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CLASS: Intermediate / CareerLink North TOPIC: Things to do on Thanksgiving DATE: 11/22

Lesson Objectives:
 Students will identify and articulate common traditions and activities associated with Thanksgiving.
 Students will enhance their observational and recall skills and engage in reflective discussion.
Activity Focus Activity Stages Technology Used Key Language forms/ Resources/Materials Time
(Nation, 2007)

Meaning-Focused Input Introduction and Preparation: -PowerPoint Slides Key Language forms: PowerPoint slides (5 minutes)
 Set context and inform students What do we do on https://
about the video on Thanksgiving Thanksgiving?"
traditions. presentation/d/
 Prompt students to focus on what 1To39X0BBPz2Tkkp9wfTl
people usually do during qMFMPTk_3JCzCcz6_M5
Thanksgiving. HVS4/
Video Viewing: edit#slide=id.g25ba404e2
 Show a short video depicting various 88_0_0 (3 minutes)
Thanksgiving traditions and activities.
 Ensure the video includes family
gatherings, the Thanksgiving meal,
and other traditions.
Recall and Discussion: (15 minutes)
Post-viewing question: "What do we do
on Thanksgiving?"
 Students recall and articulate
observations from the video.
 Students share their observations and
memories in groups or as a whole
 Discussion on how these traditions
relate to their own experiences.

Homework: Reflect on and write a short paragraph about how their family's Thanksgiving celebration compares to the traditions
observed in the video.

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions: Difficulty in recalling video details. Solution: Replay certain segments if necessary.

Contingency Plans:
 If time permits, students can draw or write about their family's Thanksgiving traditions.
 If short on time, assign the drawing or writing activity as homework.

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