Paris To Berlin

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1. Rizal went to Paris and Germany in Order to specialize in ophthalmology

3. He choose this branch so he could find a way to cure his mother’s illness
4. In Berlin he met Dr. Feodor Jagor, Dr. Adolph B. Meyer. Dr. Hans Meyer, and Dr. Rudolf
IN GAY PARIS (1885-1886)
1. he stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend, Maximo Viola, a medical student and a
member of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.
2. he befriended Senor Eusebio Corominas, editor of the newspaper La publicidad and
made a crayon sketch of Don Miguel Morayta, owner of La Publicidad and a

3. In November 1885, Rizal was living in Paris, where he soiourned for about four
months. He worked as an assistant to Dr Louis de Weckert (1852-1906), leading
French ophthalmologist, from November 1885 to February 1886.
4. Outside of his working hours at Dr. Weckert’s clinic, Rizal relaxed by visiting his
friends, such as the family of the Pardo de taveras (Trinidad, Felix, and Paz), Juan
Luna, and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo.
1. Rizal had no natural aptitude for music. and this he admitted, But he studied music
because his many of his classmates in ateneo were taking music lessons.
2. By sheer determination and constant practice, Rizal came to play the flute fairly well.
1. On February 3, 1886, he arrived in Heidelberg, a historic city in Germany famous for its
old university and romantic surroundings.

2. He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker,
distinguished German ophthalmologist. and attended the lectures of Doctor Beckcer and
Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne at the university.

3. He noticed that the German Catholics and Protestants practised ecumenism, for they lived
together in harmony and cordiality.
4. "To the Flowers of Heidelberg." In the spring of 18116, Rizal was fascinated by the
blooming flowers along the cool banks of the Neckar River. Among them was his favorite
flower - the light blue " forget-me-not”
5. With Pastor Ullmer at Willhelmsfeld. After writing "To the Flowers of Heidelberg."
Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation at Willhelmsfeld, a mountainous village near

6. he ended his sojourn on June 25, 1886. He returned to Heidelberg, carrying with him
beautiful memories of the Ullmer friendship and hospitality
7. Later. on May 29, 1887. Roni wrote from Munich (Muchcn) to Friedrich (Fritz), son of
Pastor Ullmer.

1. On July 31, 1886. Rizal wrote his first letter in German (which he had improved alter his
stay with pastor Ullmer) to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt
2. With this letter, Rizal sent the book that he mentioned. That book was entitled Arithmitica
(Arithmetic) and was published on two languages Spanish-and-Tagalog by the University
of Santo Tomas Press in 1868.

1. Rizal was fortunate to be sojourning in Heidelberg when the famous University of Heidelberg
held its fifth centenary celebration on August 6, 1886.

2. On August 9, 1886, three days after the fifth centenary celebration of the University of
Heidelberg, Rizal left the city.
3. on August 14, 1886. He attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig on history and
psychology. He befriended Professor Friedrich Ratzel, a famous German historian, and Dr.
Hans Meyer, German anthropologist.

4. In Leipzig, Rizal translated Schiller's William Tell from German to Tagalog so that Filipinos
might know the story of that champion of Swiss independence.
5. Rizal found out that the cost of living in Leipzig was cheapest in Europe so that he stayed two
months and a half in this German city
6. In the morning, of November I, Rizal left Dresden by train reaching Berlin in the evening.

1. He met for the first time Dr Feodor Jagor, celerated German scientist-traveler and author of
Travels in the Philppines, a book which Rizal read and admired during his student days in
2. Dr Virchow, who recognized Rizals genius, invited the latter to give a lecture before the
Ethnographic Society of Berlin. In response to Virchow's invitation, Rizal wrote a scholarly
paper in German, entitled Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art) which he read before
the society in April 1887.

3. Rlzal's Life In lkrlln. In Berlin, Rizal was not a mere student or a curiou~ tourist. He lived in
this famous capital of unified Germany for five reasons: (1) to gain further knowledge of
ophthalmology, (2) 10 further his studies or sciences and langu.oge~. (3) to observe the
economic had political conditions of the German nation, (4) to associate with (amou~
German scientists and scholars, and (5) to publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere

1. One or his important letters written while he was m Germany was that addressed to his Sister,
Trinidad, dated March 11, 1886. ln this letter, Rizal expressed his high regard and admiration
for German womanhood.

2. Accordingly, Rizal advised bis sister, Trinidad "Now that you are stilI young, you should
strive to read, read, and learn. You must not allow yourself to he conquered by indolence
because it costs so little to cast it off.

1. The Christmas custom of the German, delighted him most Of this Yuletide custom, he wrote:
"On Chri~~ma~ eve, ~he people take from the bushes a pine tree, selecting one which must
not only be str&gh1, but also must have leaves that ~o not fall In spring
2. Another interesting German custom observed by Rizal self introduction to strangers in a
social gathering.
1. The winter of 1886 in Rer(in wa~ h,~ dar.kest wmter Ounng this bleak winter, he hved m
poverty b«ause no money arrived from Calamba and he wu, tl;u broke.
2. Out in far-away Calamba, Paciano 1ried desperately _10 raise He knew his younger brother
was in a dire fmanc,al money. . 1 d h ~es situation in Berlin. But the croP5 had fa, cd u~ 10 I
c rav_., or the locusts.

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