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Nonlinear Equations 26-Nov-2023

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x) Initial Guess
1 CA 0.2952532 -1.332E-15 1.
2 CD 0.268412 -5.551E-17 0
3 CU 0.4363348 1.443E-15 0

Variable Value
1 CA0 1.
2 k1 1.
3 K1A 10.
4 k2 100.
5 K2A 1.5
6 t 1.
7 x 0.7047468

Nonlinear equations
1 f(CA) = CA0-k1*t*(CA-(CD/K1A))-k2*t*(CA-(CU/K2A))-CA = 0
2 f(CD) = k1*t*(CA-(CD/K1A))-CD = 0
3 f(CU) = k2*t*(CA-(CU/K2A))-CU = 0

Explicit equations
1 k1 = 1
2 k2 = 100
3 K1A = 10
4 K2A = 1.5
5 CA0 = 1
6 x = 1-CA/CA0

7 t=1

General Settings
Total number of equations 10
Number of implicit equations 3
Number of explicit equations 7
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001

about:blank 26/11/2023

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