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Pius X High School

College Algebra MT-425
Course Expectations
Colleen McGee Rm. 101

Welcome to College Algebra! I am looking forward to the new school year and hope that you
enjoy class this year. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to make the learning
environment better for you.

Contact Information:

 Email:
 Classroom phone number: 713-579-7561

Materials & Supplies:

 Electronic Device (laptop or tablet)

 College Algebra 11th Ed. textbook
 3-ring binder or 3 subject notebook (with folders)
 TI-84 calculator (any model)
 Graph paper and Notebook paper
 Ruler
 Pencils and at least one pen

Classroom Rules:

 Respect for both your teacher and your classmates

 Support of mathematical exploration
 Effort to achieve subject mastery
 Observe all SPX guidelines that are listed in the Student Handbook

Assignment Category % of Grade Comments

 Minor (Homework) 20%  Graded for accuracy in class; full credit

requires effort.
 Must have heading, pledge, and name of
 Must be completed neatly and in pencil,
problems must be written out and

 Median (Quizzes) 30%  Approximately 3-5 per quarter

 Major (Tests, Projects) 50%  Approximately 2-3 per quarter (In the case
that there is only 1 test in a quarter, this
percentage will be lowered to 25% and
median and minor raised to 45% and 30%,

Tutorials will be held in my classroom (Room 101) every day after school. The following times
are when I am available:
 Monday through Friday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

School-Wide Late Work Policy:

 Late work is accepted with a 25% reduction per day for up to three days. After the third day
late, credit will not be given for late work.

Academic Honesty:
As outlined in the student handbook and during orientation, the St. Pius X Honor Code is my
expectation for your academic work in my class. All work should be your own and completed
independently unless specified otherwise.
Make-Up Work: Please email me to let me know that you are missing class!

 I will be recording the daily lessons. If you miss a class for any reason, you will be
responsible for contacting me to get the lesson and I will send you the link so that you can
watch the video for that class.

 Homework assignments will always be posted on the class website

 If you were absent for just one day, make up that day’s assignment within 24 hours
 If you were absent for more than one day, please meet with me to discuss a reasonable
timetable for completing assignments that will also assure you do not fall behind in class
 If you missed a quiz or test, please meet with me to schedule a make-up quiz or test upon
return (or before if it is anticipated.)


 How I will communicate with you

o Course Website
 Grades: gradebook
 Lessons and assignments: week at a glance and calendar
 Video lessons, worksheets, helpful handouts: resources on the website
o Email

 How you will communicate with me

o In Person
o Email

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