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Episode 3


Madden: Another day is another great day to tune into T&M’s let's talk. I am your co-host Madden
Nobauer alongside my other co-host Trenton Huber.

 How’s it going Trent, what did you do today?

Madden: On today's episode we will be diving deep into the realm of our future, and how as high school
students this can be the biggest possible stress.

Segment 1 Highschoolers being worried about their future.

Madden: It’s ok to worry from time to time but if you are constantly worrying your stress levels will be
through the roof. There are a variety of things highschoolers are stressed about right now for their
future such as academics, expectations from parents and teachers, harder competition for university
applications and many more.

Trenton: Madden what are you stressed about right now when it comes to your future?

Madden: What about you Trent anything really biting at you about your future?

Trenton: Did you know 52% of high school students are stressed about what they are going to do in the
future or just stressed about their future in general.

Today especially in Canada Universities have such a competitive scene. It is much harder to get into
schools now rather than 10-20 years ago because schools and students are developing rapidly. With new
IB schools like or own everything becomes much more competitive. Students who may be doing okay in
school are stressed about whether to go into school or go right into a full-time job like trades.

Trenton: Madden what’s your plan after high school and are you stressed about it?

Trenton: In today’s world life is so expensive, especially in the lower mainland. Unless you come from a
wealthy background it is very difficult to live out here. Students like me and madden are super stressed
about how we can afford to live here even if we jumped right into a full-time job. Is it worth it going to
school and being in debt to get a better job in the future or just work right out of high school?


Segment 2 Solutions for future stresses.
Madden: There's all these stresses in high school for your future but how can we deal with them? First
off, have a Plan A and plan B for career choices. Plan A would be what you want to do if things went
smoothly, and Plan B would be your best choice if things didn’t go so smoothly.

Madden: Trent, do you have a plan A and plan B after school?

Trenton: What about you madden do you have 2 plans for after high school?


Trenton: Honestly just talk about it you have a whole grad class that’s in the same position you are.
Teachers, your parents, counselors, all of them I’m sure are willing to talk about your future and give
you the support you need. The point is you don’t have to dig yourself into a hole with all this stress, you
have others company to help you through everything.


Trenton: It’s hard to accept that we can’t predict the future, but it helps to understand that you are in
the driver’s seat of your path, you are in control. There are so many career paths to take. Maybe things
aren’t exactly what you expected but you can find a way to get to where you want to go even if it takes
more time than you assumed. But for now, focus on the things you can control in your life and trust
yourself that no matter what happens in the future you will be able to handle it.

Madden: We would like to thank our audience for tuning into another episode of T&M’s lets talk. Until
the next episode where we dive deep into the skill of resilience, as well as learning the science behind

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