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Most people today have a Smartphone.

But are they really essential for modern

life? I think there are both advantages and disadvantages.

The first advantage of smartphones is that nowadays you can communicate with
practically anyone in the world, due to the globalization of all media. Likewise, the
next advantage is that you can find out about any event that happens in another
part of the earth, helping the dissemination of information. Finally, smartphones
are very practical as they have many tools at their fingertips, thanks to the
thousands of apps that exist.

As technology advances, smartphones have acquired many new tools that, in

many cases, are negative for people. Firstly, smartphones are making many
people addicted to these devices, making them unable to get around without
them. Second, due to the excessive use of these, people are more distracted and
spend a lot of time on them due to the apps that exist, added to the latter, the last
disadvantage is the misinformation that may exist.

In short, smartphones are a technological milestone, an invention that has

changed society itself. Although there are details that must be polished, such as
creating a true education in the use of these devices in people such as children,
there will always be an advantage to it. Nowadays, and due to the lifestyle that is
lived, smartphones are essential as society evolves, for better or for worse, but it
does, and along with it how we stay informed and communicated.

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