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Lesson 12 Communication for Academic Purposes

Course: Medical technology (MLS104)

635 documents

University: University of Baguio


Communication for AcademicPurposesFinals – Lesson 5Purposive CommunicationAcademic

writing has always been an essentialskill we learn in school. It teaches us how toquestion and
argue about existing ideas thatyou might either agree or disagree on bystating facts
through effective communication.“Academic writing serves many purposes: youmay write to
explore a topic, to explain what’sknown about it, to outline what others havesaid about
it, to say what you think about it andwhy – or for various other purposes” (Bullock &Goggin,
2013)With a topic already in mind, you need toconsider some key features of
academicwriting, as developed by Bullock and Goggin(2013).1. Gathering evidence.
Academic papers failwithout citations from credible sources andeffective connection with
past studies.2. Building a strong thesis statement. Thethesis statement, or central idea,
should beclear, specific, and straightforward.3. Including other similar ideas.
Academicwriting covers all grounds by reviewing relatedliteratures on the topic.4.
Professionally responding to previousclaims through evidence-based reasoning.The
statements should be objective and free oflogical fallacies, such as argumentum
adhominem.5. Recognizing that a study can have otherangles. With the various
theoreticalframeworks available, people will have differentperspectives on the topic.6. Citing
all your sources. Creating areference list, or the bibliography, at the end ofthe paper
provides the reader a map of yourresearch journey.7. Observing the tone and style of
yourstatements. Tone and style include the use ofan active voice and the determinacy of
thatvoice that indicates knowledge of the topic.8. Stating the significance. A clear statementof
a study’s significance establishesexpectations with the reader on the possibleimpact of
the research.9. Giving attention to details. As language isthe tools of the trade, correct
grammar,spelling, and punctuation are of utmostimportance.

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