Riph Quiz # 5

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Republic of the Pilipinas


College of Health and Sciences



YR/SEC: BSN 2-A DATE: 04/15/23

Discuss your answer to the following questions in 200 words only.

Pass your printed output personally or as a section.

1. What do you think is the reason of the revolution of the constitution?

The Revolution of the Constitution in the Philippines was a significant event that
marked the country's transition towards a democratic government. The reason
behind this revolution can be traced back to the country's colonial history, where it
was subjected to Spanish and American rule for centuries. The Filipinos' struggle
for independence and self-governance led to several uprisings and rebellions
against foreign powers. However, it was only after World War II when the
Philippines gained its independence from America, but it still lacked a stable
political system.

The revolution of the constitution aimed to establish a more democratic

government that would represent the people's interests and protect their rights. It
sought to create a new constitution that would replace the outdated 1935
Constitution, which favored elites and perpetuated corruption. The revolution of the
constitution paved the way for a more inclusive political system that allowed for
greater participation from marginalized groups. It also established checks and
balances between different branches of government, ensuring accountability and

In conclusion, the Revolution of the Constitution in the Philippines was necessary

to establish a more democratic government that represented all Filipinos' interests.
It marked an important milestone in Philippine history towards achieving true
independence and self-governance.
2. In the present, Philippines is under the law of 1987 constitution. Duterte is calling of a
constitutional convention to ratify some provision. Do you agree or disagree. Plot your
argument and supply reasons based on what you have learn in the evolution of Philippine

The Philippines is a country that has undergone numerous changes throughout its
history. One of the most significant changes occurred in 1987 when the country
adopted a new constitution. This constitution, known as the 1987 Constitution,
replaced the previous one that was put in place during the dictatorship of
Ferdinand Marcos. The 1987 Constitution established a democratic government
with three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It also provided for basic
human rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion.

The proposal of President Duterte to call for a constitutional convention to ratify

some provisions is a controversial issue that has sparked debates among the
Filipino people. While some agree with the idea, others disagree and believe that it
may lead to further political instability in the country. On the brighter side, I think it
is necessary to amend certain provisions in the constitution that are outdated and
no longer relevant to the modern times. In addition, constitutional convention
would provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in shaping our country's
future. On the contrary, it could be used as a tool by politicians to consolidate power and
undermine democracy. I am also concern about the cost of holding such an event and
whether it would truly reflect the will of the people.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments on both sides, I personally disagree
with the late President Duterte's proposal. I believe that there are other ways to
address issues in our constitution without resorting to such drastic measures. We
should focus on strengthening our democratic institutions and ensuring that they
work for all Filipinos, not just those in power. I believe that it is much important for
Filipinos to carefully consider the implications of any changes to their constitution.
They must ensure that any new provisions uphold their fundamental rights and
freedoms, and do not undermine the progress made since the adoption of the
1987 Constitution.

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