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AD&D First Quest - The Music

Label: Filmtrax PLC - Dragon 1
Format: 2x Vinyl, LP, Tape
Country: UK
Released: 1985
Executive Producer: Frank Rodgers
Musical Concept: John Hall
Text: Tom Kirby, Jim Bambra, Phil Gallagher
Adventure Creator: Dave Miller


This double LP features music with tracks for a mini adventure printed on both of
the LP sleeves. The adventure is a hack-and-slash story for high-level characters.
The monsters include demons, red dragons and the monster that gave the name to the
stoner rock band Kyuss and his Sons of Kyuss. The music on the LPs is typical 80's
synthesizer music. This is a really rare collector's item with beautiful Easley
art. The item was produced by Filmtrax PLC, a UK based company. The item was
produced and sold exclusively within the UK. The item was also released in a tape

Dave Miller, one of the musicians involved, writes:

"My name is David Miller and I was one of the contributors/organizers of/for/to
this album. It was a lot of fun getting it together. As anyone who's played D&D
knows, you can't really play a loose, free-wheeling game to the constraints of the
flow of the tracks but it was a gas, nevertheless. As part of all this I went to
Los Angeles and visited E. Gary Gygax to get his blessing and support. He lived (as
you might expect) in this weird, large old house that did, in fact, look somewhat
spooky. As I knocked on the door I heard the sound of a very large and intimidating
dog barking from somewhere inside - that was somewhat unsettling... Eventually Mr
Gygax let me in, listened to the album and he was well into it. He also
demonstrated for me a variety of manoeuvers by which one could dispatch a varying
quantity of orcs, depending on how they approached you, what armaments they were
carrying and what mood they were may come in useful one day....

"I worked as a team with Phil Thornton (we were both in the
band/group/entity/manifestation known as Expandis which is still a going concern).
It was, as I say, a lot of fun doing this and would incorporate such unorthodox
techniques as mildly tormenting one of his young infant children so as to achieve
some authentically pitiful cries of despair on one of the tracks. That sons therapy
is still on-going to this day. I too am amused by the "especially mediocre"
description...I shall comfort myself by deciding that that was due to the other
contributors efforts or lack thereof. I don't know who did the Bloodguard track but
it wasn't us....I am a huge Thomas Covenant fan and wouldn't disrespect them like
that...not after all they went through. There were also First Quest T-Shirts (of
which I have a couple, still unwrapped) and other stuff, I'm sure. I was
responsible for bringing Valentine Dyall on board, more because I've always been a
huge Goons fan and he was on those recording from time to time sounding quite
menacing even amidst the madness. I'm afraid I wrote his voice-over script, which
is, indeed, especially mediocre and I cringe even to this day when I hear it. He
deserved much better than that, especially as he passed on soon after...not the
most fitting swan song. My belated apologies to him. He hadn't been getting any
work for a long time and I hear he was very grateful for this so I'm glad of that,
at least. I would have loved to have met him but was out of town when his recording
sessions occurred."

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