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104 Chapter 3 Matter and Minerals

3.9 Common Silicate Minerals

The major groups of silicate minerals and common examples are given in Figure 3.34. The feldspars
are, by far, the most plentiful silicate group, comprising more than 50 percent of Earth’s crust.
Quartz, the second-most-abundant mineral in the continental crust, is the only common mineral
made completely of silicon and oxygen.

Figure 3.34 Common

silicate minerals Mineral/Formula Cleavage Silicate Structure Example
Note that the complexity
of the silicate structure
Single tetrahedra
­increases from top to
­bottom. (Photos by a: Marcel Olivine group
Clemens / Shutterstock; b: E. J. (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Tarbuck; c-g: Dennis Tasa

Single chains
Pyroxene group
Two planes at

Double chains

Amphibole group
Two planes at
60° and 120°
Ca2 (Fe,Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2


Sheets Biotite


One plane



Potassium feldspar Three-dimensional Potassium

(Orthoclase) networks feldspar

KAlSi3O8 Two planes at



3.9 Common Silicate Minerals 105

Most silicate minerals form when molten rock cools Potassium Feldspar Figure 3.35 Feldspar
and crystallizes. Cooling can occur at or near Earth’s minerals
surface (low temperature and pressure) or at great A. Characteristic crystal
depths (high temperature and pressure). The environ- form of potassium feldspar.
B. Like this sample, most
ment during crystallization and the chemical composi-
pink feldspar belongs to
tion of the molten rock determine, to a large degree, the potassium feldspar
which minerals are produced. For example, the silicate subgroup. C. Most sodium-
mineral olivine crystallizes early, whereas quartz forms rich plagioclase feldspar
much later in the crystallization process. is light colored and has
In addition, some silicate minerals form at Earth’s a porcelain luster. D.
surface from the weathered products of other silicate A. Potassium feldspar B. Potassium feldspar showing Calcium-rich plagioclase
crystal (orthoclase) cleavage (orthoclase)
minerals. Still others are formed under the extreme feldspar tends to be gray,
pressures associated with mountain building. Each sili- blue-gray, or black in color.
cate mineral, therefore, has a structure and a chemical Plagioclase Feldspar Labradorite, the variety
composition that indicate the conditions under which it shown here, exhibits stria-
tions on one of its crystal
formed. By carefully examining the mineral constituents
faces. (Photos by Dennis Tasa
of rocks, geologists can usually determine the circum- and E. J. Tarbuck)
stances under which the rocks formed.
We will now examine some of the most common sili-
cate minerals, which we divide into two major groups on
the basis of their chemical makeup: the light silicates and
the dark silicates. C. Sodium-rich plagioclase D. Plagioclase feldspar showing
feldspar (albite) striations (labradorite)

The Light Silicates distinguish these groups. The only way to distinguish the
The light (or nonferromagnesian) silicates are gen- feldspars physically is to look for a multitude of fine par-
erally light in color and have a specific gravity of about allel lines, called striations. Striations are found on some
2.7, less than that of the dark (ferromagnesian) silicates. cleavage planes of plagioclase feldspar but are not present
These differences are mainly attributable to the presence on potassium feldspar (see Figure 3.35).
or absence of iron and magnesium, which are “heavy.”
The light silicates contain varying amounts of aluminum, Quartz Quartz (SiO2) is the only common silicate
potassium, calcium, and sodium rather than iron and mineral that consists entirely of silicon and oxygen. As
magnesium. such, the term silica is applied to quartz. Because quartz
contains a ratio of two oxygen ions (O22) for every ­silicon
Feldspar Group Feldspar minerals, which form the ion (Si41), no other positive ions are needed to attain
most common mineral group, can form under a wide neutrality.
range of temperatures and pressures, which partially In quartz, a three-dimensional framework is devel-
­accounts for their abundance (Figure 3.35). Two different oped through the complete sharing of oxygen by adjacent
feldspar structures exist. One group of feldspar minerals silicon atoms. Thus, all the bonds in quartz are of the A. Potassium feldspar
contains p­ otassium ions in its structure and is therefore strong silicon–oxygen type. Consequently, quartz is hard,
referred to as potassium feldspar. (Orthoclase and mi- is resistant to weathering, and does not have cleavage.
crocline are common members of the potassium feldspar When broken, quartz generally exhibits conchoidal frac-
group.) The other group, called plagioclase ­feldspar, con- ture. When pure, quartz is clear and, if allowed to grow
tains both sodium and calcium ions that freely substitute without interference, will develop hexagonal crystals that
for one another, depending on the environment during develop pyramid-shaped ends. However, like most other
crystallization. Despite these differences, all feldspar clear minerals, quartz is often colored by inclusions of
minerals have similar physical properties. They have two various ions (impurities) and forms without developing
planes of cleavage meeting at or near 90-degree angles, good crystal faces. The most common varieties of quartz
are relatively hard (6 on the Mohs scale), and have a are milky (white), smoky (gray), rose (pink), amethyst B. Plagioclase feldspar
luster that ranges from glassy to pearly. As a component (purple), and rock crystal (clear) (see Figure 3.15).
Figure 3.36 Feldspar
in igneous rocks, feldspar crystals can be identified by
crystals in igneous rocks
their rectangular shape and rather smooth, shiny faces Muscovite Muscovite is a common member of the When found in igneous
(Figure 3.36). mica family. It is light in color and has a pearly luster rocks, feldspar crystals
Potassium feldspar is usually light cream, salmon (see Figure 3.20). Like other micas, muscovite has tend to be rectangular in
pink, or occasionally blue-green in color. The plagioclase excellent cleavage in one direction. In thin sheets, shape and exhibit smooth,
feldspars, on the other hand, range in color from white muscovite is clear, a property that accounts for its use shiny faces. (Photos by E. J.
to medium gray. However, color should not be used to as window “glass” during the Middle Ages. Because Tarbuck)
106 Chapter 3 Matter and Minerals

muscovite is very shiny, it can often be identified by Figure 3.38 Olivine

the sparkle it gives a rock. If you have ever looked Commonly black to olive green
closely at beach sand, you may have seen the glimmer- in color, olivine has a glassy
ing brilliance of the mica flakes scattered among the luster and is commonly found
in the igneous rocks basalt and
other sand grains.
Clay Minerals Clay is a term used to describe a
category of complex minerals that, like the micas,
have a sheet structure. Unlike other common silicates, are olivine, the pyroxenes,
most clay minerals originate as products of the chemi- the amphiboles, dark mica
cal breakdown (chemical weathering) of other silicate (biotite), and garnet.
minerals. Thus, clay minerals make up a large percent-
age of the surface material we call soil. Because of the Olivine Group Olivine is
importance of soil in agriculture, and because of its role a family of high-temperature Dennis Tasa
as a supporting material for buildings, clay minerals silicate minerals that are Olivine-rich peridotite
are extremely important to humans. In addition, clays black to olive green in color (variety dunite)
­account for nearly half the volume of sedimentary rocks. and have a glassy luster and a
Clay minerals are generally very fine grained, which conchoidal fracture (see ­Figure 3.34). Transparent olivine
makes identification difficult, unless they are studied is occasionally used as a gemstone called peridot. Rather
microscopically. Their layered structure and weak bond- than developing large crystals, ­olivine commonly forms
ing between layers give them a characteristic feel when small, rounded crystals that give olivine-rich rocks a granu-
wet. Clays are common in shales, mudstones, and other lar appearance (­Figure 3.38). ­Olivine and related forms are
sedimentary rocks. common in the igneous rock basalt and are thought to con-
One of the most common clay minerals is k­ aolinite stitute up to 50 percent of Earth’s upper mantle.
(Figure 3.37), which is used in the manufacture of fine
china and as a coating for high-gloss paper, such as Pyroxene Group The pyroxenes are a group of diverse
that used in this textbook. Further, some clay miner- minerals that are important components in dark colored
als a­ bsorb large amounts of water, which allows them to igneous rocks. The most common member, augite, is a
swell to several times their normal size. These clays have black, opaque mineral with two directions of cleavage
been used commercially in a variety of ingenious ways, that meet at nearly a 90-degree angle. Augite is one of
­including as an additive to thicken milkshakes in fast- the dominant minerals in basalt, a common igneous rock
food restaurants. of the oceanic crust and volcanic areas on the continents
(Figure 3.39A).
The Dark Silicates Amphibole Group Hornblende is the most common
The dark (or ferromagnesian) silicates are minerals member of a chemically complex group of minerals
containing ions of iron (iron 5 ferro) and/or magnesium called amphiboles (Figure 3.39B). Hornblende is usually
in their structure. Because of their iron content, ferro- dark green to black in color, and except for its cleavage
magnesian silicates are dark in color and have a greater
specific gravity, between 3.2 and 3.6, than nonferromag- Figure 3.39 Augite and
nesian silicates. The most common dark silicate minerals hornblende
These dark-colored
silicate minerals are
common constituents
Figure 3.37 Kaolinite
of a variety of ­igneous
Kaolinite is a common clay rocks. (Photos courtesy of E. J.
mineral formed by weather- Tarbuck)
ing of feldspar minerals.
A. Augite
A. Augite

Dennis Tasa
B. Hornblende
B. Hornblende
3.9 Common Silicate Minerals 107

angles, which are about 60 degrees and 120 degrees, Figure 3.40 Well-formed garnet crystal
it is very similar in appearance to augite. In a rock, Garnets come in a variety of colors and are commonly
hornblende often forms elongated crystals. This helps found in mica-rich metamorphic rocks.
distinguish it from pyroxene, which forms rather blocky
crystals. Hornblende is found in igneous rocks, where it
often makes up the dark portion of an otherwise light-
colored rock (see ­Figure 3.3).

Biotite Biotite is a dark, iron-rich member of the

mica family (see Figure 3.34). Like other micas, bio-
tite possesses a sheet structure that gives it excellent 2 cm
cleavage in one direction. Biotite also has a shiny black
­appearance that helps distinguish it from the other dark
ferromagnesian minerals. Like hornblende, biotite is
a common constituent of igneous rocks, including the
rock granite. 3.9 C oncept C hec k s

Garnet Garnet is similar to olivine in that its structure 1. How do most silicate minerals form?
is composed of individual tetrahedra linked by metallic 2. Apart from their difference in color, what is one main
distinction between light and dark silicates? What
ions. Also like olivine, garnet has a glassy luster, lacks
accounts for this difference?
cleavage, and exhibits conchoidal fracture. Although the 3. Based on the chart in Figure 3.34, what do muscovite
colors of garnet are varied, this mineral is most often and biotite have in common? How do they differ?
brown to deep red. Well developed, garnet crystals have 4. Is color a good way to distinguish between orthoclase
12 diamond-shaped faces and are most commonly found and plagioclase feldspar? If not, what is a more effective
in metamorphic rocks (Figure 3.40). When transparent, means of distinguishing them?
garnets are prized as semiprecious gemstones.

Eye on Earth
G lass bottles, like most other manufactured products, contain substances
obtained from minerals extracted from Earth’s crust and oceans. The
primary ingredient in commercially produced glass bottles is the mineral
quartz. Glass also contains lesser amounts of the mineral calcite. (Photo by Chris

Question 1 In what mineral group does quartz belong?

Question 2 Glass beer bottles are usually clear, green, or brown. Based on what
you know about how the mineral quartz is colored, what do glass manufacturers
do to get green and brown bottles?
Question 3 Why did some brewers start using brown bottles, rather than green
bottles which were popular until the 1930s.
108 Chapter 3 Matter and Minerals

3.10 Important Nonsilicate Minerals

Nonsilicate minerals are typically divided into groups, based on the negatively charged ion or com-
plex ion that the members have in common (Table 3.1). For example, the oxides contain the nega-
tive oxygen ions (O22), which are bonded to one or more kinds of positive ions. Thus, within each
mineral group, the basic structure and type of bonding is similar. As a result, the minerals in each
group have similar physical properties that are useful in mineral identification.

Although the nonsilicates make up only about 8 percent and dolostone. When calcite is the dominant mineral, the
of Earth’s crust, some minerals, such as gypsum, calcite, rock is called limestone, whereas dolostone results from
and halite, occur as constituents in sedimentary rocks a predominance of ­dolomite. Limestone has many uses,
in significant amounts. Furthermore, many others are including as road aggregate, as building stone, and as the
important economically. Table 3.1 lists some of the non- main ingredient in ­Portland cement.
silicate mineral groups and a few examples of each. A Two other nonsilicate minerals frequently found
brief discussion of a few of the most common nonsilicate in sedimentary rocks are halite and gypsum (Fig-
minerals follows. ure 3.41C,D). Both minerals are commonly found in thick
Some of the most common nonsilicate minerals be- layers that are the last vestiges of ancient seas that have
long to one of three classes of minerals: the carbonates long since evaporated (Figure 3.42). Like limestone, both
(CO322), the sulfates (SO422), and the halides (Cl12, F12, ­halite and gypsum are important nonmetallic resources.
Br12). The carbonate minerals are much simpler structur- ­Halite is the mineral name for common table salt (NaCl).
ally than the silicates. This mineral group is composed of ­Gypsum (CaSO4 ? 2 H2O), which is calcium sulfate with
the carbonate ion (CO322) and one or more kinds of posi- water bound into the structure, is the mineral of which
tive ions. Figure 3.41A,B shows the two most common car- plaster and other similar building materials are composed.
bonate minerals: calcite, CaCO3 (­calcium carbonate) and Most nonsilicate mineral classes contain members
dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2 (­calcium/­magnesium carbonate). that are prized for their economic value. This includes
Calcite and dolomite are usually found together as the the oxides, whose members hematite and magnetite
primary constituents in the sedimentary rocks limestone are important ores of iron (Figure 3.41E,F). Also

Table 3.1   Common Nonsilicate Mineral Groups

Mineral Groups
[key ion(s) or element(s)] Mineral Name Chemical Formula Economic Use

Carbonates (CO322) Calcite CaCO3 Portland cement, lime

Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 Portland cement, lime
Halides (Cl12, F12, Br12) Halite NaCl Common salt
Fluorite CaF2 Used in steelmaking
Sylvite KCl Fertilizer
Oxides (O22) Hematite Fe2O3 Ore of iron, pigment
Magnetite Fe3O4 Ore of iron
Corundum Al2O3 Gemstone, abrasive
Ice H2O Solid form of water
Sulfides (S22) Galena PbS Ore of lead
Sphalerite ZnS Ore of zinc
Pyrite FeS2 Sulfuric acid production
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Ore of copper
Cinnabar HgS Ore of mercury
Sulfates (SO422) Gypsum CaSO4 ? 2H2O Plaster
Anhydrite CaSO4 Plaster
Barite BaSO4 Drilling mud
Native elements (single elements) Gold Au Trade, jewelry
Copper Cu Electrical conductor
Diamond C Gemstone, abrasive
Sulfur S Sulfa drugs, chemicals
Graphite C Pencil lead, dry lubricant
Silver Ag Jewelry, photography
Platinum Pt Catalyst
3.10 Important Nonsilicate Minerals 109

Figure 3.41 Important

nonsilicate minerals
(Photos by Dennis Tasa and
E. J. Tarbuck)

A. Calcite B. Dolomite C. Halite

D. Gypsum E. Hematite F. Magnetite

G. Galena H. Chalcopyrite I. Fluorite

significant are the sulfides, which are basically com- Figure 3.42 Thick bed
pounds of sulfur (S) and one or more metals. Examples of halite exposed in an
of ­important sulfide minerals include galena (lead), underground mine
Halite (salt) mine in Grand
sphalerite (zinc), and chalcopyrite (copper). In addition,
Saline, Texas. Note the
native elements—­including gold, silver, and carbon (dia-
­person for scale. (Photo by
monds)—plus a host of other nonsilicate ­minerals—fluo- Tom Bochsler)
rite (flux in making steel), corundum (gemstone, abra-
sive), and uraninite (a uranium source)—are important

3 .10 C oncept C hec k s

1. List six common nonsilicate mineral groups. What key
ion(s) or element(s) define each group?
2. What simple test can be used to distinguish calcite
from dolomite?
3. What does a deposit of halite or gypsum indicate about
the past environment at that location?
4. Refer to Table 3.1. List one mineral from each
nonsilicate class and the mineral’s economic use.

Precious stones have been prized since antiquity. Although most
gemstones are varieties of a particular mineral, misinformation
abounds regarding gems and their mineral makeup.
Important Gemstones
Gemstones are classified in one of two categories: precious or semiprecious. Precious
gems are rare and generally have hardnesses that exceed 9 on the Mohs scale.
Therefore, they are more valuable and thus more expensive than semiprecious gems.


Diamond Diamond Colorless, pinks, blues
Emerald Beryl Greens
Ruby Corundum Reds
Sapphire Corundum Blues
Opal Opal Brilliant hues
Alexandrite Chrysoberyl Variable
Amethyst Quartz Purples
Cat‘s-eye Chrysoberyl Yellows
Chalcedony Quartz (agate) Banded
Citrine Quartz Yellows
Garnet Garnet Red, greens
Jade Jadeite or nephrite Greens Reuters

Moonstone Feldspar Transparent blues The Famous Hope Diamond

Peridot Olivine Olive greens The deep-blue Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat gem that is thought to have been cut from
Smoky quartz Quartz Browns a much larger 115-carat stone discovered in India in the mid-1600s. The original
Spinel Spinel Reds 115-carrat stone was cut into a smaller gem that became part of the crown jewels of
Topaz Topaz Purples, reds France and was in the possession of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette before they
Tourmaline Tourmaline Reds, blue-greens attempted to escape France. Stolen during the French Revolution in 1792, the gem is
thought to have been recut to its present size and shape. In the 1800s, it became part
Turquoise Turquoise Blues
of the collection of Henry Hope (hence its name) and is on display at the Smithsonian in
Zircon Zircon Reds Washington, DC.

What Constitutes a Gemstone? Naming Gemstones

When found in their natural state, most gemstones Most precious stones are given names that differ from their parent
are dull and would be passed over by most people as mineral. For example, sapphire is one of two gems that are varieties
“just another rock.” Gems must be cut and polished of the same mineral, corundum. Trace elements can produce vivid
by experienced professionals before their true beauty sapphires of nearly every color. Tiny amounts of titanium and iron in
is displayed. Cutting and polishing is accomplished corundum produce the most prized blue sapphires. When the mineral
using abrasive material, most often tiny fragments of corundum contains a sufficient quantity of chromium, it exhibits a
diamonds that are embedded in a metal disk. brilliant red color. This variety of corundum is called ruby.

Shutterstock Rubies, like sapphires,

are varieties of the
mineral corundum Sapphires, showing
variations of colors

Why are diamonds used as an abrasive

material to cut and polish gemstones?

Charles D. Winters/ Photo Researchers, Inc. Dorling Kindersley Greg C. Grace/ Alamy

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