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1: Among the following options, which is not regarded as an ethical consideration in the reporting

of research results?

A. Make sure that confidentiality is preserved.

B. Make sure that you report and analyze your data honestly.
C. Ensure that you prioritize speed over accuracy in the reporting process.
D. Make sure that you are prepared to stand behind your results, particularly if your findings are

2: Identify the ethical considerations in Civil Engineering research:

A. Safety Assurance, Regulatory Compliance, Peer Review and Validation, Knowledge

Advancement, and Long-Term Infrastructure Sustainability.
B. Financial Profitability, Timely Project Completion, Stakeholder Satisfaction, Environmental
Impact Reduction, and Public Relations Enhancement.
C. Team Collaboration, Technological Innovation, Budget Optimization, Competitive Advantage,
and Infrastructure Aesthetics.
D. Resource Conservation, Efficient Workflow Management, Health and Safety Training,
Transparent Reporting, and Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement.
E. Energy Efficiency, Community Empowerment, Legal Compliance, Continuous Professional
Development, and Technological Adaptation.

3: Which ethical consideration states “Transparent reporting helps demonstrate compliance with
regulatory standards. This is essential for meeting legal requirements and ensuring that civil
engineering projects adhere to established guidelines.”

A. Safety Assurance
B. Regulatory Compliance
C. Peer Review and Validation
D. Knowledge Advancement
E. Long-Term Infrastructure Sustainability.

4: Ethical consideration is:

A. Involves only following legal regulations and guidelines without considering moral principles.
B. Focuses solely on achieving personal gain and success, irrespective of its impact on others.
C. Is a rigid set of rules that must be adhered to without flexibility or context.
D. Refers to the process of reflecting on and integrating moral principles, values, and standards into
decision-making and actions.

5: What is informed consent?

A. A legal document that participants sign without understanding its content.

B. A process where individuals are provided with relevant information to make an
autonomous and voluntary choice.
C. An optional step that can be skipped in certain situations.
D. A formality that only applies to medical procedures.
6: What elements should be included in the information provided during the informed consent

A. Only benefits of the procedure.

B. Only potential risks involved.
C. Relevant information about risks, benefits, and alternatives.
D. Information that is intentionally vague to avoid overwhelming participants.

7: Which of the following statements accurately describes the concept of confidentiality in


A. Researchers are free to share participants' personal information without consent

B. Participants' information should be kept private and not disclosed without their explicit
C. Confidentiality is not applicable in research studies
D. Researchers are only responsible for keeping their own information private

8: Which ethical principle is concerned with avoiding harm or minimizing potential risks to
research participants?

A. Autonomy
B. Justice
C. Nonmaleficence
D. Confidentiality

9: Which ethical principle involves the obligation to maximize benefits for research participants
and society while minimizing potential harm?

A) Autonomy
B) Beneficence
C) Nonmaleficence
D) Justice

10: Which government agency is responsible for implementing and enforcing the provisions of RA
10173 in the Philippines?

A) Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)

B) National Privacy Commission (NPC)
C) Department of Justice (DOJ)
D) National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)

11: What is the importance of ethical consideration in research?

i. ensures to maintain research integrity and present research misconduct

ii. not placing research subjects or participants in harm or danger
iii. assures to provide maximum benefits to participants
iv. promotes the values that are essential to collaborative work like trust, accountability, respect
and fairness.
A) i, iii, and iv B) ii, iii, and iv
C) all of the above D) none of the above

12: Which of the following are objectives in Research ethics, EXCEPT:

A. To protect human participants.

B. Strive for absolute certainty in the ethical evaluation of research activities, leaving no room for
C. To ensure that research is conducted in a way that serves interest of individuals, groups, and/or
society a whole.
D. Examine specific research activities and projects for their ethical soundness, looking at issues
such as the management of risk, protection of confidentiality, and the process of informs consent.

13: What does ethical considerations have to do with civil engineering research?

A. Are somewhat relevant in civil engineering research but are not as critical as in other fields, given
the technical nature of the discipline.
B. Are limited in civil engineering research, mainly focusing on legal compliance rather than
broader societal impacts.
C. Are essential in civil engineering research, as in any other field, to ensure that the research is
conducted responsibly and with respect for the well-being of individuals, communities, and the
D. Play a negligible role in civil engineering research, as the primary focus is on achieving project
goals and timelines.

14: In the realm of ethical considerations in civil engineering research, this principle asserts,
"Researchers must contemplate the potential impacts of their work on the communities involved
and endeavor to minimize any adverse consequences."

A. Environmental Impact
B. Human Subjects and Community Impact
C. Safety
D. Professional Conduct
15: The user research ethics is to communicate your findings honestly and transparently.

A) Communicate your findings

B) Protect your Data
C) Learn and Improve
D) Follow the Guidelines

16: The user research ethics is to follow the guidelines and standards that are relevant and
applicable to your research context and domain.
A) Communicate your Findings
B) Protect your Self
C) Learn and Grow
D) Follow the Guidelines
17: The user research ethics is to learn and improve from your research experience.

A) Learn and Improve from the past

B) Protect your Heart
C) Learn and Improve
D) Follow the Guidelines

18: The user research ethics is to respect your participants as human beings, not as data points.

A) Apply your Insights

B) Protect your Partner
C) Respect your participant's
D) Communicate your Feelings

19: The user research ethics is to apply your insights ethically and responsibly.

A) Follow Guidelines
B) Apply your Insights
C) Apply your feelings
D) Protect your peace of mind

20: The user research ethics is to protect your data from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss.

A) Apply Recommendation
B) Protect Participants
C) Protect Data
D) Protect yourself

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