are tradi- Craftsmen At the top of the social ladder are the
tionally considered unclean by all oth- Craftsmen are those able to produce lords—samurai and daimyo. Of all the
ers. objects of usefulness and beauty. social classes, they have the most
Eta have only a few ways to escape Common among them are carpenters, privileges and, perhaps, the most
their existence. They can join the painters, weavers, dyers, stonemas- restrictions. The samurai (and their
yakuza and hope to better themselves ons, potters, and woodcarvers. While attendant bushi) are normally in the
or they can move to a distant province supposedly the third of the four class- service of a single lord. This lord might
and begin a new life. On rare occa- es, an artisan’s status is really deter- be a samurai of greater status (who in
sions they can rise to another class by mined by skill. A brilliant painter or turn would be in service to another) or
money or skill. woodcarver is more in demand and is a daimyo. In either case, the samurai
thus given better treatment than a typically is assigned a stipend in
Merchants mediocre carpenter. Influential samu-
rai and daimyo like to “collect” skilled
accordance with his rank. This sti-
pend is essentially his pay. It is nor-
Supposedly the lowest of the four craftsmen by supporting them with mally measured in koku. Thus,
“proper” classes are the merchants, money and favors. The craftsman in samurai do not grow crops or produce
whether they be rice merchants, lum- turn is bound to the lord. This arrange- goods. Instead, they are expected to
bermen, silk merchants, or moneylend- ment adds prestige to the lord and serve their lord in military matters-
ers. In this very agricultural society, the security to the craftsman, a suitable warfare and keeping the peace being
merchants neither grow crops nor make arrangement all around. Craftsmen, the two most common.
useful items. They. buy and sell the so valuable for what they do with their Obviously, this system has flaws,
products of others. However, since the hands, are seldom elevated out of since large numbers of samurai only
unification of Wa, cities have been their class, but sometimes receive serve to drain off money and produce
growing and the services of merchants special favors as an encouragement nothing in return. In the old times of
to get the goods to the people have to continue their brilliant works. constant warfare, such men were nec-
become more important. essary. Now, with peace, many a war-
As is natural with merchants, they
have managed to amass money far Farmers rior finds himself idle. Idleness leads
to boredom and boredom leads to
beyond their social position. With their The structure of Wa is an agricultural trouble. It is not surprising that the
new wealth, they have been able in society and the heart of this society is greatest troubles are caused by these
turn to make loans to others, particu- the farmer. Thus, of all the commoner samurai, who have nothing productive
larly the samurai and daimyo (who classes, the simple farmer is one of to do. A few have slowly been moving
need the money to maintain their way the most respected. From his hands into the merchant class, perhaps as
of life). This money has put the mer- come the rice, fish, and vegetables innkeepers or traders, but it is an
chants in the confused position of needed for everyone else to survive. unhappy and shameful process. Virtu-
being more powerful and necessary He is the base and foundation of the ally no samurai becomes a merchant
than their social position dictates. daimyo’s rule and so must be treated by choice. Instead, he is forced into it
Because of their wealth, the mer- with respect. by finances and circumstances.
chants must also be wary. Loans to Still, the life of a farmer does not
samurai and daimyo are a risky busi- create the wealth of the merchant or

Timeline of Wa
The first date given for each event 23rd year of Kuni: The wandering shu- Middle Nobunaga orders all but
below is taken from the Wa calendar, kenja Samon is forced to seek one of the impudent emissaries
which is measured from the time of shelter at a simple peasant’s hut executed. The sole survivor is
the first emperor of the Goshukara during a raging blizzard. There he refused any reply and sent back to
line. Emperors preceeding this date becomes entranced with the peas- Shou Lung. The chroniclers
are only recorded by their era, name ant’s beautiful daughter, a girl of record this as the beginning of the
and year. For example, the marriage obvious grace and breeding. Dur- Omi War.
of Samon to the serpent was said to ing that night he forgets his vows 140: Hearing reports that the King of
have occurred in the 23rd year of and woos the daughter. For three the Western Lands is amassing a
Kuni, during the reign of Emperor nights he continues the courtship fleet, the Great Counselor of the
Nagazane. Dates given in parenthe- until by custom it is decreed they Middle Nobunaga begins prepara-
ses are those that match events of are married upon the third night. tions for the defense of Wa. The
timelines in OA1, OA2, or OA3. The But with the dawn he discovers a master ninja Fukio is dispatched
calendar used is identified after the great serpent coiled by his side — to Shou Lung to report and be
date. the true form of his new bride. ready to strike. The coastal cities
Maddened by horror and remorse, are fortified and a grand program
1st year of Chisho: The Sacred Wand he flees into the mountains where of castle building is begun. These
and the Moonlight Arrow, his spirit is still sometimes seen. activities all place huge demands
emblems of the imperial off ice, are 1: When the Kasada line collapses for on the Imperial Treasury, and
given to the Emperor Kochi by the lack of an heir, the regency is Nobunaga in turn places more and
Spirit of Wa, allowing him to estab- established while the search is more of the burden on the local
lish the claim to the entire island of commenced for a suitable relative. chieftain (promising land and
Wa. The Goshukara line is finally cho- reward when the war is over).
412th year of Chisho: The Emperor sen and the first emperor of the 141: Eye of the Law Kaian sees the
Kochi dies. The War of the Spirits Goshukara is enthroned. Palace of the Sea Lord in the
begins. The spirit folk are divided 3: The regent Toda no Nagamori deeps off Komei Bay. There he
in their loyalties and split into two attempts to overthrow the Emper- instructs the Lord of the Ocean
factions. One faction sides with or so as not to lose his power in the towards the Path of Enlightment.
the spirits while the other supports court. The conspiracy is discov- 143 (975 Shou): The Omi War begins
the humans. The korobokuru ered and all the plotters are slain in earnest as the King of the West-
attempt to remain neutral, but or captured. The regent’s family ern Lands invades Wa with his
eventually join the spirits. The clan is scattered. Unable by cus- fleet of 100,000 ships. The fortifi-
hengeyokai take great delight in tom to execute his ex-regent, the cations of Nobunaga are strongest
the resulting turmoil and manage Emperor orders his wu jen to across the central part of Wa and
to fight for both sides with equal devise the most terrible fate they these areas resist the invasion.
abandon. In the end, the unity of can conceive. They create the Cell However, the daimyo of the north
Wa is destroyed and the island of Perpetuity, where Toda no and south, angered at Nobuna-
divides into petty clans engaged in Nagamori languishes to this day. ga’s heavy taxation, betray their
fairly constant warfare. The Age of 24 (856 Shou): An emissary of the garrisons to the invaders. Shou
Kochi, Master of the Peach Tree, King of the Western Lands (Shou Lung soldiers begin to march over-
becomes a romantic ideal, which Lung), Cham Ko Hag, arrives in land on the capital. In the north,
foreverafter drives the nobles to Wa. He is brought before the only Nakamaru remains uncap-
attempt the impossible task of rul- Emperor Tsuba. Upon leaving he tured, due to the cunning of Gen-
ing the entire island. promises to return with gifts from eral Yoshibei. Shou Lung forces
1st Year of Koyo: Emperor Kasada the King of the Western Lands. settle in for a long seige of the forti-
regains the Moonlit Arrow from the 138 (970 Shou): The King of the West- fied manor that forms the city’s
Spirit of Yakamashi Mountain and ern Lands offends the Emperor of main defense.
claims control of all Wa. The the Jade Throne Gokami when his 144 (976 Shou): The wu jen Kira and a
southern korobokuru support the emissaries demand the obeisance confederation of sorcerers cun-
claim against their northern broth- of all Wa. They brazenly suggest ningly prepare a trap for the King
ers. Kasada is recognized as the that the Emperor has encouraged of the Western Lands Chin, who is
first emperor since Kochi but the activity of the wako who have aboard his royal flagship. Through
refuses to name the era after him been preying on the Shou Lung their spells they conceal a danger-
for fear of evil omens. coastline. Great Counselor of the ous reef from all aboard. Driven
forward by a summoned storm,
the flagship breaks up on the
rocks. Before the Emperor Chin’s
wu jen can whisk him away to
safety, the ninja Fukio, in disguise
and aboard the ship for two years,
strikes. The Emperor Chin is slain.
Almost immediately the most pow-
erful Shou Lung generals leave
Wa to battle for the Shou Lung
throne. The Shou Lung forces are
plunged into leaderless confusion.
Fukio disappears in the ship-
wreck. Some claim he is dead,
while others say Kira rewarded
him with‘ prolonged life and great
powers for his services.
144: General Yoshibei breaks the
siege of Nakamaru and recon-
quers the province. The Shou
Lung governor of the north offers a
truce with Yoshibei. Cut off from
land communication with the
south, Yoshibei accepts the truce
and sets himself up as Sengoku-
daimyo (warlord) of the province.
For the next 100 years or so, the erate and side with the various dai- is thwarted when the Great Minis-
island of Wa is wracked by spo- myo of Wa. Resistance is spirited ter of the Left refuses to recognize
radic warfare. At first it is between but essentially futile. A century of him and declares his support for
the nobles of Wa and the Shou warfare has destroyed the govern- the Empress’ youngest son. The
Lung governors. Although the ment of Wa, leaving the Emperor capital is divided into two camps
nobles are able to drive the gover- and the Great Ministers as little and violent skirmishing breaks
nors and their troops back, they more than figureheads. Distrustful into open warfare.
never fully defeat them. The men of and uncooperative with each 671 (1503 Shou): Emissaries from the
of Shou Lung recruit new troops other, the daimyo are easily bro- Twelfth Emperor Chin of the Kao
from the countryside and defend ken by the organized forces of the Dynasty arrive with a proclamation
their lands. With time they adopt invaders. declaring Wa as fellow states of
more and more of the ways of Wa, 669 (1501 Shou): The Shou Lung are Shou Lung and further lifting the
until they are almost indistinguish- finally driven out of Wa by Nitta burden of tribute from the inhabit-
able from their subjects. By the Shogoro, the Hidden Shogun. In ants of that land. Further procla-
time the Emperors of Shou Lung the midst of the final battle, the mations grant citizenship to any
return, their governors owe more Giants in Gray are seen watching person of Wa wishing to settle in
allegiance to the Emperor and dai- the carnage. Shogoro proclaims Shou Lung, provided that person
myos of Wa than they do to the this as a sign of doom for the can demonstrate Shou Lung
Emperor of Shou Lung. Emperor Chin. After the victory, ancestry. Trade agreements are
240 (1072 Shou): Shou Lung forces there is growing contention also reached allowing for open
return to Wa and begin the recon- among the victors as Shogoro’s ports between the two lands.
quest of the island. At first the new sway over them weakens. By the Nakamaru is named as one of
invaders attempt to command the end of the year the government these and the Empress allows the
old Shou Lung families still on the has split into several factions. establishment of a small Shou
island. These families quickly dis- 670: Nitta Shogoro attempts to force Lung community there. It is care-
cover that they lose power and the Empress Bishakammon to fully guarded and watched, as the
importance under the new name him regent of Wa. His move governor, a descendant of Gen-
arrangement. Most refuse to coop-
eral Yoshibei, does not want the fare, the Nakori clan is forced to (the power of the Makino clan) is
return of Shou Lung occupation. retreat to Wa. At the same time struck down by ninja. Matasuuri
The commander of the Grey Blos- Shiro Tokuma deserts his com- begins the Summer March on the
som regiment petitions the gover- mand, a blot which hangs over his capital. Upon reaching a plain out-
nor for permission to remain in descendants for the centuries that side of Tomo, the Matasuuri army
Wa. He has little desire to return to follow. Likewise stained is the is faced by a coalition of other dai-
Shou Lung as the commander of a Shinkoku branch of the Tsurabaya myo. The battle goes badly for the
defeated army. Many of his men who are forced to swear alle- Matasuuri and they are forced to
also petition to remain. These giance to Honda no Mototsune. retreat behind the defenses of
requests are granted and the Grey 1358: Great Teacher Saizu (later Tomo. The enemy lays siege to
Blossom mercenary regiment is known as Saizu the Immortal) the town.
founded. Initially it is in the service appears over the capital standing 1662: Matasuuri Shogoro manages to
of the governor of Nakamaru. on a cloud. Upon his landing spot convince the daimyo of southern
1229 (984 Koz.); Hidegari legusa sails is built a huge temple. Saizu Wa to march on the lands of the
from Wa with a fleet of 1,000 ships. begins his teachings of the Winter central daimyo who are currently
He lands on the southwestern tip Sect of the Path of Enlightenment. besieging him at Tomo. The ene-
of Shinkoku and immediately 1572: The Tokiryo War is fought. my is distracted and weakened,
secures the provinces as a base of Although only a short skirmish in enabling Shogoro to bring in rein-
operations. Initial resistance to the this long period of warfare, it forcements and break the siege.
invasion is thwarted when Hide- marks the beginning of the rise of He spends the rest of the summer
gari persuades several daimyo of the Matasuuri clan. By the end of consolidating his position in the
the area to join his army. The win- the war, the Matasuuri and the Tomo region.
ter season forestalls further rein- Loyal. Families have conquered 1663: In the middle of winter, Mata-
forcements from Wa and conquest the small provinces of the north. suuri Shogoro makes the unprece-
stalls in the south. By the next However, the various lords still do dented move of beginning a
spring, the Kozakurans have sta- not cooperate towards further campaign. Catching his enemies
bilized the front and no more pro- ends. The Matasuuri begin a slow off-guard, he reaches the capital
gress can be made. legusa effort to unite the north. in force and demands his recogni-
appoints the Nakori, Tokuma, and 1624 (2456 Shou): Pirate activity in the tion as shogun. Armed with his
Tsuburaya families as governors Celestial Sea has become quite official title, Shogoro persuades
of the conquered provinces. Raid- troublesome after several years of many daimyo to ally themselves
ing continues along the border for petty raiding. Approached by with him. He faces his last major
many years. Hidegari legusa envoys of Shou Lung, the Shogun resistance at the battle of Shido
returns to Wa. agrees to a joint expedition against Plain. Although there are several
1230 (995 Koz.): Hidegari legusa the wako. The Shogun’s contribu- years of campaigns after this, Wa
launches the Orchid Fleet, a com- tion is limited since the wako are is officially considered under the
bined force of ships from Wa and unofficially protected by Wa nobles. rule of the new shogun.
southern Shinkoku. His plan is to To appease the Fifth Emperor Chin 1757 (2589 Shou): New contacts are
strike at the capital of Kozakura, of the Lui Dynasty the Shogun signs made between the countries of
but his fleet is intercepted at sea over several small islands in the sea Wa and Shou Lung.
by Honda no Mototsune. During a south of Wa. 1760: A bitter feud between Funada
fierce storm that Hidegari’s sor- 1647: The Matasuuri clan, having con- Toragi and Funada Kazuo erupts,
cerers are unable to control, a solidated several of the smaller reaching a bitter conclusion. Lord
bloody hand-to-hand battle is provinces of the north, is offered Kazuo contrives evidence that his
fought. His ship ablaze= and his the opportunity to ally with the brother is planning to support a
men dead or dying, Hidegari’s Makino clan, who are at this time nephew of the shogun in a coup.
ship disappears into a sudden fog. the most powerful daimyo of Wa. The shogun orders Toragi and
Thereafter, his gruesome ghost The pact is sealed and under the several other lords executed and
ship is said to be seen on occasion generalship of Matasuuri Shogoro exiles his nephew to the Island of
by sailors. the process of unification is One Thousand Pines. The coup,
1231 (996 Koz.): The Kozakuran lead- begun. The Matasuuri become the while it had been discussed, was
er, Honda no Mototsune, reclaims strong right arm of the Makino. far from a reality at the time.
the southern provinces of Shinko- 1661: Upon the instructions of Mata- 1777 (2607 Shou): The events of the
ku. After several months of war- suuri Shogoro, Makino Mansaku module take place.
The Politics of Wa
After centuries of chaotic warfare, daimyo’s family to live in the capital as criminal and is worthy of the same
occupation, and factional civil war, the hostage. Refusing either of these punishment. Therefore, anyone who
islands of Wa have finally been unified requests is a sure sign of treason: conceals the plottings of others must
into a single nation. This has not been Finally, the shogun can demand the be a part of that plot.
an easy process. daimyo surrender his lands, either to No daimyo will make improvements
The current ruler of Wa is the sho- move to another province and rule or in his lands or recover new lands from
gun, Matasuuri Nagahide. The sho- to be cast out altogether. Shoguns the wilderness without the permission
gun is a military position—something commonly order daimyo to trade prov- of the shogun. Commentary: To make
like the commander-in-chief of all the inces, partially to reward close fol- one’s lands better than a neighbor’s is
armies of the nation. Supposedly, the lowers, but mostly to prevent the to create discontent and strife. But to
actual head of Wa is the Goshukara daimyo from building strong alliances show one’s lord your devotion and tal-
Emperor, aided by the ministers of his in any single area. ent is a worthy thing. So should all
court. Once, long ago, this was the In general, the shogun tries not to improvements be reported to the sho-
case, but those days have long impose too many laws on his daimyo, gun that he might bestow his reward
passed. Now the most important and since this makes them restless and and turn away from those who would
powerful thing the emperor can do is unhappy. His government also lacks speak badly of the lord.
approve the appointment of the new the ability to administer a huge num- No person of common rank shall be
shogun. Even in this he has no ber of laws. As such, the shogun allowed to ride in a palanquin. Com-
choice—the old shogun names his tends to issue sweeping edicts which mentary: There are four classes of
candidate and the emperor ceremoni- others then elaborate on in detail. people in the land — merchant, crafts-
ously approves it. Still, the position of Examples of some of the edicts and man, farmer, and lord. Each class
the emperor is honored and respected the commentaries of others are listed must know its place and cannot pre-
as the heart and true center of the below. sume upon the privileges of those
nation. The wise shoguns of the past Excessive drinking and wan ton greater than it. In only this way will
have carefully presented the emperor behavior must be avoided at all times, harmony be preserved.
as above the everyday concerns of as this is unbecoming and leads to the No lord or great samurai shall be
the world, leaving these in the sho- downfall of the state. Commentary: allowed to marry without the permis-
gun’s capable hands. Weak shoguns For the state to remain strong, the sion of the shogun. Commentary: Mar-
have let authority slip through their fin- warriors must remain always vigilant. riage is the way of alliance and
gers, either back to the emperor or Drunkeness, gambling and other plotting. This causes unrest in the
into the control of others. vices cause daimyo to look weak in state. Therefore, the shogun will say
After the shogun and the emperor the eyes of the people. who is allowed to marry whom.
come the daimyo. A daimyo is a war- Those who break the law must not The family of a daimyo will reside in
lord, the ruler of a province or group of be harbored or given protection by the city of the shogun. Commentary:
provinces. He is much more than a anyone. Commentary: Those who pro- To prevent the daimyo from becoming
mere governor. For nearly all pur- tect a criminal are criminals them- unruly, their wives and children are
poses, the province is his to rule as he selves and will receive the same required to remain hostage in the cap-
sees fit. punishment. If the murderer and his ital. In this way the safety of all the
The shogun has certain powers family are to be killed, then all of the land is assured.
over the daimyo. It is his right to col- village who shelter him will meet the
lect taxes from the daimyo, either in same fate.
cash, goods, or labor. He could, for No repairs on any castle or temple
example, order a daimyo to build or can be undertaken without the express
repair a castle within his province or permission of the shogun. Commen-
even at the capital (where it would be tary: For a lord to build his fortifica-
used by the shogun). He could like- tions is a sign of warfare and rebellion,
wise order a daimyo to contribute to certain to create unrest against the
the rebuilding of a temple. Indeed, shogun. Therefore, repairs can only
these are tricks a crafty shogun uses be made with the shogun’s permis-
to weaken daimyo who might threaten sion.
him, forcing them to spend their Any conspiracy against the shogun
money on buildings. The shogun can or another daimyo must be immedi-
demand the attendance of a daimyo at ately reported. Commentary: To con-
his court and normally requires the ceal a plot is the same as concealing a
The History of Nakamaru
The city of Nakamaru is located on the Nakamaru rose to any level of impor- tance. The province of Nakamaru was
coast of the northernmost province of tance. The city and the surrounding the original home province of the
Wa. Originally the city was little more land was one of few territories of the Matasuuri family. From this distant
than a fortified outpost on the edge of North to stand firm against the Shou and secure base, they slowly and qui-
the korobokuru lands. With the grad- Lung invaders and the turncoat dai- etly built their power, bringing the sur-
ual retreat of the korobokuru into the myo. The city’s defense was steered rounding provinces under their sway.
mountains (where they still remain) by the resourceful and loyal General When the Seige of Tomo was finally
the settlement of Nakamaru slowly Yoshibei. Through tactics and clever broken, the Matasuuri assembled
expanded, gradually increasing in strategems, he was able to maintain their power and began the Winter
size and importance. Favored by a the independence of Nakamaru. He March which ended in victory on the
deep bay and prime forests, the vil- was also an ambitious man and, when Shido Plain. Since then, the province
lage quickly became the shipping the government of Wa collapsed, he of Nakamaru has been awarded as a
point for the fine lumber of the region, unhesitatingly declared himself in gift province to those greatly favored
especially the majestic cryptomeria independent warlord. Given his suc- by the shogun. Indeed, it is a great
used in many palaces and temples cesses in battle, there were none able honor to be assigned to the rule of
throughout Wa. to counter this bold move. Shortly Nakamaru, once the shogun’s home
However, Nakamaru remained by thereafter, the other lords followed his province. Under this sponsorship,
all standards a small and insignificant example and established themselves Nakamaru has grown into a thriving
backwater for many centuries. While as sengoku-daimyo. port city.
the town grew to a modest size, it was With the final collapse of the Shou As it is very far to the north, Naka-
isolated from the rest of the country by Lung rule, Nakamaru gained another maru has a greater range in its sea-
rugged mountains, thick forests, feature of importance—its foreign sons than most other parts of Wa. The
inclement weather and hostile korobo- community. Through special dispen- spring comes late to the area and is
kuru. So distant from the capital and sation of the Emperess Bishkammon, noted for the dense fogs which roll in
the Central Provinces, it became a the city was instructed to maintain a from the sea. The summers are pleas-
common place to banish those who quarter for the residences of foreign ant, neither too hot nor too cool and
displeased the emperor, regent, or merchants and dignitaries. Principal the region is spared much of the tor-
shogun. To be assigned a post in of these was the Grey Blossom Regi- rential rains which strike further south.
Nakamaru was the same as living ment, formerly a unit of the Shou Lung This combined with the natural beauty
death. Nakamaru has seen more than army. With this highly disciplined of the countryside has encouraged
its share of treacherous ministers, troop Nakamaru has been able to dis- many southern nobles to build sum-
grasping generals, separated lovers, courage several attempts by neigh- mer estates around the city. The fall
over-popular princes, and wronged boring lords to overrun its province. however is bleak, chill and wet with
nobles. As a result, the city abounds Indeed, the troop and its reputation leaden, gray skies. The winters are
with tales of failed heroes, tragic have added to the desirability of the much colder than the rest of the coun-
affairs, madnesses, duels, wasting province. try with freezing nights and heavy
diseases, and mysterious deaths. Now, the past century has seen a snows.
It was not until the Omi war that substantial rise in Nakamaru’s impor-

The Calendar of Nakamaru
Nakamaru is a vital, living city, filled with First of Yu: Young girls are honored in are said requesting aid and blessing of
people who participate in myriad affairs. the Doll Festival. Each year girls are given ancestors. During this time unwholesome
Throughout the entire year there are regu- elaborate dolls and special performances spirits are particularly active.
lar events—festivals, holy days, special are held at the shrines. The dolls often Sixth of Chuang: The festival of the dead
observances and the like. These events become treasured items to be passed on is ended by a separate and distinct event,
are part of what makes up the life of any from generation to generation. the Procession of the Lanterns. On the
place, be it a small town or large city. The First of Kao: The temples of the Path of night of the sixth day, the young men of
calendar below gives a listing of the regu- Enlightenment celebrate the birthday of the shrines march in a procession, each
lar, major activities that occur in Naka- their great teacher. The day is marked by group beginning at its own grounds and
maru, along with a brief description. special prayers and a procession of the converging on the sea. Each man carries
These events can add a wealth of detail to different mikoshi (portable shrines) of the a pole festooned with lit lanterns and each
the game. temples, carried by sohei of the sect. temple vies to have its strongest youth car-
The events listed can be used in many Unfortunately, sohei of the different tem- ry the most lanterns on a single pole. It is
ways. Any occasion where there is cele- ples have been known to begin brawling normal for up to 50 lanterns to be carried
bration is a good opportunity for trysts, and feuding when they meet in the street. by one man. Upon reaching the sea, an
conspiratorial meetings, gossiping, intro- First of Chu: The citizens of Nakamaru elder shukenja of the shrine says prayers
ductions, and good old wheeling and deal- celebrate the victory of General Yoshibei over the group and sets the lanterns afire.
ing. Festivals are also a time when over the Shou Lung forces. Outnumbered, Blazing, the poles are hurled into the sea.
shukenja and sohei must make observanc- he used papier maché figures to deceive This is said to carry the prayers of the
es and take part in public rituals. They are the enemy as to his true numbers. Several townsfolk to those who have died at sea.
also a time of skullduggery and villainy as months are spent in building elaborate Bad omens from this festival predict poor
the less upright of the community prey on papier maché floats, which are brilliantly fishing and ill luck on the ocean for the
the unsuspecting or over-indulgent. lit by lanterns from the inside. All day the next year.
Finally, player characters will gain a sense floats are on, display in different wards. Ninth of Hsuan: The quiet and comtem-
of place and belonging as they become The festival is capped by a midnight pro- plative Chrysanthemum Festival is held to
familiar with the cycles of the year. cession of brilliantly lit floats carried on the observe the blossoms and remember
The New Year: This festival begins on shoulders of the young men of the city. friends who are absent. Friends make pil-
the first day of the year with the ritual visit The festival has become a grueling battle grimages to the peaks of nearby moun-
to the local shrines and temples. Prayers of endurance between different factions of tains and raise a glass of chrysanthemum
are made for fortune and good health in the city. Each carries a different float and wine to their dear friends. People normally
the coming year. Streets and shops are batters its way along the course, attempt- wear a sprig of holly in their belts or hair on
brightly decorated. Friends exchange ing to harm all others as much as possible. this day.
small gifts and special New Year’s cakes Furthermore, the carriers are traditionally End of Yang: The end of this month (also
are made. Shukenja and sohei have spe- plied with sake to the point where they can known as the Godless Month) is cele-
cial observances to make for the first 12 barely stagger the last few blocks. At the brated for the return of the deities to their
days of the year. end of the procession, the great construc- proper shrines and temples after having
Middle of Tsou: The Tsuyoi-nokami tions are set ablaze. More than once the spent the entire month at the Celestial
Shrine holds a nighttime procession city has suffered from serious fires Court. The temples and shrines are cere-
through the streets known as the Lantern because of this. monially cleaned to greet the deities and
March. Young men carrying paper lan- Seventh of Hsiang: This day is known as banquets are typically served.
terns on long poles wind through the the Lover’s Festival and is marked by Middle of Ku: The young children of
streets from the sea to the shrine. The romantic liasons and small intimate par- Nakamaru are taken by their parents to a
march is usually boisterous and accompa- ties under the night sky. It recalls the tale shrine in the city. Afterwards there is a
nied by much drinking. of two lovers separated for every day of special meal for the family. The festival is
First of Ju: The End of Winter festival the year but this one. Symbolic of this are a somewhat solemn and serious affair as
takes place, although the weather of two stars in the sky united to each other on the parents pray their children will behave
Nakamaru will be quite cold for some time this night by the bridge of the Milky Way. themselves correctly and properly.
yet. Families make a ritual visit to a shrine First of Chuang: On the first day of the
or temple and enjoy a feast meal. festival of the dead, special celebrations
Middle of Ju: The Snow Festival is are made for the new harvest. A large ban-
observed by those with young children. quet of fish and sweet rice cakes is pre-
Families build small snow houses in the pared and offerings of food are made to
garden with an altar at the center where the gods and ancestors of the family. The
the children say prayers on behalf of the temples hold special religious dances
family. The festival is usually accompa- which the nobles attend.
nied by snowball fights and snow-viewing First Five Days of Chuang: This long
parties. The festival normally takes place running festival is held in honor of the
on or near the first full moon of the month, dead. During this time special meals are
depending on the snow conditions. prepared, tombs are visited, and prayers

The Districts of Nakamaru
The city of Nakamaru is a typical forti- tle are the twisting streets of Naka- who has loaned a great deal of money
fied port and samurai castle town of maru. The few broad avenues veer to the samurai families.
the period. At the center of the city is and turn at sudden angles, always Player characters who are samurai
the castle with its mansions and fortifi- under observation from the top floors can begin this campaign in one of two
cations. Extending outward from this of the tenshu (castle donjon). Spread- ways. If they have already played in
are the different districts of the town. ing from these avenues like cracks in several adventures and have a back-
Each district is identified by name, porcelain glaze, the narrow side ground, they could have been sent to
according to a main feature of that streets twist and wander through the Nakamaru by the shogun to enter the
area. Unlike western cities, each dis- neighborhoods. The impassive build- service of the daimyo. Depending on
trict in Nakamaru is a separate area ing fronts press up on either side, the birth, level, wealth, and power, char-
made up of several wards. What textures only broken by the plastered acters will either become the master
makes the greatest difference is that and tiled walls of the samurai man- of a compound and in direct service of
each of these wards is walled-off from sions There are few shops or store- the daimyo or will be a lesser samurai
all the others and patrolled by armed fronts here, because the district is in the service of a retainer of the dai-
samurai police. Movement of the com- reserved for the retainers of the dai- myo. If the character is newly created,
mon folk between each ward is care- myo. he can be a samurai serving the mas-
fully watched. These draconian The main buildings of this district ter of one of the major compounds.
measures are not so much to prevent are the walled compounds of the
crime but to prevent any chance of a
popular uprising on the part of the
samurai. Within each compound are
the mansions, barracks, stables, and Market District
common folk. After centuries of tur- gardens of the the samurai owner. Liv- Outside the ring of samurai com-
moil and rebellion, the shogunate and ing within the compound are the mas- pounds the streets become even
the daimyo no longer take any ter, his family, his samurai retainers more narrow and twisted. Wandering
chances. and the servants. The master of such through the streets and back alleys,
a compound is himself a powerful one enters the living heart of Naka-
Castle District samurai in the service of the daimyo
(and thus the shogun). In general, this
maru. For here are the markets,
shops, trades and craftsmen that sup-
Perched on a swelling rise, barely district is tightly patrolled and com- ply all the needs of the city, keeping it
higher than the surrounding plain, is moners do not wander its streets fed and clothed. One- and two-story
the jet black Crow Castle, so named except on specific business. buildings packed tightly together, the
for its darkly painted walls. The The compounds are carefully con- wooden walls and lattices hide tiny
gloomy tower juts over the twisting trolled by a complex series of laws and gardens and homes of the common-
mossy gray stone walls and red-tile regulations. Based on the power and ers. The streets are brightly decorated
tamon. Far behind the heavy gates wealth of the samurai, these laws dic- with colored banners proclaiming the
live the lords and rulers of Nakamaru, tate ownership, location, and size of nature of the business.
separate and distant from the hustle- the compounds, the heights of the During the day there is a constant
bustle of the common folk. Cool gar- buildings, the number of guards hustle of workmen—old women mak-
dens and lavish palaces share the allowed, and even the style of gate ing deliveries of produce, fishermen
crowded castle grounds with the omi- that must be used. The greater the carrying their wares to market, serv-
nous barracks of the daimyo’s sol- number or more lavish the structure, ing girls buying vegetables for their
diers. the more powerful is the lord within. masters, ox carts hauling lumber
The castle is a hirayamajiro — a The few merchants and craftsmen through the streets, roofers hammer-
castle built on a hill in the middle of the allowed to live in this district are those ing down new shingles, giggling cour-
plain. From here the daimyo of Naka- especially favored by the. daimyo. tesans admiring the young men, and
maru is able to observe and control There are several ways to earn this breathless messengers darting
the surrounding area. The main castle permission. Commoner families through the traffic. And amid all this
is normally empty, only occupied in which have provided supremely hero- thronging activity come the haughty
times of siege, the nobles and samu- ic service can be elevated to this posi- processions of the nobles, beating
rai preferring to live in their mansions tion. More commonly, the family aside those too slow to move out of the
at its base. provides some service invaluable to way. On rare occasions there is the
the daimyo—painters, sculptors, and spice of a bloody duel fought in the
Samurai District
engineers are often favored this way. streets when a samurai seeking
Nor is it impossible to buy your way in,
Spreading from the base of Crow Cas- especially if you are a rich merchant
vengeance finds his enemy, or rival rum is sometimes forgotten. ans upon the shores of their fair island
yakuza gangs meet. has been an emotional thing. No one
Built on the main streets are the
major temples and shrines of Naka- Shipyard on Wa has forgotten the humiliation of
conquest. It is burned into the memory
maru. Like the samurai district, these Its narrow streets hidden by the thick of every warrior and noble and scholar
are large walled compounds filled with woods of the cold north, Nakamaru of the land. The memory fires their
imposing buildings and cool gardens. has become a center of lumber pro- resolve to never let it happen again.
Some are open to the public for wor- duction. As a matter of course, a thriv- Now, with the power, of the law,
ship. Others are closed to the com- ing port and shipyard have grown in numerous and severe edicts have
mon rabble except on all but the most Nakamaru. The carpenters of the city, been made to control the movement
holy of days. The most favored and combined with the strong wood and activity of all foreigners. Still, they
important of these temples are brought from the mountains, have cannot be ignored or denied. Many
located near the samurai district on made Nakamaru ships famous possess valuable skills in the arts and
the largest thoroughfare of the city. throughout Wa. During the spring and crafts. Others bring new learning from
summer months, there is at least one the mainland. Traders bring rare
Pleasure District ship being built in the yards. During
the height of the season, teams of car-
goods unavailable in the island
empire. And for the few great lords,
Wedged in close between the samurai penters work nearly around the clock, the foreigners bring mercenaries
district and the market district is this by the light of the sun and the blaze of whose loyalties can be easily ensured
small area noted for its entertainment, torches. The shipyard is a major for a little coin and a few honeyed
licit and illicit. Run-down, dank, and source of income for the daimyo and words.
sleepy during the day, the district thus he guards it strongly with a per- Inside the walls of the compound,
blooms during the night. Gay lanterns manently assigned unit of soldiers the buildings are much like those
and brilliantly painted curtains prom- under the command of a loyal samurai found in the samurai district—for most
ise enticements within each establish- retainer. of the foreign visitors have the means
ment. The streets fill with people from The shipyard is also a foul and to maintain themselves in high style.
every station of life — drunken revel- loathsome place, the site of dark During the day the streets of the dis-
ers, disguised nobles, belligerent deeds and sinister dealings. During trict are busy with merchants, sailors,
samurai, predatory thugs, strolling the day the rising and falling tide can servants and dignitaries of many
musicians, curious foreigners, and transform it from a pleasant lagoon to lands—Kozakura, Shou Lung, T’u
bedecked courtesans. The streets a sodden brown mud-flat. It is a part of Lung, Koryo (a cold land of the north),
crowd with lantern boys, umbrella town the wealthy or powerful will visit and even barbarians from distant
bearers, scowling bodyguards, tat- only with good reason and they will places across the eastern ocean. At
tooed yakuza, watchmen, beggars, certainly never come here to be night, the streets are all but deserted.
and actors. The clothing is resplen- amused. It is a common place for The local help leave the district before
dent and garish, the laughter loud, secret meetings and conspiratorial the fall of night. The law and regula-
and the offense quick. plots. Those who live here have an tions include a strict curfew on barbar-
Here you can find nearly any activity understanding they know better than ians. it is very strict—the punishment
you desire. There are drinking to interfere with dark figures in the is death by slow execution. Only those
houses, dining houses with exotic night. with special passes or escorted by the
menus, gambling dens, theaters, gei- samurai of a powerful noble dare
sha houses, tea stalls, and other busi-
nesses catering to all tastes. The Foreign Quarter break this curfew. The few who risk
the curfew are surely about on the
pleasure district is noted for its dan- A grim and carefully patrolled pali- most insidious of business.
gerous living and, indeed, this is part sade delineates the boundaries of the Players can choose to use charac-
of what makes it so appealing to the foreign district of Nakamaru. It is a ters who are strangers to Wa. Estab-
wealthy of Nakamaru. Here you can sight shared with only a few other cit- lished characters from a Kozakura
disappear for an evening, forgetting ies of Wa—a special compound for campaign will find it easiest to circu-
your identity and station. Here is the quartering the merchants, traders, late among the people of Wa. The lan-
chance to live a moment of your life navigators, scholars, and diplomats of guage is nearly identical (65%
away from the laws and restrictions of foreign lands. Ever since the nobles of comprehension), the differences in
the samurai world. Here samurai min- Wa overthrew their hated Shou Lung accent explainable as being from a
gle with commoners and proper deco- oppressors, the presence of barbari- different province. The styles of dress
and behavior are almost the same. At
worst, characters from Kozakura are
backward or provincial when com-
parley himself into a minor sensation,
the darling of the powerful. Likewise, Eta Community
pared to the cultured lords of Wa. player characters with unique knowl- Outside the city of Nakamaru is a
Characters from Shou Lung will find edge or unknown spells (such as mag- small and squalid group of huts, the
themselves the objects of constant ic user or clerical spells) can become homes of the eta. To the eyes of, all
suspicion, if not scrutiny, the special “property” of a powerful others in Wa, the eta are almost less
Unless characters are able to dem- samurai, his ace in the hole. Player than people. They are the outcasts. It
onstrate some highly useful skill or characters in this situation will is their lot to do the work unfit or
befriend someone powerful in the undoubtedly be treated well, provided unclean for others—butchering, tan-
local government, they will find it diffi- they do not step across an unwritten ning, grubbing in filthy places. Among
cult (but not impossible) to move freely line. The samurai will, after all, always them live Korobokuru and from their
through the city. Shou Lung player consider the player character his to do ranks the yakuza find ready recruits.
characters should be advised to exer- with as he pleases, giving him away or The good people will not eat with
cise caution in all dealings with the even sending him to certain death if them, let their children marry them, or
people of Wa. he must. Of course, if the player char- associate with them if at all possible.
Player characters can also come acter fails to demonstrate any great The eta village is little more than a
from other lands, places much more worth or value, his fate will be far less collection of wood and thatch huts
distant than across the Celestial Sea. romantic. Deemed less than worth- clustered around the road junction.
These can be barbarians from the less, they are consigned to the fate of There the people make what living
nomad lands or even strange men the eta —that class of outcasts below they can, while trying to avoid the
from across the Eastern Ocean. In even the most common of the peasant notice of those more powerful than
either case, the character will be treat- folk. Among the eta they would spend they. Only an occasional shukenja
ed as a true oddity. If the player char- the rest of their lives. and the yakuza show them any kind-
acter is bright and quick, he can ness or mercy.

The Architecture of Nakamaru
The buildings of Nakamaru, like nearly the outside the building. In this way to be placed at their entrances (some
all the buildings of Wa (and Kozakura), rain water and snow are carried away thing many a destitute ruffian has great-
have a group of common features, from the insides of the house. Most ly appreciated). The noticeboards are
whether it is a peasant’s minka or the houses have wooden shutters, roofed to protect from rain and are plas-
tenshu of a daimyo’s castle. By studying extending from floor to ceiling, that tered by many official pronouncements.
this section, you will be able to create can be fitted under these eaves during With so many wooded buildings, fire is a
more realistic descriptions of the build- times of storm. Some have hinged great hazard and every district has its
ings you need. shutters that swing up into the rafters fire company (led by a samurai) and fire
The first thing most buildings have in when not in use. towers. These spidery scaffolds of
common are the building materials. On Inside, ceilings are often not built and lashed bamboo rise above the sur-
an island given to earthquakes and as the crosswork of rafters that support the rounding sea of roofs, providing firemen
rugged as Wa, buildings of quarried roof is exposed. Indeed, walls do not with a vantage point to watch for dan-
stone are impractical and unsound. always reach to the top. (You may wish ger. The watchmen’s towers are of
Stone has no flex and is easily shat- to consider this if, for example, your wood and plaster, with shingled roofs,
tered by violent quakes. Instead, the player characters were attacked by a and can hold four men at a time.
most common materials are wood, group of ninja. Attacking from the maze The homes of the commoners have
whether it be bamboo, pine, cryptome- of rafters above can be a very exciting little more to add. The simplest type is
ria, willow, or some exotic tree; paper, and successful strategem.) the minka or farmhouse. These are
from very heavy to translucent; straw, Harder to express than mere build- not common to Nakamaru, found
for matting and thatch; plaster, to fire- ing details is the simple sense of style mostly on the outskirts. They normally
proof walls; and clay, to strengthen found in most buildings. Ornamenta- feature high-ridged roofs of heavy
walls and fire into roof tiles. Stone is tion is very simple and unobtrusive as thatch or reeds and simple earth and
reserved for important buildings—the a rule. Natural colors are favored, wood floors. More often found in
defensive walls of castles, the founda- although brass and gilt are used by Nakamaru are the simple row houses
tions of temples and towers. those who can afford it. For most peo- of the city dwellers. At their poorest,
Second, nearly all buildings share ple there is a deliberate attempt to they are little more than wooden huts.
common construction features. The make the building harmonize with the The floors are earthen and there are
floors are generally built on raised natural surroundings as much as pos- one or two rooms at best. Each home
posts. This helps keep the building dry sible. To help achieve this harmony, is separated from the others by a thin
in the rainy season, allows cool air to buildings are laid out according to wooden wall. The entrances and inte-
circulate underneath when it is hot, specific proportions and arrange- riors are screened by noren (curtains).
and discourages most vermin (rats, ments. There is normally a central The roofs are simple planks. The front
mice, and snakes) from entering the room or area around which all else is of each house is used for business—
building. The walls of these buildings built. The proportions are normally on selling, craft work, etc.
are thin and do not support the weight the order of two units of length on two The streets are narrow and often
of the roof (which is often quite large). sides to three units on the other two. crowded with stalls. For those with a
Instead, carved support pillars and Obviously, these proportions are not little more wealth, the row houses
crossbeams hold up the roof. This absolute and there are many varia- become larger and slightly better fit-
allows many of the walls to be move- tions, especially in the homes of com- ted. Though still small, the houses are
able, sliding or entirely removable. moners. However, in the houses of divided into two halves. On one half is
Owners can reshape the interiors of samurai and nobles the rules of a door opening to an earthen-floored
their houses depending on need. dimensions and proportions become area and the other has a separate
Equally noticeable is the roof. This more and more rigid, since each room with a raised floor and window
is almost always built along a single change reflects a change in the status overlooking the street. One or two
ridge-pole, rising to a high peak in the of the owner. rooms behind these are also floored.
center and sweeping down into huge There is a final group of common fea- The outer walls, of woven willow and
overhanging eaves. The roofs of tures found throughout the city, one noren, again screen the entrance. The
Nakamaru are tiled whenever possi- which is not a building detail. Tucked roofs are planked, reinforced by logs.
ble (to reduce fire hazard), but wood- away on many a street or in the corner The modest, well-to-do commoners
en shingles, thatch, and reeds are of a market are small shrines, notice have houses quite similar to this, still
also used. The eaves generally boards, firetowers and watchmen’s built in long rows. There are more
extend three feet or more beyond the posts. The shrines, tended by the rooms and often a small garden is
line of the house, allowing for broad neighbors, are almost like tiny huts. It is attached where vegetables and, per-
sheltered verandas to be built around normal for offerings of incense or sake haps, a few trees grow. The outer
walls are wattle and plaster, making power of the samurai, this is an accommodate more. The furnishings
them more fireproof. Businesses are arrangement of one, two, or three rec- are sparse—with only mats on the floor
run from the front room or out the front tangular rooms arranged in a long row and the utensils necessary to make and
windows, which often have hinged from east to west. If there is more than serve tea. A small hearth is set in one
shutters that can serve as tables. one room, each succeeding one is a corner of the floor. Latticed windows
Highly successful merchants and inn- step higher than the last. provide light, the paper protected from
keepers have small compounds with The master or the most important the outside by wood frames. Guests
elaborate minka of two or three floors, person present sits at the far end of the enter the soan through a small door, so
a small gate entrance, a stable, and last room on a low dais (jodan). Behind low they must crawl. Everything within
separate storehouses. These build- him lies a recessed alcove (tokonoma) the soan is designed to remind the par-
ings are well-crafted and built of good much like a low shelf, frequently deco- ticipants of their own humility.
materials, but are not elaborately dec- rated with a large picture and a set of Accompanying the soan is the tea
orated, since this is forbidden by law. staggered shelves (chigaidana). On one garden. ideally, the soan is set in the
Samurai, homes become much side, the walls can be slid away along garden just out of sight of all else and
more elaborate. Each household is the length of the hall to reveal a view of reaching the teahouse requires a
organized around a compound where the garden or even a small stage. On cooling walk along the paths. The
the master, his servants and his the other side, near the jodan, stand a designs of soan and gardens are
samurai retainers and their servants pair of elaborately decorated doors points of pride and envy among the
live. For a low level samurai, this (chodaigamae). Behind these lies a upper classes. Masters of such
would be little more than his own fami- small dressing room for receiving visi- designs are eagerly sought after and
ly and his servants. Beyond the small tors. This room also serves as a conven- their efforts are well-rewarded.
gate is a courtyard and the entrance to ient place to conceal bodyguards, Very different from the homes of the
the main house. To the side or rear of available at a moment’s notice. From samurai are the buildings of the
the house is a garden (for pleasure, here other doors lead to the rest of the shrines and temples. Both range ‘in
not growing vegetables). house. size from small neighborhood struc-
Retainers of the samurai are The shoin is used for nearly all tures and roadside stops to large com-
housed in nagaya, or long house (a meetings and receptions and the very pounds filled with imposing buildings.
type of barracks), one or two stories traditional rules of its design reflect In general, the shrines follow simpler
high. Servants of the retainers would the careful etiquette practiced by building styles with less ornamenta-
have the lower floor while the samurai samurai. Indeed, even the poorest tion than those of the temples.
retainers lived on the second. These samurai master attempts to maintain Neighborhood shrines are small
nagaya normally lined the outer walls a simple shoin; the powerful common- and modest affairs. Normally nestled
of the compound. If the samurai was ly have more than one. One is used for amid a grove of trees, they can be
powerful enough to have retainers official receptions, being large and quickly identified by the red archway
who in turn had retainers, those closer lavishly decorated. Smaller ones are (torii) that leads to the shrine. These
in allegiance to the lord would be used for more personal and equal shrines are not protected by walls or
housed in separate buildings, screen- meetings and tend to be much simpler guards, since they are used by the
ed from the sights by additional walls in decoration. people of the local neighborhood.
or stands of bushes and trees. Ulti- In addition to the shoin, which is Beyond the torii are the statues of
mately, a great samurai lord would sometimes a separate building from the guardian spirits, set to ward off evil
have a compound filled with several rest of the house, the remainder of the influences. Inside the grounds is a
mansions for himself and his most compound has what rooms and build- stone basin filled with fresh water, for
important retainers. ings the samurai can afford. Principal of purification before prayer. Across
The mansion itself is organized these are the tea garden and the tea from this might be a small covered
according to formal customs. Upon house. In contrast to the shoin, which is stage for performing sacred dances.
passing through the gate, a visitor designed to be grand and elaborate, the In addition to the shrine building itself,
enters a small courtyard separated tea house is a simple, quite rustic, little there might also be a storehouse for
from the rest of the grounds. The building. But there is nothing simple keeping sacred wine, salt, and a port-
entrance to the house is by the car- about these soan (grass cottages). able shrine.
riage approach or kurumayose, a Their design is carefully planned for Shrines are made from wood and
roofed entryway which leads to the artistic effect. The soan are quite small, thatch. No stone, plaster, or tiles are
genkan or entry alcove. Guests are almost tiny in size. Generally only two or used in the buildings. The roofs are
received in the shoin, an audience three people are inside at a time, thatched and are steeply pitched. The
hall. Depending on the wealth and although the walls can be moved to floors are set on posts 3 to 4 feet
above the ground. Inside one normal- top of the highest hill in the city. Fish- trusted!) retainers of the daimyo. Each
ly finds a single hall, decorated very ermen at the dock and farmers in their courtyard is separated from the others
simply. There are no statues or repre- fields can see the main tower rising by stone and plastered walls and
sentations of the deity to be seen in over ail the other roofs of the city. Sec- occasional moats. Complex gates
the shrine itself. The shrine is the cen- ondly, it is designed not only for show, allow entrance from one bailey to the
ter of the local community. it is not but for defense. Although the lord of next. Each courtyard rises higher up
unusual to find the old men or the Nakamaru does not live inside the the hill than the last.
young children here passing the time castle itself (his mansion is on its From this point on, the route of any
in talk and play. grounds), he will quickly retreat to it in attacker is forced into certain paths.
Temples, where money allows, are case of seige. First, he must pass through ironclad
usually much more imposing struc- The castle’s features broad eaves gates while being hailed by arrows,
tures. Most are a collection of build- and wooden construction—have been stones, boiling water, and hot oil from
ings, centered around a single great changed to better protect defenders. the gatehouse above. Beyond this is a
hall. Built on a large stone foundation, The wooden walls have been heavily small courtyard with another gate on
this hall is reached by a flight of broad plastered, covered several layers thick. the right side. All the time they are vul-
steps. inside are huge statues of the Unlike most castles, whose walls are nerable to the archers firing through
deity or deities worshipped at that normally whitewashed, the walls here the loopholes of the walls above.
temple. These are often in arrange- have been covered with black paint, Once through both gates, the attacker
ments of three—each a different rep- creating a striking effect. The broad must charge up a narrow roadway,
resentation of the same deity or eaves have concealed trapdoors, used switchbacking several times and ail
complementary deities grouped during a siege to toss down stones the while under attack from archers
together. Although such hails look to (ishiotoshi), boiling water, and other firing from behind loopholes. At the
be two or more stories tall from the deterrents atop an enemy. end of this road way is another set of
outside, they seldom have more than The castle also uses a great deal of gates similar to the first and farther
one floor, the inside having grand pil- stone, far more than in any ordinary beyond is another deadly path. All this
lars and lofty ceilings. Since the hall is building. The main donjon or tenshu- ends in a small ironclad gate that
used for a number of different kaku rests on a massive base of stone opens into the main courtyard. But
purposes—sermons, instruction, cer- 35’ high and approximately 130’ even from here to reach the main
emonies, and daily prayer—the spac- square at the bottom. Surrounding the entrance of the tenshu-kaku, the
es between the pillars are designed to tenshu-kaku are several sets of walls attackers must pass through more
be closed off by portable screens and and gates. These too are built on solid gates while under constant fire from
sliding shoji walls. stone foundations. the defenders. It is no wonder that
In addition to the main hall, a temple The actual defenses of the castle attackers by far preferred to surround
compound will have several other begin well away from the hill where and starve a castle into surrender
buildings. To the right and left of the the main buildings are located. The than risk a direct assault!
main hall are the drum and bell towers first line of castle defense are the ram- The tenshu-kaku itself is four stories
and in the center will be a huge parts that run through the center of the tall and 120’ feet square on the first
incense burner for offerings. Other city. These earthworks are set behind floor. The top floor of the tower is 55’
buildings include imposing gatehous- a broad moat and divide the samurai feet above the first floor and 90’ above
es with huge iron-clad gates, pagodas district from the rest of the city. Past the ground. Within the tower are
with five, seven or thirteen stories, this, down streets filled with sudden armories, granaries, storerooms, a
quarters for the priests and monks, a twists and bends is the second line of well, and council chambers. In times
library building for the holy sutras, and defense, the outer wall. Inside this of war, these can be quickly and easily
a smaller lecture hall, mainly used for wall are the mansions of the more converted into quarters for the lord,
the instruction of the clergy. A well important samurai. The wall is pierced his family, and his men. The lower
established temple will also have a by several stout gates, each manned floors contain stores and the quarters
separate mansion for its abbot, quar- by its own troop of soldiers. Beyond for the lord’s soldiers. The second and
ters for the sohei and one or more gar- this, at the base of the hill, is a combi- third floors are reserved for the impor-
dens and soan. nation moat and wall. Wooden tant samurai and the lord himself. The
The castle of Nakamaru is truly dif- bridges span this moat at three points, fourth floor is a watchtower from
ferent from the other buildings of the passing through iron clad gates. which the surrounding city can be
city. First, it is much more impressive Inside are the different courtyards of observed. There is little doubt that the
and imposing than any other building the castle. These are filled with the tenshu-kaku itself could withstand a
in the town. It is built on the slopes and mansions of the most powerful (and long seige.
The Factions of Nakamaru
Although the country of Wa has been can bestow more favors a temple will and to the shogun. Toyoo cannot
united under the rule of a single lord, support him. If a family interferes with afford to do anything to cause public
the shogun Matasuuri, it is a far cry support for the temple, the priests and embarrassment to Mitsuhide, for this
from being settled and calm. Although abbots will unhesitatingly do all they would mean the ruin of the entire fami-
he supposedly retains absolute can to destroy the household. Their ly. The shogun would have no qualms
power, the shogun is surrounded by concern is for the power and influence about sending the Funada to a new
schemes and plots, factions vying to of their sect, not the mundane affairs fief—one small, powerless and out of
gain his favor or replace him. The sho- of the common people. the way. Likewise, Mitsuhide cannot
gun is not an unquestionable mon- allow division to be seen within his
arch. He must be a consummate
politician to retain his power and posi- The Nobles family, lest the shogun decide he is
too weak to rule the province. Thus,
tion. The Funada Clan both brothers play a very delicate
The city of Nakamaru is no stranger game.
to these plots and factions. Indeed, it The Funada family is by far the most In addition to the internal dissen-
is more familiar with them than most powerful clan of Nakamaru. The head sion, the Funada clan must also be on
provincial cities. Its close connections of the clan, Funada Mitsuhide, is the guard against the schemes of other
to the lands beyond Wa has made it a daimyo of the province and a nephew families. Although ail the nobles of
hotbed of plotting and counter- of the shogun. His brothers and their Nakamaru are subservient to the
plotting. Every faction has found it sons are his advisors and aides. Funada, history is too full of ambitious
useful to maintain some presence Some command his soldiers and oth- vassals overthrowing their unwary or
within the city of Wa. ers hold important positions in the weak masters. The Funada take no
The factions that have intrigues on local temples. Among the other posi- chances in this area. The activities of
the national level, such as the emper- tions held by the family are Master of all their vassals are closely observed.
or and the shogun, find their allies in the Port, Eye of the Law of the Shining All marriages must be approved (just
the districts of the samurai and Mountain Temple and Captain of the as the shogun must approve ail mar-
nobles. Lords petty and great are Northern. Barrier (a checkpoint sev- riages of the Funada clan). Construc-
courted and betrayed in the shifting eral miles south of the city). tion is regulated to control the
dance of alliances and schemes. But, Normally, Funada Mitsuhide must fortifying of manors. The number of
both groups also maintain ties with the be in attendance to the shogun (where bodyguards is strictly limited. Spies
foreign barbarians from across the his wife and young children live). In his report on the activities of the most
waves, particularly the merchants and absence, the affairs of the province powerful of the vassals. To accom-
scholars from Shou Lung. Finally, are managed by his brother Toyoo. plish all these things, the Funada
there are secret connections between There is a growing division between have close ties to the Higo clan of
the powerful of the court and those the two brothers. Toyoo has been ninja and many of the lesser samurai
secret families—the ninja. It is always working to advance his own son as the families, who see the chance to
useful to have allies who can perform next daimyo of Nakamaru. This youth, improve their own position. Further-
dark deeds and learn secrets not the son of his concubine Miyagi, is more, the Funada have the aid of
meant to be known. older than the eldest son of Mitsuhide Taichi, a mysterious wu jen who lives
But there are other factions in the by many years. If Toyoo can gain in the mountains behind Nakamaru.
city, groups with interests much more enough support at the shogun’s court His mysterious comings and goings
local than the grand schemes of the and in Nakamaru, the elevation of his normally precede fearsome events.
shogun and the emperor. These son will be guaranteed. Of course,
groups, the yakuza, vie for control of Mitsuhide is aware of Toyoo’s ambi- The Loyal Families
the city and its lucrative business in tions and is taking his own measures
gambling and protection. Some of to block them. By making careful Central to the Funada’s strength in
these yakuza have semi-official rec- appointments and rewards, he is try- Nakamaru are a small core of samurai
ognition from the government. So ing to slowly remove Toyoo from his clans known as the Loyal Families.
great is their influence and power that powerful position as administrator of These clans earned this title in the
they actually aid the local authorities Nakamaru. Both brothers are quietly Tokiryo War, 200 years ago. From the
in keeping the piece. lining up allies within the family which outset, these families had the wisdom
Finally, there are the religious fac- will sooner or later tear it apart. or fortune to side with the Matasuuri
tions. Unlike the great rulers and the However, the brothers know they family in the final struggle that unified
must still present a united front to the Wa. With the decisive victory at the
local gangs, the great temples worry
about their own position. If the shogun other nobles of Nakamaru and Wa, Shido Plain, the Matasuuri emerged

as the shogun of Wa. Those support- counting on the Oe rallying to their of his family toppling the shogun and
ing them were rewarded, in accord- support; this the Oe are not certain the puppet emperor currently on the
ance with their rank. While the about. throne. For now, however, he is wait-
powerful received fiefs, the lesser ing for the opportunity to strike against
families were granted stipends paid The Northern Goshukara the Funada. He is trying to engineer
directly from the shogun’s treasury. some disaster, embarrassment, or
Although far from the most powerful outright frame for the Funada family
The great families became daimyo;
the lesser families became the Loyal family of Nakamaru, the Northern that leads to their downfall. Further-
Goshukara have a tremendous more, his own clan must be recog-
amount of political influence. Able to nized by the shogun as the proper
The Loyal Families are a key faction
of the Funada strength in Nakamaru. trace their ancestry directly to the successor to the Funada, either for
The stipends they receive have made emperor, this clan is given an appro- services previously rendered or
priate level of respect. Although the because Akinari exposed the sinister
them dependent on the shogun and elders of the clan hold no positions at
thus his allies. While not directly vas- “plots” of the Funada.
sals of the Funada, they are his for all the court of the shogun or even within To reach this goal, the Goshukara
the local government, they do have family has made ties with the Phoenix
practical purposes. He is the agent of
high-ranking positions within the tradi- clan of ninja. This is as much to
the shogun (and the shogun’s neph-
ew) in Nakamaru and as long as he tional, but generally ceremonial, offic- defend themselves from the Higo clan
treats them with respect, they have lit- es of the Emperor. The head of the as it is to perform their own dastardly
clan, Goshukara Akinari is Regulator deeds. The Goshukara have been
tle cause to complain. Of course, if
any family should feel that it has been and Great Counselor, Second Rank, carefully cultivating ties at court and
treated unjustly, it can present its suit Junior Grade. His brother is Great among the local samurai. They have
Counselor of the Princely Left, Third also granted what few favors they can
to the shogun, but justice is not always
fair. Rank, Senior Grade. Although these to the foreign community to gain eco-
The Loyal Families in Nakamaru positions have only ceremonial nomic support and magical aid. With-
are the Gamo, Tsuga, Oe, and duties, their histories are such that the out realizing it, they have come to the
Sasabe. These provide most of the holder of the title is automatically due attention of the Royal Vagabonds,
proper respect and etiquette. who have been instructed to use the
samurai in Funada Mitsuhide’s body-
guard and the garrisons of the prov- Akinari is not just attempting to Goshukara for their own ends. The
keep his clan alive, he is also attempt- Goshukara also have the quiet sup-
ince. Their status is such that they
ing to restore it to its former glory. In port of the local shrines, who hold a
achieve minor ranks—Commander of
the Left Gate Guards, Left Gate some areas this is not too difficult—it greater reverence for the emperor as
Guards Assistant, Master of the Sta- is entirely normal for a once-mighty the descendant of the gods.
bles, Warrior Grand Marshal, Com- family to seek to restore its fortunes.
Few object to the family’s attempts to
mander of the Right Gate Guards, etc. regain its financial and social position. The Imperial Families
The Loyal Families have so far Filling out the ranks of the more signif-
resisted any new allegiances, particu- However, the shogun is ever wary of
the Goshukara, considering anyone icant samurai families in Nakamaru is
larly to the Goshukara. However, they a block known as the Imperial Fami-
with a strong connection to the emper-
are the pawns in the battle between or a potential threat. Political appoint- lies. These samurai clans can all trace
Mitsuhide and Toyoo as each maneu-
ments are made with great caution a lineage, albeit often very distant, to
vers for their support. Currently, the the Imperial bloodline. This is of no
done only after ensuring the Goshu-
Gamo, the Oe and the Tsuga are small importance to these clans, for to
inclined towards Toyoo’s camp, while kara appointee will be truly loyal to the
shogun. Akinari, old fox that he is, will possess imperial blood, even for a
the Sasabe lean to Mitsuhide. All are
not allow any disloyalty to the shogun simple provincial family, is a great
aware of the power struggle now mark of distinction. These families
occurring within the Funada family (a man he secretly detests), patiently
biding his time. may find themselves allied with or
and all seek to profit from it in some courted by any one of several factions
It is Akinari’s ambition to topple the
way. In addition, the Oe have become and each has their own goals.
Funada Mitsuhide as daimyo of Naka-
more and more disillusioned with the
shogun and have politely heard over- maru and replace him with a member
of the Goshukara family. This he for- Dengyo: The Dengyo are driven by
tures from the Goshukara. However, ambition to improve their lot, both eco-
sees as happening some time in the
they are far from ready to take action nomically and socially. Currently they
not-too-distant future. His ambitions
against the Funada as a whole. When beyond this are to ultimately see one are in the service of the Tsuga family
the time comes, the Goshukara are
although they have hopes to establish less Flower Gang would seriously Takeshi is secretly hoping that some-
their own line through some act of dis- consider selling their note on Sada- thing will happen that will relieve him
tinction. The head of the clan is a moto to another for the right price. from the burdensome decision, that
middle-aged man of pliable opinion. Both Mitsuhide and Toyoo have con- someone will show him a way to sup-
The piloting of the family is more sidered this possibility as a way to port Toyoo and still preserve the hon-
decided by his wife, who manipulates gain the services of the Hino family. or of his family.
her husband behind the scenes. However, the situation has not yet
reached the point where either has to Nagoya: The Nagoya clan is an erratic
Arao: The Arao family is on the verge rely on one as undependable as Sada- star. The family has no overriding or
of internal collapse and it is quite likely moto. driving ambition, but many smaller
that within a month there will come an goals pursued by different members.
application to split the family. The Kidera: The Kidera are a samurai fam- Nagoya Hatano, the head of the fami-
head of the clan is a die-hard tradition- ily in the true classical sense. Kidera ly, only seeks to maintain its current
alist and is firmly resisting any sug- Takeshi, the head of the family, has level of prosperity in the upcoming
gestion that the clan might improve its taken great pains to see that his sons troubles which he foresees. His policy
fortunes by making a subtle shift in have been educated in all the proper on this is that it will be best accom-
allegiances. He sees his duty with Mit- cultivated arts. Once the Kidera plished by careful neutrality. His wife
suhide and none other. His youngest served at the court of the Emperor, for is concerned for her sons and daugh-
son maintains the family should con- the family claims a lineage as far back ters and is pressing him to arrange
sider the offers of the Goshukara. His as Emperor Kicho, Master of the advantageous marriages for their chil-
two older brothers, while less vocal, Peach Tree. Takeshi is determined to dren. Meanwhile the family is suffer-
agree with him but wish to delay do all he can to see that his family sus- ing from an outrage—a brother to
things for a little longer. tains the honor of this great tradition. Hatano was slain one night in the
Takeshi’s sons have received all Entertainment District. Now the sons,
Hino: The Hino are a family in decline. the best training in the classical arts. by the laws of vendetta, wish to seek
Once of modest means and optimistic They have studied military skills, cal- out the killer and avenge his death.
expectations, their fortunes have ligraphy, painting, poetry, and the tea Unknown to the father, his youngest
been horribly squandered by the cur- ceremony under local masters. son has made the acquaintance of a
rent head of the family, Hino Sadamo- Takeshi’s efforts have not been a fail- daughter of the Goshukara and has
to. He is a wastrel and gambler with no ure either. His eldest son, now a man, been enticed by her grace, charm and
apparent intention of ever planning for is a respected teacher to the Funada beauty. He knows that it would be diffi-
the future needs of the family. What family. His second oldest has entered cult if not impossible to conclude a
few retainers he can maintain are the into the Winter Sect as a sohei, quick- marriage, for many reasons. But this
worst hangers-on and ne’er-do-wells. ly rising through the ranks to become does not prevent him from attempting
Every evening is spent in drinking, a commander at the local temple. His to see her anyway. The Goshukara
gambling, or worse. He is a poor youngest son has shown a greater suspect what is happening and are
example of a samurai and is scorned taste for poetry and writing than ‘war- hoping to use whatever comes of it as
by others for his behavior. His son, a fare and is seeking an opportunity to a lever to persuade the Nagoya to join
young man of 14, is desperately seek- travel to the capital and study under their schemes.
ing adoption by some other family that the great poets there.
he might change his name and
escape his father’s shame. However,
The Kidera are loyal to the Funada
clan, the absolute obedience to their The Yakuza
his father is not about to approve the lords being part of what Takeshi has The Big Head Gang
boy’s adoption by another. To his drilled into his sons. They will not con-
mind this would be nothing more than sider any offers by the Goshukara. The Big Heads are a tekiya (street
base betrayal by the lad. However, the growing split within the peddler) yakuza gang. Also called
Hino Sadamoto has recently gone Funada places them in a much more yashi, the members of this gang travel
seriously into debt to the Worthless difficult position. Takeshi’s natural between the local villages and the
Flower yakuza gang. For now they are desire is to support Toyoo, who has city, selling goods and fake medi-
willing to wait before calling the debt, managed the military and province for cines. In Nakamaru, they control all
draining him of all they can. They see several years now while his brother the business of the small street stalls
no reason to protect a foolish samurai has been off to court. However, his and organize special “festivals” to
from himself, especially one who has duty and obligation lie with Mitsuhide, increase their own business.
so few important friends. The Worth- a man he does not care for greatly. The activities of the Big Heads are
many, but nearly all relate to the sell- ties arise in the city, such as a dispute frictions and difficulties, the different
ing of goods. Apprentices travel the over taxes, the Big Heads often serve games cater to different clientele.
highways carrying shoddy goods from as intermediaries, negotiating a set- Games where a samurai plays cannot
village to village, selling them at exor- tlement. Likewise, when the local be joined by a lowly commoner or
bitant prices—“snake-oil” medicines, police need information on a criminal even a well-to-do merchant. Likewise,
ornamental trees without roots, “valu- case, they will often turn to the Big the samurai would not even consent
able” pottery, etc. In this way they are Heads. The Big Heads cooperate as to take part in a game with the com-
similar to the hawkers and souvenir long as it will not hurt their own opera- mon people. The Worthless Flower
booths found at fairs and tourist traps tions. Gang is very possessive of its territo-
today. In the city, the Big Heads The Big Heads recruit their mem- ry. It will not tolerate gambling opera-
“license” street peddlers and the bers from the lower walks of life. They tions by anyone else. Such attempts
booths outside temples by collecting will take in hunted criminals (unless often lead to violent street brawls.
the rent that would normally be paid to the pursuit is too hot) and offer a However, the Worthless Flower Gang
the local landlord or temple. Only part chance for the eta or burakumin to does not engage in the same types of
of this is paid out, the rest filling the escape their miserable lot. The poor of business as the Big Head Gang and
Big Heads’ purse. Their victims com- Nakamaru often seek out the Big so both exist side-by-side with no diffi-
plain little, however, since they are Heads (or other yakuza gangs) for culty.
also buying protection. The Big Heads employment. Thus, the Big Heads Like the Big Head Gang, the Worth-
ensure that no harm comes to those always have a pool of recruits to draw less Flower Gang is organized accord-
who pay, either from rival yakuza, bel- upon. ing to the oyabun/kobun relationship.
ligerent samarai, or themselves. Of Its rules demand secrecy and abso-
course, those who refuse have all The Worthless Flower Gang lute loyalty to the oyabun. Also forbid-
manner of misfortune—fires, beatings den are theft and other petty crimes.
The second yakuza group in the city is Gang members advance within the
and mysterious accidents. But still,
the Worthless Flower Gang, a band of ranks by experience—improving their
the Big Head gang protects the com-
bakuto (gambler) yakuza. Unlike the gambling skills, demonstrating their
mon people from the outrages of the Big Heads, the Worthless Flower
samurai. With the income gained from courage in street battles, and showing
Gang specializes in gambling opera- their loyalty to the oyabun.
these operations, the Big Heads make tions of all types. The Worthless
loans at a suitably high interest rate. The Worthless Flower Gang gath-
Flower Gang is trying to control all ers its recruits from many of the same
This in turn makes the upper class forms of gambling within the city of
families—wealthy merchants and places as the Big Heads—the eta and
Nakamaru and the surrounding post the common folk. However, gambling
samurai—dependent upon them. towns. Most center around dice and
The Big Heads are organized in a is still a more respectable activity over
card games. In the post towns of the being a merchant, so poor and mas-
family type relationship. At the head is highways leading in and out of Naka-
the oyabun (father). Under him are the terless samurai have been known to
maru, the Worthless Flower Gang join the gang. Aside from their skill in
underboss, deputies, warriors, and organizes card games for the travel-
apprentices. They are all known as weapons, these ronin provide the
ing samurai and noblemen, moving to bakuto with important contacts in the
kobun. The Big Heads have three and from the capital. These games
basic rules that govern what they do— upper classes and a sense of samurai
are not overtly dishonest, but the odds honor, which they try to live in their
not to have anything to do with the are heavily in favor of the bakuto. Still,
wife of another Big Head, not to talk own way.
they are clever enough to see that The Worthless Flower Gang has
about the Big Heads, and to abso-
many of the players leave with a small received official recognition from the
lutely obey the oyabun. These rules amount of winnings, enough to
are final. If they are broken, the local government and so their opera-
ensure their return. tions are seldom troubled by the
offender is cast out of the Big Heads In Nakamaru, the Worthless Flower
and the oyabun sends out word that police. Indeed, the gang originally
Gang operates regular gambling came into being when the local dai-
no shelter or safety will be given him games at several of the houses of
by any other yakuza group. myo needed to swindle money from
entertainment. Here their men super- his workmen while Nakamaru Castle
Because the Big Heads have
vise the games of the house, taking a was being built. The daimyo paid the
authority over much of the trade within
cut of the profits for the gang. Their workmen their wages and then hired
Nakamaru province and hold IOU’s customers come from all walks of
on important officials of the city, they gamblers to win the money back from
life—simple fishermen and carpen- them. The gamblers and the daimyo
are semi-officially recognized by the ters to haughty samurai. To prevent
government of the area. When difficul- shared in the profits and the workmen
were left with just enough to care for followers, are better equipped to pro- The Hijo do not actually live in
their families. tect themselves. Nakamaru, instead claiming a small
Now, however, the situation is For all their influence elsewhere, village deep in the mountains. Here
somewhat reversed, as the bakuto however, the Black Mist Gang has not the bulk of the clan lives, free to prac-
prey on the samurai and many have gained the official recognition of the tice their “mountain-style” ninjitsu
large gambling debts they must pay local government. This, perhaps more away from prying eyes. However,
off. Meanwhile, the bakuto are careful than anything, has hampered their many members of the family can be
to keep anyone from owing them too growth in the city. Where the Big Head found in the city —if one knows where
much money. Penniless commoners and Worthless Flower Gangs can to look. Some act as minor advisors to
would no longer come to their games count on the blind eye of the local the Funada family, others are lay
and samurai enraged over their debts authorities, the Black Mist must con- monks at the local monasteries. One
would simply refuse to pay. Both tinually be on their guard against the poses as the owner of a small tea shop
events would leave the Worthless police and local samurai. Thus, for in the entertainment district. They do
Flower Gang out in the cold. local support, they have positioned not have any special recognition sign
themselves as supporters of the For- or badge, since each knows all others
The Black Mist Gang eign District. Where the other yakuza of the clan. Thus, they are very diffi-
ignore or prey on this neighborhood, cult to detect in normal life.
Newly settled in the Nakamaru area, closing their ranks to foreign member- The head of the clan is known as the
the Black Mist Gang is both a tekiya ship, the Black Mist have actively sensei or master. He, with the advice
and bakuto yakuza group. The Black encouraged members from the scum of other respected elders, decides all
Mist have been trying to gain control that hover around the foreign mer- the strategy of the clan and deter-
of all illegal activities in the city of chants and captains. In return, they mines all assignments. No family
Nakamaru, an ambition not well- provide special protection to the pow- action can be undertaken without his
received by either the Big Head or erful Shou Lung traders, providing approval, although he does allow the
Worthless Flower gangs. Based in the them with contacts, information, and elders to handle and approve smaller
Foreign District, the Black Mist has introductions normally beyond their routine assignments. To come to the
viciously taken territory away from the reach. Unsuspected by the powerful attention of the sensei can be very
other two gangs. The confrontations of Nakamaru, the Black Mist are just good or very bad. For exceptional skill
between the groups have led to beginning to gain high-level influence and cleverness, he gives rewards of
bloody street battles, fought in the as the go-betweens in delicate mat- harder and more difficult assign-
middle of the night. Although an out- ters between Shou Lung and Wa con- ments, a sign of great favor. But for
sider to Nakamaru, the Black Mist cerns. incompetence and failure he has little
Gang apparently has powerful influ- patience, often rewarding the bungler
ence elsewhere in Wa for, despite pro-
tests from the oyabun of the other
gangs, no action has been taken
The Ninja with death as an example to all others.
He is a very hard man.
against them. The Hijo Clan The Hijo primarily fill their ranks
from within their own families, adopt-
Like the other yakuza groups, the Highly secretive but immensely pow- ing only a few from outside the blood-
Black Mist use an oyabun/kobun rela- erful within Nakamaru are the Hijo. A line. This has ensured the clan’s
tionship and hold roughly similar laws hidden clan of professional ninja, the knowledge and respect for the tradi-
and regulations. However, the Black Hijo have close ties to the Funada tions of the past, as well as increased
Mist is divided into different branches, family, acting as their sole agents in loyalty. However, not all in the family
based on the type of activity. Some most nefarious activities. These ties are suited physically and tempera-
kobun specialize in tekiya-style work, are more than simple loyalty or greed, mentally to the this life and there have
others in bakuto activities. In addition, having their roots deep in ancient tra- been some who have left, never to
the Black Mist has a third arm, the dition and giri — a sense of obligation return. Many such renegade mem-
gurentai. These yakuza are thugs, and duty. The Hijo are irrevocably tied bers have met with unpleasant
providing the muscle the other two to Funada whatever their fortunes. deaths, but in the city of Nakamaru
arms need. Backed by the gurentai, And yet, at the same time, the Hijo are two have managed to become suc-
the Black Mist Gang has made violent free to pursue their own ambitions and cessful merchants. These two are still
attacks on the headquarters of the Big schemes. It is only when these conflict required to give aid and support to the
Head Gang. To date they have not with the plans of the Funada that the clan, but are otherwise left out of the
made a direct raid against the Worth- intolerable arises and the Hijo must family’s darker affairs.
less Flower Gang who, with their ronin sacrifice their own aims to satisfy giri.
The Phoenix Clan skills, the youth is adopted, officially many sects that has grown out of the
becoming a son of the sponsor. He original teachings of the Path of
The Phoenix are the ninja of the changes his name to show this adopt- Enlightenment. Founded in the year
Goshukara family and have been so ion and may even move in with his 1358 by the great teacher Saizu, the
for about 100 years. While they do not new “father”. His old family, once the sect’s main temple is located just out-
have the tradition of the Hijo family, farewells are said, is forgotten and all side the capital. The sect, while adher-
they are very ambitious and deter- blood ties are considered to be lost. ing to the overall precepts of the Path
mined. They are also intensively He must be obedient to his new father of Enlightenment, places emphasis
secretive, even more so than the mys- as a proper son would be, following on the intervention of various deities
terious Hijo. Their family name, if they his will in all things. and great teachers, who ensure the
have one is unknown as is their origin When his father dies, the adopted well-being of their followers. The
and current base of operations. Their son can have a reasonable expecta- sect’s practices are not too difficult,
operations in Nakamaru may only be tion of assuming the father’s role as making them popular with the com-
a branch of larger schemes or may be head of the household, claiming both moners of the city. Thus, the Shining
their true base. It is impossible to say. the name and the property, especially Mountain Sect has a great deal of
The members of the clan carry no if there are no other male children in popularity within the city.
sign to indicate their loyalty and only the line. In this way, new blood and The great teachers of the sect have
know a few other members. Their vigor is constantly brought into the followed a vigorous program of build-
head is a woman, a shadowy figure Phoenix clan. However it also ing, often with the support of the impe-
called the Serpent. Although all mem- increases the risks of bad judgment in rial, shogunal, or local governments.
bers, natural or adopted, have met her adoptions and treachery by outsiders. Each province has a provincial temple
at least once, none can identify her. Therefore, adoptive candidates are under which are local subscriber tem-
She always speaks from behind a very carefully screened (in secret, of ples. Part of the donations collected
screen in a faint and whispery voice. course!). Currently, there are about 30 from these small temples are sent to
Seen with her is a large hunting dog, members of the Phoenix clan in Naka- the provincial temple. These in turn
its head resting in her lap. This dog is maru. use the money for building projects or
vicious and trained to follow all her send it to the capital. Entrusted with
The Temples and
commands. At meetings with low this financial responsibility and the
ranked members or grand councils, support of the citizenry, the provincial
she is known to have four bodyguards
on hand at all times. However, such is Shrines temples such as the one at Nakamaru
wield great power.
their skill that these men are rarely, if While the Funada and Goshukara The Nakamaru temple of the sect is
ever, seen. struggle for political power and the a moderate-sized operation. The tem-
The Phoenix ninja have decided yakuza vie for the rule of the city, the ple compound is the home for 100
that their best chance to prosper and different sects of Nakamaru contend gakusho and shukenja and a monas-
grow lies with the Goshukara family. for the greater glory of their temples tery of 10 monks. In addition, the tem-
To this end, they have been helping and shrines. Although they claim to be ple maintains a force of 200 sohei.
the Goshukara for a century now. politically neutral, most are actively Nearly all of these are fiercely loyal to
Their ties are not nearly as close as involved in political life, seeking spe- the temple, although there have been
those of the Hijo and the Funada, and cial favors and treatment for their reli- rare incidents of treachery among the
the Phoenix have been known to act gion. sohei in the past. These sohei have a
purely in their own self-interest. But at Within Nakamaru, the most power- traditional feud with the sohei of the
the same time, they know they can get ful religious groups are the temples of Winter Sect.
away with this, for the Goshukara the Path of Enlightenment. These The current abbot of the temple is a
need their services dearly and cannot temples are more than local cults. distant nephew of the shogun, a mem-
afford to be without them. Organized on a national scale, they ber of the Funada family, son of Mitsu-
Unlike the Hijo, who recruit primari- are rich and influential groups. Pri- hide. As such, his loyalties are very
ly from within their family, the Phoenix marily concerned with their own wel- much with the shogun and the dai-
Clan freely adopts promising mem- fare, they side with whoever will best myo. He, and his temple, have
bers into its organization. When a support their temple. received generous donations and tax
youth shows promise or natural talent exemptions. The Shining Mountain
in the arts of ninjitsu, he is sponsored The Shining Mountain Sect Sect is called upon to lead most cere-
by an older and more respected mem- monies at the local court, a presti-
ber of the clan. Upon proving his The Shining Mountain is one of the gious honor.
The Winter Sect sons are tutored by the shukenja of god to the trials of everyday life.
the temple. The shrine receives a number of
The followers of this particular sect of The compound consists of a small offerings from those who come to
the Path of Enlightenment are com- private temple staffed by ten shukenja pray—bundles of arrows and armor
monly samurai and bushi. The teach- and a larger public set of buildings. are common from warriors. The rest is
ings, a mixture of the Path of Overall there are 40 shukenja of vary- money or goods useful to the shuken-
Enlightenment and the Way (found in ing levels in the compound. Attached ja and monks of the shrine. The shrine
Shou Lung) stress principles of action to the temple is a small monastery of is small, having only 10 shukenja and
and non-action. According to the Win- 10 monks. These monks are hostile to a monastery of 20 monks. However,
ter Sect, true understanding is the monks of the Shrine of Tsuyoi-no- the monastery has a reputation for the
reached only when a person knows kami school. However, due to its mili- skill and valor of its disciples. They are
how to act without acting, to react tary ties, the temple is able to maintain often called to give special instruction
without thought. For the perfect disci- a force of 250 sohei. These sohei are to the daimyo’s family or to the sons of
ple, every action is natural and constantly feuding with the Shining his powerful retainers. Unique among
unplanned—it occurs simply because Mountain sect. They are commanded the monasteries of Nakamaru, this
the disciple knows it is the right action. by Kidera Ujisato, the oldest son of one accepts women, training them
Warriors see practical uses for all this, Kidera Takeshi. In addition, in times of equal to men.
especially the art of learning to act trouble, the temple could call for Politically, the shrine of Tsuyoi-no-
without thinking. They feel that mas- another 300 to 500 warriors from the kami has no over-riding ambitions.
tering this philosophy allows them to local samurai families. However, it does have a tradition of
strike with blinding speed in combat, Politically, the temple is torn. The rebellion and conspiracy, dating back
as the hand moves the sword before abbot wishes to remain neutral in any to the times of the Shou Lung inva-
the brain has even commanded it. impending struggles. However, sion. Since then the shrine has been a
To reach this lofty state requires rig- Kidera Ujisato comes from an imperial popular meeting ground for sedition-
orous, even draconian, training. The family and so bears ancient and deep ists, malcontents, thieves and scoun-
disciple must practice for hours at ties to the Goshukara family. How- drels. As such, the Goshukara have
releasing his body and mind, detaching ever, he is restrained from any rash been using the place for discreet
his thoughts and emotions from his action both by his own loyalties to the meetings and the yakuza gangs have
actions. If his mind is preoccupied by Funada and the fact that many of his used the shrine as a neutral territory to
troubles or fears, it will interfere with his sohei are related to the samurai fami- hold parleys. It is even said that one
actions. Then he must work even longer lies of the city. The Goshukara are can find a ninja at the shrine, if only
to combine the two again making his making discreet but determined one knows where to look.
now calm mind act as one with his body. attempts to win the temple over to
This is not easily done and requires
intense dedication. As such, the Winter
their side through donations and quiet Other Temples and Shrines
support of any petitions the sect plac-
Sect is not popular with the common es before the government. Within Nakamaru, there are numer-
masses. They have little time to waste ous other small sects and shrines, as
upon such philosophical pursuits. It has many as you might care to add. How-
become the domain of the educated The Shrine of Tsuyoi-no-kami ever, none of these contribute greatly
and the warrior. Of all the myriad shrines of Naka- to the factions of the city. Instead, they
The temple of the Winter Sect at maru, who follow the beliefs of the are concerned more with the day-to-
Nakamaru is loosely tied to the sect’s Eight Million Gods, the shrine of day life of the people, seeing to their
temple at the capital. The organiza- Tsuyoi-no-kami, the War-God, is the needs and their own survival. There
tion is not as thorough as the Shining most revered. General Yoshibei, who are even strange temples in the For-
Mountain Sect, as the Winter Sect’s defended Nakamaru in the first Shou eign District, but these are not con-
philosophy is much more indepen- Lung invasion, has been elevated to cerned with the power struggles of
dent minded. Therefore, the Winter the position of a local deity. Samurai, Nakamaru. Still, the base of one of
Sect carries less influence in the bushi and even common folk come to these uninvolved groups may be used
courts of the shogun. However, the pray at his shrine. The prayers of the for any shukenja players in the cam-
local temple is strongly supported by warriors are simple enough—success paign. Sohei player characters must
the local samurai families, particularly in combat, fortune in duels. The com- either belong to one of the temples
the Kidera and the Nagoya. The sect mon folk come to pray for favor in listed above or belong to a temple
has potent indirect influence in the great endeavors—it is easy enough from another city. There are no other
daimyo’s court since many samurai for them to expand the role of a war- sohei groups in the city.

instructions to Yin-kung T’o and hears of these plots have been aimed
The Foreign any reports in turn. Its fearsome against the Society by the emperor’s
command, but others have been more
Factions appearance and fiery temper more
than sufficiently terrify even the sinister, Gorath’s orders coming not
Royal Vagabonds stoutest of the Royal Vagabonds. from the emperor but from his true
Rumors of the fates of traitors at the master, who remains unknown.
The Royal Vagabonds are a small hands of such a creature also help Working with Chih in Nakamaru are
group of approximately ten members encourage the agents to be loyal. about 16 other members of the socie-
who operate out of the house of Yin- ty, though none have the lineage or
kung T’o, a Shou Lung merchant. The
Royal Vagabonds are much like the Many-Hued Peacock Society reputation of Liu-hsai Chih. Some
members are Shou Lung noblemen
ninja of Wa, secretly striking in the Another import from the Shou Lung fallen on hard times and driven into
night. However, the Royal Vagabonds Empire is the Many-Hued Peacock commerce. Others are wealthy mer-
are in the service of the Emperor Chin, Society. This group is part of a long chants seeking advancement. A few
reporting to the Shou Lung Imperial tradition in Shou Lung, a secret socie- are humble traders, angered and frus-
Censor, a bureaucratic secret police. ty with a centuries-old history and trated by the numerous imperial
Those of Wa know naught of the exist- goal. The Many-Hued Peacock Socie- monopolies, regulations, and taxes
ence of this group, but the prudent ty has for 500 years striven to over- that hinder them. All have been
men of Shou Lung live in terror of their throw the imperial rule and establish instructed in the importance of
very name. The Royal Vagabonds can the independence of those noble fam- patience and planning and most do
each be identified by a magical sigil ilies that form its members. That it has not expect great advancements dur-
set on their chests. This sign is nor- not succeeded in 500 years has not ing their own lifetimes. Some day,
mally unseen to normal sight, but will dampened the enthusiasm of its mem- however, they believe their families
appear as a faint pattern of welts when bers. Indeed, they are notorious for will come into importance and power
the appropriate phrase is spoken. taking the “long view” towards any because of their association with the
Membership within the Royal Vaga- goal. Within the innermost circles Many Hued Peacock.
bonds is a select and highly coveted plans are frequently charted for the Currently, the Society is in Naka-
position, for the word of any member decades and centuries ahead. And maru to revive, foster and promote old
carries great power in the capital. this is done with good reason, as Liu- alliances with the ruling families of the
Such is the risk of abuse that each hsia Chih well knows. province. This is all part of the greater
member not only watches the activi- Liu-hsia Chih is the leader of the plan. While others on the mainland
ties of those they are to investigate, Many Hued Peacock Society in Naka- work to obtain offices, special exemp-
but also the activities of his fellows. maru, an elderly man just reaching tions, and favorable edicts (which
This group of the Royal Vagabonds that point where others will see him as over the decades will erode imperial
have been sent to Wa posing as a venerable sage. But, his looks belie, power), those in Wa are working to
clerks, seamen and couriers. Their his age, for he is far older than the 60 build a powerbase here for the day
orders are to seek out and learn the or so years he appears. Known only to when the Many Hued Peacock will be
activities and intentions of the Many- a few is the fact that Liu-hsia Chih is able to operate openly. This, however,
Hued Peacock Society, an anti- one of the founders of the Many Hued requires the protection and favor of
Emperor group. So far they have Peacock Society 500 years ago. Magi- first the local samurai, then the dai-
learned only a little, all of which has cal spells and potions combined with myo, and finally the shogunal court.
been duly reported to the Imperial a rigorous life of contemplation and Currently the Society is only in the
Censor. philosophy have given Chih unnatural beginning stages of its plan. To reach
The chief operator of the Royal Vag- years. Unsurprisingly, he is one of the the local samurai and conceal its
abonds in Wa is Yin-kung T’o himself. Inner Council of the Society, a group intentions, the Society has been meet-
However, the true leadership of the chaired by men and women like him- ing as a literary club to study the clas-
group comes from a mysterious self. More surprising is that his prime sics of Shou Lung. Many samurai
being, known as the Gorath, who nemesis for nearly all his career has send their sons to study these refined
claims to be an official of the Celestial been the unrelenting creature Gorath. arts and Chih and the others have
Bureaucracy. Its origins are unknown Their first meeting was 457 years ago been slowly filling their heads with
but it has faithfully conveyed the wish- and they parted on less-than-pleasant anti-imperial views.
es of the Emperor Chin. The Gorath terms. Chih has remained calmly At the same time, Chih has been
appears magically in the midst of watchful ever since, delighting in foil- making careful contacts with the com-
group meetings, obediently gives any ing the machinations of Gorath. Some mon classes of Nakamaru. He knows
Gorath and the Royal Vagabonds are that Grey Blossom detachments are between Shou Lung and Wa. While
coming, if not already in Nakamaru, always paired with equal or greater they seldom bag immensely rich car-
and he knows they will fight him. He numbers of his own men. They do not gos (these are normally sent by magi-
has been looking for willing warriors command positions of great trust and cal means), they do quite well
and thugs for the coming battle. In are often used for the most arduous reselling the common goods they
addition, he would greatly like to and unpleasant tasks. The daimyo seize. These appear in markets
obtain the services of a ninja or vaga- and the soldiers of Nakamaru con- throughout Wa and Kozakura.
bond to scout out his enemy and do sider them expendable and will cer- What is not commonly known is that
those things he cannot. He has made tainly not risk their own lives for a Grey Nakamaru is one of the wako bases.
contact with the Black Mist Gang and Blossom man. The regiment’s only From here they receive secret support
considers them useful, if unreliable. protection is for its men to watch each of the Funada family who grants them
other’s backs, since no one else will use of the port in exchange for a por-
The Grey Blossom Regiment do it for them. The commander has tion of all goods taken. Still, they try to
also found it very wise to remain apo- keep out of sight as much as possible.
Unique to Nakamaru, the Grey Blos- litical in the affairs of Wa. He knows There is always a chance that a Shou
som Regiment is a tightly-knit group of how the political winds blow, but will Lung merchant will recognize them or
men. Originally a garrison troop of the not commit his regiment to a faction their ship. Too much notoriety will only
Shou Lung occupation, the Grey Blos- unless he must. Even then, he doesn’t bring the shogun’s agents down upon
som Regiment remained behind when accept the best contract, he joins the them. Already there have been sev-
the occupation was finally broken. cause most likely to win. eral complaints from Shou Lung
Applying to the local daimyo (with a As a mercenary unit, the Grey Blos- envoys.
persuasive force of arms), the regi- som accepts small contracts from The principal concern of the wako is
ment was allowed to remain in Naka- most who offer them. Many such con- to stay alive and learn of new ship-
maru under its own charter, provided tracts are for bodyguards for travel- ments coming and going from Naka-
it swore allegiance to the daimyo. This lers, or marines to protect local maru. The various captains have their
allegiance has now become little more shipping from pirates. The Funada own agents within the city, particularly
than a formality since the Regiment family also employs them for various in the waterfront and foreign districts.
has become a permanent mercenary tasks, particularly those that keep it Wako sailors, when in port, are natu-
troop, normally in the service of the outside the city. Of late, the Grey Blos- rally drawn to the gambling rooms of
local daimyo. som Regiment has been sounded out the yakuza. Not surprisingly, many of
The Grey Blossom Regiment num- by the Many Hued Peacock Society them become involved in drunken,
bers 500 men, normally bushi select- and under observation by the Royal swaggering brawls.
ed from applicants who present Vagabonds. The Goshukara have
themselves before the commander. managed to subvert several junior The Goblin Rats
Foreigners are preferred and those officers and are hoping for the day
from Nakamaru are the least likely to when they will gain the loyalty of the On the outskirts of the city, in an older
be accepted. The commander is regiment for their own ends. section near the marshes, are a few
fiercely jealous of his regiment’s inde- blocks of dilapidated and abandoned
pendence and is constantly suspi- buildings. This area has a dark and
cious of attempts to subvert the The Other Factions gruesome reputation. In one house
the mistress went mad; in another, the
regiment’s purpose. None of the offi-
cers are natives of Wa. The men of the Wako children disappeared never to be
regiment are encouraged to keep Plying the oceans mainly to the north seen again. Across the street, the
their own customs and are discour- and west of Nakamaru and to a lesser master was executed for treason,
aged from adopting too many of the extent the straits to the east, are the while the ruin several houses down
native ways. wako — pirates of the ocean. Their rep- was once a prosperous mansion
Of course, the regiment is not fully utation is well-known, heartless killers which was destroyed by fire. It is said
independent. Its every action is who leave survivors only by accident. there are spirits everywhere, moaning
watched over by the Controller Gen- It is only in the past several years that through the willow trees.
eral, a samurai official appointed by they have become active in these This area is the abode of a clan of
the daimyo. There is an uneasy truce waters. Always careful, they prey on goblin rats. During the day, the rats
between the bushi of the daimyo and ships well out tacking close to the pop- generally remain in their rat form, pref-
his retainers and the men of the Grey ulated shore. Their favorite victims erably out of sight. At night, they take
Blossom. The daimyo makes certain are the merchant junks sailing on their characteristic ratman shape

and slip through the darkest streets of attracted to the commotion. In the The Kuei
the city. They prey upon the weak, morning, Lord Funada’s men arrived,
unwary, and besotted, often cruelly only to find him dead. The shrine has Seventeen years ago, Lord Toragi,
teasing their victims before the kill. never been reopened, since all have uncle of Lord Mitsuhide (the current
been repelled by the horror of his daimyo of Nakamaru), secretly
They also lurk about the cemeteries
and temples, awaiting the chance to deeds. pledged his aid to the Goshukara
Recently, disease has struck the cause. Before he could fulfill his
desecrate the dead, an evil practice in
neighborhood. It is being caused by a pledge, he was banished at the orders
which they take great delight.
tigbanua buso. True to his horrid spe- of the shogun, framed by a plot cre-
ated by his younger brother (see the
The Oni cies, the creature has taken residence
Timeline). Now his kuei seeks to pos-
in the old shrine intent upon causing
Lurking near the Temple of the Shin- the destruction of humankind. The sesses an able and noble warrior so
ing Mountain is a large and savage tigbanua’s goal is to steadily convert that he can fulfill his pledge of service
common oni. For many weeks, he has as many locals as possible into taga- to the Goshukara. The kuei lurks on
been terrorizing those commoners maling buso. Given the timid nature of the grounds of the castle, particularly
who come to the temple during the the locals, he will succeed unless that of the second bailey where the
early morning and late night hours. some brave soul comes forward to sentence was pronounced.
The creature has taken exception to stop him.
what he considers the noisy boastful- The Emissary of the Sea Lord
ness of the temple’s shukenja and is
exacting his revenge. Although the
The Ikiryo Only recently arrived in Nakamaru is a
Six months ago, Funada Mitsuhide strange youth, clearly one of the Spirit
sohei of the temple have searched,
the creature has managed to avoid brought a new wife into his household, Folk. He arrived at dawn and was car-
discovery. It is currently hiding in a a charming and delicate woman, ried in a palanquin to an old mansion
deserted watchman’s post on a desti- barely more than a girl. Not unnatu- escorted by an armed retinue in the
style of a powerful lord. Since arriving,
tute and bleak street. rally, Lord Mitsuhide has granted her
more time and attention than his other he has done nothing but make his
presence conspicuous to the samurai
The Human Oni two wives, to whom he is somewhat
of the city, never offensive but always
accustomed. This is not a situation
Sometimes seen wandering about the that has set well with his Inner wife or visible.
city is a fearsome oni, who terrifies all his second wife. However, the Inner The stranger is a special envoy of
who see him. However, he does not wife is clever enough to bide her time the Sea Lord, the great spirit noble of
seem intent on particular harm. This in silence, knowing that this infatua- the oceans. He has been sent on a
oni was human in a previous life and is tion will pass. diplomatic mission to Nakamaru to
now seeking out a particular holy man The second wife is not nearly so formally protest the failure of Wa to
for guidance to attain a more perfect patient or reasoned. Before the arrival make proper offerings to the Sea
spiritual self. of Lady Nyo (Nyo-ko), she held the Lord. As demanded by the etiquette of
his rank, race, and custom, he has
principal affections of her husband.
The Buso Now she fears she is being pushed
made no attempt to contact the dai-
aside. Her children will be forgotten in myo, waiting instead for a summons to
At the end of one of the poorer blocks appear before Lord Mitsuhide. He will
of Nakamaru stands a deserted favor of those of the Inner Wife and
Lady Nyo. She is terrified and furious consider the employ of any well-
shrine. The once raked yard is now disciplined warrior but is not directly
overgrown. The shingles of the roof at the thought of this, but fears to do
anything. Thus, she is being con- looking to provoke any hostilities. The
have begun to slough off. The floor- Funada have some general idea of his
boards are weak and rotten. Sixty sumed by secret jealous rage.
Unknown to her, this has released an mission but are loathe to do anything
years ago this was a flourishing site, until they receive a similar envoy from
well-patronized by the neighbors. But lkiryo to plague Lady Nyo. It’s haunt-
ings have only recently begun and the shogun. Obviously, there is a
then one of the shukenja committed great deal of tension among the Funa-
sacrilege. Breaking into the sacred currently no one suspects the ikiryo’s
presence. Lord Mitsuhide will not will- da samurai concerning the Envoy’s
sake, he became quite drunk and men.
then, sword in hand, defiled the shrine ingly begin an investigation, not wish-
with the blood of his fellows. Con- ing to admit any disharmony in his
sumed by his madness, he locked household.
himself inside after driving away those

The Hengeyokai Society not been able to effectively protest suggest they protest directly to the
these edicts and so have resorted to shogun—an honorable but ultimately
In the last two years, the restrictive
forming bandit groups and secret fatal thing to do. Still another group
edicts of the shogun have been
increasingly directed at controlling the bands. wants to flee into the forests, aban-
hengeyokai. More and more the free- One such group has arisen in Naka- doning the world of men. Currently
doms this race had, being outside the maru. Meeting under the pretense of each view is held with equal force.
studying the classics, the hengeyokai However, the hengeyokai, whatever
normal society, are being taken away.
Not surprisingly, this has met with lit- debate among themselves as to their their opinion, are looking for more of
tle joy among the hengeyokai. Never course of action. Some advocate vio- their kind to join the society. Any new
organized or overly social, they have lent protest so that they might at least recruits could swing the balance
preserve their face and honor. Others towards one of the three views.

The Plots of Nakamaru
Within the city of Nakamaru are nearly enhance the overall story! Suggestions on ways the player char-
endless opportunities for adventure. acters can become involved in the
Many of these are evident just from
reading the descriptions of the differ- The Plot Overviews plot.

ent factions of the city, their troubles, The plot overviews given here are A. Blood of the Yakuza
and goals. Even more adventures can detailed descriptions of the events The Plot: The Black Mist gang is
be created by the DM, using Naka- that will occur for any scheme to reach attempting to expand its borders
maru the way it is intended—as a set- its realization. In a way these are again, at the expense of the Big Head
ting for a campaign filled with much like little plays. Each is present- gang. However, their bullying of the
adventure of your own creation. In ed with a cast of characters involved, Big Heads has far greater repercus-
addition, a main story plotline and sev- various events that are used to play sions than anyone expected, drawing
eral sub-plots are in this module. Play- out the plot and detailed descriptions samurai and yakuza alike into the
er characters may immediately of the steps and schemes of each. affair that threatens the daimyo him-
become involved in some of these, What these descriptions do not take self.
others may build slowly and patiently into account are the actions of the
until the player characters are in a player characters. No attempt has The Actors: Jirozu no Nakamaru,
position to become involved in them. been made to calculate what the char- Goshukara Sadamoto, Goshukara
There may even be some plots in acters might do in any situation or Akinari, O-Kaze, Phoenix ninja, Big
which the player characters never even what the possible reaction of an Head thugs, Black Mist thugs,
become involved. Do not despair! NPC might be to player character Worthless Flower thugs, Funada
There is always another adventure actions. The player characters are Mitsuhide, Funada Toyoo, Funada
around the corner. simply too unpredictable. One group Hashiba, Kidera family, Winter
The story plots given here are might join forces on one side, another Sect sohei, Shining Mountain
divided into two parts. The first is an group on the other side. It is even sohei, Tsuga family, Gamo family,
overview of each plot, detailing who is likely that a single group of player Sasabe family
trying to do what to whom and what is characters might find themselves split
Iikely to come of it. These descriptions between two opposing factions! The Story: For several weeks now, the
assume the player characters do not Unlike most roleplaying adventures, Black Mist gang has lain quiet, biding
become involved and that everything this result is actively encouraged. This its time for another move into Big
happens according to plan. is a module about schemes and plots Head territory. Now it seems the time
The second part is the Events. and the player characters should has come.
These are the occurrences outlined in always be encouraged to become Taking advantage of a festival at a
the various plots, and will give your entangled in these webs. minor shrine, the Big Head gang has
actors the setting they need to play The plots of Nakamaru are constant organized a small showing of ped-
out their parts. Some of these events and ever-flowing. Before beginning, dlers and con men. They will cluster
are dangerous, filled with opportuni- be sure that you have read over sev- about the gate, hawking their cheap
ties for swordplay, derring-do, and eral if not all these plots. These are not goods and promising great riches.
magic. Others are very social events single adventures to be played out Among the tekiya are fortunetellers
that can only be played by acting out before another begins. Several plots and pick pockets. The peddlers sell all
scenes and confrontations. Many should be happening at once. Ideally, manner of worthless items, lying
players will find these very different your players will have to make notes about their value and origin. Some
from their normal roleplaying experi- about who is who and what side they pretend to be drunk; others have tales
ences. are on just to keep things straight. of misery and hard luck, forcing them
These two elements, along with the This only serves to increase their to sell at low prices. Among them also
descriptions of the factions and the involvement in the game. are the “collectors,” gathering the
NPC book, are the basic tools needed Each overview has its information rent from those honest stalls that were
to create intrigue and mystery in arranged as follows: 1) A summary of “invited” to attend. Although their
Nakamaru. But only the basics. You, the goal of the plot. 2) The NPCs who methods are cutthroat and crooked,
as the director of this little play, must will be involved in the plot. Others may the festival is generally a colorful and
provide life and inspiration to your become involved, but those listed are happy affair. Since it is small, the Big
actors. Like actors, NPCs will only do definitely used. 3) A detailed descrip- Head gang has little concern that
what you ask or make them do. Don’t tion of the plot and how it unfolds if the there will be trouble. They are wrong.
hesitate to create scenes of drama, player characters are not involved. 4) Into this happy scene come ten
humor and excitement if they
Black Mist gurentai. Casually entering Naturally, this does not sit well with by those who wish to know. Two
at first, they start to throw their weight either gang. The Black Mist have little groups in particular are especially
around. Stall owners are told, “Pay choice but to temporarily disappear interested in this meeting. The Black
your rents to the Black Mist. Those while their contacts in the Foreign Dis- Mist gang, paranoid and suspicious,
weak-eyed fellows can’t protect you trict (several of the larger Shou Lung decides the meeting must never take
anymore.” There is a protest from one merchants) attempt to sway Lord Mit- place. Gathering the best of their
old fellow. Suddenly, there is a crash! suhide’s opinion. Meanwhile, the tem- gurentai, they plot a raid to finally and
His table has collapsed and his collec- ples and shrines of the city also begin totally eliminate the Big Heads. With
tion of wares are strewn into the to work on the daimyo, this time in the tekiya gang destroyed, there will
street. Before anyone can decipher favor of the Big Head gang. Without be no more dispute and the Black Mist
how, swords and knives flash in a the services of the gang, the temples will be able to operate freely again.
brief, fierce battle. Three men drop, and shrines will have to collect their Furthermore, the Black Mist will have
wounded or dead, and the Big Heads own rents. Some temples welcome solved Lord Funada’s problem for
scatter. Laughing at the cowardice of this, enabling them to raise the shop- him. Thus the gang should be able to
the Big Heads, the Black Mist leave. owners’ rents, which is still less than replace the Big Heads with little trou-
When the Big Heads return, not what the owners paid to the yakuza. ble. However, first the Big Head orga-
only do they find their comrades dead, Other temples are unprepared to do nization must be destroyed.
but they can plainly see their deaths their own collection, preferring the Big The night of the meeting, the Black
were gruesome and cruel. A few hot- Head gang handle the business. Mist gang will attack the Big Heads
heads demand an immediate retalia- These groups strongly favor leniency throughout the city. Their goal is to
tion, but the oyabun counsels for the Big Heads. Gradually, the oth- destroy the gang in a single night,
patience and planning. It is his inten- er factions of the city are drawn into quickly and before anyone can inter-
tion to wait for the right moment and the dispute. fere. However, things do not work out
strike when crushing success is guar- The lines are drawn into three as planned. The Worthless Flower
anteed. For a time his gang will lose camps. The smallest and least impor- gang has been waiting its chance and
business, but he calculates they can- tant in the dispute are the Black Mist when the Black Mist move, the Worth-
not win an open war against the Black gang, the Shou Lung merchants, and less Flowers strike. They do not want
Mist. thus, indirectly, the Many Hued Pea- the Black Mist to win, since this would
Several days pass in inaction and cock Society and the Royal Vaga- make them the most powerful gang in
the discontent among the radicals of bonds (although neither is aware of the city. Shortly after the fighting
the Big Heads increases. Finally, thir- the other). The group siding with Lord starts, the Black Mist finds itself under
ty of them, unable to bear the shame Mitsuhide (against the Big Head and attack!
any longer, seek out the oyabun of the Black Mist gangs) includes the power- At the same time, Goshukara Sada-
Black Mist at his headquarters. They ful Funada family, the Shining Moun- moto sees a chance to totally ruin the
don’t even get close to him. On the tain Temple and all the Loyal families, Funada. He persuades his brother to
street outside another great bloody except the Oe (who are trying to his plan and they contact the Phoenix
battle ensues. During it, several unfor- remain uncommitted in the affair). The clan. They hire the Phoenix to slay the
tunate commoners are cut down. This third faction (desiring clemency for the Big Head oyabun, but not until he is
battle catches the attention of the dai- Big Heads) includes the Winter Sect within the grounds of the Funada com-
myo; indeed with about 50 brawlers temple, the Tsuyoi-no-kami Shrine, pound. Furthermore, it must appear to
there is no way it can be ignored. the Goshukara family, the Kidera fam- all that the Funada were behind the
Normally, he would not concern ily (due to their support of the Winter deed. The Goshukara ask no details
himself overly with the affairs of the Sect), and the Arao (who are showing of the Phoenix clan, explaining only
yakuza as long as they keep to them- discreet support for the Goshukara what they need done. The price is
selves. He has only minor information without directly proclaiming them- steep since the task is very danger-
on the affair at the festival. However, selves). On the sidelines, the Worth- ous, but the Goshukara and Phoenix
this last fight was too public—the less Flower Gang are patiently waiting manage to come to terms.
unruliness in the streets is getting out and scheming in order to profit from The Phoenix in turn decide Jirozu
of hand and he must act. Therefore, the misfortunes of the other gangs. no Nakamaru must die by the hand of
he issues an edict calling for the arrest Lord Mitsuhide, in a serious bind, a Funada retainer, or at least that it
of all members of both gangs that can summons the oyabun of the Big Head must look that way. They assign the
be found. Once arrested they are to be gang to an audience so that he can task to one of their best, a woman
imprisoned until he can decide the explain himself. Although private, it is known as O-Kaze. The day of the
disposition of the cases. at best semi-secret, easily discovered meeting, she will enter the compound
and hide. When Jirozu arrives, she da are likely to suffer banishment to the main plot outlined above.
will enchant one of the Loyal family some insignificant province on the The main plot provides many oppor-
samurai to attack! The man will almost edge of nowhere. tunities for player characters to get
certainly be cut down, but while the Protecting themselves, the Funada involved. Yakuza characters can side
guards are busy she will make sure order the Hino ninja to watch the high- with any one of the gang factions, per-
that Jirozu dies. The plan is a risky ways into Nakamaru and report the haps leading their gang to dominance
one, chancing the exposure of the movements of any strangers. They over all others. Samurai, bushi, and
Goshukara’s role in the affair. How- are to especially watch for any possi- kensai characters can belong to any
ever, if it succeeds, the rewards will be ble ninja activity. The Funada want no of the family factions, joining in the
great. unfavorable reports to reach the sho- battles to come. Sohei can also be
By the night of the meeting, the city gun. They also order a second mis- easily involved in the action in the
teeters on the brink of chaos. sion for the Hino to carry out. It is clear same manner. Ninja characters may
Although the samurai and bushi of the that the Goshukara were behind the be recruited as spies or worse, per-
Funada patrol the streets, they are not death of Jirozu. To forestall further haps becoming involved in the death
enough to be everywhere. The secret Goshukara schemes, the Hino are to of Jirozu. Monks can either side with
war of the yakuza rages at a bloody spy on them and keep Mitsuhide and the Winter Sect (taking part in the
peak. The temples of the city are gath- Toyoo informed of their plans. Soon defense of the temple) or join forces
ering their sohei and the samurai fami- there are ninja positioned throughout with the Tsuyoi-no-kami Shrine, per-
lies have placed their warriors on the province and one within the very haps taking advantage of the confu-
alert. The countryside is turning into camp of the Goshukara. sion to strike at their enemies. Wu jen
an armed camp. Unless the player Sure enough, the caution of Mitsu- can aid and assist virtually any side
characters affect the outcome, O- hide is rewarded. Incited by the they please, the talents of a sorcerer
Kaze’s plan will succeed and Jirozu Goshukara, the sohei of the Winter always being appreciated. Finally,
will fall. Sect plan a dawn raid on the Shining shukenja have several interesting
Jirozu’s death will clearly seem an Mountain temple. However, the ninja choices. Those more militant minded
act of treachery by the Funada. He among the Goshukara and another at can join in battles, those with a politi-
was popular with the people and they the Winter Sect temple both alert the cal bent can act as peacemakers or
will take his murder poorly. The Big Funada of the plans. With the agree- plotters. There is much to be done in
Heads, betrayed by the lord they trust- ment of their cousin, Funada Hashiba, Nakamaru before peace can be
ed, will split from the Funada (with Eye of the Law of the Shining Moun- restored.
whom they had always had friendly tain temple, Mitsuhide and Toyoo set There is a second reason the main
relations) and side firmly with the a trap. Unknown to the attacking plot remains unresolved. The out-
Goshukara camp. Even the Worthless sohei, those within are not sleeping come of all the intrigue in Nakamaru
Flower Gang, who up to now had complacently. Armed and armored, can result in a large shift in the bal-
remained indifferent to all but their they have been joined by the retainers ance of power, locally and nationally.
own survival, will be hostile to the of the Funada who slipped in secretly Any changes are at the discretion of
Funada. In short, the Funada clan will during the night. The attack becomes the DM. Perhaps removing the dai-
find that popular support has been cut a rout as the attackers are themselves myo would require other changes in
out from under them. surprised. Driven back to the Winter the campaign—more than the DM
The Funada will also be feeling Sect temple, the sohei prepare for the may care to make. Thus, the coup
pressure from the shogun. Reports of final battle. Meanwhile in the small fails and the Funada remain in power.
increasing discontent and upheaval alleys of Nakamaru, the yakuza wage Perhaps a change of rulers affects
have been reaching the capital, some- a war of their own, undisturbed by the very little. Indeed, the rise of the
thing the shogun does not want to preoccupied lords of the city. On all Goshukara might give player charac-
hear. His rule depends on his daimyo sides the call is made for allies! But ters good opportunities to rise to posi-
remaining peaceful and stable. This who will come? tions of command and responsibility,
clearly is not what is happening in increasing roleplaying and adventure
Nakamaru. The Funada are well Player Character Involvement: The possibilities. Should this be the case,
aware that he will be sending officials conclusion of this plot is left undecid- a successful coup might be a very
and ninja spies to learn the state of ed. The DM must decide the final out- desirable thing for the life of the cam-
affairs in the city. His displeasure with come. Much of this decision should be paign.
the current situation is almost certain based on the activities of the player
unless it can be quickly brought under characters. Their actions, more than
control. If he is displeased, the Funa- anything else, will affect the course of
B. Breaking the Arrow past failings, it is vital that a proper da clan. This is an intolerable insult.
reception be prepared for him. Meanwhile, Akinari, through the serv-
The Plot: The Goshukara family Preparing such a reception is no ices of a Phoenix ninja, will substitute
intends to cause the Funada to lose simple affair. It is a potential minefield the seating diagram he secretly pre-
face. Through lies and deception, the of social and political errors. Every- pared for the one Mitsuhide used.
Funada will be tricked into committing thing must be considered — the Naturally, when the insult comes to
a breach of etiquette before the Sho- choice of rooms, the seating arrange- light Masago will demand Mitsuhide
gunal envoy who is coming to Naka- ments, the size of escorts, the color of account for this action. Mitsuhide will
maru. This loss of face will force clothing, the proper greetings, the equally naturally attempt to blame
Funada Mitsuhide to suffer, at the decorations used; in short, every Akinari. However, Akinari will protest
least, a great loss of influence among detail counts. The Funada simply are that he created a correct seating plan
the nobles. not prepared for so important a visit. but that Mitsuhide evilly changed it to
Fortunately, there is another family insult Masago’s men. In his defense,
The Actors: Funada Mitsuhide, Funa- with the knowledge and skill to advise he will demand that the papers he pre-
da Toyoo, Goshukara Akinari, Oe the Funada, and therein lies the prob- pared be brought forth. The correct
Shodayu, Lord Masago, a Phoenix lem. seating plan will be there (placed by
ninja That family, skilled in the intricate the ninja), confirming Akinari’s story.
forms of court etiquette, is none other At this point, Mitsuhide has suffered
The Story: The arrival of the Sea than the Northern Goshukara. To pre- a great shame, a blot that extends to
Lord’s envoy has thrown the Funada pare for the reception, the Funada the entire Funada family. Unable to
clan into a state of near-panic, as have been forced to call upon the withstand the obvious treachery of
much as can be perceived deep in the services of their known rival. And nat- Goshukara Akinari, Oe Shodayu will
inner chambers of their mansion. urally, Goshukara Akinari has agreed attempt to strike down Akinari! The
Clearly the arrival of the envoy is a to help. attempt will fail, although Akinari will
great distinction for the Funada, but Akinari sees two possible gains to be wounded. The Oe family will be
the envoy has not followed any of the come from Mitsuhide’s dilemma. imprisoned in their household for
proper forms of etiquette. This has First, Mitsuhide owes him some three years as a punishment.
placed the Funada in a very unpleas- amount of obligation for this service. In the end, Akinari will have suc-
ant position. This, however, is not what Akinari cessfully humbled Funada Mitsuhide.
Wittingly or not, the envoy has wants. Instead, Akinari has set upon a However, the shogun will not replace
insulted the shogun by not appearing more devious plan, intended to shame the Funada family. Instead, Toyoo,
in the capital. Worse (for the Funada) and humiliate Mitsuhide. seeing the winds of fortune will lay all
is that he chose to present himself in Akinari knows that his actions and blame on his brother and will be grant-
Nakamaru, implying that the Funada plans will be carefully watched by the ed the position of daimyo. Mitsuhide
have greater favor with the Sea Lord Funada. They naturally (and quite will be banished to the Outer Isles.
than the Matasuuri! Secondly, the rightly!) suspect him of some sinister
envoy arrived unannounced. No scheme. Therefore, all his prepara- Player Character Involvement: Samu-
reception was prepared for him, no tions for the reception seem to be per- rai player characters can choose to
lodgings, ceremonies or servants pro- fectly planned and coordinated. But take sides with either the Funada or
vided, making the Funada look incom- Akinari is subtle and has introduced the Goshukara. Goshukara body-
petent. Now he has shamed the an “error” in the reception. He has guards should defend Lord Akinari
shogun and the daimyo! carefully prepared two diagrams of from Oe Shodayu’s attack. Funada’s
So, unannounced and unprovided the seating arrangement that will be men may either join Shodayu (precipi-
for, the envoy has been waiting. The used at the reception. The first he has tating a full-scale battle) or try to
Funada, caught in the center, have given to Mitsuhide’s men. The second restrain him. Ninja player characters
sent a messenger to the capital bear- he carries secretly on his person at all may be called upon by both sides to
ing the news. Now they have learned times. spy on the other faction and get wind
they have three weeks to prepare for When the shogun’s envoy arrives in of the scheme. What happens next is
the arrival of a powerful official of the three weeks, the seating of his retain- up to the player character. A ninja
shogun’s courts—Lord Masago, Chief ers and those of Lord Mitsuhide will be player character may also be the one
Archivist and Great Subject of the incorrect. The seating appears to used by Lord Akinari. Shukenja of
Grand Perceptorate. He is a man deliberately insult Lord Masago’s high station can be invited to the
many degrees higher in status than men, placing them on a lower position reception. Both shukenja and wu jen
Funada Mitsuhide and so, in light of in respect to their equals in the Funa- can learn of the plot through spells,
and player characters can attempt to the results could be disastrous. It all Gang to post a small poem on the
convince Lord Mitsuhide to use spells depends on the wheels of fortune. gates of the Tsuyoi-no-kami shrine. It
to investigate matters. However, In the first step of his plan, he has gently insults the bravery and honesty
since this plot involves the highest secretly summoned three brothers, of the Gamo brothers. It is unsigned
and most powerful citizens, player Hidenobu, Mitsutoshi, and Mochikuni. and the style does not indicate who
characters will have to be important These men, black sheep of the Gamo wrote it. But rumors quickly surface
personages to become involved. family, have suffered for years, denied that it was written by Oka Sanai, a sati-
lands, commands, and titles. A private rist of some note. Worse yet, the poem
C. The Broken Flower drinking party is held, a great honor is copied and pasted up throughout
for the brothers. Gradually, he town by local wits. The Gamo brothers
Plot: At Toyoo’s urging, the Funada describes how greatly and dearly he are furious. Toyoo meets with them
take action against the Northern sorrows for their misfortunes and how, and coaches them in an even funnier
Goshukara. Through the Gamo fami- would that he could, he would improve and more biting poem about Sanai.
ly, the Funada are going to contrive a their lot. But, alas, his hands are tied, This too appears overnight at the
series of incidents that will outrage the for the brothers have incurred the shrine, but a witness saw Gamo
retainers of the Goshukara, goading wrath of the Goshukara clan. Have Hidenobu post the poem.
them into some rash action, prefera- they done something to offend the Appropriately incensed, Oka Sanai
bly an attack. When this happens, the Goshukara? He instructs them to and his friends seek out the Gamo
Funada will demand the Goshukara think carefully upon this, that a recon- brothers to confront them and gain
make an accounting for the actions of ciliation begin. justice. There is no doubt a meeting
their retainers. Several days later, Toyoo plans a would lead to bloodshed.
similar meeting with Goshukara Sada- If Sanai and his fellows find the
The Actors: Funada Toyoo, Gamo moto. This time, the topic of conversa- brothers, a wild duel will break out in
Hidenobu, Gamo Mitsutoshi, tion will come around to the Gamo, in the streets of Nakamaru, started by
Gamo Mochikuni, Mashida Kowa, particular the unfortunate brothers. Sanai. Unless the Goshukara move
Oka Sanai, Oka Yoshinaka, Someone has suggested that they be quickly to deal with the situation, one
Goshukara Akinari, Goshukara elevated to commanders of the guard, of three outcomes will occur.
Sadamoto much against Toyoo’s wishes. Sada- If the brothers are slain, a vendetta
moto could do him a great service, to will begin between the Gamo and the
The Story: The times have become too which he would be greatly obliged, if Oka and Mashida. Toyoo will accuse
dangerous to harbor vipers within the Sadamoto would remind others what the Goshukara of purposely breaking
coverlets, or so reasons Funada Toy true villains these brothers are. Out of the peace, a dangerous crime. If the
oo. The growing split between Mutsu- politeness, Sadamoto agrees. How- brothers succeed (DM’s choice
hide and himself is encouraging the ever, upon returning home, he dis- unless the player characters inter-
plottings and designs of others. Fore- cusses the strange request with his vene), Oka and Mashida families will
most of these, both in danger and cun- brother. At this point, neither is sure of request a vendetta of the daimyo. This
ning, is the Goshukara family. It is Toyoo’s game, so they will play along will naturally be refused and these
time they were removed. but very carefully. families will lose much prestige. If the
Still, how does one destroy a family Over several weeks, truisms and losses on both sides are about equal,
that once sent children to the Jade rumors about Hidenobu, Mitsutoshi the Goshukara will be accused of
Throne and can call the emperor and Mochikuni grow, but their source being unable to control their own men.
cousin? A minor family would be can never be discovered. They do not This is a grave charge, for should the
easy—a contrived insult or the hint of come from Akinari or Sadamoto, who shogun hear it, he would certainly
treachery followed by a swift and bru- are careful not to become involved. demand the execution of all involved.
tal vengeance. At worst, there might Instead, their retainers are spreading At the least, Goshukara’s men will be
be a complaint to the shogun, but the gossip about the three brothers. In taken prisoner and Akinari’s authority
Funada could easily lay it aside. This particular Oka Sanai, Oka Yoshinaka will be seriously questioned.
business of the Goshukara is more and Mashida Kowa (who have no love
than Toyoo has ever attempted (not of the brothers in the first place) voice Player Character Involvement: First
that he isn’t devious enough). Form- their opinions loudly. It is at this point and foremost, the role of any of the
ing his plans late in the night, he has that Toyoo takes the next step in his actors of this plot (other than the
chosen to proceed without informing plan. Funada or Goshukara) can be filled by
his brother. If he succeeds, he knows With little difficulty, Toyoo arranges a player character. Thus, if the player
that he will gain the glory. If he fails, for a yakuza of the Worthless Flower characters are retainers of the Funa-
da, they and not the Gamo brothers be done and what better thing is there young maiden O-Shino and she
might be called to carry out Toyoo’s than a grand trick! agrees to her role in the scheme. For
scheme. Likewise, player characters Quickly they formulate their plans. several days Taichi prepares and
loyal to the Goshukara could be per- Who shall the target be? Of course, casts enchantments until the goal is
secuted instead of the Oka families those self-righteous and insufferable achieved. Heavily veiled from the
and others. monks of the shrine will be the target! sight of men, she makes her way to
Even if the player characters are not How shall they suffer? A pricking of the Shrine. There, in casually lifting
directly involved in events, there is still their pride seems in order. her veils, she reveals her face to the
a vendetta that will occur. Here again The next day, Kogi and Bupposo monks as they practice. The effect
player characters can become begin their scheme. Bupposo seeks works perfectly.
involved as friends of either side. out Ichi, a yakuza of the Big Heads Two monks in particular are taken
Such affairs always need companions who often visits the temple. He by her looks—Kaian and Anchin. One
to stand by the principals. In Wa it is requests lchi find him a young maiden is young and not unattractive, the oth-
not uncommon for a man to call on his of homely appearance but good back- er older and dignified. The actions of
friends to help him seek revenge. But ground, for she is needed at the tem- youthful Anchin can be explained by
remember, vendettas seldom end ple. She must be able to keep quiet his age, but Kaian should have known
with a single act of revenge. Once and act a part well, for she will be better. As the days wear by, she
started, each side always feels it has engaged in affairs of the temple most returns to the temple several times
cause to continue the feud. urgent and secret. Kogi meanwhile and their feelings grow stronger and
sends a messenger to Taichi, the old stronger. Finally, both, within a period
D. The Lady of the Summer wu jen in the mountains. They have of hours, break down and confess to
Bamboo long been friends and conspirators. her the strength of their passions. O-
The old man readily agrees to pay Shino is horrified, for she had not real-
The Plot: The monks of the Winter Kogi a visit. ized the strength of the spells cast
Sect intend to discredit the spirituality For many days Kogi patiently awaits upon her. With her horror comes a
of their rivals at the Tsuyoi-no-kami his friend, while lchi pays visits about growing sense of shame and anger at
Shrine by secretly tempting them with town, searching for a woman such as those who used her. Fleeing the
the strongest of earthly emotions— Bupposo requested. Finally, both are Shrine, she hides herself away from
passion and jealousy. rewarded. In a puff of pine-scented her suitors. Anchin, broken, lan-
air, Taichi appears in Kogi’s cell. After guishes in his cell, letting his body and
The Actors: Kogi, a Winter sect monk, a walk in the garden and tea, Kogi spirit waste away. Kaian, however,
Bupposo, a Winter sect monk, O- explains the plan. begins to comb the city for her. The
Shino, a young maiden, Ichi, a Big He and Bupposo intend to find an city gossips about the strange mys-
Head yakuza, Kaian, a Tsuyoi-no- agreeable woman of less than over- tery of Anchin and the outrageous
kami monk, Anchin, a young whelming attractiveness and place behavior of Kaian.
Tsuyoi-no-kami monk enchantments upon her so that she is Meanwhile, Kigo and Bupposo
irresistibly attractive to men. Once decide that things have gone on long
The Story: Kogi and Bupposo, elder prepared, they want her to introduce enough, that it is time to restore O-
masters of the Winter Sect Monastery herself to the monks of Tsuyoi-no- Shino and release the unfortunate
and incorrigible pranksters, have kami Shrine. They, smitten by her monks. Knowing her hiding place, they
spent the day in necessary relaxation, beauty and grace, will then prove that summon O-Shino to return things as
admiring the view of the ocean from they are indeed only men after all. She they were. She, however, has entirely
the slopes of the mountains outside will gain the pleasure of toying with different plans for Kigo and Bupposo.
Nakamaru. A warm jar of sake, judi- the hearts of men well beyond the Taichi has offered her revenge, for rea-
ciously used, has helped soothe their hopes of other women. Will Taichi be sons known only to him. Returning to
restless minds. Reminiscing on days so kind as to assist them with the the Winter Sect temple, she purposely
past, they remember some of their enchantments? reveals herself to Kigo and Bupposo
mare playful escapades before they It is an offer Taichi cannot resist. His and they too become infatuated with
became important and powerful own sense of humor agrees with his her. But she only mocks and scorns
teachers at the monastery. They are opinions of the Tsuyoi monks. That the two, driving them to despair. Taichi
saddened by how they have changed shrine is cool towards the Funada, his greatly enjoys the scene and with a sin-
and fear they have lost their sense of patrons. He sees no harm in causing gle spell maddens them forever with
balance about the flow of life around them a little trouble. passion. Then, knowing full well that O-
them. lt is clear that something must Meanwhile, lchi returns with the Shino is too dangerous to remain as
she is, he lifts his spells from her, free- The Story: Kidera Takeshi has always rumors against him. It is the only
ing Kaian and Anchin. As a final reward lived for the honor of his family. All his proper thing to do. But, it is something
for her part in this amusing little drama, life he has striven to perfect every he cannot do alone and for aid he has
Taichi returns to O-Shino a small por- noble quality. He is hard on himself come to Kidera Takeshi.
tion of that overpowering charm she and equally unrelenting on his sons, But for Takeshi the situation is not
held, making her a gracious lady, cer- demanding the entire household be a so simple. The man Teishi must strike
tain to fare well in the world. model of tradition. For this he is called against is Tsuga Mosuke, youthful pil-
“The Mountain of Virtue”, great and lar of the Tsuga family. The Tsuga are
Player Character lnvolvement: The powerful, hard and immovable. retainers of the Funada, particularly
story of O-Shino and her unfortunate Takeshi’s life has always been strong supporters of Toyoo. Takeshi is
suitors can be modified to involve the straightforward. He serves his ‘lord torn between his desire to serve Toy-
player characters based on their sex, and trains his sons. There is little else oo and his need to fulfill the debt he
more than their class. Female player that needs to be in his life, only his gar- owes Teishi. To his mind, there is only
characters can easily take the part of den and his meditation. There is little one solution, although it will certainly
O-Shino, provided they can be per- time for anything else. He has no par- mean his downfall and death. Takeshi
suaded. At this point all thoughts of ticular political ambitions for himself, must assist Teishi to reach Mosuke
revenge or mercy are left to the player thinking instead of the advantages his and confront him in a duel. If neces-
characters and the plot may go in sons can gain. With discretion and sary, he must even aid Teishi in strik-
highly unexpected directions. care, he will manage to avoid having ing down Mosuke. When this is done,
Male player characters can take on his family destroyed by the schemes he must present himself to Funada
equal (though more unfortunate) of others. But, with the arrival of Ueda Toyoo for judgment, for in striking
roles. They could easily become the Teishi, all this may change. down Mosuke he has raised his hand
victims of Kogi and Bupposo—a chal- Thirty-five years ago, in a minor against his lord. There is no question
lenging role-playing task! Again, the skirmish so insignificant it is not in his mind that Toyoo will order his
exact circumstances of the plot could recorded in the chronicles of the time, death. Indeed, at that point Toyoo will
change radically. Player characters the youthful Kidera Takeshi was be as trapped as he is now. Toyoo
are much more likely to go out and struck from his horse and encircled by must pass the sentence to satisfy the
seek revenge on the merry pranksters his foes. It was then that a samurai Tsuga. If Takeshi is lucky, Toyoo will
themselves! named Ueda Umaki leapt from his be lenient and only grant the Tsuga
Furthermore, the escapades of horse while at full gallop and sprang permission to carry out a vendetta
Kogi, Bupposo and O-Shino need not into their midst. Clearly superior to all against Teishi and himself.
end here. With such devious wits, others, Umaki rescued the fallen The choice is one that Takeshi can-
Kogi and Bupposo can certainly Takeshi and saw him to safety, there- not hope to win, but it is unthinkable
devise other entertaining schemes to by performing a deed of valor remem- for him that there be any other course.
keep life from getting dull! Further- bered ever since by Takeshi. Since All his life he has acted as the “Moun-
more, O-Shino may decide to remain that time the ways of the Kidera and tain of Virtue.” He cannot change
as she is, using her “charms” to exact Ueda have drifted apart and the brave now. Should he refuse Teishi, his per-
an unrelenting price on all men. man Umaki has died. He is survived sonal honor and that of his family
by his son, Teishi. would be dragged down, disgraced.
E. The Mountain of Virtue Unfortunately, Teishi is neither as This cannot be allowed and so only
heroic or as clever as his father. For the grim alternative remains.
The Plot; Kidera Takeshi is placed in a several years he has made foolish and But not everyone in the family is
difficult position by the need to honor indiscreet comments about the Funa- pleased with Takeshi’s decision. In
his obligations and his duty to his lord. A das and the shogun. Most went unre- particular, his youngest son seeks
longtime supporter of the Goshukara ported or ignored, but just recently, some way to prevent what seems to
comes to him seeking aid and shelter. Teishi simply became too vocal about be inevitable. If Teishi were forced to
Normally such a man would be turned his distastes. Rumors began to grow flee or slain, the problem could be
away, but this one is Ueda Teishi, a about his associations with the solved. If banned, Takeshi could dis-
man from Takeshi’s past. Takeshi must Goshukara. Now, he risks being charge his obligation by helping
choose between loyalty to his lord and banned from the province. Should this Teishi escape. It would be a risk for
loyalty to his family traditions. happen, all who harbor him would be the family, but, if undiscovered, could
subject to death. But, there are old solve the problem. Even better, if
The Actors: Kidera Takeshi, Ueda scores he must settle. For honor, he Teishi were slain by bravos or thugs,
Teishi, Tsuga Mosuke must destroy those who spread Takeshi would not need to confront
Mosuke. Instead, he could request reveal and prove the role of Takeshi’s ness and cruelty. And the mind of this
and almost certainly receive permis- son in the whole affair. Any other inhuman creature has found a plan to
sion to hunt down Teishi’s killers. action will only lead to more deaths carry out his ravages on more than
Again, this would fulfill the obligation and vendettas. just a person or a family. His goal is no
he owes Teishi. Thus he has begun less than to destroy the entire city of
searching Nakamaru for someone F. The Dark Father Nakamaru!
willing to carry out his schemes. Destroying Nakamaru is easy, at
Meanwhile, to fulfill his obligation, The Plot: A creature of evil and dark-
ness, a tigbanua buso has set on a least to Getsu’s mind. All he needs to
Takeshi arranges a meeting between do is infect enough of the population
him and Mosuke at a teahouse in the course to destroy not just a person,
but an entire city. Through its special with the disease carried in his claws—
entertainment district. It is there that the disease that transforms a man into
Teishi will confront his enemy with powers, it is seeking to gain control of
the Worthless Flower Gang, so that it a hideous tagamaling buso. Each
Takeshi at his side. There will be a tagamaling in turn will unknowingly
swift and bloody duel and Teishi’s can wreak its havoc throughout the
city. carry out his plan, becoming raging
honor will be avenged. But the end will creatures of death and horror. Soon,
have begun for Takeshi. Nakamaru will be helpless before his
The Actors: Getsu, a tigbanua buso,
Grandfather Uruma, oyabun of the horde of creatures.
Player Character Involvement: This For his plan, Getsu needs a vehicle,
plot is specifically designed to give the Worthless Flower yakuza
something that will allow him to
player characters a direct role. How- spread his disease throughout the
ever, you (playing the part of The Story; Getsu is a creature of
ancient age and great evil. Once a city. Ideally, it should allow him to
Takeshi’s son) must convince them to reach all levels of society and move
act. If you are successful, the player helper and aide to man, he long ago
became perverted and foul, a relent- about freely. The Worthless Flower
characters will suddenly find them- yakuza suits his needs perfectly.
selves in a deeper web of duplicity as less destroyer of man and his works.
But unlike others of his kind, Getsu His plan is simple. He will start by
Takeshi and his sons seek to avenge infecting the oyabun, Grandfather
the death of Teishi by killing the player has been blessed (or cursed) with a
mind, active and functioning far Uruma. From there he will work down-
characters. The only way the player ward through the organization, affect-
characters can escape this fate is to beyond the normal ranges in clever-
ing the sub-bosses and lieutenants

until he finally reaches the ranks of the what effect he has had. If unsuccess- tions mean little. The citizens of the
kobun. With luck, he will control the ful in reaching or infecting Grandfa- area need proper protections.
entire gang before anyone realizes ther Uruma, he will attack again, If the activities of Getsu are not dis-
what has occurred. Then, since the attempting the same goal. covered, he will reach his goal. It will
Worthless Flower gang circulates Once Uruma is infected, Getsu con- take a long time, perhaps a year or
throughout the city, he will use their tinues his ambitions, working through more, and there are many potential
power to infect samurai and common- the sub-bosses and underlings. setbacks along the way. But Getsu is
ers alike. By this time he boastingly Always he waits for a distraction to virtually ageless and so a year or more
feels he will be unstoppable. improve his chances. The turmoil in is of little matter to him.
But first, Getsu must reach Grand- the city provides many of these. At the
father Uruma. This is no easy task, for same time he cannot resist infecting Player Character Involvement: It is
Uruma is no fool. He knows his life is any who come across his path. This is clear that the player characters must
filled with enemies and takes great his great weakness. take an active role in hunting down
precautions to protect himself. Thus, The activities of a tigbanua buso are and destroying the tigbanua and his
Getsu must wait for an opportunity to hard to conceal and almost never go creations. The intrigues of the city pre-
strike. Some distraction must occur, unnoticed. Thus there have been vent the daimyo’s men from taking an
something that will get Uruma to lower increasing reports of strange attacks effective role in the search. Of course,
his guard. Getsu is patient, he can and bizarre creatures. Some of these Getsu is aware of the attempts to find
only wait so long. are due to Getsu’s activities, others him and will counter them by attacking
The opportunity will finally occur are rumors and wild exaggerations. his hunters, moving his base of opera-
and Getsu will strike. Alarms will be However, the attacks of the tagamal- tions frequently, and preparing final
raised throughout the household as ing buso are impossible to conceal, defenses against his attackers. Stop-
Getsu moves from room to room. He lacking Getsu’s cleverness and cau- ping him will not be easy, but should
knows he cannot rely on a single tion. Thus, it is clear to authorities that the characters fail, the price Naka-
scratch and so tries to infect as many something is happening. maru pays will be grim.
as possible. In some the disease will The authorities react by increasing
take. His desire is not to kill and so the watch in the affected areas and
after his attack he flees. Then he ordering a curfew. However, in these
patiently waits and observes to see troubled times these laws and precau-

G. The Waves of the Ocean Nagoya Kenko, however, is a cad. ter lest all come to light. He realizes
Callous and vain, he has been pam- that he cannot directly intervene.
The Plot; A daughter of the Funada pered by his parents, given all the best Attempts to dissuade his sister are
family has fallen madly, obsessively in they could afford and forgiven for eve- useless. Genzo has decided to hire
love with a son of the Nagoya family. ry transgression. He has never men to drive the worthless Kenko out
He, however, cares nothing for her, learned to respect his parents or hon- of town, or, failing that, he will buy the
considering her little more than a play- or his family. In short, he considers his man off. However no hint of what has
thing and toying with her affections. birth to the Nagoya a curse and pun- happened must ever reach his father.
While the match would be advanta- ishment from the gods, absolutely cer- Sumi-ko, for her part, has come to
geous (it would bind the Nagoya clos- tain that he is truly socially above realize that Kenko does not share her
er to the Funada), he has little desire them. He is completely bereft of a affection. Distraught, she has asked
to see it completed, dreaming of a sense of morals, obligations, or her personal maid to help realize
greater and even more advantageous duties. He is a handsome and well- some solution. The maid Cho has
marriage someday. His ambitions and bred swine. sought out the services of a fortune-
cruel affections may bring about the After the moon-viewing party, Sumi- teller and wu jen. She has prepared
ruin of the poor girl and an irreparable ko secretly sends a message to Kenko charms to ensure the affections of the
rift between the two families. through her maid requesting she meet wayward Kenko, they are however
him. Thus begins a long series of ineffective. Not realizing this, Sumi-ko
The Actors: Sumi-ko, a daughter of secret meetings—an illicit romance. has staked all her hopes upon these.
Funada Toyoo, Nagoya Kenko, a His vanity pleased by her attention, he So deluded, she is indiscreet and the
son of Nagoya Hatano, Nagoya is always gracious and loving, con- affair is exposed to her father and all
Hatano, Funada Toyoo, Funada cealing his true nature. Still, he is pos- of the city. Heartless to the end,
Genzo itive he can make a better match than Nagoya Kenko flees the city, aban-
this, so sure that he has refused all doning Sumi-ko for all to see in
The Story: Sumi-ko is a fair and shel- marriage arrangements of his par- shame. Sumi-ko, her dreams shat-
tered daughter of Lord Toyoo, only ents. They, browbeaten, have acced- tered, loses grip on herself and flees
just now coming of age. Many years ed to his whims. Thus, he passes the into the wilderness in maddened pur-
ago her father arranged that she mar- time toying with the love and affection suit of a lover she will never again find.
ry the son of a neighboring daimyo, of Sumi-ko.
but then misfortune struck. In a child- However, their meetings have not Player Character Involvement: The
hood illness the son died and he had gone unnoticed. Sumi-ko’s maid has exact involvement of the player char-
no brothers to fulfill the arrangement. gossiped and this has come to the acters will depend greatly on their
Thus, unwittingly, she was released ears of Funada Genzo, Master of the social position and loyalties. Sup-
from the bonds of arranged marriage. Port. Protective of the reputation of porters of the Funada may find them-
Now her father, Toyoo, fearing she will the Funada family and watchful over selves aiding Genzo in his attempts to
become a spinster (at the age of 17), is his sister (though by a different moth- deal with Kenko, perhaps even to the
searching for an advantageous mar- er), Genzo and a few of his closest point of carrying out extreme mea-
riage for the family. So far, he has not advisors pay a “pleasant” visit to sures. However, killing Kenko will cer-
found the right arrangement. Kenko. They know full well the youth’s tainly create political difficulties for the
To provide entertainment for the reputation. Hooded, they demand to Funada and will bring about a vendet-
nobles of the local court, Mitsuhide learn his intentions. His response is to ta on the player characters. Other
has prepared a moon-viewing party. mock them and their precautions. He options are possible—shanghaiing
To this have been invited members of knows they dare not expose his meet- Kenko and shipping him out, buying
all the local refined samurai families, ings unless they want shame brought him off, seeing that his infamy is
including Nagoya Hatano and his son down upon the Funada. Thus he bra- revealed to his father, Nagoya
Kenko. It is at this party that Sumi-ko zenly refuses to end his affair. A fight Hatano. Other player characters may
first spies Kenko as he sits drinking in ensues, and Genzo barely manages become involved from Sumi-ko’s end,
the garden with the other men. He is to escape with his life. The line of perhaps trying to persuade her to see
fair, graceful and witty and she is hatred between the two is implacably the truth or even using magical means
instantly taken by him. That night she drawn. to prevent the disaster. Finally, player
spends watchful at the shoji screen, The next morning Genzo receives a characters, if all other methods have
hoping to learn more of him. The few warning of his own. In a curt note sent failed, can assist the Funada in the
glimpses she catches convince her by messenger, Kenko warns him to search for Sumi-ko when she flees
that he is the one she desires. avoid further involvement in the mat- into the surrounding countryside.
H. The Birth of Tora-san was and began crying. Gorath consid- lost to the trap of the Many Hued Pea-
ered the incident minor and withdrew cocks. On each side men fall.
The Plot: Using the happy occurrence confident of his charade. Gorath, unlike the puny men, knows
of a birth, Gorath, the true power However, the child’s cries had been that its prey is watchful and clever.
behind the Royal Vagabonds, plans to noted by Lui-hsia Chih. Knowing the Simple human guards do not deter it.
discover the location of his old enemy perspicacity of innocents, Chih notes The beast bypasses or disposes of
Lui-hsia Chih. Once he has found him, the visitors of the moment. Most are them with ease. Likewise, so close to
he will personally see to the destruc- relations and friends of the family, but the goal, it has no concern for those it
tion of the Many Hued Peacock socie- among them is Yin-kung T’o. This, to is meant to serve and abandons them
ty. Lui-hsia Chih, is clearly significant to their fate. Crashing through the
and he resolves to immediately inves- screen of Chih’s room, it bursts upon
Actors: Gorath, a men-shen (see end tigate the matter. the magical meeting of the Inner
of module), Lui-hsia Chih, leader of Upon returning to T’o’s compound, Council. With a scream of satisfaction
the Many Hued Peacock Society, Gorath resumes his natural form and Gorath hurls itself across the cham-
Yin-kung T’o, Royal Vagabond begins to plan his destruction of Lui- ber, blue energies crackling between
leader, Yen-ch’eng Tzu Yu, a wu hsia Chih. Chih meanwhile calls the its talons. Wheeling, Chih and the
jen, Nan-kuo, a monk, Royal Vaga- secret society to a special meeting. Inner Council screech out a spell...
bond men He knows that if Gorath has found him From the outside, it seems that the
he has little time. From among his center of the mansion erupts in a
The Story: Goshukara Sadamoto’s members, he orders two with special surge of blue and gold fire. The blast
first wife has given birth to her third talents, the wu jen Yench’eng Tzu Yu peels the roof away and sweeps the
son, a healthy strapping boy. As is the and the monk Nan-kuo, to go to the outer pillars aside. The many shoji
custom, messengers have been sent house of Yin-kung T’o and secretly screens flash and crumble to powder.
to announce the birth to the important read his aura. This they manage to do With a squealing grind, a glowing ball
folk of Nakamaru. Sadamoto, crafty by devising a simple subterfuge to flashes over the compound and dissi-
and political as ever, has neglected no conceal their purpose. The reading, pates. A wave of bone-numbing cold
possible ally. Thus, he has even sent however, is not unusual (or at least not follows. When the wreckage is
notice to the important merchants of what Chih expected). T’o is clearly a searched, no sign is found of Liu-hsia
the Foreign District. Among these are normal man, not some being in dis- Chih or the creature Gorath.
Yin-kung T’o and Lui-hsia Chih, lead- guise.
ers of the two foreign factions in the This only succeeds in unnerving Player Character lnvolvement: For-
city. However, neither man has met Chih. He is convinced his suspicions eign characters can become involved
the other, nor are their secret roles that Gorath has found him are true in this plot right from the outset, either
known. However, Gorath, that myste- and cannot accept that T’o is a normal as supporters of the Many Hued Pea-
rious agent of the emperor, has man. Unable to prove his belief, he is cock Society or members of the Royal
learned through Yin-kung T’o of the plagued by the fear that Gorath has Vagabonds. Beside the specific
invitation. He knows that his quarry, outwitted him. Still, he has not sur- actions mentioned here, there can
Lui-hsia Chih, has certainly been vived his enemy for centuries through also be scouting missions on both
invited. Although he does not know cowardice. Reacting to his fears, he sides in preparation for the final battle.
what Chih looks like now, he is posi- orders the best members of the Many It is even possible that player charac-
tive he could spot the old imposter Hued Peacock Society to remain the ters may be able to affect the outcome
Chih by his aura. Thus, magically night and stand guard. As darkness of the climactic encounter between
transforming his appearance, he falls he retires to his room and magi- Gorath and Chih. Player characters
takes the place of Yin-kung T’o. Tak- cally calls the members of the Inner who are not part of the foreign com-
ing a suitable gift (rice and eggs Council to warn them of his peril. munity can still become involved in
wrapped in delicate imported clothes), It is just at this moment that Gorath the final battle. Watchmen will surely
Gorath visits the proud family. and the Royal Vagabonds attack. arrive on the scene shortly after the
As Gorath expected, Lui-hsia Chih Anticipating an unsuspecting target, battle begins. Yakuza, who always
arrives with his present. And, as the Royal Vagabonds overconfidently have their eyes everywhere, will learn
expected, Gorath was able to detect blunder into the guards Chih has post- of the movements in even before the
the aura of his foe. Noting the man ed. A violent night battle erupts with battle begins. Other characters can
carefully, he did nothing to reveal him- neither side giving or gaining ground. be introduced to the situation as need-
self. Yet when Gorath approached the The advantage of greater numbers ed.
child, the little boy sensed what he the Royal Vagabonds possessed was

Events are the key to all the schemes to end on a flat note. Try to make sure 3. What are the player characters
and plots of the different factions on that each night ends interestingly. doing? This is the most important part
Nakamaru. Events are the action, the This may be a big fight, a surprise of pacing adventures such as these.
mechanics that keep each story going. attack, a mysterious visit or offer of The plots only cover the actions of the
They set the stage for direct player aid, or an unsolved puzzle. Be sure non-player characters with no allow-
character involvement and participa- that all player characters are involved ances for anything else. However,
tion. at the end. You do not want any play- your player characters could change
The Dungeon Master must choose ers leaving while the others wrap things drastically. You MUST be very
the sequence and timing of the differ- things up. In adventures full of intrigue flexible when following the plots. Do
ent events. While the sequence within such as these, ending the night with a not hesitate to change the order of
any given plot is already set, multiple mystery is particularly effective. It will events, skip events or create new
plots require certain decisions. give the players something to ponder ones. Personalize your adventure and
Should the big battle scene come over until the next session. your group will have even more fun.
before the personal duel? Should
there be time for investigation inbe-
tween the two? You must decide the
2. What is the physical state of the
characters? Clearly you do not want Random Events and
pacing of this adventure.
Pacing is more than just “Are their
the player characters hopelessly
defeated because. you didn’t allow
spells recovered; are their wounds them any time between different Since Nakamaru is a fairly large city, not
healed?” Several factors should be events. At the same time, you do not every person the player characters will
considered when pacing an adventure. want to always give them the chance meet or every possible incident can be
to recover fully before the next event described in detail. Thus, a random
1. How much playing time is left in this is played. The tensest and most excit- encounter table and random events
particular session? Obviously, if the ing encounters are those that push table are provided. The random
game must break up soon, you do not the player characters to the limits of encounter table provides a sampling of
want to start a big battle. But at the their abilities, without necessarily non-player characters likely to be met
same time, you do not want the night throwing them over. on the streets in different districts of the

city. Little information is provided about Random Encounter Table
these encounters. As DM you will have
District/Die Roll Encounter
to provide most of the information about
the encounter. Cas Sam Mar Ent Wat Eta For
Random events are little incidents d10 d12 d20 d12 d12 d6 d12
and scenes, also played out in the 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 Child
streets. Each of these has the poten- - - 2 1 - 2 2 Clerk
tial for player character involvement. 2 2 3 2 - - - Courtesan
The scenes do not particularly further - - 4 - 2 - -
- Craftsman
the action of any of the plots, but can - - 5 - 3 2 Farmer
sometimes provide complication, - - 6 - 4 - - Grocer
amusement, and excitement to the - - 7 - 5 3 3 Laborer
player characters’ lives. - 3 8 3 6 - 4 Mercenary
Unlike many random tables, neither - - 10 4 - - 5 Merchant
table is checked at any particular time— 3 4 11 5 - - 6 Messenger
you do NOT make a random encounter 4 5 12 - - - -
check once every ten turns, for exam- 5 6 - 6 - - - Musician
ple. Use the random table when you - - 13 - 7 4 7 Peddler
see fit and only when you see fit. Do not - - 14 7 8 - 8 Sailor
let the dice or the players bully you into 6 7 - 8 - - - Samurai, high
encounters and events you do not want 7 8 15 9 - - -
Samurai, low
to use. The tables are your tool—to pro- 8 9 16 - - - - Shukenja
vide a quick answer to a simple ques- - - 17 - 9 - 9 Traveler
tion or a bit of action in a dull moment of 9 10 - - - - 10 Tutor
the game. Do not let the tool get the bet- - 11 18 10 10 - 11 Watchman
ter of you. 10 12 19 11 11 5 12 Woman
- - 209 12 12 6 - Yakuza

Random Event Table burning cloth out until outside again.
District/Die Roll Event Clearly, the family the character res-
Sam Cas Mar Ent For Wat Eta cues will be friendly to the character
d6 d4 d8 d8 d6 d6 d6
- - 19 - 1 - - Urchin
1 - 2 1 2 1 1 Fire! Duel: The player characters encount-
2 1 - 2 - 2 - era violent confrontation between two
- - - - 3 2 warriors. The rank of the duelers will
3 Gambling
3 2 3 4 4 3 Spirit depend on the district. In the Samurai
- - 4 5 - - 4 Dead-beat district, they will be samurai or bushi
5 - - - retainers of different lords of some
4 3 4 Palanquin
- - 6 - - - note and importance. The duel, while
6 Pickpocket
- - - not a formal affair, will be fought with
5 4 7 5 Assignation
- 7 the proper regard to honorable con-
6 8 6 5 5 Quarrel
- - 8 - - duct. The duelists will announce
6 6 Beggar
themselves (and their ancestry) and
state their grievances. Friends of the
Random Encounters duelists (including the player charac-
Urchin: A small youth, his or her player characters (as is common in ters) can join either side, but must
clothes filthy and torn, comes rushing lots of B grade movies). state their intention from the start.
out of a small shop, the owner in hot Entering into the fight after the duel
pursuit. Grabbing the child by the hair, Fire!: One of the most dreaded occur- has begun would be dishonorable,
he begins to beat the child while berat- rences of Nakamaru (or any city made both for the one who entered late and
ing it for some petty theft. The child entirely of wood) has just occurred— for the duelist one wants to aid.
screams and howls. If the characters fire! In the next street over are billow- A duel in the castle would be con-
do nothing, the owner will eventually ing waves of grey smoke! A blaze has ducted with the same degree of for-
force the child to give up some stolen started. Alarms are hammered and mality, except that the guards will
trinket and leave, uttering dire threats the locals are running to the scene. intervene—to the death if necessary.
should the youth ever return. If the The player characters are pushed and The duelists will accept surrender,
player characters intervene, his reac- shoved in that direction as it is expect- which can be done without the mas-
tion will vary according to their appar- ed that all will do their part. The char- sive loss of honor since it is bowing to
ent station. If they seem no higher acters can attempt to slip away (at the the authority of one’s lord. However,
than him, he will brusquely tell them to loss of 1 honor point for samurai char- drawing a sword against another in
mind their own business. However, if acters) or they can stay and help. the castle is a serious offense, dishon-
they are higher, he will cease and pro- Helping fight the fire will take several orable in itself (since it shows a lack of
test his case. The urchin has stolen hours and involves carrying water, control) and subject to severe penalty.
from him, after all. If the goods can be pulling down neighboring buildings, In the entertainment and waterfront
returned and the merchant is assured shoveling, etc. districts, the duel could involve virtu-
the youth will be dealt with properly, Trapped in the blaze are 2-3 people. ally any player character type
he will stomp off. He is not a warrior If the player characters attempt a res- (although it is not likely that wu jen or
and will automatically cease if threat- cue, they must enter the burning shukenja will be involved). For a
ened with arms. He will be no friend of building and search. Each round samurai (or bushi with social ambi-
the player characters, however. spent searching allows the player tions), the duel will retain the formality
The youth, boy or girl, if rescued character to make an ability check described previously. Certainly a
proves to be bright, audacious, and against wisdom. Success means the crowd will watch the battle from hid-
cheerful. He or she is a fountain of character has found a victim. For each ing, none wanting to get too close to
knowledge about the district and can round spent in the blaze, the charac- madmen with drawn weapons!
be a very useful guide. However, the ter automatically suffers 1-10 points of Duels between yakuza are even
player characters will find it virtually damage. There is also a 10% cumula- more chaotic affairs. They usually
impossible to get rid of the child, who tive chance the character’s clothes consist of a yakuza of one gang acci-
will have a disconcerting ability to turn will catch fire (causing an additional 2- dentally meeting another in the street
up at the most amazing moments. 12 points per round for three rounds). (one will typically be a Black Mist
Properly used, the urchin can become Characters can shed burning clothes member). There are no formal rules to
a loyal and entertaining sidekick of the while in the fire, but cannot put the such a meeting, although the person-
al honor of the yakuza may cause him be open to all characters due to social The troublesome deadbeat is an
to refuse any aid. Sohei duels are status. Games in the entertainment easily irritated man and will resist any
inter-temple affairs and the aid of non- district may be very restricted. Those attempts by the player characters to
sohei is not appreciated. Likewise, in other areas are not likely to be very remove him. At your choice he could
kensai duels are tests of skill and no picky. Of course, the player charac- be a drunken barbarian, a cantanker-
outside help will be tolerated. Ninja ters may consider those at the game ous old wu jen, a noble shukenja (who
duels, while extremely rare, are the below their station. has been cheated by the shop owner),
most dangerous as the combatants or a powerful samurai traveling in dis-
have no regard for the safety of any Spirit: A strange, mysterious, and pos- guise. In any case, he will prove quite
others and do not fight by any rules at sibly deadly creature has appeared in a problem to remove, more than the
all. the district. This event can be a simple player characters bargained for.
If a duel involves any family mem- monster combat or a more involved
ber or relative of higher rank than a mystery. The creature can be a Palanquin: A noble procession passes
player character, it is expected that marauder, seeking to cause destruc- down the street. A herald comes first
his family will conduct a vendetta to tion, or a helpful guide that has to clear the street. After this comes a
exact revenge. Vendettas have formal appeared to give the player charac- small group of bodyguards, followed
laws, and if conducted according to ters some mysterious advice. Obvi- by the palanquin (kago), borne by two
these laws, are perfectly legal. First, a ously, you can select any creature you men. A few servants and a second
vendetta can only be carried out by a desire or you can roll again on the fol- group of guards follow. The proces-
relative of lower rank than the person lowing table. sion has 20 persons in all. Those of
killed. A character could avenge the lesser status are expected to clear the
death of an older brother, or father, 1: 4-20 bakemono making a night- way without argument, while the self
but not for a younger brother. Second, time raid. will yield to those of higher rank. The
the killer must be known. Before tak- 2: Hu Hsien attempts to seduce one greatest difficulty comes when the
ing up a vendetta, the character must of the player characters. procession meets another of equal
be able to name and identify the killer 3: A lu nat has settled among the ranking. Then neither group cares to
or killers. Finally, upon locating the tombs of a nearby temple. yield the way, as it is an issue of some
killer, the character must have the 4: A lesser nature spirit appears. If pride.
permission of the local lord. Many a properly approached, it will provide Furthermore, riding in the palan-
killer has avoided a vendetta by flee- good advice. quin is a young woman of exceptional
ing to the province of his own lord. 5: 1-4 jiki-niku-gaki are terrorizing a beauty. She will discreetly flirt with
There, his services valued, he is pro- block of the city. one of the more striking player charac-
tected by the daimyo. There is little the 6: 1 jiki-ketsu-gaki and 3 jiki-niku-gaki ters and if possible have a maid deliv-
avenger can do but wait for his victim have taken up residence in an old inn. er a message, suggesting a
to enter another province where per- There they prey on foolish travelers rendezvous. The exact rank and posi-
mission will be granted. Thus, some who arrive late at night. tion of the lady is left for you to decide
resort to all types of subterfuge to lure as best fits the situation of the cam-
their targets beyond the confines of Clearly, encounters with spirits paign.
safety. could result in mini-adventures of their
own. Pickpocket: A yakuza of 5th to 8th
Gambling: The player characters level attempts to relieve one of the
come across a game of cards or dice, The Deadbeat: While the player char- player characters of his burdensome
being run by a Worthless Flower or acters are in the street, they are possessions. A skillful fellow, he will
Black Mist yakuza. This in itself may approached by a servant at a local tea only make his move when the charac-
create trouble if there is a yakuza of shop, drinking house, inn, noodle ters are appropriately distracted by
another gang in the party. There will shop, etc. The servant has been sent some other event. He will trail them
be 1-3 yakuza and 5-10 customers. If by his or her master to find some har- waiting for the best opportunity and
the game is honest, the player charac- dy types who might want to earn a little will observe them, choosing the best
ters will win on a die roll of 12 or cash (meal or whatever). The master (richest) target. Of course, watchful
greater. Each bettor must roll sepa- has a troublesome deadbeat cus- player characters may notice the
rately. Winnings are paid on a 1 for 1 tomer that needs to be taught a lesson yakuza following them. He will con-
basis. If the game is crooked, the play- by having the player characters per- tinue his observation for half a day or
ers win on a die roll of 14 or greater on haps pick a quarrel and then throw the until he learns where they are staying.
a d20. Of course, the game may not bum out. In the latter case, he will return some
other time to rob their rooms while may be able to cause them severe 1. The Festival at the Shrine
they are gone. harm.
Business arguments can also occur This event, the trigger for much of the
Assignation: One or more of the player between commoners, such as two action to come, takes place just out-
characters receives a message to shopowners. While these are mostly side the torii of a small neighborhood
attend a secret meeting. This meeting comical and noisy, they sometimes shrine in the Market District, in one of
could be with a secret admirer, with a burst into comical violence. If the play- the quieter wards of that area. It is the
secret society the player characters er characters intervene, they can gain day of a local festival and the enter-
are trying to contact, with someone favors and special treatment from the prising members of the Big Head
seeking to do them harm, etc. Note merchant they protect, although they gang have organized a small collec-
that since this event revolves around cannot expect the same from the oth- tion of street stalls, entertainers, and
the situation in your campaign and er fellow! charlatans to milk the crowd.
requires more than normal prepara-
tion on your part, you may not want to Beggar: A poor mendicant is on the The afternoon has been wet and
use it if it is randomly rolled. However, street, asking for the charity of others. humid for a late spring day. The sky
since the event does allow you to Of course, this being a fantasy world, has been free of rain, but the
involve player characters in the plots player characters can never be sure if branches of the trees drip with dew
of the city, provide them information he is what he seems. That poor, old and small muddy patches dot the
when they are stuck, and generally beggar might only be a beggar, but he narrow street. A faint breeze flaps
keep a story going, it is a useful tool to might also be a wise man who can pro- the bright red and blue banners of
have at your disposal. vide advice to the kind and generous, the merchants and spins the lan-
a ninja sent to spy, a powerful spirit terns of the sake sellers. The crowd
Quarrel: The player characters blun- testing the goodness of the citizens of is thin, but cheerful and merry.
der into a domestic or business argu- Nakamaru, a noble samurai curious At the entrance to the shrine
ment. In the common districts, this is about the conditions of the common stand two shukenja, keeping the
likely to be an overbearing husband folk, or a master kensai devoted to a hawkers outside the actual
cruelly berating his wife or an enraged life of simplicity and frugality. While grounds. Their brows are beaded
shopkeeper yelling at a servant where these are very rare occurrences, they with sweat and their red and gold
all the neighbors can hear. The man’s should happen every once in a while robes hang damply from their
rage is intense and he has lost all to encourage the player characters to shoulders. They give a gentle wave
sense of propriety. His wife or servant pay attention to such simple events. of their tasseled wands as each
is in tears and is clearly trying only to supplicant enters the shrine. Fur-

Plot Events
escape his savage rage, but he will ther down the street from them is a
not allow it. If left unchecked, it seems medicine peddler, his portable
that he will become violent and may The following, unlike random events, chest of powders and infusions
do great harm. If the player characters are those that occur at set times and opened before him. His monkey, a
intervene, they will be able to restrain places and complement one or more symbol of his calling, clings to his
him. However, they will also have pub- of the plots described previously. jacket and greedily eats a plum, the
licly shamed him. The wife or servant, These events describe the setting, juice soaking its little white beard.
while grateful to the characters, will including descriptions you can read to Thumping a tinny drum, the old
urge them not to interfere. The master the players (or adapt to your needs), man drones on about his wares,
or husband will thereafter hate the the NPCs and forces involved, and the attempting to drown out the calls of
player characters and if he is in any probable tactics (or actions) that will his neighbors.
position of influence will attempt to be used. One neighbor, his goods spread
cause them any harm he can, even if Not every event that is described in out on mats, sells envelopes.
only to ruin their credit or spread the plot section can be detailed. Another sells fortunes printed on
unpleasant rumors about them. Of Those given here provide examples of slips of paper. A small bush nearby
course, there may be little he can do. how to create different types of events is festooned with knotted fortunes
In the more noble districts, all of the for the various plots, in particular of those who wish to leave their bad
events above can occur, although in swordfights and battle scenes. Fur- luck behind. Further down the
not quite such an obvious fashion. ther events can be constructed from street are the boisterous stalls of
Should the player characters inter- the materials in the NPC booklet. sake dealers. The owners scurry
vene, they will earn a lifelong and bit-
ter enemy. If of sufficient position, he
intercept him and give him a “polite”
about, scooping up wooden mea- warning to stay out of their business. terns highlight shop entrances on
sures of sake, plopping a hefty draft This is what the rest of the Black the other side of the street. A dog
and a measure of salt before eager Mist have been awaiting. Seeing the sniffs around the corner at the end
customers. Through the crowd Big Heads (whom they have already
wander other peddlers, their goods marked) approach their leader, they
piled high on their backs—fabric cast off their jackets to reveal their tat- However courageous the hot-
and pots and kettles and bonsai toos and whip out short swords and tempered Big Head faction may be,
and charms and more—all guaran- daggers from the folds of their cloth- they are sorely lacking in skills. Their
teed pretty but worthless. Through ing. With a shout, they leap to the concept of the Black Mist lacks all
all this peek and probe the small defense of their leader. Stationed as sense of subtlely and surprise. Led by
crowd of men and women, little they are throughout the crowd, they Kura (yakuza 8th level), the 30 mem-
children scampering between the are able to intercept most of the Big bers of his group (five 4th level, ten
legs of all. Heads closing in on the fight. Further- 2nd level, and fifteen 1st level) march
more, the Big Heads are taken by sur- to the gates of the compound and
All told, there are five members of the prise and waste at least one round shout out a challenge to those within.
Big Head gang working as peddlers at getting weapons out. Not intending a This has the desired effect but also
the festival. Two are first level yakuza fight, they are not as well-prepared as gives those inside plenty of time to
and two are second level. Their activi- the Black Mist gang and only carry prepare. After fifteen minutes of
ties are supervised by a 4th level knives. shouted threats, the gates open.
yakuza. In addition, there are two As people flee the street, the con- There in the entrance are fifty of the
more members of the Big Head gang, flict quickly erupts into a battle. Stalls Black Mist gurentai (3rd level yakuza)
both 5th level yakuza, collecting rent crash down and in the end, several armed with swords and spears. The
from the ten other merchants (who are members of the Big Heads are foolish Big Heads charge and the
not associated with the Big Head sprawled on the ground. Out- Black Mist set to receive them.
gang in any way). There are 45 men, numbered and out-fought, the rest Foolish as this tactic is, the Big
women and children who form the flee, leaving the street in the hands of Heads do even worse. Attempting to
crowd of customers here. The two the Black Mist yakuza. The latter free- force their way into the yard, several
shukenja at the entrance to the shrine ly takes what they want of all that is left members hurl lighted lanterns onto
are both 3rd level. All told, there are 62 behind and grotesquely arrange the the roofs. Certainly, they reason, the
people on the scene. bodies of the fallen Big Heads. Black Mist will have to send some of
While the turnout for the festival has Approximately an hour after the fight, their men to deal with this threat. The
not been amazing, the day has been they leave. The city watchmen never Black Mist ignore the fire, leaving the
good for the Big Heads. They have appear on the scene. servants to deal with the blaze. Sev-
gained a reasonable profit for their eral die in the flames before the fire is
efforts and have even managed a bit 2. The Big Head Counterattack brought under control.
of gambling behind one of the sake However, it is the fire that ultimately
stalls (which is technically the prov- Pushed on by the outrage at the saves the Big Heads. The threat to the
ince of the Worthless Flower gang). It shrine, the hothead elements of the surrounding buildings alerts the
is this profit that the Black Mist gang Big Heads, led by Kura, stage a night- neighborhood and the alarm bells are
has heard about and intends to move time attack on the headquarters of the rung. Both sides break off the fight. By
in on. Black Mist yakuza. This, the oyabun’s the time the battle ends, the Big
When the Black Mist arrive, they house, is located on the edge of the Heads have lost 17 men and have had
come in force. There are ten of them, Foreign District. The house is natu- another 10 wounded while the Black
led by a 7th level yakuza. Under him rally well guarded and, unless there is Mist have only lost eight men and had
are one 4th level yakuza, two 3rd level some outside intervention, the attack seven more wounded.
yakuza, three 2nd levels and three 1st is a disaster. Clearly, the disaster could have
levels. They show up in small batches been prevented if the Big Heads had
of twos and threes and position them- The street to the oyabun’s house is better guidance. They made no
selves along the length of the street. narrow and dark. There are no attempt to maneuver or achieve sur-
When their leader arrives, he begins watchmen in sight. Along one side prise. With stronger leadership, they
pressuring the local merchants. This of the street is a narrow gate, lit by a might have been able to out-fight their
does not go unnoticed by the Big pair of torches. Faded paper lan- enemy, but allowing themselves to be
Heads and several of them move to trapped in the gate against superior

odds was sheer foolishness. ten the proper title or made some rendously botched attempt at a poem,
slight about an ancestor of the family. the result will be even worse than if he
3. The Moon-Viewing Party There are many ways characters can had never tried. Not only will the char-
get into trouble. acter become the mockery of the city
Part of the court life is an endless In addition, there are also in the days that follow, the other
series of social obligations—prettily impromptu contests held at the guests will barely suppress their
concocted but painfully refined. There party—expected by the guests. Prin- laughter at the moment. The player
is no opportunity to escape these for- cipal of these are a poetry contest and character will lose two points of honor
malities and everyone is expected to a calligraphy contest. All are expected immediately and will have earned a
take part in them. Those who cannot, to participate as refusal would open blot upon his name for weeks,
through lack of desire or, for some the character to humiliation and months, or, if truly unfortunate, years
occasions, skill are the objects of ridi- mockery in the days and weeks to to come.
cule and low respect. come. The calligraphy contest is a differ-
The Poetry Contest: Warmed by ent matter. While all refined persons
The garden of the lord’s palace is drink and the pleasant evening atmo- are expected to have a fine hand, the
brightly lit by lanterns, the walks sphere, the host proposes a poetry contest is really only a test of skill
sparkling in the dark night. Body- composition contest using linked between those who are masters of this
guards and servants lurk in the verse. This is a popular form of refined demanding art. Any player character
shadows. A special platform has entertainment. The host begins the can choose to enter (with the conse-
been set up and covered with mats. contest by preparing a couplet quences of failure described above) in
Low tables and small braziers for describing the beauty of the evening. hopes of gaining honor and influence.
grilled meats and warmed drinks The next guest adds a rhyming coup- Each entrant writes out a section of
have been set out. let that continues the verse and the the linked verse just composed. The
sentiment. This continues until all the finished writings are passed from
The moon-viewing party begins in the guests have added a couplet, chang- hand to hand, receiving comments
late evening and continues until near- ing and expanding the poem’s original from the onlookers. The final winner is
ly dawn. Attending it are the Funada intention. If your player’s have the tal- chosen by agreement. Of course, the
brothers, the Goshukara, the heads ent, they can provide actual couplets choice of paper and skill of execution
and respected members of the Loyal as their entries, creating their own are all vital factors in the judging.
Families, and a few other samurai linked verse. The moon-viewing party is also
families. All told, there are fifteen peo- While prizes are not given for this more than a simple social function. It
ple at the party. contest, and judging is informal, all is a time when much of the real busi-
A function such as this offers sev- the other guests will be listening to ness of ruling Nakamaru is conduct-
eral entertainments other than just each effort. Thus, the performance of ed. Various lords and factions will use
watching the glory of the rising moon. the player character’s should be the party to sound out potential allies,
There are musicians and story-tellers. determined according to the rules. If a make truces, arrange weddings,
There is eating and drinking. There player character refuses to partici- reach understandings, propose deals
are events that also involve the partici- pate, there will be a titter of surprise and offer terms. As such, the player
pants directly. and an arched eyebrow, but nothing characters should be encouraged to
Drinking is a natural part of the more will be said at the time. How- mingle and circulate. Likewise, non-
moon-viewing party, especially potent ever, the next day and in the weeks player characters may seek out the
drinks. Player characters must take thereafter the character will be characters for these purposes. When
care to exercise moderation. Such mocked among the social circles of preparing for this event, it is helpful to
parties are extremely delicate affairs, Nakamaru and will earn a particularly have a list of whom the player charac-
bound by rules of etiquette. Charac- unflattering nickname. It may even be ters may be trying to contact and who
ters who drink to excess should be that allusions to the character (puns) may be trying to make a deal with
required to make an ability check will appear in popular songs or them.
against their wisdom. This die roll can poems. These will gain a wide circula-
be modified if the DM wishes. If the tion throughout the city. The player 4. The Death of Jirozu
ability check has failed, the player character will retain this unenviable
character has managed to say or do This event occurs late in the night
position for several weeks or until
something particularly offensive and some new event captures the public (past midnight) just beyond the outer
rude in front of one of the other attend- gates of the castle. The attack will only
attention. happen once Jirozu’s party is clearly
ees. The character may have forgot- If a player character makes a hor-
on Funada property. and must make a normal to hit roll. In (Perhaps rash and impulsive in this
addition, Jirozu is allowed his normal attack, Kidera Ujisato is not a com-
The night is dark and the move- saving throw. If the darts fail, the wu plete fool.) The sohei are organized as
ments of the group have been jen/ninja will use her spells to best follows:
cloaked in silence and secrecy. affect. She will avoid area effect spells
Taking a roundabout route, the if possible, as she only desires to A: Ten 7th level sohei
bodyguards, dressed in simple strike down Jirozu and would prefer B: Eighty 1st level sohei
dark robes, met Jirozu and led him for it to look like the act of the Funada. C: Sixty 3rd level sohei
back to the Funada palace. Ahead Failing all these, she will attempt to
of the group has slunk a dark clad, drop down behind Jirozu, strike him Each unit has its own 8th level com-
silent figure—a ninja of the Hino down with a backstab and then flee. mander and Kidera Ujisato acts as the
clan—scouting ahead of the main Unless the player characters are army commander.
party. Reaching the gate, whis- involved, the Phoenix ninja’s plan will However, the battle is not the sur-
pered passwords are exchanged work perfectly. If the player characters prise the Winter Sect sohei think it will
and the doors are barely parted. are present, the event could end in vir- be. Armed and awaiting them are 100
The group passes within. Then, tually any way. If Jirozu dies, the of the Shining Mountain sohei and
just as the doors swing shut, a Funada will reap the blame regardless Funada retainers, who arrived during
brightly robed figure attacks—one of the circumstance of his death. If the night. Having the advantage of
of the Funada clansmen! Jirozu lives, the attack will have con- position and possibly surprise, the
vinced him that the Funada cannot Shining Mountain Temple has only
The attacker is a Funada relative in give him adequate protection. He will risked a part of its force for the
the ranks of the samurai retainers. He not participate in any discussions with defense of the temple, holding the rest
is an 8th level samurai and is armed them. While the gangs of the city will back as reserves for a counterattack.
with a katana. See the NPC book for not turn on the Funada, they will not The Shining Mountain sohei are orga-
information on him. Guarding the cooperate either. nized as follows.
oyabun Jirozu are 8 samurai. One is
7th level and the others are all 3rd 5. The Sohei Trap #1: Fifty 2nd level sohei bowmen
level. They are surprised by the #2: Twenty 5th level sohei
For this event you will need to use the #3: Thirty 4th level bushi
attack, coming as it does from an tactical map provided in the NPC
unexpected foe and after they had booklet. If you have and want to use
thought they were safe. Also on the The first two units are commanded by
the BATTLESYSTEM™ rules, you may 7th level sohei and the bushi are led
scene, though not in the immediate want to resolve this event by setting
area of the attack is the Hino yakuza/ by a 6th level samurai. The whole
up the terrain and playing out the com- force is led by a 9th level sohei.
ninja (4th level in each). Charged by bat according to those rules. Unit
his sensei to ensure that no other When the Winter Sect sohei reach
organization for BATTLESYSTEM™ the temple, the trap has already been
ninja make an attack on Jirozu, he will rules is listed below.
not leap into this fray. However, if the set. The main gates stand slightly ajar
Phoenix ninja takes direct action and it will be an easy matter for the
against jirozu, the Hino ninja will real- The streets of Nakamaru have sohei to force their way in. This is just
ize his presence and begin to hunt for become a confused armed camp! what their enemy wants them to do.
him. Banners fluttering, the sohei of the Just beyond the gate are units #2 and
Although the samurai is making the Winter temple have set out to #3. Their task is to prevent any further
attack, he is not its true source. Rath- attack their cowardly enemies at advance of the attackers. In this they
er, the real reason for the attack is a the Shining Mountain temple! have the advantage, since they were
Cheerful and chanting their prayers able to amass more men than their
Phoenix wu jen/ninja, O-Kaze, hidden
they set out through the winding attackers. Meanwhile, the #1 unit will
on the roof of a nearby nagaya. From
here she has managed to charm her streets. In no time they reach the rise up from their hidden positions on
victim and has directed him to attack red and orange gates of the Shin- the walls to fire on the attackers who
ing Mountain temple. The battle is have still not passed through the gate.
without ceasing. While the bodyguard
about to begin! With the advantage of surprise and
are busy defending against this
attacker, the Phoenix ninja will use a cover, the Shining Mountain warriors
The Winter Sect has advanced with are confident of success.
blowgun with poisoned darts to elimi-
150 sohei, leaving the remainder at Meanwhile, unaware of the trap, the
nate Jirozu. She has only three darts their temple to guard against disaster. plan of the Winter Sect commanders
is simple. Once the lead unit, C, forces It is at this point that the rest of the
the gate, the bulk of the force (unit B) trap is sprung. The second rank of the of shame, how they had boldly
will rush into the courtyard and spread sohei attempt to retreat, since forward charged forth into a trap. It is clear
out to defeat the ill-organized and advance is impossible. However, the you must prepare for the worst.
unprepared defenders. The elite unit, units behind them are still pressing Even as the sohei are in the
C, will remain in reserve should there forward. Confusion begins to grow. midst of their preparations, the first
be any unforseen setbacks. Confident Suddenly, with a single voice, the of the enemy arrive. Staying a
that they will achieve total surprise, no sohei of the Shining Mountain charge respectful distance back, well out
contingency plans have been pre- forward. The foremost of the attackers of bowshot, they settle in. Several
pared nor has any scaling or seige panic, turning headlong into their own runners come forward, requesting
equipment been brought along. ranks, but those behind will still not the surrender of the rebellious
If the event is to be fought as a give way. Then, rising up from their sohei within the temple. They are
BATTLESYSTEM™ game encounter, concealed positions behind the walls, refused but no attack comes. It
the referee should assume the overall the Shining Mountain archers pour seems that the Shining Mountain
command of the Winter Sect sohei. arrows into the rear formations of the commander is quite prudent and
Other players can command specific Winter sect sohei. With a shock, the carefully gathering his forces sur-
units (if desired) although the bulk of attackers realize their surprise is lost. rounds the temple.
the forces is not large. The majority of Confusion and panic take their grip.
players should assume command of The front ranks are trapped between Of course, the above scene will be
the Shining Mountain troops, using their friends and their enemies, while much different if the player characters
the set-up positions described. Once the back ranks are picked off by the are among the Shining Mountain
the battle begins, however, players well-protected archers from above. sohei or Lord Mitsuhide’s men. Then
can exercise command as they see fit. The battle ends in a tragic rout. The you can give vivid descriptions of a
However, if you do not wish to use attackers break and flee, pursued by wild chase through the streets of the
the BATTLESYSTEM™ game, you can the fresh reserves of the Shining city, swift furious duels with sohei too
still resolve player character participa- Mountain temple. Only 30 of the Win- exhausted or ashamed to run any far-
tion in the battle. Unless the player ter sect warriors make it back to the ther and finally the sudden halt at the
characters are influential enough to temple. The others lie dead in the very gates of the Winter Sect temple.
change the deployments of troops, streets or are scattered throughout The Shining Mountain forces are
the sohei on both sides will arrange the city. keenly aware that they are too few to
themselves as already described. The capture the temple compound of their
player characters can then react to 6. The Final Battle enemy. Thus, their first goal is to gain
the situations according to their loca- the support of the Funada family and
tion. The general course of the battle Only the beginning situation can be then seal the temple off from the sur-
is described here. given for this event, since the out- rounding neighborhood. At the same
The first wave of Winter sect sohei come is as yet undecided. The Winter time, those inside are hurriedly send-
charge through the gate in great Temple Map can be used for this ing out messengers requesting aid.
enthusiasm. Hoping to maintain their event. Who will come and who will win
surprise, they utter no war cries or should depend on the actions and
shout challenges. They press each Even before their return, reports diplomacy of the player characters.
other close, pushing forward, eager to have already begun to filter through.
get into the compound. Thus, when the barracks about this morning’s
the front rank suddenly sees the ene- battle. The attack on the Shining
my formed in lines ahead of them, Mountain temple was a disaster!
there is nothing they can do but Hastening to the walls, you see the
charge forward. Meanwhile, the ranks banners of the great sohei regi-
behind them, unaware of what has ments bob and fall while those of
happened, continue to push forward, your enemy wend their way
denying their own front rank any fight- through the city towards you. With-
ing or maneuver room. The leading in minutes the first of your com-
troops of the Winter sect crash into the rades, those most fleet of foot,
set lines of the Shining Mountain return. Stumbling to the ground of
sohei and, unable to fight, effectively the courtyard, they pant out a story
are cut down.
Bakuto — A gambler, a type of yakuza Hirayamajiro — A castle set on a hill Ronin — A samurai without a master,
gang that specializes in gambling and that rises above the surrounding either through death, dismissal or
games of chance. plain. Other classifications include requested severance.
yamajiro (castle on a mountain) and
Burakumin — The village people or hirajiro (castle on a plain). Sake — An alcoholic drink made from
eta, outcasts from society. fermented rice.
Ishiotoshi — Chutes built into the out-
Chigaidama — The distinctive stag- er walls of a castle through which the Sengoku-daimyo — A daimyo who,
gered shelves found on the back wall defender can drop stones on the while supposedly subservient to the
of the traditional samurai shoin. attacker. shogun, was for all practical purposes
an independent warlord.
Chodaigamae — A small pair of doors Jodan — The highest section of the
along one side of the shoin, near the shoin, where the lord receives guests. Shogun — The rank of supreme mili-
jodan. The doors lead to other sec- tary commander which eventually
tions of the samurai’s mansion and Kobun — The “son” or follower of the became the true ruler of the nation.
bodyguards may be stationed behind oyabun in a yakuza gang.
them, out of sight. Shoin — A formalized style of recep-
Koku — A measure of rice (approx. 1 tion hall found in samurai homes. A
Cryptomeria — A tall, thick-trunked bushel) that is used as a measure of series of one or more rooms, each
type of cedar that is often used for wealth. slightly higher than the last, where the
beams, pillars, and major supports. lord holds audiences, receives guests
Kurumayose — The carriage entrance and conducts certain official ceremo-
Daimyo — The military governor of a or main entrance to a mansion, often nies.
province or group of provinces who in an open archway where a guest can
turn serves the shogun. reach a palanquin. Soan — A “grass cottage,” a style of
garden tea-house noted for its simplic-
Eta — The lowest social class, they are Mikoshi — A portable shrine carried ity and rustic nature.
almost non-people, performing the on two poles by teams of bearers.
tasks considered unclean by all others Tamon — The long narrow buildings
of the society. Minka — A commoner’s farmhouse or built on top of castle walls. Tamon
village house. They normally have were commonly used as storehouses
Gakusho — A non-adventuring priest, high-peaked roofs covered in thatch, and armories and gave protection to
one who is mainly involved in schol- shingles, or tile. defenders atop the wall.
arly pursuits.
Nagaya — Long houses of one or two Tekiya — Those groups of yakuza who
Geisha — A female entertainer and stories that serve as barracks, armo- specialize in protection rackets and
hostess highly trained in courtesy, ries or storehouses. They usually line selling shoddy goods.
singing, dancing, and other sophisti- the walls of a compound or castle.
cated social graces. The skill of a gei- Tenshu — The tower of a castle.
sha lies in her ability to relax and Ninjitsu — The study of the arts of the
entertain her guests. ninja. Tenshu-kaku — The main tower or
donjon of a castle.
Genkan — A small alcove near the Noren — Curtains used to screen off a
entrance to a house. doorway. Storefronts often have col- Tokonoma — A narrow, recessed
ored noren, marked with a symbol of shelf at the back of the shoin. It usu-
Giri — A person’s sense of obligation, the business within. ally takes up most of the wall and is
loyalty, and duty to others, particularly decorated by a large painting.
superiors or traditions. Oyabun — The “father” or head of a
yakuza gang who guides and looks Torii — The characteristic red archway
Gurentai — Hoodlums, members of a after his children, the “kobun.” found at the entrance to shrines.
yakuza gang who specialize in
enforcement and strong-arm work. Pagoda — A tower of one or more sto-
ries built on temple grounds as a mon-
ument to the deities of the temple.
Encounter Construction
The main booklet of Blood of the Yakuza presents detailed background becoming a full-fledged monk. He thinks, instead, that his doubts are
information on the city of Nakamaru and the events that can occur there. It weaknesses sure to doom him from any chance of success.
is not a standard module or adventure like you may be accustomed to—
there are no dungeons or room keys. Indeed there is very little in the way Bakemono (NA: 40)
of rules in the first booklet. AC 6, MV 6, HD 1-1, Average hp 2, #AT 1, D 16 (average), AL CE.
This booklet contains the actual materials you need to construct any Lieutenants (x2): AC 4, HD 2, hp 10, 8; D 1
encounter—NPCs and maps. In addition, it also has material to aid in cre-
ating your own encounters. Think of this booklet as a toolkit to aid the Bupposo (Human), Winter Sect Monk.
campaign and you will be able to use it to its full potential. In addition to Monk, 6th level 15 15 14 13 15 14
the maps and NPCs required for the adventures already described in Hit Points: 19; Typical AC: 6; Alignment: LN; Magical Items: wand of won-
Nakamaru, there are additional materials that can be used. These include der; Martial Arts Style: Hard Push; #AT 3/2, D 1-6 +2; Special Maneuvers
maps of typical buildings within the city and tables and forms for creating known: Concentrated push, pain touch, meditation, sticking touch.
NPCs. Description: Bupposo has been with the Winter Sect monastery for many
To get the most from these additional materials, they should be com- years and is in actuality a very poor monk. His only true monkly virtue is
bined with those already published. These include the maps in the back of
his incredible patience. Otherwise, he is stubborn, mischievous, irrever-
the ORIENTAL ADVENTURES rulebook and OA1: Swords of the Daimyo.
By assembling these materials, you will have a useful collection of source ent and even a little spiteful, remembering slights for a very long time. He
has stuck out the rigors of the monastery for many years with only a slow
material for creating your own adventures and campaigns.
spiritual improvement. Indeed, if it weren’t for the escapades he and Kogi
There is much that still has been left unsaid about Nakamaru, more sometimes embark upon, it is doubtful that he would ever have improved
than can be covered in a single booklet. These facts are the things that
his position in the monastery. Nonetheless, he is a skilled teacher, his
the DM should provide for the game. How many people live in the city? own worst qualities working to his advantage in this case.
How many troops does the daimyo command? How many bodyguards do
the different samurai families have? These details do not have a great
Buso, Tigbanua (NA: 1).
impact on the adventures described here and are left unsaid. Your cam- AC 4, MV 12”, HD 8 + 2, hp 35, #AT 3, D 1-6 (x2)/1 -10, fear radius 10’, sav-
paign and your opinions will determine the answers. Do your player char-
acters already command great numbers of troops? Then the daimyo’s ing throw vs. tagamaling infection; AL CE.
army should be appropriately large. Do you want characters to have
Buso, Tagamaling (NA: 4).
access to many different goods and services? Then Nakamaru should be AC 5, MV 12”, HD 1, hp 1,2,3,6; #AT 3, D 1-4 (x2)/1-8, AL CE.
a large, well-populated city. The DM must make these decisions.
Description: These four people (simple commoners during the day) are all
victims of the tigbanua buso in its gradual efforts to increase its territory.
NPC Listing The percentage chances that each will change are 87%, 81%, 57% and
Those NPCs mentioned in Blood of the Yakuza are listed below. They are
in alphabetical order and include any NPCs or monsters mentioned in Funada Genzo (Human), Master of the Port, Son of Toyoo.
text. Each listing provides the basic information you need to handle an Samurai, 6th level 15 16 14 14 13 15
encounter with that character. Information includes the name, significant Hit Points: 41; Typical AC: 8 (1); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: long
position (if any), class, level, ability scores, and hit points. The Typical AC sword +2 (gift from a Shou Lung merchant), haramaki-do of quality,
(Armor Class) listing gives one or more armor classes. The first AC listing potion of diminution.
is when the NPC is in a casual or unplanned encounter. Listings in paren-
theses give the Armor Class when the NPC has been warned and has Description: Funada Genzo, of average height and broad-frame, is an
time to prepare. Magical Items lists those things in the possession of a arrogant but efficient harbormaster. Commander of the shipyard garrison
character which is likely to be used. All NPCs have full knowledge of the and supervisor of the shipping in the port, he is an extremely vital part of
magic items they carry. the city’s economy. While committed to the success of the family, Genzo
The honor of the different families and NPCs is not calculated on these also sees to his own financial security through a system of kickbacks and
rosters. As a general rule, NPCs do not require an honor number. It is suf- bribes which foreign merchants must provide him. He is careful never to
ficient to remember that most characters (especially samurai) attempt to make these claims overly excessive and uses his garrison troops to dis-
act honorably and avoid losing an honor point when possible. Further- courage any complaints. Furthermore, he provides thorough protection
more, the amount of honor possessed by NPCs should be similar to that and aid to those who do meet his terms. His greatest weakness is his love
of the player characters. This will encourage all characters (NPC and for money. It has made him fear death or certainly delay it, thus putting off
player) to behave in roughly similar manners. his resolve to die in service of his master, Lord Mitsuhide.
If a situation results wherein you do need the honor of any given NPC,
take the base number from the appropriate social class and add 3-18 Funada Hashiba (Human), Son of Mitsuhide, Abbot of the Shining Moun-
points to it. This then represents the NPC’s current honor. tain Temple.
Shukenja, 12th Ievel 13 12 12 10 12 9
CLASS: ST: DX: CON: IN: WIS: CH: Hit Points: 35; Typical AC: 9; Alignment: NG; Magical Items: ring of pro-
tection +1, scroll of protection from spirits, scroll with aid, speak with ani-
Anchin (Human), Tsuyoi-no-kami acolyte. mals, cure disease, find the path.
Monk, 1st level 15 15 11 13 17 8 Description: Hashiba is 33 years old. He has risen to a position of power at
Hit Points: 8; Typical AC: 8; Alignment: LG; Martial Arts: AC 6, #AT 1, D 1-
such an early age partly through his own ability and partly through the
4, Special Maneuvers Known—choke hold, weapon catch. influence of his father. As such, he is not fully prepared for his task. He is
Description: Anchin is a newly accepted monk, still wet behind the ears. easily browbeaten by Mitsuhide in any matters relating to the family and is
Being in a low position, he is given all the most difficult and trying tasks— well aware of his own failings. He is thin and unnaturally tall for his family,
the menial work no one else wishes to perform. Currently he is chafing standing almost 5’ 10”. It is easy to spot his shaven head above a crowd.
under this load and questioning why he ever wanted to do this in the first His title is Eye of the Law.
place. Although he does not realize it, this is a perfectly normal stage of

©1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Funada Mitsuhide (Human), Daimyo of Nakamaru. ing throw vs. tagamaling infection; AL CE.
Samurai, 17th level 13 12 14 14 13 12 Description: This creature, while normally fearsome, has been rendered
Hit Points: 54; Typical AC: 9 (0); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: Katana of
Luck (a gift from the shogun), O-yoroi +3, scroll of protection from spirits, even more formidable. Unlike most others of its kind, it has developed a
complete and cunning intelligence. Learning the speech of mankind, it
charm of protection from disease, paper of forms (3 sheets), potion of
has named itself Getsu and has developed a scheme to destroy the hated
tengu control, potion of hengeyokai control. man-things. Crueller even than the worst of its own kind, Getsu is not
Description: Funada Mitsuhide is a shrewd old man, tough and seasoned above toying and tormenting its victims prior to their destruction.
from years of campaigning. He sports a wispy white beard and his face is
heavily lined and cracked. A jagged scar, pale white against his weather- Goblin Rats (NA: 30).
beaten skin, runs behind his right ear and down his neck, a trophy from AC 7, MV 9”, HD 3, Average hp 17, #AT 1, D 1-8 (wakizashi), or 1-6 (naga-
his years of service to the shogun. In conversation, his once strong voice maki); Shapechange to rat-man form, +1 to cat-like creatures fighting
has weakened, becoming high pitched and thin. He rarely reveals his goblin rats; AL LE.
mind, but misses nothing. He is related to the shogun of Wa, his father
being an uncle of Matasuuri Nagahide. Chieftain: AC 4, HD 5, hp 31, D 1-8 (katana) or 1-8 +2 bite.

Funada Toyoo (Human), Brother of Mitsuhide Gorath (Men-shen, see this booklet), Agent of the Shou Lung Emperor.
Samurai, 15th level 15 10 15 14 15 12 AC -2, MV 12/12, HD 10, hp 55, #AT 2, D 1-8 +4 (x2), fly, become astral,
Hit Points: 60; Typical AC: 9 (1); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: Scroll of improved invisibility (all at will), polymorph self (x2/day), apparition (in nor-
protection from possession, ring of mammal control, dagger +1, ring of x- mal form), ESP (continually in effect), 1/2 damage from most spells, AL N.
ray vision, katana +3 (detect large traps, locate object; semiempathy), o-
Description: The Gorath (or just Gorath) is a men-shen, a greater spirit in
yoroi +2. the service of the Shou Lung Emperor Chin. The creature is ancient in
Description: Funada Toyoo is a straight-backed man of strict demeanor age, having faithfully served the Chin line to the best of its ability for centu-
and attittide. He is about 54 years old, although he is unsure of his exact ries. It claims it has been assigned this duty by the Celestial Emperor.
age. He bears a striking resemblance to his brother, although he does not Gorath has encountered Liti-hsia Chih several times in the past and they
carry the visible effects of aging, His hair is still black and his small beard are mortal enemies.
is glossy and straight. Accustomed to giving orders on the battlefield, he
normally speaks in a booming voice. Slyer than his brother, he lacks Goshukara Akinari (Human), Head of Goshukara family.
some of his patience, preferring a swift and decisive victory even if at Samurai, 14th level 15 18 17 15 16 15
extreme cost. Hit Points: 83; Typical AC: 6 (-3); Alignment: LG; Magical Items: katana
+2, wakizashi +2 (matched set and family treasure), o-yoroi +2 (gift from
Gamo Hidenobu (Human), Retainer of Funada family. the emperor), spear +2.
Bushi, 6th level 10 14 15 9 16 16
Description: A strapping man of 46 years, Akinari is a vigorous and deter-
Hit Points: 31; Typical AC: 10 (4); Alignment: CE; Magical Items: gaijin
mined leader. Clean-shaven and stocky, his thinning hair is normally tied
long sword +1, wand of illumination, dust of disappearance.
back in the tea-whisk style. His right arm is stiff from a battle injury, but it
Description: The eldest of the three Gamo brothers, Hidenobu is the most does not slow him noticeably. He is extremely proud of his family’s heri-
seasoned and toughened of the lot. He is out-and-out a hard case. Sev- tage and of his title as Regulator and Great Counsellor, Junior Grade,
eral times he has been involved in questionable duels and vendettas. His Second Rank. Although he is good, he measures this by the standard of
face and arms are badly scarred from his fights and two of his front teeth the welfare of his own family.
are missing. Mildly embarrassed by this, he seldom smiles.
Goshukara Sadamoto (Human), Brother of Goshukara Akinari.
Gamo Mitsutoshi (Human), Retainer of the Funada family. Samurai, 10th level 17 13 15 16 15 12
Bushi, 4th level 11 17 9 14 14 9 Hit Points: 62; Typical AC: 10 (2); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: ring of
Hit Points: 19; Typical AC: 7 (5); Alignment: CE; Magical Items: wakizashi free action, chain mail +3, katana +1, wakizashi +1 (matched set).
+1, two-handed sword of quality, short sword of quality, scroll of protec- Description: Slender and filled with nervous energy, Sadamoto is not nor-
tion from petrifaction.
mally given to plots or schemes, acting more often on impulse. He is, like
Description: Second oldest of the Gamo brothers, Mitsutoshi has a fetish his brother, concerned for the success and survival of the family and is
for weapons, swords in particular. Rude and arrogant, he is little loved by especially desirous for a restoration of its fortunes. Restrained by the
any who have met him. Bearded and mustached, he has a regular habit of cooler logic of his brother, Sadamoto often finds his wild and violent
spitting in public. He has traveled quite a bit and is familiar with a number schemes modified and put into action. He is always seen in public armed,
of strange things. since he is convinced that the Funada brothers would attack him in an
Gamo Mochikuni (Human), Retainer of the Funada family.
Bushi, 2d level 11 11 16 10 12 16 Grandfather Uruma (Human), Worthless Flower Oyabun.
Hit Points: 13; Typical AC: 10 (5); Alignment: CE; Magical Items: potion of Yakuza, 16th level 13 15 7 13 13 16
invisibility. Hit Points: 31; Typical AC: 9 (4); Alignment: NE; Magical Items: wakizashi
of quality, ring of warmth, potion of growth, cap of telepathy, potion of lon-
Description: The youngest of the Gamo brothers, Mochikuni has been gevity, potion of speed,
heavily influenced in his behavior by his evil brothers. Lacking even their
limited experience, he compensates by bravado and bluster. His image is Description: Grandfather Uruma is an ancient man, wizened and bent,
one of a gaudy tough, wearing loud clothing and swaggering through the who looks like he should be 90 or 100 years old. Shriveled looks, however,
streets. disguise an energetic mind and body. Though old, Uruma is able to fight
and caper about with the best of them. His shrewd brain obviates any
Getsu (tigbanua buso). need for this as he sits in his home and directs the operations of the gang
AC 4, MV 12”, HD 8 + 2, hp 27, #AT 3, D 1-6 (x2)/1 -10, fear radius 10’, sav- from his garden veranda. His cap of telepathy, a treasured item, allows

him to send orders and receive reports without seeming to be involved. unusual weapons and will pay honest prices for such things (particularly
His sub-bosses are never sure that their minds are being scanned or that gaijin items).
operations put into effect by their fellows are done at the orders of the
oyabun or not. This keeps them suspicious of each other and dependent Kaian (Human), Tsuyoi-no-kami follower.
upon Grandfather Uruma for guidance. Monk, 5th level 15 15 17 8 15 15
Hit Points: 23; Typical AC: 6; Alignment: LG; Magical Items: + 1 kusari-
Hino Sadamoto (Human), Head of Sadamoto family. gama. Martial Arts Style: Soft Lock, AC 6, #AT 5/4, D 1-4 + 1, Special
Bushi, 7th level 17 16 13 12 12 12 Maneuvers Known—choke hold, weapon catch, locking block, all around
Hit Points: 42; Typical AC: 8 (1); Alignment: LE. sight.
Description: Hino Sadamoto was once a strong man with a promising Description: Although not a powerful man or of high rank within the mon-
career; however, a life of dissolution and evil living have reduced him to a astery, Kaian is respected by his fellows for his piety and dedication. With
hollow husk. His face bears the signs of his wastrel life—hollow-eyed and his bony frame and bulging eyes, he is a common sight striding through
sunken-cheeked. He is nervous and twitchy and given to sudden fits of the temple on one errand after another. He has the curiously distressing
temper. His clothes and hair, once fine, are poorly cared for and unkempt. habit of talking to himself at all times.
He sleeps late in the morning and often comes home late at night in a
drunken stupor. He has few friends remaining. Kidera Takeshi (Human), Head of Kidera family.
Samurai, 12th level 14 10 14 10 16 17
Hu hsien. Hit Points: 47; Typical AC: 10 (3); Magical Items: wakizashi +2 (gift from
AC 7, MV 15, HD 6, #AT 1, D 1-6, invisible, polymorph self, disguise, cha- Funada Toyoo), potion of clairaudience.
meleon, know history, hypnotism, read magic, comprehend languages,
ventriloquism, apparition, ESP, hypnotic pattern (all at will), possess, ser- Description: Kidera Takeshi is an old man, 70 years or more in age. His
vant horde, major creation (all x1/day), reward, ancient curse (all x3/ hair is totally white and his face is heavily lined. He walks with a slight
week), fascination power in human form, +3 weapon or better to hit. stoop but still carries himself with great dignity. He is harsh and authori-
tarian, used to ruling his family absolutely. He conducts all affairs with
lchi (Korobokuru), Big Head kobun. great formality and proper etiquette and expects the same of all others.
Yakuza, 6th level 11 16 14 15 11 16 He very much is trying to live according to the “old ways.”
Hit Points: 19; Typical AC: 8 (5); Alignment: NE; Magical Items: potions of
growth and invisibility. Kidera Ujisato (Human), Second son of Takeshi, Sohei commander of the
Winter Sect.
Description: lchi is a short, thin, wispy type of fellow, forever cringing and Sohei, 10th level 17 16 13 13 12 14
bowing in the presence of others. His nasal voice carries his continual Hit Points: 49; Typical AC: 7 (2); Alignment: LG; Magical Items: long
wheedling whine to occasionally piercing levels. Although he visits the sword + 1 (+2 vs. L) in the Shou Lung style (weapon of choice), haraate
Winter Sect temple regularly, he is more commonly found among the low- gawa of quality, scroll with strength, immunity to weapons, smite, and
life of the eta community. Here he plays the part of the boastful bully, self- speak with monsters, dagger + 1, o-yoroi + 1.
important and cruel. He has many equally miserable cronies, but no true
friends. Description: Ujisato is the proud son of Takeshi and he has inherited
many of the qualities of his father. Lean and wiry, he manages to be cor-
lkiryo of Lady Kei. rect and proper while at the same time remaining cheerful and friendly
AC nil, MV nil, HD nil, hp nil, #AT 1, D nil, ability drain, AL CE. with his men. He is well-liked and trusted and is in fact a good com-
mander. He trusts others but is not blind to deception and duplicity. When
Description: This is the ikiryo of Kei-ko, second wife of Funada Mitsuhide. thinking on a problem or considering a situation, he tends to suck on his
This strange and malignant spirit is haunting the new, third wife, Lady lower lip.
Kogi (River spirit folk), Winter Sect monk.
Jiki-ketsu-gaki. Monk, 8th level 16 17 11 14 15 15
AC 2, MV 12/6, HD 8, #AT 3, D 1-3 (x2)/1-8, invisible, polymorph to insect, Hit Points: 24; Typical AC: 4; Alignment: LN; Martial Arts Style: Hard
passwall (all at will), blood drain, + 3 weapons or better to hit, regenerate Push, #AT 3/2, D 212, Special Maneuvers known: Concentrated push,
1 hp/round, immune to cold and fire attacks, AL CE. pain touch, meditation, sticking touch, one finger.

Jiki-niku-gaki. Description: Kogi is a plump and jolly fellow, friendly to all who meet him.
AC 6, MV 12/6, HD 3, #AT 3, D 1-4 (x2)/1-8, invisible, polymorph to insect, Lurking under this cheerful exterior is an iron self-discipline and a wicked
passwall (all at will), regenerate 1 hp/turn, AL CE. sense of humor. Kogi (along with his lifelong companion Bupposo) has
one great failing as a monk—an irresistible taste for mischief. He is aware
Jirozu no Nakamaru (Human), Big Head Oyabun. of this failing and laments that it will keep him from ever reaching spiritual
Yakuza, 14th level 15 15 8 16 15 16 perfection, but rationalizes it away by claiming it helps keep life in the
Hit Points: 43; Typical AC: 6; Alignment: N; Magical Items: daikyu + 1 to proper perspective. Those who have been the butt of his pranks have oth-
hit, spear + 1, padded leather of quality, Shou Lung broad sword + 3, laja- er things to say about this. Still, Kogi is a good monk in general and an
tang of quality. excellent instructor, a task he greatly enjoys. He thinks little of his spirit
folk heritage and is occasionally embarrassed when others remind him of
Description: Jirozu is an obese 40-year-old man. His hair is thick and it.
coarse and his face is pock-marked. Having risen to power from a lowly
life as a waterfront laborer, he is acutely aware of both his power and his Kuei of Lord Toragi.
social position. While his looks are not impressive, he compensates with a AC -4, MV 18”) HD 6, hp 31, #AT 1, D 1-12, +4 weapon or greater to hit,
charming and crafty personality. He is quick to give the appearance of ethereal (at will), possess (x3/day), immune to ESP, charm, enchantment,
friendliness, but always evaluates and judges the opportunities of any sit- illusion, water-based spells, normal fife and cold.
uation. Thus, he is a dangerous man to know. He has a love of odd and

©1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description: The kuei of Lord Toragi, uncle of Lord Mitsuhide, lurks in the Description: Miyagi-ko is the graceful and charming concubine of Lord
outermost bailey of the castle, the place where his banishment was pro- Toyoo. She has lived in the Funada household for 22 years and is now 39
nounced. Sentenced by the shogun due to the false charges of his half- years old. Although not officially his wife, Miyagi-ko is the mother of Toy-
brother, the kuei is still attempting to prove Toragi’s innocence and oo’s favorite son. Thus, she wields a great deal of power in the household,
avenge the family name. If it successfully possesses a person, it will even greater than Toyoo’s First Wife. This pleases her to no end and she
attempt to trick Lord Mitsuhide into revealing the deeds of his father and will gladly use her power to make life miserable for any rivals. Her greatest
then slay the current daimyo. Once this is done, the kuei will depart. fear is that her son will lose Toyoo’s favor; thus she is always on her guard
against machinations to bring about his downfall.
Kura (Human), Big Head kobun.
Yakuza, 8th level 11 16 10 13 7 17 Nagoya Hatano (Bamboo Spirit Folk), Head of Hatano family.
Samurai, 8th level 15 13 16 14 13 12
Hit Points: 23; Typical AC: 7; Alignment: CE; Magical Items: None Hit Points: 53; Typical AC: IO (4); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: metal
scale armor +2, carpet of flying, wand of magic missiles.
Description: Kura is a hot-tempered and dynamic young man who has
risen quickly on the strength of his personality. Charming and magnetic, Description: Nagoya Hatano is a warrior of little distinction except for his
he is far too rash for his own good. Unfortunately, his persuasive ability heritage. His father was a minor samurai in the service of Lord Toragi. His
often convinces others to join him in his rash schemes. He can be easily mother was a beautiful spirit of the wood. Through mysterious circum-
identified by a long, jagged scar running the length of his left arm; thus, he stances the two were wed and a son (Hatano) was born. Then, equally
normally wears long-sleeved clothing even in the hottest of weather. mysteriously, Hatano’s mother disappeared. Since then, Hatano has
always been viewed with a trace of suspicion by others who feel there is
Lesser Nature Spirit. something not natural about him. Hatano is keenly aware of this and has
AC 7, MV 12, HD 3, #AT I, D 1-8, invisible, polymorph self, detect evil, withdrawn into his own family. He is bitter and sullen, given to saying little.
detect magic, detect harmony (all at will), MR 20%, AL N. His face has a perpetual sad haunted look.

Liu-hsia Chih (Human), Leader of the Many-Hued Peacock Society. Nagoya Kenko (Human), Son of Nagoya Hatano.
Wu jen, 16th level 11 9 14 18 18 14 Bushi, 5th level 15 15 12 10 8 16
Hit Points: 31; Typical AC: IO; Alignment: CG; Magical Items: potion of Hit Points: 26; Typical AC: 10 (7); Alignment: NE; Magical Items: wand of
longevity, scroll of protection from shapechangers, bell of warning, scroll negation.
with protection from charm, tongues, dispel illusion, spectral force, ani-
mate dead, metal skin; wand of frost, figurine of wonderous power (onyx Description: With the birth of Nagoya Kenko, the spirit folk blood of
dog), short bow +1 (to hit). Hatano was thinned to the point of not being significant. Indeed, all that
Kenko inherited were handsome looks and a wild streak of irresponsibili-
Description: Liu-hsia appears to be a man of about 60. Fairly tall and ty. Secretly resentful of his father for his unnatural heritage, Kenko has
straight-backed, he has a well-groomed powder-grey beard and thinning shamelessly exploited his father’s love of his children. As a result, he is
hair, obviously dyed. His eyes are noticeably colorless, making his face hopelessly spoiled—petty, pompous, and openly disrespectful. He is an
utterly unfathomable. Although he appears elderly, the lines on his face utter and complete cad. His own vanity causes him to spend more than he
do not come close to revealing his true age of 500 years. A brilliant plotter can afford on clothes. He is fascinated by mirrors, but only when he is
and schemer, he has extraordinary patience and capacity for trickery. His reflected in them.
hated adversary and rival is the creature, Gorath.
Nan-Kuo (Human), Many Hued Peacock Society member.
Lu Nat. Monk, 4th level 15 15 15 15 15 7
AC -2, MV 9, HD 8, #AT 3, D 1-8 (x3)/1-4, invisible, levitate, ESP, compre- Hit Points: 13; Typical AC: 7; Alignment: LN; Martial Arts Style: Tae Kwon
hend languages, deflection, dream vision, possess animal, detect shape- Do, #AT 1, D 18, Special Maneuvers Known—circle kick, iron fist, flying
changer, quickgrowth, passwall, dancing blade, apparition, transfix, melt, kick, backward kick.
fire shuriken, stinking cloud (all at will), curse, creeping darkness (both x3/
day), water to poison, wood rot (both x1/day), disease 10’ radius, +3 Description: Nan-kuo is a lonely and unhappy man. Forced by war to
weapons or better to hit, 1/2 damage from electrical and fire attacks, 10% leave his monastery in T’u Lung, he has been traveling the lands of Kara-
Tur in search of enlightenment. Unfortunately, he has had no luck and
magic resistance, AL CE. fears the particular philosophy of his monastery has been destroyed for-
ever. Thus, although he has traveled greatly, the lack of instruction has
Mashida Kowa (Korobokuru), Retainer of Goshukara family.
slowed his advancement in the philosophies of his sect. Now, he must
Samurai, 5th level 18 73 17 15 15 16 15 teach himself—recreating the particular chains of thought of his ancient
Hit Points: 27; Typical AC: 7 (2); Alignment: LN; Magical Items: katana
masters. His travels and his studies have given him much wisdom and
+1, ring of fire resistance. pain, for he can no longer see the world from a single point of view.
Description: Mashida Kowa is an exceptional person. Born in the wooded
mountains beyond Nakamaru, his prodigious strength, quick mind, and Nyo-ko (Human), Third Wife of Lord Mitsuhide.
biting wit endeared him to the Mashida family, who adopted him into their Normal Human 12 16 12 17 12 16
clan. Under their sponsorship, he has become a rising samurai with a Description: Lady Nyo, a young woman approximately 17 years of age, is
potentially brilliant future. However, his heritage and his skills have also demure and delicate and has totally captured the heart of her husband,
made him many bitter enemies and rivals, who consider him an ill-
begotten upstart. He attempts to live his life as a normal human and is Lord Mitsuhide, for the moment. She is skilled in singing and poetry and
extremely sensitive towards racial slights. her parents have gone to great trouble to teach her refined graces. Fur-
thermore, she is the daughter of a daimyo of a distant province. The mar-
riage was arranged by agents of the shogun to solidify the relations
Miyagi-ko (Human), Concubine of Funada Toyoo. between the shogun’s extended family and this distant daimyo. Now,
Court lady 10 10 9 10 16 17
however, Nyo-ko has become the target of an ikiryo.
Hit Points: 5; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: NG

O-Cho (Human), Handmaiden of Sumi-ko. creature, is tormented by memories of his previous life as a wicked
Normal Human 13 11 8 13 13 13 human merchant. He has no permanent lair but has been seen wandering
Hit Points: 5; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: NG. the streets for a wise and generous holy man under whom he can study.
However, he occasionally succumbs to his more bestial nature, especial-
Description: O-Cho is a quiet wallflower of a woman in her mid-twenties. ly when frightened.
She has been in the service of the Funada family for 10 years and has
developed a strong friendship with Sumi-ko. Indeed, she secretly thinks O-Shino (Human).
of Sumi-ko as her little sister, in need of protection and guidance. Several Normal Human 10 7 12 12 12 14
times in the past she has secretly intervened in family difficulties to Hit Points: 5; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: NG.
smooth over situations for her “little sister.” Her devotion has not gone
unnoticed and she is considered a good and loyal servant. Description: O-Shino is an independent-minded young woman of modest
means. She has no family at all, misfortune having hit her hard. She is
Oe Shodayu (Human), Retainer of Funada. basically honest, but is willing, out of necessity, to be a part of question-
Bushi, 5th level 10 13 11 12 11 11 able affairs. She is neither brilliant nor idiotic, being modest and unas-
Hit Points: 21; Typical AC: 10 (6); Alignment: LG; Magical Items: ring mail suming in all things.
+1, +3 vs. missiles, wand of magic detection.
Sensei (Human), Head of Hino ninja.
Description: Oe Shodayu is a 50-year-old-warrior, tired of fighting and bat- Wu jen/ninja, 11/9 7 16 16 15 14 14
tle. He would much prefer to study the classics and pass his time peace- Hit Points: 39; Typical AC: 8; Alignment: NE; Magical Items: large shuri-
fully improving himself. As such, he has advanced little in his profession, ken stars +3 (x13), scroll with dancing blade, remove curse, elemental
lacking the true warlike spirit. Still, he is not a figure of fun or ridicule since turning, wall of stone, kawanaga of quality, amulet of proof against detec-
he carries out his duties faithfully and to the best of his abilities. In com- tion and location.
bat, he normally seeks to force his opponent to surrender or flee, since he
has a general distaste for bloodletting. Description: There is no physical description of Sensei, since he never
appears in public without a disguise or covering over his face. Indeed little
Oka Sanai (Human), Retainer of the Goshukara family. is known of him at all. He seldom leaves his village, handling all affairs
Bushi, 3rd level 11 11 12 12 17 12 possible from there. He is a master of Earth Element magic and is a dan-
Hit Points: 15; Typical AC: 10 (6); Alignment: N; Magical Items: daikyu +1 gerous foe. Although not physically strong, he is a brilliant and clever
(to hit), ring of water walking, halberd +2. opponent and is always equipped with an extraordinary number of gim-
micks and gadgets.
Description: Oka Sanai is a small man with a noticeably large nose and
weak chin. Ill-favored in appearance, he is a fount of sound advice and The Serpent (Fox Hengeyokai), Leader of the Phoenix ninja.
wise counsel to his friends. He dislikes physical exertion and prefers to Yakuza/ninja, 8/13 18 15 12 16 12 16
win battles with a minimum of effort. Hit Points: 32; Typical AC: 8; Alignment: NE; Magical Items: wand of ene-
my detection, parang of quality, potion of fire resistance, arrows of quality
Oka Yoshinaka (Human), Retainer of the Goshukara family. (x12), katana +3, leather armor of healing +1.
Bushi, 1st level 11 12 12 11 18 18 Guard Dog: AC 6, MV 12, HD 2+2, hp 11, #AT 1
Hit Points: 4; Typical AC: 10 (6); Alignment: NG.
Description: As with all ninja, little is known of the woman called the Ser-
Description: The younger brother of Oka Sanai, Yoshinaka has only just pent. As head of the Phoenix ninja, she conducts all her meetings from
reached the age of majority. Learning at his brother’s feet, he has inher- behind a gauze or shoji screen. What little is known is that she is physi-
ited Sanai’s sound wisdom and shows great promise as a warrior-scholar. cally powerful, strong-willed, merciless, and capricious. It is rumored that
Furthermore, he has been blessed with extraordinary grace and hand- she is beautiful. It is not known that she is a hengeyokai or that she is a
someness. He can dazzle men and women without even trying. Fortu- member of the Black Mist yakuza gang (although only of minor rank). The
nately, his sound common sense has kept him from the paths of evil that Serpent does not try to disguise herself in public, relying on the fact that
vanity and narcissism could easily lead him into. Instead, while he values no one knows her appearance anyway. Her only identifying trademark is
and cares for his appearance (knowing it to be a great asset), he does not her fondness for dogs.
let it get the better of him.
Sumi-ko (Human), Daughter of Funada Toyoo.
O-Kaze (Human), Phoenix ninja. Normal Human 13 12 11 9 8 17
Wu jen/ninja, 8/9 10 14 15 15 15 15 Hit Points: 6; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: LG.
Hit Points: 34; Typical AC: 2; Alignment: NE; Magical Items: nekode +1
(detect secret doors), needles +3 (x30), short sword of quality, scroll with Description: Sumi-ko is the demure 17-year-old daughter of the powerful
dismissal, bracers of defense AC 3, diamond mace. and important Lord Toyoo. Currently uncommitted to any marriage
arrangements, she is the darling of Toyoo’s children. Impetuous and filled
Description: Little is known of O-Kaze other than she is a woman of some with the foolishness of youth, she is naive enough to believe the advances
skill and ability. of any handsome man who might court her. After all, at age 17, she is in
earnest fear of becoming an old maid.
Oni, common
AC 4, MV 9”) HD 8, hp 32, 43; #AT 2, D 3-10 (x2), polymorph self (x3/day), Taichi (Monkey Hengeyokai), Magical Advisor to Funada Mitsuhide.
fly (x3/day), invisible (x2/day), cloud trapeze (x1/day), cause fear (at will); Wu jen, level 9 12 11 12 15 6 12
AL LE. Hit Points: 35; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: CE; Magical Items: scroll with
Description: The first of two oni is dedicated to destroying the priests of animate fire, metal skin; scroll with accuracy, ESP, fire shuriken, melt
Shining Mountain Temple. He has several hiding places throughout the metal, passwall, water to poison; short sword +1, potion of clairvoyance.
city. Hidden in his different lairs is a total of 1,000 fen, 1,209 tael, 100 Description: Taichi is a mischievous fellow who has found it useful to sur-
ch’ien, and 9 gems. This creature is totally blood-thirsty and will attack round himself in mystery. He lives in the mountains behind Nakamaru
with great savagery. The second oni, while a hideous and dangerous and appears in the city at the unknown summons of his master, Lord Mit-

©1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

suhide. His face has a faint muzzle-like appearance, disclosing his mon- and make the acquaintance of many NPCs who are not described in the
key nature. While not a powerful wizard in levels and spell-casting, Taichi text of this booklet. The DM will be called upon to create several bits of
delights in collecting and hoarding odd magics. This renders him power- information about these NPCs—district, occupation, name, and person-
ful, for one can never be certain just what trick he might have on hand. He ality. The tables and lists below can be used to create background infor-
is a poor advisor in matters involving wisdom or patience, but has a keen mation about the NPC.
and perceptive brain. Taichi has a habit of hopping gently on one foot if
kept waiting or otherwise impatient. Occupation: There are many different jobs in Nakamaru, ranging from the
lowest of menial workers to the nobility of the court. While it is not likely
Tsuga Mosake (Crane hengeyokai), Retainer of the Funada family. the player characters will casually encounter a noble or highranked samu-
Kensai, 6th level 13 17 15 13 12 13 rai, there are many instances where they will deal with people of lesser
Hit Points: 40; Typical AC: 4; Alignment: LG; Kensai Weapon: Spear; status. The Table below lists different occupations of the city (and the sur-
Magical Items: scroll of protection from possession. rounding area) and the district where the NPC is likely to be found. Thus,
you can select an occupation by type, district, or randomly.
Description: Tsuga Mosake was adopted into the Tsuga family as a child
(in honor of services rendered by his real family). Since that time, the long- Die Roll Occupation District(s)
legged youth has grown into the pillar of the Tsuga family. A model of filial 01 Acrobat Entertainment
piety, all his actions are directed towards increasing the honor of his fami- 02 Actor Entertainment
ly. He has several little birdlike mannerisms that mark his heritage. 03-04 Apothecary Market
05-06 Armorer Castle, samurai
Ueda Teisho (Sea Spirit Folk). 07 Astrologer Market
Bushi, 7th level 16 12 9 11 9 15 08-09 Basketweaver Market
Hit Points: 41; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: N. 10-11 Bearer Castle, samurai, foreign
Description: Ueda Teisho is a headstrong and foolish man, ill-prepared to 12-13 Beggar Market, entertainment, eta
make his way in the world. With the death of his father, a noble man, 14-15 Boatman Shipyard, market
Teisho was thrust into the world without a protector. As a result, he has 16 Bodyguard Market, foreign, entertainment
had no one to conceal or explain away his indiscretions and errors. Oblivi- 17-18 Brewer Market
ous to his own faults, Teisho feels that his misfortunes are all due to the 19-20 Carpenter Market, shipyard
plots and envies of others. He is obsessed with the idea that powerful ene- 21-22 Cotton merchant Market
mies are seeking his destruction. 23-24 Courtesan Entertainment
25-26 Dancer Entertainment
Yen-ch’eng Tzu Yu (Human), Many Hued Peacock Society member. 27-28 Dyer Market
Wu jen, 7th level 5 9 15 16 16 11 29-30 Fan maker Market
Hit Points: 27; Typical AC: 10; Alignment: CG; Master of the Element of 31-33 Fisherman Market, shipyard
Water; Magical Items: scroll with hold person, wall of bones, aiming at the 34 Fortune-teller Market, entertainment
target, vessel, antipathy/sympathy, and summoning wind. 35 Gardener Castle, samurai, market
36 Geisha Entertainment
Description: A scrawny, pocked little man with patchy hair and greying 37-38 Groom Castle, samurai, foreign
skin, Yench’eng presents the image of a man on the verge of death. How- 39 Horse-doctor Castle, samurai
ever, on closer examination his eyes burn with an unholy vigor revealing 40-41 House servant Castle, samurai, foreign
the secret of his intense vitality. Yen-ch’eng behaves in all things like a 42-43 Innkeeper Market, entertainment
man possessed and driven to some secret end. He occasionally intimates 44 Interpreter Foreign
that he has foreseen this end. From his hints, it is apparently a violent and 45-46 Joiner Market, shipyard
hideous fate. That he is fatalistic, there is no doubt. However, this very 47-46 Lacquerer Market
fatalism drives him to take fantastic risks and seemingly foolish gambles. 49-50 Messenger Market, samurai, foreign
To date, however, he has never been seriously harmed by any of his wild 51-52 Money-lender Market
adventures. 53-54 Musician Entertainment
55 Navigator Samurai, market
Yin-kung T’o (Sea Spirit Folk), Head of Royal Vagabonds, Shou Lung mer- 56-57 Oil merchant Market
chant. 58-59 Painter Castle, samurai, entertainment
Bushi/ninja, 7/6 10 17 8 16 16 15 60-61 Paper-maker Market
Hit Points: 35; Typical AC: 1 (-4); Alignment: LE; Magical Items: potion of 62-63 Peddler Market
healing, potion of poison, medium shield +5, chain mail +1, horn of the tri- 64 Poet/writer Samurai, entertainment
tons, ring of invisibility. 65-66 Potter Market
Description: Short and sharp-featured, Yin-kung T’o is easily identified as 67 Puppeteer Entertainment
a foreigner in Nakamura. He prides himself that he has resisted the “bar- 68-69 Rice seller Market
baric” ways of Wa, maintaining the dress and customs of Shou Lung. His 70 Ronin Market, foreign
speech is heavily accented and he often feigns unfamiliarity with the local 71-72 Sailor Shipyard, market, foreign
language. He often looks like he is napping when he is actually wide- 73-74 Sake merchant Market
awake. To others, his attitude seems over-bearing and vain. However, in 75-76 Salt vendor Market
taking such an extreme position, Yin-king T’o has managed to disguise 77-78 Scribe Market, samurai
his activities as a Royal Vagabond. 79 Seal maker Market
80-81 Shipwright Shipyard, market
NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS 82-83 Silkworm grower Market
84-85 Smith Samurai, market
As the player characters wander about Nakamaru, they are going to meet 86-87 Stonemason Market
88 Swordsmith Samurai, market

89-90 Tanner Eta 17-18 Fat 69-70 Slender
91-92 Teashop owner Market, entertainment 19-20 Fine-featured 71-72 Small
93-94 Timber merchant Market, shipyard 21-22 Florid 73-74 Squinty
95-96 Umbrella-maker Market 23-24 Gangly 75-76 Stiff
97-98 Warehouser Market, shipyard 25-26 Gap-toothed 77-78 Stocky
99-100 Weaver Market 27-28 Goggle-eyed 79-80 Stooped
29-30 Gouty 81-82 Stutter
Personality: A well-played NPC is more than just a bland thing that 31-32 Grizzled 83-84 Tall
answers questions. It is a person and should behave like one. The DM 33-34 Gutteral 85-86 Thin
should present player characters with lively and diverse people. 35-36 Hairy 87-88 Thin-lipped
If it is worthwhile to give an NPC a personality, select two traits from the 37-38 Hard of hearing 89-90 Toothless
list below. These can be chosen to match what has already been planned 39-40 High-pitched voice 91-92 Twitchy
or rolled randomly (although this can create some very strange results). 41-42 Hulking 93-94 Wasted
First roll to determine the category of the trait (Hate, Love, etc.), then roll 43-44 Jug-eared 95-96 Weather-beaten
to determine the specific trait. The first one rolled is the major trait of the 45-46 Lanky 97-98 Wizened
NPC, and the latter is a secondary motivation. 47-48 Limp 99-100 Wrinkled
You do not need to create a personality for every character, only those 49-50 Lisp
with whom the player characters have some significant business. How-
ever, if a major NPC is created for your campaign, you may want to roll for Names: Naming an NPC might be necessary, especially if he or she is
every category listed. Thus, you might have a samurai who is brutal, pas- going to be around for a while. The best way to name a character is to take
sionate, authoritarian, frugal, just, and steadfast. This seeming pile of a name from history or a book on the Orient. Otherwise, create your own
contradictions could describe a hard man of intense feelings, honest and name or use the lists that appear here and in OA 1: Swords of the Daimyo.
fair, but savage and unforgiving of his enemies—a formidable opponent The list below contains first names only and does not separate them by
indeed! sex. Simply choose the name you prefer among those given.

Personality Trait Table Name Meaning

Ai Indigo, love
1 Hate 2 Love Aka Red
1 Cold 1 Helpful Akasuke Bright helper
2 Irritable 2 Good-hearted Aki Autumn
3 Hot-tempered 3 Sympathetic Asa Morning, shallow
4 Mean-spirited 4 Charitable Atsu Generous
5 Cruel 5 Passionate Au Meeting
6 Brutal 6 Blind Ben Petal
Bun Well-written
3 Power 4 Money Chie Intelligence
1 Indecisive 1 Miserly Chitose 1000 years
2 Forceful 2 Greedy Chiyo 1000 generations
3 Pompous 3 Frugal Chizu 1000 storks
4 Arrogant 4 Generous Chu Loyalty
5 Authoritarian 5 Extravagant Dai Great
6 Tyrannical 6 Spendthrift E Fortunate
5 Trust 6 Fear Ei Clever, blooming
1 Shifty 1 Cowardly En Charm
2 Slick 2 Nervous Etsu Delight
3 Honest 3 Swaggering Fude Writing brush
4 Just 4 Cool-headed Fuku Good fortune, clothing
5 Loyal 5 Steadfast Fumi Woman’s letter
6 Virtuous 6 Fearless Fune Ship
Fusa Tassel
Physical Description: For most NPC’s, who only have a short existence in Fuyu Winter
the game, a physical description is the least important part of the charac- Gin Silver
ter. However, for significant NPC’s, you may want to describe the charac- Hama Shore
ter to create a lasting picture. Choose or roll randomly for as many Han Half
physical traits as you would like (although random results will sometimes Hana Blossom
create contradictions). Haru Spring
Hatsu First born
Die Roll Physical feature 51-52 Loud Haya Quick
01-02 Baby-faced 53-54 Mute Hide Excellent
03-04 Balding 55-56 Nasal voice Hideyo Superior generations
05-06 Bearded 57-58 Pale Hiro Broad
07-08 Blind 59-60 Plump Hisano Long plain
09-10 Broad-shouldered 61-62 Pock-marked lchi One
11-12 Buck-toothed 63-64 Scarred lku Nourishing
13-14 Deaf 65-66 Short Ima Now
15-16 Dowdy 67-68 Sleepy Iro Color

©1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Isamu Robust Ren Lotus arranger
lshi Stone Rettsu Chaste and true
Iwa Rock Riku Ground
Jin Humanity Roku Six
Jun Obedient Ryo Dragon, generous
Kaede Maple leaf Ryu Willow, lofty
Kagami Mirror Sada Chaste
Kaiyo Forgiveness Sai Talented
Kama Sickle Saki Cape
Kame Tortoise Saku Composition
Kan Patience San Three
Kaoru Fragrant Sanae New rice
Kasane Manifold Sawa Marsh
Katsu Victorious Sayo Night
Kazashi Hairpin Seki Gate, barrier
Kazu Great number Sen Spirit, fairy
Ken Humility, wise Setsu True
Kevi Respectful Shichi Seven
Kiku Chrysanthemum Shidzu Calmer
Kikue Chrysanthemum branch Shika Deer
Kikumo Chrysanthemum field Shikae Deer bay
Kimi Sovereign, peerless Shimo Frost
Kin Gold Shin Truth
Kinu Cloth-of-Silk Shina Goods, virtue
Kishi Beach Shino Slender bamboo
Kiwa Distinguished, Mulberry tree Shiwo Salt
Kiyo Happy generations, pure Shun Excellent
Koi Carp Some Dyer
Kome Clean rice Suge Reed
Kon Deep blue Sugi Cedar
Koto Harp Sute Foundling
Kuma Bear suzu Little bell, tin
Kumi Braid Suzue Branch of little bells
Kuni Capital Tae Exquisite
Kura Storehouse Taka Honor, hawk
Kuri Chestnut Take Bamboo
Maki Fir Tama Jewel
Maru Plump Tamaki Ring, bracelet
Masa Upright Tane Seed
Masago Sand Tani Valley
Masayo Generations of the just Taru Cask
Masue Branch of increase Tatsu Dragon
Matsu Pine Teru Shining
Matsue Pine branch Tetsu Iron
Mie Triple branch Tokiwa Forever constant
Mika New moon Toku Virtue
Mikie Main branch Tomi Riches
Mine Peak Tomiju Wealth and longevity
Mitsue Shining branch Tomo Friend
Miyo Beautiful generations Tora Tiger
Miyuki Deep snow Tori Bird
Momo Peach Toshi Arrowhead
Mura Village Toyo Abundance
Nami Wave Tsugi Next born
Nao Upright Tsuki Moon
Nara Oak Tsune Constant
Nari Thunder-clap Tsuru Stork
Natsu Summer Tsuta Ivy
Nishi West Tsuya Lustrous
Nobu Fidelity Ume Plum blossom
Nui Tapestry Umegae Plum spray
Orino Weaver’s field Umeno Plum field
Rai Trust, thunder Uta Song
Raku Pleasure Waka Young
Ran Orchid Washi Eagle
Rei Propriety Yae Eight-fold

Yasu Amiable, gentle, tranquil Men-shen are guardian spirits, assigned by those they serve to protect a
Yoi Evening place or person against intruders, evil spirits, or whatever else is named.
Yone Rice, wealth They appear as florid-faced humans of great size, dressed in the regalia
Yoshi Good of an army general. Each carries a large red sword. They are able to
Yoshina Fertile field speak the languages of all men and the language of the Celestial Court.
Yoshino Good friend They are sometimes assigned by the Celestial Emperor to specific tasks,
Yotsu Four but are more often invoked or summoned by mortals. Their guardian
Yu Valiant duties normally only extend from dusk to dawn.
Yuki Snow Men-shen have the ability to fly, become astral, and become invisible at
Yumi Bow will. Furthermore, they can attack while invisible as per improved invisibil-
Yuri Lily ity. They are able to polymorph self twice per day. Their fierce counte-
nances have the effect of an apparition spell on their enemies. Their
USING THE CITY MAP swords are +4 on “to hit” and damage rolls, but must return daily to the
Celestial realms to retain their potency. Each day spent away from these
Included in this module is a large fold-out mapsheet showing the city of realms causes the sword to lose 1 point from its “to hit” bonus. Men-shen
Nakamaru. Unlike many maps, the city is not portrayed in an overhead are immune to fear, charm, and hold spells of all types and take only half
view showing blocks and streets. Instead, the map is done to give you an or no damage from magic spells which cause points of damage. They
idea of the arrangement and look of Nakamaru. It shows the major dis- have continual ESP (30’ radius) and cannot be surprised by anything with-
tricts, streets and buildings, but does not present every detail. Further- in this area. They will faithfully discharge their duties unto death.
more, only a few of the buildings or blocks are identified. Many places The first men-shen were originally famous generals of a good emperor.
alluded to or mentioned in the different plots are not placed on the map. When he fell ill due to the nightly visits of an evil dragon, these generals
Deciding the location of each place is your task. Your decisions give you volunteered to stand watch at his door. For several nights nothing hap-
an avenue to create and embellish your own details into the city. A city is a pened, yet they never deserted their posts or slept. Finally, the emperor,
very personal thing in a role-playing campaign, and you should have the concerned for his generals, ordered paintings of the two done on the door
opportunity to make Nakamaru what you want it to be. posts. So effective had been their vigilance that even the paintings served
Indeed, vast details about Nakamaru are left unanswered. There is no to frighten the dragon away. Now the two reside in the Celestial Palace,
complete listing of every building and every place. There is not even an supervising the activities of all men-shen. So were they rewarded for their
exact idea of the population of the city. You must decide, although it is loyalty and faithfulness. Since that time, mortals have painted the images
likely to be somewhere between 100,000 to 200,000 souls at a minimum. of men-shen on the doorposts of houses in hopes of frightening away evil
Oriental cities of the time were commonly more populated than their west- spirits. There is a 5% chance that any painted image of a men-shen will be
ern counterparts. Edo (the old name for Tokyo) was perhaps the largest occupied by an astral men-shen.
city in the world in 1700, with a population around 1,000,000. However, it
is impossible to know exact figures. The end result is that you must per-
sonalize Nakamaru by making decisions and adding details. As you add
to the city, it will increase in value and usefulness as a base of operations
for your ORIENTAL ADVENTURES campaign.
When characters move about the city, use the Nakamaru map as a gen-
eral guide to their location. As noted above, this map does not show every
street. There are numerous small alleys, arcades, and twisting streets
that run through the different blocks. Thus, how characters reach various
points is seldom important. The only areas of carefully controlled access
are the outer gates, the moat crossings, and the entrances to the castle.
The smaller blocks are filled with activity, as the Entertainment Block Map
shows. Use this map and others to fill in the details of Nakamaru.

MEN-SHEN (Greater Spirits).
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12”/12” (MC: A)
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8+4/1-8+4
SIZE: L (8’)
LEVEL/XP. VALUE: VII/2700 + 14/hp

©1987 TSR, inc. All Rights Reserved.

NPC Record: The following forms can be used to record and keep track of any significant NPC’s you create. It is not neces-
sary to fill out the form for every street beggar, urchin, innkeeper, or common laborer the player characters encounter.
Instead, this form should be used only when you want to keep the NPC on file. It may be that you worked out a particularly
entertaining personality when you role-played the NPC or it may be that the player characters are going to deal frequently
with the NPC (i.e., the innkeeper at the place they are staying). In these situations, you will want a record of the NPC.









Note: If the NPC has a character class, note the class and level in the space provided. Note the NPC’s home district in the district space
and, if there is a specific place where this character can be found, note it in the location space. Indicate all special abilities, unusual skills,
or secret knowledge the NPC possesses under Abilities or Knowledge. The Personality RolePlayed space aids in remembering how the
NPC was handled when you acted his part. Note any distinctive habits, speech patterns, tones of voice, gestures, or mannerisms you
used when role-playing the NPC. This way you can play the part consistently. In the Relations with PCs space note the NPC’s attitude
toward the player characters (actions or statements made by the PCs in particular). This should be updated each time the player charac-
ters encounter the NPC.

©1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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