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Process FMEA

FMEA Instructions
1) Identify and name the process, product or service. Identify who has responsibility, and identify the team.
2) List the item functions in column A.
3) Identify possible failure modes in column B.
4) Describe potential effect(s) of failure modes in column C.
5) Use the provided table (in the Rating Factors Tab) to identify severity in column D.
6) Identify potential causes of failure in column E. Describe these in terms of something that can be corrected or can be controlled.
7) Rate the liklihood of the identified failure casue occurring in column F. Use the provided table in the Rating Factors Tab.
8) Describe the current process controls to prevent the failure mode in column G.
9) Use the provided table (in the Ratings Factors Tab) to determine the liklihood that that failure cause will be detected.
10) The Risk Priority Number will be calculated automatically.
11) Use the RPN to identify further actions in columns J, K, and L. Once action is taken, recalculate RPN.

Prepared by:
Item Name: FMEA Team:
FMEA Date (Orig): Revision #:

Potential Effect on S O D R S O D
Process Step or Variable or Future
Potential Failure Mode Customer Because of E Potential Causes C Current Process Controls E P Actions Recommended Resp.& Target Date Actions Taken E C E
Key Input RPN
Defect V C T N V C T

How frequent is cause

Risk Priority # to rank

How Severe is effect

Detection of cause?
What are the actions for

Future Occurance
to the customer?

Future Detection
How probable is
likely to Occur?
What are the existing What were the actions

order concerns

Future Severity
In what ways can the Process What is the impact on the reducing the Occurrence of
What causes the Key Input to controls that either prevent Who's Responsible for the implemented? Include
Step, Variable, or Key Input Key Output Variables the cause, or improving
What is the process step? go wrong? (How could the the failure mode from recommended action? What completion month/year.
go wrong? (chance of not (customer requirements) or Detection? Should
failure mode occur?) occurring or detect it should date? (Then recalculate resulting
meeting requirements) internal requirements? have actions on high RPN's
it occur? RPN.)
or Severity of 9 or 10.

All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Process Design and Process FMEA
Process FMEA

FMEA Instructions
1) Identify and name the process, product or service. Identify who has responsibility, and identify the team.
2) List the item functions in column A.
3) Identify possible failure modes in column B.
4) Describe potential effect(s) of failure modes in column C.
5) Use the provided table (in the Rating Factors Tab) to identify severity in column D.
6) Identify potential causes of failure in column E. Describe these in terms of something that can be corrected or can be controlled.
7) Rate the liklihood of the identified failure casue occurring in column F. Use the provided table in the Rating Factors Tab.
8) Describe the current process controls to prevent the failure mode in column G.
9) Use the provided table (in the Ratings Factors Tab) to determine the liklihood that that failure cause will be detected.
10) The Risk Priority Number will be calculated automatically.
11) Use the RPN to identify further actions in columns J, K, and L. Once action is taken, recalculate RPN.

Prepared by:
Item Name: FMEA Team:
FMEA Date (Orig): Revision #:

Potential Effect on S O D R S O D
Process Step or Variable or Future
Potential Failure Mode Customer Because of E Potential Causes C Current Process Controls E P Actions Recommended Resp.& Target Date Actions Taken E C E
Key Input RPN
Defect V C T N V C T

How frequent is cause

Risk Priority # to rank

How Severe is effect

Detection of cause?
What are the actions for

Future Occurance
to the customer?

Future Detection
How probable is
likely to Occur?
What are the existing What were the actions

order concerns

Future Severity
In what ways can the Process What is the impact on the reducing the Occurrence of
What causes the Key Input to controls that either prevent Who's Responsible for the implemented? Include
Step, Variable, or Key Input Key Output Variables the cause, or improving
What is the process step? go wrong? (How could the the failure mode from recommended action? What completion month/year.
go wrong? (chance of not (customer requirements) or Detection? Should
failure mode occur?) occurring or detect it should date? (Then recalculate resulting
meeting requirements) internal requirements? have actions on high RPN's
it occur? RPN.)
or Severity of 9 or 10.

Check of Application Form

Checks Being Printed Incorrect Information On Clerk Reviews information
Customer Application Checks Have To Be Re-Issued 6 4 for Correct Information by 8 192 Clerk Manager Completed 8 2 4 64
Incorrectly Application Form with customer
Data Enty Operator

Checks Being Printed

Data Entry Checks Have To Be Re-Issued Data Entry Error

Information Entered in
Checks Being Printed
Data Entry Checks Have To Be Re-Issued Wrong Field on Application

All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Process Design and Process FMEA
Design FMEA

FMEA Instructions
1) Identify and name the process, product or service. Identify who has responsibility, and identify the team.
2) List the item functions in column A.
3) Identify possible failure modes in column B.
4) Describe potential effect(s) of failure modes in column C.
5) Use the provided table (in the Rating Factors Tab) to identify severity in column D.
6) Identify potential causes of failure in column E. Describe these in terms of something that can be corrected or can be controlled.
7) Rate the liklihood of the identified failure casue occurring in column F. Use the provided table in the Rating Factors Tab.
8) Describe the current process controls to prevent the failure mode in column G.
9) Use the provided table (in the Ratings Factors Tab) to determine the liklihood that that failure cause will be detected.
10) The Risk Priority Number will be calculated automatically.
11) Use the RPN to identify further actions in columns J, K, and L. Once action is taken, recalculate RPN.

Prepared by:
Item Name: FMEA Team:
FMEA Date (Orig): Revision #:

Potential Effect on S O D R S O D
Item Function Potential Failure Mode Customer Because of E Potential Causes C Current Process Controls E P Actions Recommended Resp.& Target Date Actions Taken E C E
Defect V C T N V C T

How frequent is cause

Risk Priority # to rank

How Severe is effect

Detection of cause?
What are the Existing What are the actions for

Future Occurance

to the customer?

Future Detection
How probable is
likely to Occur?
What were the actions

order concerns

Future Severity
In what ways can the What is the impact on the Controls & Procedures (Fail- reducing the Occurrence of u
List every conceivable failure Who's Responsible for the implemented? Include
What is the component, Component, Subsystem or Key Output Variables Safe, Tests, the cause, or improving r
and/or failure mechanism for recommended action? What completion month/year.
function, or feature? System potentially fail to (customer requirements) or Mathemat.Calcs)that prevent Detection? Should have e
each failure mode date? (Then recalculate resulting
meet the Design Intent ? internal requirements? either the cause or the failure actions on high RPN's or

All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Process Design and Process FMEA
Design and Process FMEA Rating Factors


( 1 in … ) Certainty
Customer will not notice the adverse effect or it is Likelihood of occurrence is Sure that the potential failure will be found or prevented
1 1,000,000 > 1.67 100%
insignificant remote before reaching the next customer
Customer will probably experience slight annoyance Low failure rate with supporting Almost certain that the potential failure will be found or
2 20,000 1.33 99%
documentation prevented before reaching the next customer
Customer will experience annoyance due to the slight Low failure rate without Low likelihood that the potential failure will reach the
3 5,000 approx. 1.0 95
degradation of performance supporting documentation next customer undetected
Customer dissatisfaction due to reduced performance Occasional failures Controls may detect or prevent the potential failure from
4 2,000 < 1.0 90
reaching the next customer
Customer is made uncomfortable or their productivity is Relatively moderate failure rate Moderate likelihood that the potential failure will reach
5 reduced by the continued degradation of the effect with supporting documentation 500 the next customer 85

Warranty repair or significant manufacturing or assembly Moderate failure rate without Controls are unlikely to detect or prevent the potential
6 100 80
complaint supporting documentation failure from reaching the next customer
High degree of customer dissatisfaction due to Relatively high failure rate with Poor likelihood that the potential failure will be detected
7 component failure without complete loss of function. supporting documentation 50 or prevented before reaching the next customer 70
Productivity impacted by high scrap or rework levels.
Very high degree of dissatisfaction due to the loss of High failure rate without Very poor likelihood that the potential failure will be
8 function without a negative impact on safety or supporting documentation 20 detected or prevented before reaching the next 60
governmental regulations customer
Customer endangered due to the adverse effect on safe Failure is almost certain based Current controls probably will not even detect the
9 system performance with warning before failure or on warranty data or significant 10 potential failure 50
violation of governmental regulations Design Verification* testing
Customer endangered due to the adverse effect on safe Assured of failure based on Absolute certainty that the current controls will not
10 system performance without warning before failure or warranty data or significant 2 detect the potential failure < 50
violation of governmental regulations Design Verification* testing

*Design Verification Testing (DVT): Test conducted when designing new products/services to verify that the optimal process design performs at the level specified by customer requirements (CTQs). DVT
is a methodical approach used to identify and resolve problems before finalizing the process for new products/services.

All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Rating Factors Design and Process FMEA

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