Action Research Final

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An Action Research
Presented to
Prof. Gina Fe G. Israel
Field Study 2 Subject Professor

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Elementary Education



December 2022

Pupils learning style is different in the ways of acquiring knowledge, attitudes,

or skills in the learning process. It refers to the preferred method through which an

individual absorbs processes, comprehends and retains information. Recognizing

and understanding these styles can significantly enhance a student's educational

experience, as it allows for the tailoring of teaching methods to suit individual needs.

This study investigated the basic perceptual learning style preferences

(auditory, visual, kinaesthetic, and tactile) and preferences for group and individual

learning of Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese students and compared them

with those of White students. This study found significant ethnic group differences in

the learning style preferences of Southeast Asian and White students as well as

significant differences within diverse Southeast Asian groups. But this study did not

confirm any gender differences or students’ achievement level differences. (Clara C.

Park., 2000)

Moreover, Dennis G. Caballes and Roni P. Sapad’s study at Timoteo Paez

Elementary School in the Division of City Schools, Pasay City, Philippines (2019).

This experimental study aimed to determine the effectiveness of learning styles-

based differentiated instruction on the academic achievement of grade five pupils in

Science and Health V. In the context of the findings of the study, the following

conclusions and implications were drawn. Pupils have different learning styles; they

may be Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. This implies that learning styles-

based differentiated instruction is effective in improving academic standing of the

pupils. Further, it is effective in improving the academic standing of the pupils.

Recommendations were raised based on the findings of the study.

Additionally, the grade V pupils in Cavite reported having generally learning

style is a contributory factor in the teaching – learning processes. This study aimed

to determine the learning style and its relationship to age, sex, monthly income and

academic performance as basis to improve classroom instruction. The study found

out the grade V pupils are generally auditory learners. Therefore, they could best

learn through listening. It is therefore recommended that the grade V teachers

provide classroom instruction like taking down notes, mapping, coupled with lecture

and explanation or through listening to a recorded discussion (Reyes, Paul S, 2016).

The significance of the study is to evaluate the learning style for the

Intervention plan of the Grade 4 students in Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary

School. In educational, it is crucial to understand the learning styles of students in

order to provide effective and targeted interventions. This process would involve a

combination of observation, interview, and standardized test. The observation

component would allowed educators to observe students in different learning

environments and identify their preferences. Interviews would provide an opportunity

for students to express their own perceptions of their learning style. Additionally,

Standardized tests would provide action quantitative data to support the findings. We

believed that the following individuals would benefit from the findings of this study.

First, the school could implement the required programs to improve the pupils'

learning styles in ordered to address their lower learning style component. Second,

teachers may enhance their teaching strategies by making students adapt the

learning quickly. Third, Pupils can get new information about the study that would

benefit them in conducting research and knowing where they belong according to the

different learning styles. Lastly, future researchers may use the data of this study for

future reference. Moreover, this action research works on contribute valuable

knowledge that will benefit the learning community through carefully examining and

addressing the learning style concerns, thereby drafting a justifiable intervention


Theoretical Framework

David Kolb's (1984) 'experiential learning' model states that people learn

continuously, developing particular strengths. These strengths are attributed to

personal preferences, which Kolb explained regarding his four learning styles—

accommodating, converging, diverging, and assimilating. He explains that concrete

experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active

experimentation form a four-step process (or cycle) that translates into effective


Accommodating learning styles are “hands-on” and rely on intuition rather

than logic. These people draw on the analysis of others and prefer a hands-on,

experience-based approach. People with adaptive learning styles rely on others to

gather information rather than analyze themselves. People with converging learning

styles prefer technical tasks and are less concerned with people and interpersonal

aspects. They are problem solvers who use these insights to solve practical

problems. People with this style like to experiment with new ideas and simulate real-

world applications to work with. People with "diverging learning styles" see things

from different perspectives. You are sensitive and tend to observe rather than act.

They tend to gather information and use their imaginations. These people perform

better in situations where ideas need to be generated, such as brainstorming. People

who prefer assimilating learning are less concerned with people and more intrigued

by concepts and ideas in general. They excel at understanding a wide range of

information and organizing it into transparent, logical formats. People with this style
are drawn to logically sound theories rather than practical, value-based approaches.

(Kolb, 1984).

Literature Review

Learning style refers to how students learn and process information in their

ways (Magulod,2019). An individual's particular ways of processing and

remembering new knowledge and abilities are referred to as their learning styles

(Ilcin, 2018). The research shows that "pre-service teachers mostly used deep

processing" and "intake of knowledge" learning styles and that there were substantial

variations in learning styles according to gender and age characteristics

(Zeybek&Senturk, 2020).

The study also discovered that context affected preferences for learning

styles: top achievers favored reading/writing and group learning in the classroom

over solo learning at home. The study suggests that educators foster a supportive

learning environment and employ instructional strategies considering different

learning preferences. More study is required to determine the impact of demographic

variables on preferred learning styles (Schulze & Bosman, 2018).

As conclusion of the study, it has determined if there are any demographic

differences in learning styles, such as differences in gender, class, educational

attainment, and parental income. Examining the productivity of learning style

instruments is huge because it is a broad method that improves the comprehension

of the difficulties of coordinating such instruments into versatile schooling systems.

The findings demonstrated that the only information presented by current learning

style instruments is textual; Since textual forms of information are better suited to

verbal students than others, this may result in a bias in the measurement of learning

styles (Alzain, 2018).

Most students preferred multi-modular learning, with kinesthetic and visual

learning styles being the most popular and Reading/Writing the least (Alkooheji,

Lamya; Al-Hattam, &Abdulghan, 2018).

A unique instruction method is compatible with students' visual, auditory,

kinesthetic, and read-write learning styles. The media's form of integrated science

materials, which are suitable for both fast and slow learners and their learning styles,

makes it unique (Zulfiani, 2018).

This study found that students' learning styles do not affect learning outcomes

but can affect the learning process's subjective presence and cognitive load.

Regarding emotional learning outcomes, engagement/immersion, sensory fidelity,

and mental effort are positive predictors. In addition, engagement/immersion,

interface quality, mental load, and mental effort are negative predictors of cognitive

learning outcomes (Huang, 2019).

Various learners have distinct learning styles on online platforms based on

their learning behaviors. Presented with recommendations for the best resources, it

is critical to analyze students' behavior and identify their learning preferences.

Although several methods for identifying learning preferences have been put forth,

much behavioral data is gathered. We suggest GRL-LS, a method for detecting

learning styles based on graph representation learning approaches (Muhammad,

2022). Providing learning resources to students while considering their preferred

learning styles is one way to address these problems.

Moreover, learning style describes how students interact with a learning

environment and acquire learning resources. In order to do this, we gave a thorough

analysis of the approaches put out for the automated prediction of learning styles in

this study. We began by outlining the methodologies and algorithms for predicting
learning styles, classifying them as literature-based and data-driven approaches, and

outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each. We also examined the data

and learning characteristics that these methods employ while tackling the prediction

problem. We also outline the advantages and cons of our online and offline

assessment strategies for prediction techniques (Raleiras et al., 2022).

Research Questions

This study evaluated the fourth grade learning style and determined the basis

for the intervention plan. This study was conducted to seek answers to the following


1. To determine the Profile of respondents

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

2. To evaluate the Level of learning style among Grade 4 students in terms of

the following:

2.1 Accommodating

2.2 Converging

2.3 Diverging and;

2.4 Assimilating

3. To formulate an intervention plan based on the result of the study.


This chapter will discuss the kind of quantitative research design that employs

the use of an action research approach, along with the materials and instruments,

research participants, design, and procedures that were observed during the period

of study.


The informants of this study are the Grade 4 pupils currently enrolled in

Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School. This action research will be participated

by a regular section of Grade 4 pupils in section Lovebirds with a total population of

43. Upon the selection of participants, the researchers will be use the within-subjects

wherein we will choose one section where the study is to be conduct and observed.


The action-quantitative method was used to gather informative and relative

responses. This method includes the use of an interview guide to acquire information

regarding the teaching methods use by the teacher. An interview guide or

questionnaire is prepared to be used as a data collection instrument for this study to

answer each main question of this study fully and as a guide to maintain the

researcher on cue during the interview, which prevents disremembering the required


Design and Procedure

In order to study social phenomena without directly affecting the conditions

that the subjects encounter, the researchers employ non-experimental designs.

Additionally, there is no random selection of subjects for the various groups. As a

result, there is little data to back up the cause-and-effect relationships (Frey, B.

2018). In this study introduces action-quantitative descriptive research approach, as

well as a survey form. An action-quantitative descriptive research design was use to

gather data and serve as the basis for identification. Data collection for the study was

done using adapted survey questionnaires, which would be return to the researchers

by the respondents. Respondents for this study would be Grade 4 pupils section

Lovebirds of MPCES.

Descriptive design is research designed to provide a snapshot of the current

situation. All respondents were required to fill out one (1) descriptive variable on the

questionnaire. The intervention plan recommendations and evaluations will generate

to address the challenges and roadblocks related to Grade 4 Pupils' understanding

of learning styles.

The researchers will employ simple random sampling, a technique for picking

a sample of observations from a population, making generalizations about the

population, and choosing the respondents. The most objective portrayal of the

population is thought to be achieved using this technique. Similar to other sampling

methods, sampling error still exists when using this technique. With simple random

sampling, all members of the population are equally likely to be including in the

sample. According to the claim, "simple random sampling eliminates bias from the

selection procedure and should yield representative samples (Thomas, L.,2022).

University Of Mindanao Tagum College researchers will produce the following

request to conduct the study and a permit to perform the study in the interested

school. Following approval of the request, the researchers will create all the

questionnaires and use printed copies to interview the chosen respondents from the

Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School Grade 4 pupils. The information will be

gather for this goal after the study has been completed, tallied, and subjected to
statistical analysis by statisticians. The weakest factor of the result is the basis for

the intervention plan.

Moreover, the following statistical methods were utilize for data analysis and

interpretation: Mean. This statistical technique will use to measure the levels of

learning style among Grade 4 pupil’s section lovebirds of Magugpo Pilot Central

Elementary School.

But beforehand, this study will ensure the integrity of the results of the to

adhere to the ethical consideration of action quantitative research. Noted that the

role of the researchers should conform to the principles of autonomy, justice, and

humanitarianism which will navigate the course of an ethical study and valid results.

Thus, the researchers will distribute an informed consent and parent's consent to

give a preview about the action research, ask the approval of the parents, and

ensure the consent of the students in taking part of the quantitative study. The

researchers will protect the identity of the participants, particularly the personal

information of the student- participants will be kept confidential.


Park, C. C. (2000). Learning Style Preferences of Southeast Asian Students. Urban

Education, 35(3), 245-268.

Dennis G. Caballes & Ronu P. Sapad (2019). “Learning Styles-Based Differentiated

Instruction as Tool towards Academic Achievement of Grade Five Pupils in
Science and Health V” Vol 11, No 6.



Kolb (1984). Kolb's Learning Styles.

Magulod (2019).Learning Styles, Study Habits and academic performance of Filipino

University Students in applied science courses: Implications for Instruction

Ilcin (2018). The relationship between learning styles and academic performance in
TURKISH physiotherapy students

Zeybek, G., & Şentürk, C. (2020). Analysis of pre-service teachers' learning styles
according to vermunt learning style model.

Schulze & Bosman (2018).Learning style preferences and Mathematics achievement

of secondary school learners

Alzain (2018). Adaptive education based on learning styles: Are learning style
instruments precise enough?

Alkooheji, Lamya; Al-Hattam, &Abdulghan (2018). Learning Style

PreferencesamongCollege Students

Zulfiani (2018). Science Education adaptive learning system as a computer-based

science learning with learning style variations

Huang (2019). Influence of Students’ Learning Style, Sense of Presence, and

Cognitive Load on Learning Outcomes in an Immersive Virtual Reality
Learning Environment

Thomas, L. (2022). Simple Random Sampling.
Frey B. (2018). Quantitative Research with Non-experimental

Muhammad (2022). GRL-LS: A learning style detection in online education using

graph representation learning
/science/article /abs/pii/S0957417422005346

Raleiras, Nabizadeh& Costa (2022). Automatic learning styles prediction: a survey of

the State-of-the-Art (2006–2021)

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