Soal PTS B.imggris 6

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or, d !

Alexander graham bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on March ,3 rd 1847. His first interest was in the
science of sound because both his mother and wife were deaf. He invented the telephone in 1876.

1. What is the text tell us about …

a. Steve jobs b. Albert Einsten c. Alexander graham bell d. Mahatma Gandi
2. Where was he born……
a. He was born in Porbandar
b. He was born in Surabaya
c. He was born in Tres Coracoes
d. He was born in Edinburgh.
3. He born onm ……….
a. March , 3 rd 1847
b. March , 3 rd 1487
c. March , 7 rd 1847
d. March, 7 th 1487
4. What was the first interest of Alexander Graham bell…?
a. His first interest was in the science of sound.
b. His first interest was in the science of airplane
c. His first interest was in the science of biology
d. His first interest was in the science of chemistry.
5. When was he invented the Telephone?
a. In 1847 b. In 1487 c. In 1876 d. In 1786

6. Why is he interest with the science of sound?

a. Both his mother and wife were blind

b. Both his mother and wife were deaf

c. Both his mother and wife were nute

d. Both his mother and wife were talk active.

7. Jenderal Sudirman was a hero from…..

a. Central java b. Central Kalimantan c. West java d. Weat Kalimantan

8. The inventor of computer was……

a. Ibnu sina b. Nadiem Makarim c. Charles Babbage d. The wright Brothers

9. Theorist inventor in the pictures above is……..

E=MC 2

a. Galileo Galilai
b. Affandi
c. Charles Babbage
d. Albert Einsten .

10. Who is the hero in that was born in west Java?

a. Fatmawati b. R.A. Kartini c. Rd. Dewi Sartika d. Cut Nyak Dien

Read the text above to answer the questions no 11-14 !


Rafflesia flowers live in in the park NATIONAL BENGKULU and has a diameter of almost v1 meter.
The Rafflesia flowers are also called carcass flower, because they smell very rotten. At present the
flowers are endangered because , of their limited habitat. Indonesia and countries its join ASEAN to
work together to help preserve rare flora and fauna. The countries is southeast Asia under the
auspices,of ASEAN have geographical agreements. Foe This reason, there are many differences in terns
of culture, flora, fauna ,economic, activities and politics. The nature and culture of the ASEAN countries
is very interesting.

11. Where the rafflesia flowers lives……

a. Park national Indonesia
b. Park national banten
c. Park national java
d. Park national Bengkulu
12. W2hat is another name for rafflesia flowers?
a. Carcass flowers
b. Big flowers
c. Small flowers
d. Dirty flowers
13. The smell of Rafflesia flowers is………………….
a. Fragnant
b. Not Smelly
c. Rotten
d. Very fregnant.
14. What is the title of the text….
a. The national park Bengkulu
b. Rafflesia Flowers

II. Translate the words into Indonesian! ( Terjemahkanlah kalimat di bawah ke dalam
B.Indonesia) !

1. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat was born on May 2 nd 1889

2. Prince Antasari is National Hero fron Banjar
3. Sutomo was a succesfull journalist and proklamator from Surabaya
4. Ir. Soekarno is the first president of Indonesian Republic.
5. Liliyana Natsir and Tantowi Ahmad won the Olympic games.
6. The Inventor of Telephone is Alexander Graham bell.
7. Bung Tomo was a hero fron Surabaya
8. The Founder of facebook is mark Zuckerberg
9. The inventor of radio was Guglemo Marconi
10. Ibnu sina the inventor of Medical science

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