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Unique Paper Code: 62315620

Name of the Paper: Generic Elective-Delhi Through the Ages (NC)

Name of the Course: B.A. (Prog.)(NC)

Semester: VI

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Note:- Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be
used throughout the paper.
इस प्रश्नपत्र का उत्तर अँग्रेज़ी या हिन्दी ककस़ी एक भाषा में दीजिए; लेककन सभ़ी उत्तरों का
माध्यम एक िी िोना चाहिए.
Attempt any four questions

All questions carry equal marks.

सभ़ी प्रश्नों के अंक समान िैं.

1. Discuss various sources for writing History of Delhi.

2. Ancient monuments have been reinterpreted several times over through the ages.
Explain with reference to the Ashokan pillar and the Mehrauli Iron pillar.

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3. What was the role of different bazaars in the economic life of Shahjahanabad?

4. Discuss how life and works of the Ghalib reflects the transition of Delhi during 19th
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5. What changed in the life of the city and its landscape after the British recaptured Delhi in

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6. What was the impact of riots during partition in Delhi?

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