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Nonlinear Equations 26-Nov-2023

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x) Initial Guess
1 Ca 0.0672845 -2.063E-11 3.
2 Cb 0.9419832 2.776E-15 0
3 Cc 0.5142601 -1.851E-09 0
4 Cd 0.0347087 -2.585E-09 0
5 Ce 0.2141915 1.893E-09 0

Variable Value
1 Ca0 3.
2 k1a 7.
3 k2d 3.
4 k3e 2.
5 ra -0.4887859
6 rb 0.1569972
7 rc 0.08571
8 rd 0.0057848
9 re 0.0356986
10 t 6.
11 v 600.
12 v0 100.

Nonlinear equations
1 f(Ca) = Ca0-Ca+ra*t = 0
2 f(Cb) = Cb-rb*t = 0
3 f(Cc) = Cc-rc*t = 0
4 f(Cd) = Cd-rd*t = 0
5 f(Ce) = Ce-re*t = 0

Explicit equations
1 v0 = 100
2 k2d = 3
3 k1a = 7
4 rb = (1/3)*k1a*Ca
5 ra = -k1a*Ca-(1/3)*k2d*Cc^2*Ca
6 k3e = 2
7 Ca0 = 3
8 v = 600
9 t = v/v0
10 rc = (1/3)*k1a*Ca-(2/3)*k2d*Cc^2*Ca-k3e*Cd*Cc

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11 rd = k2d*Cc^2*Ca-(4/3)*k3e*Cd*Cc
12 re = k3e*Cd*Cc

General Settings
Total number of equations 17
Number of implicit equations 5
Number of explicit equations 12
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001

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