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Greeting and Parting : Salam dan salam perpisahan

1. Hello = Halo
2. Hi = Hai
3. Good morning = Selamat pagi
4. Good afternoon = Selamat siang / sore
5. Good evening = Selamat malam
6. Good night = Selamat malam / selamat tidur (Diucapkan sebelum tidur atau saat
berpisah di malam hari)
7. Goodbye = Selamat tinggal
8. How are you? = Bagaimana kabarmu?
9. I am fine = Saya baik-baik saja
10. I am OK = Saya baik-baik saja

Example :

Good morning Good evening

Good afternoon Good night

Goodbye Hi / Hello

Let’s trace the words (Mari tebali kata-katanya)!

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