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Name: Alexis H.

Course & Section: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, IEE31
Subject: G-SOSC001 IEE31 Philippine History
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero

ExisKENtial: Is Being Just Ken an Insult to Men?

I. Introduction and Background of the Study

Barbie is a 2023 film by Greta Gerwig. Greta Gerwig is a talented filmmaker known for
her work on films like, “Lady Bird”, and “Little Women”, both of which received critical acclaim.
Barbie is an intriguing project as the title itself is known to be a children toy that addresses concerns
about image and diversity, especially for young ladies and girls for over six (6) decades. Overtime,
Mattel, from which it the fashion doll is manufactured and introduced, reinvents the iconic dolls
to mirror the rich tapestry of human diversity. This solely just not enables the younger generation
to see reflections of themselves in their own bought toys, but this reinvention also fosters a sense
of belongingness and inclusivity, as it slowly began to challenge the narrow beauty standards –
promoting a positive and realistic understanding of one’s image.
On the other hand, the film “Barbie” included and featured a slew of Barbies who are
accomplished in their different professions, some are award-winning artisans, politicians, writers,
and a lot of accomplishments made by the women in the film. While the Kens, remained Kens.
This concept created a channel for both the sex to discuss, and to emphasize the unbalanced burden
that the women carry in relationships with men.
The phrase "he's just Ken" is often used colloquially to convey a sense of simplicity,
predictability, or lack of distinctive qualities in a person. The reference to "Ken" in this context is
likely drawing from the iconic Ken doll, a fictional character, and the boyfriend of the Barbie doll
in the popular toy line created by Mattel. Ken is often seen as a stereotypical, all-American, and
somewhat generic character.
When someone says, "he's just Ken," they may be implying that the person in question is
rather ordinary, uncomplicated, or perhaps lacking in individuality or uniqueness. It's a way of
characterizing someone as unremarkable or straightforward, akin to the common perception of the
Ken doll as a standard and unexceptional figure. This expression is often used informally and may
carry different connotations depending on the context and the speaker's tone.
As “He’s Just Ken” had been the fodder for plenty of online jokes and memes, users are
pairing it up with the infamous fictional characters and partners as “everything vs. just Ken”
dynamic, like: Elle and Warner from Legally Blonde, Jo and Laurie from Little Women, Meredith,
and Derek in Grey’s Anatomy, and even Enola and Tewkesbury in Enola Holmes. The place of
truth of this tagline: women often feel they carry the bulk of the load or labor.
A satirical sequence on how the arrival of the well-known doll on the scene altered young
girls' perceptions of their own self and futures opens the film "Barbie." Barbie successfully
conveyed to girls that they could be anything, whereas playing with dolls previously only trained
them for becoming moms. However, it would be blatantly incorrect to attribute most of the
women's access to numerous traditionally masculine professions to the doll and Mattel.
A study stated that 74% of mothers claim that they are more involved in scheduling and
supervising their children's activities than their fathers, according to Pew Research Center.
Mothers often assert that they take on a more prominent role in orchestrating and overseeing their
children's activities compared to fathers. This claim is rooted in the multifaceted nature of
motherhood, where women traditionally assume the primary caregiving responsibilities within the
family unit. Mothers tend to be intricately involved in the day-to-day logistics of their children's
lives, including but not limited to scheduling extracurricular activities, coordinating playdates,
managing school commitments, and ensuring timely completion of homework.
Societal norms and stereotypes exert a profound influence on characters like Ken in the
Barbie doll line, shaping their representations and reinforcing specific expectations about
masculinity. Ken, as a cultural icon, becomes a canvas upon which traditional norms are projected,
particularly in terms of physical appearance. His portrayal often adheres to stereotypical ideals of
male attractiveness, emphasizing a fit physique and conventionally handsome features. This not
only sets unrealistic standards for real men but also perpetuates the societal notion that a man's
worth is intricately linked to his physical appearance. Moreover, Ken's character tends to reflect
limited emotional expression, aligning with traditional gender norms that prescribe stoicism and
emotional restraint for men. This lack of emotional depth reinforces the stereotype that men should
suppress their feelings, a notion that can contribute to a culture of emotional detachment and hinder
authentic self-expression. By examining how societal norms shape characters like Ken, we gain
insights into the broader impact of these expectations on real-world perceptions of masculinity,
emphasizing the importance of challenging and reshaping these stereotypes for a more inclusive
and authentic representation of men.
Although given this societal concept, looking back on Barbie shows, Ken simply enjoys
being who he is – just Ken. This adds a positive twist to the characterization. It suggests that Ken
embraces his role and is content with being the charming and good-looking partner without
needing additional layers of complexity. In this context, "just Ken" takes on a self-assured and
confident tone, indicating that Ken finds fulfillment in his simplicity and enjoys the ease of being
the attractive and supportive counterpart to Barbie. Overall, it's a playful way of framing the
character's role within the Barbie narrative.
II. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study, wherein gender stereotypes and
expectations are the moderating variable. The independent variable is the power dynamics and
patriarchy, wherein this influence the physiological impact (dependent variable) and represents the
main cause as to why the study is occurring.

III. Analysis

The phrase "being just Ken" within the context of Barbie's companion is emblematic of
gender stereotypes that have long shaped societal expectations regarding masculinity. Ken,
traditionally portrayed as the boyfriend or partner of Barbie, often embodies characteristics
associated with the stereotypical ideal of male attractiveness: physically fit, conventionally
handsome, and perhaps lacking the depth or complexity associated with other traits. This portrayal
perpetuates rigid notions of masculinity, suggesting that physical appearance and societal
standards of attractiveness are paramount for men, reinforcing the idea that they can be reduced to
simple archetypes.
Analyzing the implications of "being just Ken" unveils the restrictive nature of gender
stereotypes and their impact on individual identity. The characterization implies a narrow
understanding of masculinity, one that doesn't embrace the diversity of experiences and
personalities that men encompass. Challenging these stereotypes is essential for fostering a more
inclusive and equitable society. Men, like women, are complex individuals with multifaceted
identities that extend beyond physical appearance. Encouraging a broader representation of men
in media and popular culture is crucial for dismantling these limiting stereotypes, promoting a
more nuanced understanding of masculinity.
By challenging gender stereotypes, we dismantle harmful assumptions and encourage a
more inclusive perspective. This inclusivity benefits everyone, fostering environments where
individuals feel free to express their true selves without the constraints of prescribed gender roles.
It promotes healthier relationships and contributes to breaking down societal barriers that
perpetuate gender-based discrimination and inequality. Embracing diversity in how masculinity is
portrayed not only enriches our collective cultural narratives but also allows individuals to explore
and express their authentic identities, free from the limitations imposed by narrow and outdated
stereotypes. In essence, challenging these stereotypes is a pivotal step toward building a society
that values and respects the unique qualities and contributions of all individuals, regardless of their
Furthermore, the concept of "being just Ken" extends beyond physical appearance and
delves into the expectations surrounding traditional gender roles. In many portrayals, Ken is often
seen in a supportive role to Barbie, emphasizing the idea of the male partner as a secondary figure
or accessory to the female protagonist. This reinforces harmful power dynamics and perpetuates
the notion that men should be subservient or take a backseat in relationships. Challenging these
stereotypes involves recognizing that men, like women, can be equal and active participants in all
aspects of life, including relationships, career choices, and parenting.
The limitations imposed by the "just Ken" narrative also impact young minds, shaping their
perceptions of gender roles from an early age. Children who grow up surrounded by such
representations may internalize these stereotypes, affecting their beliefs about what is acceptable
or expected in terms of behavior and aspirations based on gender. Challenging these stereotypes
is crucial for creating a more inclusive environment for future generations, where boys and girls
can feel free to explore their interests and identities without the constraints of rigid gender norms.
Moreover, embracing a diverse and multidimensional portrayal of men challenges the
harmful effects of toxic masculinity. The phrase "being just Ken" often implies simplicity or lack
of depth, reinforcing stereotypes that discourage men from expressing vulnerability, emotions, or
pursuing non-traditional interests. Challenging these stereotypes encourages a more expansive
understanding of masculinity—one that embraces emotional intelligence, creativity, and a full
spectrum of human experiences. This shift contributes to the dismantling of harmful norms that
can have far-reaching consequences, including mental health issues and limiting personal growth.
In conclusion, the analysis of "being just Ken" reveals not only the superficial portrayal of
masculinity but also the underlying gender stereotypes that permeate our culture. Challenging
these stereotypes is not just about promoting a fair representation of men; it is about fostering an
inclusive society that recognizes and values the diversity of human experiences. By dismantling
these limiting expectations, we pave the way for healthier relationships, positive self-perception,
and a more equitable world where individuals can flourish authentically, regardless of their gender.
IV. Policy Recommendation

To address and counter the perpetuation of narrow gender stereotypes, particularly in media
and popular culture, it is imperative to implement policies that encourage and promote gender-
inclusive representation. The following policy recommendations aim to foster a more diverse and
equitable portrayal of masculinity, challenging harmful stereotypes and contributing to a cultural
Implement comprehensive media literacy education programs in schools and communities
to enhance critical thinking skills among individuals, particularly young people. These programs
should empower individuals to recognize and question gender stereotypes perpetuated by media,
fostering a more discerning and critical consumer base.
Develop and disseminate guidelines for media production that encourage inclusivity in
character development. These guidelines should advocate for the portrayal of diverse and
multidimensional male characters, breaking away from simplistic and stereotypical
representations. Collaborate with industry stakeholders, including content creators, writers, and
producers, to ensure widespread adoption.
Establish initiatives that actively promote diversity and inclusion within the entertainment
industry. Encourage the creation of diverse teams of writers, directors, and producers to ensure
authentic and varied portrayals of masculinity. Recognize and reward media productions that excel
in promoting positive and diverse representations of men.
Launch government-sponsored public awareness campaigns that highlight the importance
of challenging gender stereotypes in media. These campaigns should engage with the public
through various channels, emphasizing the social benefits of diverse representation and
encouraging open dialogue about evolving gender norms.
Invest in research initiatives to assess the impact of media representation on societal
perceptions of gender roles. Regularly monitor and evaluate media content for adherence to
inclusive guidelines. This ongoing research will inform future policy adjustments and industry
Introduce incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, for media productions that actively
challenge gender stereotypes and contribute to positive representations of masculinity. Financial
incentives can motivate content creators and studios to prioritize diversity and inclusivity in their
Collaborate with gender advocacy groups and organizations to develop and implement
policies. Engage with these groups to gather insights and perspectives, ensuring that policy
measures align with the goals and needs of those actively working toward a more equitable
representation of gender in society.
By enacting these policy recommendations, policymakers can contribute to a cultural shift
that celebrates the diversity of masculinity and challenges harmful stereotypes. These initiatives
not only influence media content but also contribute to broader societal attitudes, fostering a more
inclusive and accepting environment for individuals of all genders.
V. Message to Professor

Dear Future Atty. Jumel:

I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation
and admiration for your dedication and hard work, not only as our professor in Philippine History
but also as someone I look up to as a source of inspiration.

Observing your commitment to reaching your goals and endeavors in life has been truly
motivating. Your passion for your work and your resilience in pursuing your aspirations have left
a lasting impact on me. Your journey has inspired me to continue aspiring towards my own goals,
and I am genuinely grateful for the positive influence you've had on my perspective.

Your dedication to your craft and your tireless efforts in and outside the university have not gone
unnoticed. I have seen firsthand the impact of your teachings and your commitment to excellence,
and it has fueled my own desire to strive for greatness.

Witnessing your hard work and perseverance in achieving your personal and professional goals
has been a source of motivation for me. Your ability to balance academia and life beyond the
university is a testament to your resilience and determination. Your example serves as a constant
reminder that success is attainable through diligence and a genuine love for what one does.

Beyond the confines of the classroom, you continue to be a role model for me. Your achievements
and the positive impact you've had on your students extend far beyond the university setting. Your
influence reaches into the broader community, and I am inspired by your commitment to making
a difference.

As I contemplate my own aspirations, your journey remains a guiding force. Your encouragement
and the knowledge you impart have instilled in me the belief that I, too, can achieve my dreams,
especially my goal of becoming a lawyer. Your mentorship has been invaluable, and I consider
myself fortunate to have you as a guide.

Thank you for being more than just a professor; thank you for being a source of inspiration,
encouragement, and wisdom. I look forward to the continued privilege of learning from you and
carrying your teachings with me into the future.
Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in all your endeavors.


Alexis Castillo
VI. References

“Barbie” Movie Sparks Meme That Exposes Men Who Are Unworthy Of Their Female Partners.
(2023, April 7). HuffPost.
Isztin, P. (2023, August 23). “She’s Everything. He’s Just Ken.” by Peter Isztin. Interintellect.
Yasharoff, H. (n.d.). “She’s everything. He’s just Ken.”: Why women are relating to the “Barbie”
movie poster dissing Ken. USA TODAY. Retrieved December 15, 2023, from

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