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KIN 427 527

10 points

Lance Cox

Student: Andrew

Interview: With Teacher Mr. Samson

Begin by choosing two individuals to interview who can give you more insight on your
“caseload of one” student. The interview can be in person, paper/pencil, Google forms, etc. This
may be a parent, teacher, paraprofessional, physical therapist, occupational therapist, etc. Your
interview needs to consist of questions regarding the motor, cognitive, and affect domains of the
student. You may want to consider the following questions when writing your interview
questions. There are also example questionnaires in BeachBoard (and a questionnaire in

You are required to develop your own additional own questions and thoughts. This paper is to
follow an interview format with each question listed in bold followed by the interviewee’s
answer. Submit in TYPED question/response format. Also, provide a summary paragraph that
synthesizes what you have learned from the interview.

 What motivates the child?

Andrew is motivated by having time to draw, play board games and card games, he
enjoys doing puzzles, and going for walks around the neighborhood. Earning points
from good and positive behavior helps motivate Andrew. He is able to use those
points to buy privileges like movie time, preferred activity time, time on his cell
phone and other food items.

 What does the child like?/Dislike?

Andrew enjoys reading comic books and books about animals. He enjoys P.E. where
he is good at shooting a basketball. He does not enjoy math class or reading in front
of the class.

 What are some potential triggers?

Triggers for the student are when he gets overwhelmed with work, like in math
class. He can get frustrated with doing work in class.

 What form of communication do you use with the child? (e.g., verbal, nonverbal, key
Mr. Samson communicates mostly verbally with the student. He understands better when
he repeats words or writes them down on the white board for him to see.

 What are the child’s strengths/needs?

Andrew’s strengths are that he is good at art. He really excels in drawing and doing
puzzles and expressing himself thru art. He is very respectful to the teachers and
adults, especially elderly people. He opens doors for them and greets adults.
His needs are that he needs something to draw on or manipulate while he is listening
to instruction. Sometimes it distracts him in class, and he is lost but also majority of
the time he is fully aware and participating in the lecture. He needs more practice in
reading and writing. He also is working on being more social with his peers.

 Does the child socially interact with others? Does he/she initiate social interaction?
Andrew at first was quiet like any student, but he made friends with another quiet
student named Noah. They do puzzles together and when we go for walks, they walk
together and talk. He normally does not initiate social interactions but will engage if
somebody approaches him first.

Favorite physical activities?

Andrews favorite physical activities are going for walks and playing basketball. He
has a surprisingly good shot in basketball and enjoys shooting around. He has
mentioned he likes playing golf as well.

 Fitness goals?
Andrews fitness goals are to join a basketball team or some kind of sport outside of
school. His grandparents are taking away his Playstation 5 until he starts to participate
in a sport.

What does he do outside of school?

Andrew says he likes to play video games. He sometimes rides his cousins skateboard to
school. He is currently searching to join a sporting team.

Does Andrew work better in groups or individually?

Andrew works better with a group. When others are collectively doing work, that helps
him stay engaged and motivated during work.

Summarize: Synthesize and make recommendations based on the information from the person’s interview
in a summary paragraph. Submit the “raw” interview (i.e., questions and answers) and a minimum two
paragraph summary of each interview.

My recommendations for Andrew during this interview is that he would

benefit from theming. He seems to really enjoy video games, as do most
students his age, and I think in his P.E. program would benefit fun activities
themed with video games. I also think that with positive behavior in class
should be rewarded, and a token economy system would benefit Andrew. I
think He would benefit by having a system of privileges that he can earn thru
positive behavior in class.
Another recommendation would be to use subject integration with
Andrew when it comes to reading and math work. He doesn’t enjoy reading or
math and activities in P.E. can easily incorporate these two subjects. By
using subject integration, Andrew can get extra practice with reading and
with math. During activities, there can be visuals for him to read, and when
doing activities there can be points so that he can work on adding and
subtracting or multiplication and division.

KIN 427 527

Grading Criteria for Interviews

Name__________________________ Overall Grade ___/10 points (5 points each)

Interview #1

___ (0, 1) Included TYPED “raw” questions and answers.

___ (0, 1) Includes additional interview questions and that are insightful.

___ (1, 2) Summarizes and/or makes recommendations based on interview

information & what was learned. Minimum two paragraphs for each

___ (0, 1) Mechanics: Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, & organization.

Person first terminology.

Interview #2

___ (0, 1) Included TYPED “raw” questions and answers.

___ (0, 1) Includes additional interview questions and that are insightful.

___ (1, 2) Summarizes and/or makes recommendations based on interview

information & what was learned. Minimum two paragraphs for each
___ (0, 1) Mechanics: Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, & organization.
Person first terminology.

_______/10 Points Possible


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