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Types of consumer buying behaviors:

1. Complex Buying Behavior:

- This type of behavior typically occurs when a customer is purchasing an
expensive product or service. Because it’s costly, the consumer may take
time to research it and its features before committing to a large purchase.
They may spend time online reading reviews about the product and the
benefits of using it.
- In this process, the buyer goes through a learning phase, initially forming
beliefs about the product, then developing attitudes, before making a
considered purchase decision. Marketers dealing with high-involvement
products must grasp the information-seeking and evaluation tendencies of
such consumers. They should facilitate buyers in understanding the
attributes of the product category and their relative significance.
Additionally, they should distinguish their brand's features, potentially by
elucidating and showcasing the brand's advantages through printed
promotional materials or comprehensive online resources including videos.
Furthermore, they must motivate store salespeople and the buyer's
acquaintances to influence the ultimate brand selection.
2. Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior
- Consumers who exhibit this type of behavior may decide on a product that is
easily available to them without putting much research into it. They typically
choose a product that they need on hand and may only have a few other
brands to choose from.
- Dissonance-reducing buying behavior, also known as post-purchase
dissonance or cognitive dissonance, refers to a type of consumer behavior
that occurs after a purchase has been made. It involves the consumer
experiencing a sense of discomfort or tension due to conflicting thoughts and
emotions related to the purchase decision. This dissonance arises when the
consumer is uncertain about whether they made the right choice or when
they feel conflicted about their decision.
3. Habitual Buying Behavior:
- Customers who practice habitual buying behavior often make quick
decisions when selecting and buying products. They may choose a brand
over another because it’s more recognizable or familiar to them, or because
the price tag is the lowest.
- Habitual Buying Behavior, also known as Routine Buying Behavior, is a
type of consumer buying behavior characterized by repetitive and automatic
purchasing of products or services. In this behavior, consumers buy items
with little to no conscious thought, minimal information seeking, and
minimal evaluation of alternatives. This type of behavior is often associated
with low-involvement and low-cost products or services.
4. Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior
- Customers who practice variety-seeking buying behavior tend to switch
between brands frequently. They may be looking for new experiences or
simply enjoy trying out different products.
- Marketers targeting variety-seeking consumers need to adapt their strategies
to appeal to the desire for change and novelty. This can include promoting
the latest products, offering variety packs, and using creative advertising to
attract and retain these customers. Additionally, understanding the specific
motivations and triggers for variety-seeking behavior within a particular
product category is crucial for successful marketing efforts.
Which is the most likely to appear when purchasing a mobile phone?
The most likely behavior to appear when purchasing a mobile phone is complex
buying behavior. Because the product is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently,
and highly self-expressive. Someone buying a new mobile phone might consider
what models, attributes, and accessories to consider or what prices to expect.
For instance, there are many reasons why consumers purchasing a mobile phone
specifically an iPhone:
1. Brand Loyalty and Ecosystem: Apple has a dedicated and loyal customer
base. iPhones seamlessly integrate with these devices, providing a cohesive
and convenient user experience.

2. Perceived Quality and Design: Apple is known for its premium build quality
and sleek design. iPhones are often associated with a sense of luxury and
3. App Store and Software Support: The Apple App Store offers a vast
selection of high-quality apps and a strict approval process that ensures apps
are generally reliable and secure. Apple also provides long-term software
updates, so users can expect to receive the latest features and security
updates for several years.

4. Security and Privacy: Apple places a strong emphasis on user data security
and privacy. This commitment appeals to consumers who prioritize
protecting their personal information.

5. Camera Quality: iPhones often feature advanced camera technology, and

many users appreciate the quality of photos and videos they can capture with
these devices.

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