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a) Why did the managers of American Express want an expert system to help their

Expert system has the ability to operate in fraud detection and prevention, in the company
especially in credit card purchases.

b) Why do you think the prototype system took six months to complete?

The processing of checking the efficiency of the system and the big number of rules that
applied into the system.

c) Why was it important that the system was ‘transparent’ to its users?

Provided more convenience to the users and the company.

d) Give two reasons why American Express were able to save ‘tens of millions of dollars
each year’.

They were able to replace 700 employees.

Reduce the losses of credit card purchases.


a) Why are expert systems needed to assist the human operators on a helpdesk?

Expert system has the ability to remember all the type of problems and solve the problems
with less time than human as well as more efficiency.

b) Give two benefits of the use of an intelligent helpdesk:

(i) to the customer

Better in providing the right solution for the customer problems and needs.

Faster in solving the users’ needs and problems.

(ii) to the company

The system can mange to solve more problems than human can do with lower possibility to
provide the wrong solutions.

The system work 24/7 while human work more less than that.

a) Why was an expert system needed by Ford Motor Company?

b) Give one benefit to customers of the use of the expert system.

c) Give two benefits to the company of the use of the expert system.

d) Describe how the user interface of the expert system was adapted to suit its users.

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