Starbucksmondayscanbegreatcampaign Lessonplan

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PREVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.

Starbucks: ‘Mondays Can Be Great’ Campaign (A2)


PART 1 Write the days of the week in order below. Then say them out loud.

Days Of The Week


PART 2 Discuss the questions below about your favorite/least favorite day of the week.

My favorite day of the My least favorite day of

week is... . the week is... .

• Why is this your favorite day? • Why is it your least favorite day?
• What do you like to do on this day? • What is your typical routine like on this day?
• Is this day always a good day for you? • What could make this day great for you?

Each image below is related to a special historical event that happened on a

Monday. Try to guess the historical event that happened related to each image.

EXAMPLE The first comic book superhero appeared on a Monday.

EX 1 2
Comic book Big Ben The Moon

3 4
‘Space Invaders’ game Public lift
STARBUCKS: ‘MONDAYS CAN BE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
GREAT’ CAMPAIGN Starbucks: ‘Mondays Can Be Great’ Campaign (A2)

PREVIEW DISCUSSION: Read the discussion topic

below and discuss it with your partner or teacher.

You will watch a commercial for Starbucks called

‘Mondays Can Be Great’. What do you think will
happen in this commercial?


Watch the first 30” seconds of the video and pause. Match the words/images below
with the narrator’s lines in the commercial.


1 We first walked on on a Monday.

2 The first superhero appeared on a Monday.

3 started bonging on a Monday. (Click for “bonging” sound)

4 The first arrived on a Monday.

5 The UK saw its first cinema, weekly weather forecast, performance of

Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and all on a Monday!

Compare the lines above from the video with your guesses in Preview, Part 3. Did
you guess any correctly?

PART 3 Watch the rest of the video. Choose the words you hear the narrator say.

Around half a million babies are born / bored each Monday, and every Monday
on / at Starbucks, until February the 18th, small / tall lattes are just £1.15 / £1.50.
See? Mondays can be great / late!
VIEWING FOLLOW-UP Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
Starbucks: ‘Mondays Can Be Great’ Campaign (A2)

PART 1 Discuss the question below.

What did you think about the commercial? Did you think it was an effective
commercial for Starbucks? Why or why not?

Read the sentences from the commercial. Then match the prepositions with the
types of nouns they are used with.

“ We first walked on the Moon on a Monday.”


Around half a million babies are born each Monday, and every Monday .50
at Starbucks, until February the 18th, tall lattes are just £1.50.”

1 on + a. an approximate number/amount
2 on + b. a specific point in time
3 Around + c. a physical surface
4 at + d. a day of the week
5 until + e. a location

PART 3 Write the prepositions that fit the sentences below. Some are used more than once.

at | around | until | on

1 I’m planning to go to the local cafe Friday with my friends.

2 A tall latte my local cafe usually costs €2.50.

3 When we go to the local cafe, we like to sit the terrace.

4 I usually arrive at my local cafe 9:45 or 10:00 AM.

5 There are big coffee beans painted the walls of the local cafe.

6 The local cafe is open 8:00 PM weekdays and

6:00 PM weekends.
CAFE ADVERTISEMENT TASK Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
Starbucks: ‘Mondays Can Be Great’ Campaign (A2)

Imagine you just opened a new cafe. Write a short social media post/campaign
advertising your new cafe. Use each of the preposition structures below at least once.


on + [a day of the week]

on + [a physical surface]
around + [an approximate number/amount]
at + [a location]
until + [a specific point in time]

STEP 2: Present your social media advertisement for your cafe to your class/teacher.
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
Starbucks: ‘Mondays Can Be Great’ Campaign (A2)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART 1 Discuss: What kind of video did you watch? What happened in the video?

PART 2 Describe some of the facts/information given in the video using the images below.

PART 3 Write the missing prepositions that fit the sentences from the video below.

We first walked the Moon a Monday.

half a million babies are born each Monday, and every Monday
Starbucks, February the 18th, tall lattes are just £1.50.

PART 4 Write the types of nouns we can use the following prepositions with.

1 on +
2 on +
3 Around +
4 at +
5 until +


Discuss the topics below about the lesson.

1 Did you learn or use any new vocabulary, grammar, phrases,

etc. in this lesson? If so, what?

2 Did you learn anything new in this lesson not related to English language?

3 What did you enjoy about the lesson?

4 Is there anything you found difficult about the lesson?

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