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Nama : Ija Ainaya Amanda

NPM : 221011437

Kelas : A2

Mata Kuliah : Grammar III

1. I love to read books.Analisa: I=aku: subject pronoun, love=suka: verb, to=untuk:

preposition, read=membaca: verb, books=buku: noun.
2. She is a talented singer.Analisa: She=dia: subject pronoun, is=adalah: verb, a=sebuah:
article, talented=berbakat: adjective, singer=penyanyi: noun.
3. They went to the beach yesterday.Analisa: They=mereka: subject pronoun, went=pergi:
verb, to=ke: preposition, the=ini/itu: article, beach=pantai: noun, yesterday=kemarin:
4. We should eat healthier food.Analisa: We=kami: subject pronoun, should=seharusnya:
auxiliary verb, eat=makan: verb, healthier=lebih sehat: adjective, food=makanan: noun.
5. The cat is sleeping on the couch.Analisa: The=ini/itu: article, cat=kucing: noun, is=adalah:
verb, sleeping=tidur: verb, on=di: preposition, the=ini/itu: article, couch=sofa: noun.
6. He plays the guitar very well.Analisa: He=dia: subject pronoun, plays=bermain: verb,
the=ini/itu: article, guitar=gitar: noun, very=sangat: adverb, well=baik: adverb.
7. My parents are coming to visit us next week.Analisa: My=ibu/bapak saya: possessive
pronoun, parents=orang tua: noun, are=adalah: verb, coming=datang: verb, to=untuk:
preposition, visit=mengunjungi: verb, us=kami: pronoun, next=berikutnya: adjective,
week=minggu: noun.
8. The weather is getting colder.Analisa: The=ini/itu: article, weather=cuaca: noun,
is=adalah: verb, getting=menjadi: verb, colder=lebih dingin: adjective.
9. I have a lot of homework to do.Analisa: I=aku: subject pronoun, have=mempunyai: verb,
a=sebuah: article, lot=banyak: noun, of=dari: preposition, homework=tugas: noun,
to=untuk: preposition, do=melakukan: verb.
10. She enjoys playing tennis in her free time.Analisa: She=dia: subject pronoun,
enjoys=menikmati: verb, playing=bermain: verb, tennis=tenis: noun, in=di: preposition,
her=di: possessive pronoun, free=bebas: adjective, time=waktu: noun.
11. The movie was really exciting.Analisa: The=ini/itu: article, movie=film: noun,
was=adalah: verb, really=sangat: adverb, exciting=menggembirakan: adjective.
12. They are going to the party tonight.Analisa: They=mereka: subject pronoun, are=adalah:
verb, going=pergi: verb, to=ke: preposition, the=ini/itu: article, party=pesta: noun,
tonight=malam ini: adverb.
13. We need to buy groceries for the week.Analisa: We=kami: subject pronoun, need=perlu:
verb, to=untuk: preposition, buy=membeli: verb, groceries=kebutuhan sehari-hari: noun,
for=untuk: preposition, the=ini/itu: article, week=minggu: noun.
14. He is a talented painter.Analisa: He=dia: subject pronoun, is=adalah: verb, a=sebuah:
article, talented=berbakat: adjective, painter=pelukis: noun.
15. My sister is studying medicine at university.Analisa: My=adik perempuan saya:
possessive pronoun, sister=kakak perempuan: noun, is=adalah: verb,
studying=mempelajari: verb, medicine=obat: noun, at=di: preposition,
university=universitas: noun.
16. The children are playing in the park.Analisa: The=ini/itu: article, children=anak-anak:
noun, are=adalah: verb, playing=bermain: verb, in=di: preposition, the=ini/itu: article,
park=taman: noun.
17. I want to learn how to play the piano.Analisa: I=aku: subject pronoun, want=ingin: verb,
to=untuk: preposition, learn=belajar: verb, how=bagaimana: adverb, to=untuk:
preposition, play=bermain: verb, the=ini/itu: article, piano=piano: noun.
18. She is a kind and caring person.Analisa: She=dia: subject pronoun, is=adalah: verb,
a=sebuah: article, kind=baik hati: adjective, and=serta: conjunction, caring=peduli:
adjective, person=orang: noun.
19. They are planning a surprise party for their friend.Analisa: They=mereka: subject
pronoun, are=adalah: verb, planning=merencanakan: verb, a=sebuah: article,
surprise=kejutan: noun, party=pesta: noun, for=untuk: preposition, their=di: possessive
pronoun, friend=teman: noun.
20. We had a delicious dinner at the new restaurant.Analisa: We=kami: subject pronoun,
had=mempunyai: verb, a=sebuah: article, delicious=enak: adjective, dinner=makan
malam: noun, at=di: preposition, the=ini/itu: article, new=baru: adjective,
restaurant=restoran: noun.
21. He is always late for work.Analisa: He=dia: subject pronoun, is=adalah: verb,
always=selalu: adverb, late=terlambat: adjective, for=untuk: preposition, work=kerja:
22. My parents are going on a vacation next month.Analisa: My=ibu/bapak saya: possessive
pronoun, parents=orang tua: noun, are=adalah: verb, going=pergi: verb, on=di:
preposition, a=sebuah: article, vacation=liburan: noun, next=berikutnya: adjective,
month=bulan: noun.
23. The book I am reading is very interesting.Analisa: The=ini/itu: article, book=buku: noun,
I=aku: subject pronoun, am=adalah: verb, reading=membaca: verb, is=adalah: verb,
very=sangat: adverb, interesting=menarik: adjective.
24. They are having a barbecue party in their backyard.Analisa: They=mereka: subject
pronoun, are=adalah: verb, having=mempunyai: verb, a=sebuah: article,
barbecue=pemanggang: noun, party=pesta: noun, in=di: preposition, their=di:
possessive pronoun, backyard=halaman belakang: noun.
25. We are going to watch a movie tonight.Analisa: We=kami: subject pronoun, are=adalah:
verb, going=pergi: verb, to=untuk: preposition, watch=menonton: verb, a=sebuah:
article, movie=film: noun, tonight=malam ini: adverb.

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