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Student / Assessor Guide

Unit of study outline

AHCPCM507- Diagnose plant health problems

Education Manager: Anjanee Sunnah

Other Trainers: Alvin Gopal, Brian Gopal
Lead Trainer contact details:
Campus- CNS / Melbourne / Werribee
Tel- 07 4041 0880 / 03 96548822


This Assessment Information was prepared by Australian College of Agriculture and Horticulture (ACAH) for
the use of ACAH students only.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR: AHCPCM507- Diagnose plant health problems

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to determine, monitor, diagnose and
remedy plant health problems and evaluate a control plan.

The unit applies to individuals who apply specialized skills and knowledge to diagnose plant health problems
and take personal responsibility and exercise autonomy in undertaking complex work. They analyses and
synthesize information, and analyze, design and communicate solutions to sometimes complex problems.

All work is carried out to comply with workplace procedures, health and safety in the workplace requirements,
legislative and regulatory requirements, and sustainability and biosecurity practices.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Element of competency as per training package: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
1. Determine factors that influence plant health
2. Monitor and diagnose plant health problems
3. Remedy plant health problems
4. Evaluate control plan

Foundation Skills

This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential for
performance in this unit of competency but are not explicit in the performance criteria.

Skill Description
Reading ▪ Identify and interpret textual information regarding plant growing requirements,
cultural practices and factors, signs of health problems, and weed, pest and
disease control
Oral communication ▪ Initiate discussions with specialist services, clients or management, using clear
language to communicate severe, complex or rapid onset cases, recommend
control plan modifications, and present control plan report
Numeracy ▪ Access and analyse climatic data, published data and historical records for
input into plant disorders and problems report and weed, pest and disease
control plan
▪ Calculate and analyse resources, tools, equipment and machinery costs

Context of assessment and Assessment Conditions

The requirements for assessment of this unit must be conducted in an agricultural or horticultural enterprise.
Therefore, students will be required to complete the practical activities in the field. See attached schedule for
more details about venues.


▪ physical conditions:
▪ a workplace setting or an environment that accurately represents workplace conditions
▪ resources, equipment and materials:
▪ published data and historical records relevant to diagnosing plant health problems
▪ workplace IPM strategy and production plan requirements
▪ specifications:
▪ workplace health and safety and environmental and biosecurity legislation, regulations and
workplace procedures relevant to diagnosing plant health problems
▪ workplace and industry record-keeping and reporting procedures and requirements
▪ relationships:
▪ specialist services, clients or management
▪ timeframes:
▪ according to job requirements.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and
training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023

Unit Outcome:
At the end of the unit student should have knowledge of:

▪ principles and practices of plant health, including:

▪ chemical use, toxicity and compatibility with target plants, growth media and environmental
characteristics of the horticultural region
▪ chemical, cultural and biological control methods
▪ evaluation procedures, including cost and benefit analysis, for plant and growth media treatments in
relation to plant health, workplace budget and performance targets
▪ plant anatomy, morphology, physiology, histology, pathology, taxonomy and nomenclature
▪ plant nutrition issues associated with the growth media used and the horticultural region for specific
plant species
▪ sustainable horticultural practices relevant to the workplace or horticultural region
▪ taxonomic descriptions, horticultural function, cultural and growth requirements, and target growth and
performance characteristics of specific horticultural plants for the achievement of workplace production
and business plans
▪ weeds, pests and disease detection methods, taxonomic identification, lifecycle stages and
characteristic symptoms for the specific horticultural plants of the workplace
▪ workplace and industry record-keeping and reporting procedures and requirements
▪ workplace integrated pest management (IPM) strategy and production plan requirements
▪ workplace health and safety and environmental and biosecurity legislation, regulations and workplace
procedures relevant to diagnosing plant health problems.

To achieve competency in the unit you should be able to:
There must be evidence that the individual has diagnosed plant health problems on at least two occasions,
and has:
▪ researched information about plant health problems, their diagnosis and remedial treatments
▪ differentiated between pest, disease and nutrient associated symptoms
▪ identified signs and symptoms of plant health problems
▪ assessed the severity, extent and speed of onset of health problems in a specific situation
▪ determined possible causes of the problem
▪ liaised with specialist services, clients and management
▪ formulated and documented a weed, pest and disease control plan
▪ applied relevant workplace health and safety and environmental and biosecurity legislation,
regulations and workplace procedures
▪ implemented a control plan to remedy the diagnosed health problems
▪ evaluated a control plan and recommended modifications.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Mode of Assessment

Assessment Task LLN Support / Student support Assessment Due Date

for each assessment Description (Mapping)

Assessment item 1 Recorded ppt Video recorded Plant health problems report Week 4
evidence if needed

Assessment item 2 Recorded ppt Video recorded Recorded power point Week 5
evidence if needed Presentation.
(power point)

Assessment item 3 Recorded ppt Video recorded Practical activity: Week 1/2
evidence if needed. Implementation of an IPM

Week 3
Assessment Item 4 Presented online (electronically) Online Quiz (Multiple

Assessment Item 5
Presented online (electronically) Observation Practical Exam Week 4
Or paper based (25 whites Rd Werribee

Note: All assessment areas must be completed to become competent in this unit.

Lectures and tutorials will be conducted at Melbourne campus or Cairns Campus.

Practicals may be scheduled for other sites.

Practicals may be scheduled for Melbourne Students
Practical farm visit to 25 Whites Rd, Werribee South, on Saturday week 2 of the unit.

Practicals for Cairns / site visit:

Site visit to ACAH Demonstration Farm in Waugh Pocket, Waugh Pocket, QLD.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Recommended / References reading

• Rodale Institute – Strategies for sustainable Agriculture. IPM for Vegetables

• Rodale Institute – Strategies for sustainable Agriculture. IPM for Apples
•, Hort innovation, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, Victorian Farmers Federation, accessed 28 Nov 2023
• , Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, accessed
28 Nov 2023
•, Plant problem diagnostic
tool, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, accessed 28 Nov
•, PaDIL, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•– Plant Health Australia – Biosecurity Library, accessed 28 Nov 2023
AusVegVic, accessed 28 Nov 2023
• Plant B i o s e c u r i t y cooperative Research centre accessed 28 Nov
•, Government of South Australia, Department of Primary Industries and
Regions, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, GoodBugs Australia, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, Weed Australia accessed 28 Nov 2023
• The Bureau of Meteorology accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, Nursery and garden industry, accessed 28 Nov 2023
•, Bio Resources, accessed 28 Nov 2023

• Pests, diseases, disorders and beneficial in ornamentals: field identification

guide, Goodwin, Stephen. NSW DPI 2007.
• Vegetable Pocket Guide. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited.
• Denis Parsley, 1994, Diseases of vegetable crops, Queensland Dept. of primary
Industries, Brisbane
• Tony Cooke, Denis Parsley and Susan House, 2009, Diseases of Fruit Crops In
Australia, CSIRO publishing, Melbourne
• Judy Mc Maugh, 2004, What Garden Pest or Disease is that? New Holland
• R.G. Weir & G.C. Cresswell, 1993 - 1997, Plant Nutrient Disorders 2, 3 & 5, Inkata
Press, Melbourne
• J. Benton Jones, Jr., 1998, Plant Nutrition Manual, CRC press, Florida
• Anthony J. Biddle and Nigel D. Cattlin, 2007, Pests, diseases and disorders of
Peas and Beans, Manson Publishing, London
• B.B. Sharma, Growing Fruits and Vegetables; 2005
• Bohmont, Bert L., 2007, The standard pesticide user’s guide, Pearson Education Inc
New Jersey
• Paul Zborowski & Ross Storey, 2003, A field guide to insects in Australia, Reed
New Holland, Sydney
• Havlin J.L, Beaton J.D., Tisdale S.L., and Nelson W.L. 2004 Soil fertility
and fertilizers: An introduction to nutrient management
• F.S. Davies, L.G. Albrigo, Citrus; CAB International, 2006
• Mason, John,1951-Nursery management
• Poincelot R.P. Sustainable horticulture: today and tomorrow, 2002
• Pratley J.-editor-Principles of field crop production,2006

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023

• Reference Textbooks
• Learning Guides
• Course notes
• Reading materials
• ACAH LMS (Moodle) access
• Digital camera
• Access to computer & Internet
• Workplace / selected study site
• Pests / diseases and disorders guidebooks
• Weeds the ute guide
• Hand lens / Magnifier
• Microscope (dissecting)
• Yellow / blue/ and red sticky traps
• Opti roll sticky traps
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Hand tools
• Tweezers
• Pheromone lure
• Petri dish
• Dissecting kits
• Chemical sprayers
• Notebook and pencil
• Natural enemies
• Chemical Labels and SDS

Additional list of references will be provided in your power point notes.

Assessment guidelines

This unit is being delivered and assessed through any combination of lectures, tutorials or practical sessions.
All sessions are compulsory!

All assessments are to be completed during class time and submitted in the assessment booklet provided.
Your paperwork has to be initialled by the tutor prior to the finish of the class. It is the student responsibility to
keep a copy of their assessment prior to submission.

On completion of ALL of your assessments for this unit of competency, you will be deemed either competent
(C) or not yet competent (NYC), as follows:

To achieve competency (C) in the above unit you must complete all the required tutorials activities,
assignments, practical assessments and examinations to the competency level appropriate to your enrolment
(e.g. Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma etc).

You will receive a not yet competent (NYC):

• failure to complete assessment items in tutorials or practical session, unless you have a valid reason
(e.g. medical certificate) and therefore not being able to complete and submit your assessments

• for demonstrating insufficient level of acquired knowledge and skills according to performance criteria

If you receive a NYC result, you are allowed a second assessment and/or alternative assessment to complete
gap identified. To be eligible for a second (supplementary) assessment you must attend ALL tutorials and you
must complete and submit ALL assignments and examinations.

Supplementary exam is scheduled in the first week of the term break (please see notice board for time).

Please note that there is no supplementary assessment for practical. If you choose not to attend you will be
required to repeat it in full.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
If you cannot obtain a C in the supplementary, you will have to repeat the unit and then will have the opportunity
to demonstrate competency in the unit through the first and supplementary assessment process. Additional
tuition fees apply if you repeat a unit.

Lecture and tutorial attendance and workload:

Experience shows that students place themselves at risk if more than two classes are missed. Please talk to
the lecturer if you are having attendance problems or if you have issues with the workload.
All assessment must be appropriately referenced.


Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own.
Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged,
unless the information is common knowledge.
At ACAH plagiarism is viewed as a serious breach of academic discipline and penalties apply for those found
at fault. All students are strongly advised to talk to their lead trainer or academic coordinator for further
clarification. Information about plagiarism is also available on My ACAH- and in the student

How to submit your Assessment:

Your assessment must be submitted electronically via ACAH LMS, that is by email to your trainer / assessor,
before midnight on the due date specified in this document.

Your assessment must be “typed in ARIAL font 10 – text”, and if you have tables these must be in “ARIAL font
9”. All your work if ideas are sources from either lecturer notes or reading materials must be referenced with
an accompanying bibliography at the end of the report / answer sheet.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Lecture and practical sessions Schedule:


Lecture 1
Determine factors that influence plant health:

1.1 Identify the plant species to the lowest taxonomic level, and state its region of origin
1.2 Determine plant seasonal growth stages
1.3 Record daily cultural practices used on each horticultural species
1.4 Determine the growing environment characteristics that affect the growth of a specific plant species
1.5 Identify environmental and cultural factors that predispose plants to attack by pests and diseases
1.6 Record climatic data and environmental growing conditions
WEEK 1- 2

1.7 Record the presence or numbers of beneficial organisms

Lecture 2
Monitor and diagnose plant health problems:

2.1 Identify the symptoms and signs of plant health problems using accepted nomenclature
2.2 Assess the severity and extent of the problem in a plant species
2.3 Compare observations with published data, historical records and own experience
2.4 Determine possible causes of the plant health problem
2.5 Consult with specialist services in severe, complex or rapid onset cases
2.6 Sample plant or soil specimens, and dispatch for specialist diagnosis or laboratory testing where
2.7 Record and document plant disorders and problems in a report

Lecture 3
Remedy plant health problems:

3.1 Formulate and document a weed, pest and disease control plan according to workplace integrated
pest management (IPM) strategy and production plan requirements
3.2 Identify a range of modifications to growing conditions for a specific situation or plant species to rectify
plant health problems
3.3 Identify, cost and confirm availability of resources, tools, equipment and machinery required for work
activities, and analyse benefits
3.4 Identify hazards and assess risks associated with work activities, and implement control measures
according to workplace health and safety procedures
3.5 Identify and minimise environmental impacts of weed, pest and disease control plan according to
environmental and biosecurity legislation, regulations and workplace procedures
WEEK 3- 4

Lecture 4
Evaluate control plan:

4.1 Monitor plants during treatment

4.2 Record and analyse monitoring data
4.3 Compare observations and data to expected results
4.4 Recommend control plan modifications to client or management
4.5 Document and present control plan report to client or management



Please Note: The topics as shown in this outline of the unit should be seen as an indication of classes.
Some topics may change though you will be notified in advance.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Tutorial schedule:

Assessment and target completion dates

LLN Support to be provided must be detailed.
Tutorial class 1:
Determine factors that influence plant health:
Submission of Assignment 1
1.1 Identify the plant species to the lowest taxonomic level, Plant health problems report
and state its region of origin Week 4
1.2 Determine plant seasonal growth stages
1.3 Record daily cultural practices used on each
horticultural species Element:
1.4 Determine the growing environment characteristics • Monitor factors that influence plant
that affect the growth of a specific plant species health
1.5 Identify environmental and cultural factors that
predispose plants to attack by pests and diseases • Diagnose plant health problems
1.6 Record climatic data and environmental growing • Remedy plant health problems
conditions • Evaluate treatment program
1.7 Record the presence or numbers of beneficial
Report writing
Students will research and take notes on their
selected crop in the library and the computer
WEEK 1- 2

Following parts of student’s reports should be

completed by the end of the week 1

2.0 Introduction
3.0 Crop growth stages
4.0Cultural practices
5.0 Growing environment

Tutorial class 2:
Monitor and diagnose plant health problems: Practical Activities and Quiz

2.1 Identify the symptoms and signs of plant health

problems using accepted nomenclature Continue with report
2.2 Assess the severity and extent of the problem in a 6.0 Pest, diseases and weeds
plant species
2.3 Compare observations with published data, historical
records and own experience
2.4 Determine possible causes of the plant health
2.5 Consult with specialist services in severe, complex or
rapid onset cases
2.6 Sample plant or soil specimens, and dispatch for
specialist diagnosis or laboratory testing where required
2.7 Record and document plant disorders and problems
in a report

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Tutorial class 3 Following parts of student’s reports should be
Remedy plant health problems: completed by the end of the week 4

3.1 Formulate and document a weed, pest and disease 8.0 Beneficial organisms
control plan according to workplace integrated pest 9.0 Conclusion and recommendation and
management (IPM) strategy and production plan Reference
3.2 Identify a range of modifications to growing conditions
for a specific situation or plant species to rectify plant
health problems
3.3 Identify, cost and confirm availability of resources,
tools, equipment and machinery required for work
activities, and analyse benefits
3.4 Identify hazards and assess risks associated with work
activities, and implement control measures according to
workplace health and safety procedures
3.5 Identify and minimise environmental impacts of weed,
pest and disease control plan according to environmental
and biosecurity legislation, regulations and workplace

Tutorial class 4 Submission of Assignment 2

Evaluate control plan:
Recorded power point
4.1 Monitor plants during treatment Submission of power point Slides
4.2 Record and analyse monitoring data
4.3 Compare observations and data to expected results Due date week 5
4.4 Recommend control plan modifications to client or
4.5 Document and present control plan report to client or

Practical Activities Demonstration Farm Werribee South

WEEK 3- 4

Submission of Assessment 3
Due date Week 6


EXAM Observation Exam

Identifying of;
• Pests
• Diseases and disorders
• Deficiencies
• Weeds

25 Whites Road Werribee South

Last Day of the Unit

Please Note: The topics as shown in this outline of the unit should be seen as an indication of
classes. Some topics may change though you will be notified in advance.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023

Instruction to students:
Please note that this unit contains three(3) assignments, One Online Quiz and
Observation Examination (closed Book)

You need to answer all questions completely and correctly to achieve competency in this assignment.
You can use lecture notes, available books in the library, industry publications and internet as your reference
to complete this assignment.

Please don’t forget to mention the reference that you used at the end of each part.

Due date for Task 1 week 4

Due date for Task 2 week 5
Due date for Task 3 Week 6

This assignment will address:

• Determine factors that influence plant health
• Monitor and diagnose plant health problems
• Remedy plant health problems
• Evaluate control plan

Performance Criteria:

1.1-1., 2.1-2.7, 3.1-3.5 and 4.1-4.5

The following is expected to be achieved: (insert marking guide or what is sort after in completing this

▪ research information about plant health problems, their diagnosis and remedial treatments
▪ differentiate between pest, disease and nutrient-associated symptoms
▪ identify signs and symptoms of plant health problems
▪ assess the severity, extent and speed of onset of health problems in a specific situation
▪ determine possible causes of the problem
▪ liaise with specialist services, clients and management
▪ formulate a weed, pest and disease control program
▪ implement treatment programs to remedy the diagnosed health problems
▪ evaluate treatment program and recommend modifications

Refer to page No.2 for more information about the outcome of this unit

Assignments should be legible, in your own handwriting or typed and submitted on the due dates.

Please note:
Any copied work or late submission will not be accepted with student facing disciplinary action.

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Assessment Item 1: Factors influencing plant health and diagnosing plant health problems (Report)

Instruction to Students

1. Your tutor will nominate a crop for you.

2. Complete the project following the instructions given for each section in the template.
3. Your project must be “typed in ARIAL font 10 – text”, and if you have tables these must be in “ARIAL font

Crops allocated for both Melbourne and Cairns Campus based on Student ID

Allocation of crops Student ID Number

(Field Grown Horticultural crop)

Broccoli 225049

Apple 235056

Zucchini 225158

Spinach 225026

Mango 225166

Watermelon 225128

Strawberry 225085



You are required to write a report on the above topic, using the College’s library resources and the internet, to
research about your given crop.

Written instructions given in the assessment tool will help you to complete your report. Report to be submitted
in a typed format, legible and referenced accordingly.

Contents Page
1.0 The title page
1.1 The table of Content

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Crop Growth stages

4.0 Cultural practices

5.0 Plant disorders (Include picture)

6.0 Pests, diseases and weeds (Include picture)

6.1 Major insects /mites - Common symptoms and signs, and acceptable level of
infestation (Include picture)

6.2 Major diseases - Common symptoms and signs, and acceptable level of infestation
(Include picture)

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
6.3 Major weeds - Signs, and acceptable level of infestation (Include picture)

7.0 Beneficial organisms (Include picture)

8.0 Evaluation of treatment program

9.0 Hazards and assess risks

10.00 Environmental impacts

11.00 Cost of control plan

12.00 Reference

2.0 Introduction

Instruction: Write the botanical classification, find the crop origin and describe the commercially used parts
of the plant.

3.0 Crop Growth stages

Instruction: Draw and describe your crop growth stages.

4.0 Cultural practices

Instruction: Growing your plants at the correct time of the year in a position that suits them will reduce the
likelihood of pest and disease problems occurring. Growing plants in poor condition, leaves them open to pest
and disease problems.

Depending on the selected crop, students will address different cultural practices. (Choose healthy plants,
choose resistant plant varieties, Crop rotation, Timed planting, Irrigation, Increasing plant diversity, Soil types
and characteristics, Mulching, Fertilising, Cleanliness and hygiene)

Note: students should address only factors relevant to their selected crop

Students are expected to make and emphasis link between the different growing stages and the cultural
practices/factors that predispose plant to be attacked by pests and diseases.

All crops pass through a cycle of growth that determinate what crop treatments can be applied to obtain
best results. This applies to all the following aspects of crop management:

• Fertilising – timing of nutrient supply must match the crop’s needs or risk initiating the wrong type of
growth response and reduce yield
• Pests and disease control – pest and disease activity are closely linked to climate and growth stages
of the crop
• Weed control – weeds too have a seasonality – winter weeds/summer weeds

• Plant structure management – thinning, pruning, pollinating etc

Students should address importance of monitoring and record keeping for the described cultural
practices, as well as monitoring and recording pest and disease occurrence.

5.0 Plant disorders

Instruction: Depends on the selected crop and production system (glasshouse or field production),
students should explain how the following abiotic disorders may affect the growth of selected crop.

• Waterlogging
• Drought
• Frost
• Nutrient Deficiency
• Chemical Damage

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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
• Pollution (carbon Monoxide)
• Sun Damage
• Humidity
• Wind Chill

Note: students should address only factors relevant to their selected crop

Students are expected to make and emphasise the link between growth stages and the environmental
factors that predispose plants to be attacked by pests and diseases.

Students should address importance of monitoring and record keeping for the described environmental factors,
as well as monitoring and recording pest and disease occurrence

Students are required to describe optimal climatic condition for growing their selected crop and compare that
with the information from the Bureau of Meteorology website (

According to collected information they should give a recommendation on possibility of growing their selected
crop in Victoria.

Students are expected to identify and briefly describe the symptoms of three (3) common plant disorders
for their selected crop. (Use table below and include pictures)

Disorder for Plant 1

Common Name of plant


Scientific Name of Plant


Host range:

Environmental and
cultural factors that
predispose plants to

Symptoms/ causes:

Prevention and control

methods: IPM


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Disorder for Plant 2

Common Name of plant


Scientific Name of Plant


Host range:

Environmental and
cultural factors that
predispose plants to

Symptoms/ causes:

Prevention and control

methods: IPM


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Disorder for Plant 3

Common Name of plant


Scientific Name of Plant


Host range:

Environmental and
cultural factors that
predispose plants to

Symptoms/ causes:

Prevention and control

methods: IPM


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
6.0 Pests, diseases, and weeds

6.1 Major insects / mites record sheet - Common symptoms and signs, and acceptable level of infestation
Instruction: Students are expected to identify and briefly describe the symptoms of three (3) common insects/
mites for their selected crop. (Use table below)

Insect/ Mite 1

Family Name:
Common Name:

Scientific name:

Region of origin:

Life Cycle:

Host (s):

Damage symptoms:

Environmental and cultural factors that

predispose plants to attack by pests:

Monitoring controls and


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Insect/ Mite 2

Family Name:
Common Name:

Scientific name:

Region of origin:

Life Cycle:

Host (s):

Damage symptoms:

Environmental and cultural factors that

predispose plants to attack by pests:

Monitoring controls and


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Insect/ Mite 3

Family Name:
Common Name:

Scientific name:

Region of origin:

Life Cycle:

Host (s):

Damage symptoms:

Environmental and cultural factors that

predispose plants to attack by pests:

Monitoring controls and


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
6.2 Major diseases - Common symptoms and signs, and acceptable level of infestation

Instruction: Students are expected to identify and briefly describe the symptoms and signs of three (3)
commonly occurring plant diseases. (Use table below)

Plant disease 1

Common name:

Scientific name:

Type of Pathogen:



Source of infection and spread:

Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Plant disease 2

Common name:

Scientific name:

Type of Pathogen:



Source of infection and


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Plant disease 3

Common name:

Scientific name:

Type of Pathogen:



Source of infection and spread:

Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
6.3 Major weeds - Signs, and acceptable level of infestation

Instruction: Students are expected to identify and briefly describe three (3) common weeds and signs of
infestation. (Use table below)

Weed 1

Common name:

Scientific name:


Life cycle

Description of weed:


Infestation level (Low / Medium /


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Weed 2

Common name:

Scientific name:


Life cycle

Description of weed:


Infestation level (Low /

Medium / High)

Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


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Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Weed 3

Common name:

Scientific name:


Life cycle

Description of weed:


Infestation level (Low / Medium /


Control methods:
(IPM strategy)


ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 25

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
7.0 Beneficial organisms

Instruction: Students are expected to research how the presence of beneficial organism’s impact crop’s health
and possibility of controlling pests by use of beneficial organisms for their selected crop. Common and scientific
names of the four (4) beneficial organisms are required.

Beneficial organism and their importance to the environment

Students should address the importance of recording presence and numbers of beneficial organisms.

8.0 Evaluation of treatment program

Instruction: Based on your specific growing conditions and plant health management strategies, students are
expected to evaluate treatment program, recommend required modifications and report them to client

9.0 Identify hazards and assess risks associated with work activities, and implement control measures
according to workplace health and safety procedures

Outline three major WHS hazards that must be addressed when managing pest and disease problem? Assess
the risk level and develop control measure for each of them

10.00 Identify and minimise environmental impacts of weed, pest and disease control plan according
to environmental and biosecurity legislation, regulations and workplace procedures.

What procedures would you adopt to minimise environmental impact?

11.00 Calculate resources, tools, equipment and machinery costs for implementation a control plan

Cost of implementing the plan is estimated at this stage. You need to list required resources, labour, tool,
equipment and machinery. Focus on biological, chemical and cultural control

12.00 References

ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 26

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Assessment 2: Recorded PowerPoint presentation

Instruction to Students:

1. You are required to prepare a Recorded PowerPoint presentation of no more than 20 slides
based on the major plant pest and disease, disorder and weed for your selected crop.

2. Your PowerPoint slides must be submitted via ACAH LMS (Moodle)

3. This oral presentation will address:

Element and Performance criteria

• Determine factors that influence plant health

• Monitor and diagnose plant health problems
• Remedy plant health problems
• Evaluate control plan

Key criteria you will be assessed against for your presentation is as follows

• Introduction (clear brief on your given crop)

• Common name
• Scientific name
• Family name
• Hosts range
• Life Cycle
• Damage symptoms/ sign (If applicable)
• Plant problem
• Include pictures of the pest/disease, disorder and weed
• Mention the control measures including IPM Strategies and write the evaluation and monitoring of the
Treatment Program
• Calculate resources, tools, equipment and machinery costs for implementation a control plan.
• References

The followings are expected to be demonstrated as part of this task.

• Ability to use technology in preparation of your seminar / presentation

• Ability to communicate with an audience of differing cultural backgrounds.
• Ability to research information about plant health problems, their diagnosis and remedial treatments
• Ability to differentiate between pest, disease and nutrient associated symptoms.
• Ability to identify signs and symptoms of plant health problems
• Ability to implement a control plan to remedy the diagnosed health problems
• Ability to evaluate a control plan and recommended modifications.

Assignments should be legible, in your own handwriting or typed and submitted on the due dates.

Please note:
Any copied work or late submission will not be accepted with student facing disciplinary action.

ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 27

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Assessment 3 Practical activity: Implementation of an IPM Program

Instruction to the students:

You are required to carry out a practical exercise at the Demonstration Farm 25 Whites Road Werribee South,
ACAH Demonstration Farm in Waugh Pocket, Waugh Pocket, QLD or your workplace. (Practical exercise will
be for 2 weeks)

At the end of week 2, You will require to produce a report in no more than 500 words, detail the practical
investigation carried for establishing the need for creating an IPM program.

Practical for IPM Program


Identify the need for an integrated pest management program in a production nursery or field nursery


• Hand lens
• Light traps
• Microscope (dissecting)
• Dissecting kit
• Tweezers
• Petri dish
• Solar light traps
• Beneficials
• Pheromone lure
• Opti - roll sticky traps


Week 1 (Establish Traps and do click some pics)

You are required to set 4 types of traps to catch pests/insects in the ACAH production nursery or your
workplace on at least two occasions . They may include and but not be limited to

1. Sticky traps, (Blue, Red and Yellow)

2. Opti – Roll Sticky traps
3. Solar light traps
4. Pheromone traps
5. Water traps
6. Trap crops

Monitor the traps 1 week after the traps have been placed in respective zone in the greenhouse / production
nursery / field nursery or your workplace . Complete the following table as per your findings. One example has
been provided

Week 2 – Record the results using the following table or example

• Records the results – identify the pests (common and Scientific name)
• Pest life cycle
• Count the pest populations on / in each trapping method
• Take images of the pests identified.
• Calculate the mathematic incidence of each pest, pest population per square metre.

ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 28

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Common Scientific Example of Traps Pest Pest Image of pest
name of name used number on Population
Pests trap (per m2)

Western Frankliniella Yellow sticky traps 1625 1.625

flower thrips occidentalis
Blue sticky traps 42 0.042

Solar light traps 117 0.117

Roll sticky traps 240 0.240

ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 29

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023
Assessment item 4: A short Quiz on Plant Health Problem

You will be given 4 weeks to attempt this short online quiz. You are required to finish these 25 questions of
multiple choices 20 minutes. You will be given 3 attempts and you must achieve a result of not less than 80%
to be deemed competent.

Open: 13 October 2023, 6:00 PM

Close: 05 November 2023, 11:59 PM

Good Luck!
Anjanee sunnah

Assessment item 5: Observation Examination at 25 White Road Werribee South

Examination is scheduled on Saturday or Sunday 04 November or 05 November 2023

This will be a 150-minutes Observation Exam.

Instruction to students

Your final assessment is 2.5 hours closed Book practical examination, scheduled on Saturday or Sunday 04
November or 05 November 2023 at the Demonstration Farm 25 Whites Road Werribee South as from 10.00
am. For Cairn at ACAH Demonstration Farm in Waugh Pocket, Waugh Pocket, QLD (check with your trainer)

The Practical examination will cover all aspects of knowledge and skills gained throughout the unit of

• Identification of Pests/ diseases, disorders, deficiencies, and weeds,

• Life cycle of pests and disease.
• Symptoms/ causes
• Host
• IPM strategies adopted
• Remedial action

You are required to achieve of result of 70% or greater to be deemed competent for this assessment.

Assignments / Exams should be legible, in your own handwriting or typed and submitted on the due

Please note:
Any copied work or late submission will not be accepted with student facing disciplinary action.

ACAHT-F-090 Student guide v4.0 Oct- Nov 2023 Page 30

Unit: AHCPCM507 - Diagnose plant health problems
Review: 25 Dec 2023 Issue Date: 28 Sep 2023

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