Sklepus 1996

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Thermoelasticity of laminated shallow shells of complex form

Article in International Applied Mechanics · April 1996

DOI: 10.1007/BF02086735


2 13

1 author:

Sklepus Sergiy
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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International Applied Mechanics, VoL 32. No. 4, 1996



S. N. Sklepus UDC 539.3

This article examines problems involving determination of the displacement and stress fields in laminated shallow shells
of noncanonical form in plan. The displacement and stress fields are created by a stationary temperature ficld. The solution
of such problems is mathematically complex due to the high order of the resolvent system of equations and the complexity of
the geometry of the shell and the boundary conditions. We propose to use an approach, based on a combination of the Ritz
method and the structural method described in [5], that makes it possible to accurately account for the geometry of the shell
and represent the approximate solution in analytical form. A sample problem is solved together with a problem for a shell of
complex form.
1. Formulation of the Problem. We will examine shallow shells with a prescribed plan consisting of orthotropic layers
having different thicknesses and mechanical and thermophysical characteristics. There are no internal heat sources and the
lateral faces are thermally insulated. It is assumed that the temperature and strain fields are uncoupled.
We will regard the temperature T as a known function giving a piecewise-linear law of temperature distribution through
the thickness of the multilayered shell [3]
T ( x , , x a , z ) = To (xs,x~) (1 - q J ( z ) ) + T (x, 0xa) t P ( z ) , (1.1)
where T0(x t, x2), tm(XI , x 2) are the temperature fields on the outside surfaces of the shell; ~(z) is the temperature distribution
function [3], satisfying the conditions on the surfaces of the shell and conditions of ideal thermal contact at the interfaces [3].
We take a quadratic law of distribution through the thickness of the sandwich of layers [1, 4] for the transverse shear
stresses. Here, we ignore the effect of the transverse normal stresses on the stress-strain state of the shell and assume that
the displacement u 3 is independent of the coordinate z.
For very shallow shells with a specified plan, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates oq, ot2 can be identified with cartesian
coordinates x l, x 2 in a plane [2].
With the above assumptions, we write the elastic displacements, strains, and stresses as follows, respectively:

u,(x,,x,,z) = v,(x,,x~) - zw., + /,(z)V,,(x,,x~).

u 2 ( x t ' x 2 ' : ) = v2 (x,'x2) - zw.2 +f2(z)O/2(xt ' x ' ) ' (1.2)
u~ =u~( x,,% ) = w( x,,x~);
~u = v , t - zw., + / , (z)u , + k w - ct(z)T,
e,.=v~. 2 - z%. 2 +/2(z)W2.2 + k 2 w - a 2 ( z ) T ,
(I .3)
2e,, =v,. Z + %., - 2w.,~ + l,(z)V.,,., +/,(z)W2.,,
2e1~=11'(z)~ ,, 2 e , , = f 2 ' ( z ) I P 2 ;

o, = E,, (z)(v,., + v , ( z ) v ~ . , + w(k, + v , , ( z ) ~ ) -z(w.~, +v,,(z)w.u) +I,(z)W,., +

+ v~(z)/~(z),p2. ~ - r ( a , ( z ) + ~,,~(z)a2(z))) (1 - v,,(z)v~,(z)) -',
o,=e,,(z)(v,.~ +v~(z)v., +w(~, + v~(z)k,) - z(w.,. + v~,(z)w.,) +/,(z)V~.~ +
+ v, ( z ) l , (z)~,,., - r ( a , ( z ) + ~,~ (z)a, ( z ) ) ) (1 - v,, (z)v., ( z ) ) -',
% = c~,, ( z ) (v,., + v~ - 2:,,.,2 + l , ( z ) ~ , . , + / ~ (z)W,.,),
% :~,,(z)/,'V,,, % =G,,(z)/,'(z)V,,.

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov. Translated from
Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 49-53, April, 1996. Original article submitted April 19, 1994.

I063-7095/96/3204-0281515.00 9 Plenum Publishing Corporation 281

Here. v l, v 2, and w are the displacements of the coordinate surface along the axes Ox t, Ox 2, and Oz. respectively; ~I and
~:z are the longitudinal shear functions; fl(z) and f2(z) are the distribution functions of transverse shear stress [4]; " l and c~2
are the coefficients of linear expansion.
The total energy functional has the form
O =O, S f f ( , 4 , (v,., 4- k,w) ~ 4- A: (va. 2 4- kaw) a + 2A, (v,., 4. k,w) •
x (vza + k2w ) + A4(v,a + vza)2 + D, w a.. + Ds3w2,,
. + Dzaw2z. a +
+ 2D, w , w.,,-2B w (v,.,+kw)-2B,
- 2 a , ( w . , , v ~ + w.~v o + k w % z +k2w%) - 2 a , w~ x
x (via + vaj ) - 2 F wj, V,u - 2 F 2 w ~ Wza - 2 u waa gsu -
- 2,~, %, V% - 2,,', w~W,~ - 2F, w~,W,.,+ 2F,~ u x (1.5)
x (v u + k,w) + 2FsqSza (vz~ + k2w ) + 2F, Wu (vza + k2w.) + 2 FmWza x
• (v u 4. k,w) + 2 F,,9',a (v ~ + v:u ) + 2FraYSu (v,. a 4- Vzj) + F,,v/~a 4-

+ F.~,' + r.w: + (r. - To) (g,.. + x..~ - lc, w~ - K . ~ ) -

- ( T + To)(Ks(V u + ktw ) + K , ( v ~ + k z w ) ) d x , d x 2.

Here, AI, A 2. . . . . FI9, F20 are the corrected stiff-nesses of the multilayerod shell [4]; K z. . . . . K 6 are calculated from the

x, =re,, (a, + ,,.a.)v,z e,,(% + %,~,)Wz

(,) 1 - v,,v. dz; x2ffif dz;

x , = re" ( ' ' + v ~ ' ) v ' l ' dz;

(,) 1 - v,a~,a
K = f .E..(a.
. . . +. v a a ' )'/'/2 dz;
4 (,1 l -- viavm

x, ffi(,)
f E. (,,,1 - r+a ,,,,%)
y a
v, d z ; Ks ffi f.E,, (_a! + ya_.._a) ~ d z .
(,) 1 --v~v a

We will examine the most frequently encountexl conditions of support of the ends of the shell and the corresponding
kinematic boundary conditions.
1. Movable joint:

vr=O, w=O, W,=O. (1.6)

2. Stationary joint:

v •0. v = w=0, qsrffi0. (1.7)

3. Rigid support:

Vr=0, V •0; W:0, W :0, V',=0 VS • 0 .


4) Movable support:

v =0, v =0; w =0, ~,=0 ~,ffiO. (1.9)

Here. we introduced the notation:

w.lO~ m

Z * ~ S~w'~ m
Fig. I


Fig. 2


/--" .o.s,

2 #. $ /; a~.~ n

Fig. 3

v = v, n I + v z n a, v = v a n1 - v, n z, ~o = ~o~n, + ~#z ha, ~0, = Wz n, - ~0, n a; n,, n z

are the directioncosines of an outer unit normal to the contour 50.

Conditions (1.6)-(1.9)are the main conditiom for functional (1.5).
2. Method of Solution. Structures of the Solution. The problem formulamd above will be solved by a combination
of RitEs variatio[mlmethod and a structuralmethod.
The structural approach to solving boundary-value problems [5] makes it possible m analyticallyaccoum for the
geometry of the region fl in which the solution is m be found. Here, the solution is represenmd in the form of the formuia (the
structure of the solution) u = B(~, ~), which corQins an explicitdependence on the geometric and physical paramemrs znd
exactly satisfiesthe prescribed boundary conditions for any choice of indemrminam component ~. In the numerical rea|ization,
this component is represented in the form 4 ) ( x ) " ( D . ( x ) = ~. C ~ , where{~} areelememsofacerm~fimefionspece

which form a complete sequence in that space. As {~}, we can choose exponential potynomials, Chebyshev polynomia|s,
Legendre polynomials, splines, etc. The equations of the boundary of the region and its sections (~0 -- 0, e~k = O) are
constructed using the theory of R-functions [5], which is the basis of the st~cmral method.
It can be shown that the structural formulas appears as follows for bo~m~ry eoz.titions (1.6)-(1.9)
v , - = w a ~ ) , + t u 4 ) 2, Vz=USaO , + w o 3, w=~,; (2.1)

vl=cu4),, v:,=os~:,, w=os(~, (2.2)

,p, = % 4), + os ~ s , Vsa = t u (~, + ~ (1),,
v,=~,, va=ost~,, .,=w~+, (2.3)

v,=wtDj, v2=wt~z, w=q) -~D, 03,

~i = us(~4' ~,, = to Os" (2.4)

In these formulas, o~(x) is a function satisfying the conditions ~(x) > 0 (x ~ fl), w(x) = O, o~n = 1 (x ~ Off), x = ( x ] , x2),

a(. 0 a(- a
~i (i = I. 2 ..... 7) are undetermined functions [5]; D, = 0 x, a x, + a x-~a x-~ is a differential operator.
3. S a m p l e Calculations.
1. A three-layer cylindrical shell which is square in plan and is hinged about its contour is subjected to nonuniform
heating. The temperature changes in accordance with the law T O = 150xl/a, T m = - 5 0 x ~ / a . The elastic moduli of the load-
bearing layers E l = E 3 = E = 7.2.104 MPa; the thicknesses h~ = h 3 = h = 5.10 - 4 in; the coefficients of thermal expansion
vtI = ot2 = t~ = 25.10 - 6 I/K; the thermal r h~ -- h 3 = h -- 1.369 W / ( m K ) . The filler is a lightweight isotropic
material: E 2 -- 11.76 MPa; ~2 = 0.4; t~2 = 0.4; ot2 -- 0; X2 = 3.50.10 - 4 W/(m-K); h 2 = 9-10 - 3 m.
The dimensions of the shell in plan a x a -- 0.1 • 0.1 m. The camber of the shell f -- 0.01 m. The curvatures k~
= 7.6923 m -~, k 2 = 0.
Figure 1 shows graphs of the deflections in the section x2 = 0. The dashed line shows the results obtained by the finite-
element method in [3]. The solid line shows the deflections obtained by the R-functions method. Here, we used the structure
of the solution (2.1). The degrees of the polynomials: N t = 8, N 2 = 6, N 3 = 6, N 4 = 8, N 5 = 8, N 6 = 6, N 7 = 6.
There were I00 points of integration over half the region.
2. A hinged cylindrical shell of complex form in plan (Fig. 2). The main dimensions: a = 0.1 m, a t = 0.008 m, b
= 0.065 m.
The characteristics of the layers and the temperature distribution law are the same as in the previous example. The
function e0 is given by the formula

,. = (F ^ ~ . ) a , ( ~ " A ~ , ) , (3.1)


(r,- (x,- + -

,r =1___ ,), 2o

r 1 = 0.0725 m, xto = 0.1525 m, r 2 = 0.090833 m, Xto' = 0.05 m, x2o = 0.02583 m; the symbol ,% represents the operation
of R-conjunction [5]. Figure 3 shows the deflections in different sections of the shell. The degrees of the polynomials: N l =
8, N 2 = 6, N 3 = 6, N 4 = 8, N 5 = 8, N 6 = 6, N 7 = 6.
There were 144 points of integration.
It is evident from Figs. 1 and 3 that the shell with the complex form in plan has lower m a x i m u m deflections. The
pattern of displacements remains qualitatively the same as for the first shell.
The above-described method has been realized in the form of a set of programs written in the problem-oriented
language RL-2, part of the automated programming system "FIELD" [6].


I. S. A. Ambartsumyan, General Theory of Anisotropic Shells [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1974).
2. V. Z. Vlasov, General Theory of Shells and Its Application in Engineering [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow-
Leningrad (1949).
3. V. G. Pislmnov, V. E. Verizhenko, V. K. Prisyazhnyuk, V. S. Sipetov, and V. S. Karpilovskii, Design of Nonuniform
Shallow Shells and Plates by the Finite Elements Method [in Russian], Vishcha Shkola, Kiev (1987).
4. A. O. Rasskazov, I. I. Sokolovskaya, and N. A. Shul'ga, Theory and Design of Laminated Orthotropic Plates and
Shells [in Russian], Vishcha Shk., Kiev (1986).
5. V. L. Rvachev, Theory of R-Functions and Some of Its Applications [in Russian], Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1982).
6. V. L. Reacher and A. N. Shevchenko, Problem-Oriented Languages and Systems for Engineering Calculations [in
Russian], Tekhnika, Kiev (1988).

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