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The subject in English

1. The subject is whoever or whatever is doing the action of the verb, and it is usually a noun or
a pronoun.
(Wilson & Barlow, 2020)
2. Means of expression:
Grammatical CA: English and Vietnamese a. By a word: Books are good for people.
(The C.A. of Syntactic functions) b. By a phrase: Those books are good for people.
c. By a clause: That I love him is unknown.
3. Positions:
a. Front-position: She left.
b. Mid-position: Sad was she when she received the bad news.
c. End-position: In the room is his dog.

The subject in Vietnamese The predicate in English

1. A subject introduces the ‘topic’ of a sentence.
(Diep Quang Ban, 2019) 1. The predicate is what is ‘predicated’ (or said to be true) about the subject.
2. Means of expression:
(Le HuyTruong, et al., 2015)
a. By a word (noun, personal pronoun, adjective, numeral, etc): Nắng đẹp thật.
2. Means of expression:
b. By a phrase (NP, PP): Cái màu xanh đó gợi bao nhớ thương.
a. By a word: It rains.
c. By a clause: Cô ấy đến làm tôi vui.
d. By [từ… đến..]: Từ nhà tớ đến nhà cậu hết 10 phút đi bộ. b. By a phrase (VP):
e. By idioms: Im lặng là vàng không đúng ở mọi trường hợp trong cuộc sống. It is raining.
3. Positions: I wonder why he didn’t come here last night.
a. Front-position: Mưa rơi!
b. Mid-position: Rơi hết sách tao rồi!
c. End-position: Cháy nhà!
(Doan ThienThuat, et al., 2012)
The complement in English
The predicate in Vietnamese
I. Definition: Complement is an element giving further information about the subject or the
object of the sentence.
1. The predicate of a sentence is considered the main part of the sentence as it ‘develops’ the (Le HuyTruong, et al., 2015)
II. Classification: 2 types
(Doan ThienThuat, et al., 2012)
1. Subject complement (Predicative): Mary seems happy.
2. Means of expression:
2. Object complement: Tom drives Jessica crazy.
a. By a word: Chim bay. III. Means of expression:
b. By a phrase: Mấy con chim ríu rít gọi nhau trên cành cây. 1. By a word: I will let her go.
c. By a clause: Cái chợ này hàng hóa đa dạng lắm! 2. By a phrase: She is very smart.
d. By the structure with là/bằng: Cái chảo này bằng gang. 3. By a clause:The question is when he comes.
e. By [numeral + N]: Sợi dây này 15 mét. IV. Functions:
f. By idioms: Hắn ta bắt cá hai tay. 1. Give further information about the subject
2. Give further information about the object

The complement in Vietnamese The complement in Vietnamese

(NguyenVan Hiep, 2014) (Diep Quang Ban, 2019)
I. Viewpoint: Complement is the main part of a sentence
II. Many criteria of classification
I. Viewpoint: Complement is a syntactic constituent that modifies a verb (or an adjective) in
1. On the ground of types of verbs preceding the complement: 2 types
the sentence.
a. Complement overlaps the object in S-V-O structure (if V is a prototypical transitive verb): Chị ấy nhuộm tóc.
II. Many criteria of classification
b. Complement denotes location or destination (Chúng tôi vào nhà.); attitude or emotion (Thằng bé sợ ma.) (if
V is a less prototypical transitive verb) 1. On the ground of the syntactic component affected by the verb:
2. On the ground of inclusion of a preposition in a sentence: 2 types Tôi học Toán.
a. Direct complement: Tôi tặng cái đồng hồ cho bố.
2. On the ground of the component that syntactically functions as a subject:
b. Indirect complement: Tôi tặng cái đồng hồ cho bố.
(Bếp) đầy đồ ăn.
 Complement in this criterion is unclear sometimes: Tôi tặng bố cái đồng hồ.
(Cây cam) chín nhiều quả.
3. On the ground of formation: 3 types:
a. Complement expressed by a word: Bộ phim rất hài hước. 3. On the ground of the context in which the complement occurs:
b. Complement expressed by a phrase: Gió thổi rất mạnh. Con ngựa chết khát.
c. Complement expressed by a clause: Tôi viết bản nhạc hay. Bức tranh vẽ bằng giấy gió.
The complement in Vietnamese
(Le Thanh Huong & Do Ba Lam, 2008)
The CA of complement
(English & Vietnamese)
I. Viewpoint: Complement has some functions in the sentence.
II. Classification
Explain the following factors:
1. A complement describes the degree of the word it modifies.
1. Classification
Anh ta rất hào hứng luyện tập bóng chuyền mỗi chiều.
2. Means of expression
2. A complement shows its relationship (direct/indirect) with other elements.
3. Functions
Cậu bé đang ăn bánh mỳ.
Tôi mua nhà cho cô ấy.
3. A descriptive complement following a verb or an adjective often expresses the
manner, place, quality, etc.
Gió thổi mạnh.
Nhiều cây cao lút đầu đã che tầm mắt của chúng tôi.

The object in Vietnamese

The object in English I. Controversy over the concept of ‘object’
II. Nguyen Van Hiep (2014): object is treated as complement
I. Definition: Objects in English refer to the person or thing toward which the subject 1. Direct complement: Nó đang học bài.
directs the process spoken of in the verb. It denotes the receiver of the action in an 2. Indirect complement: Tớ tặng một căn biệt thự cho cô ấy.
active sentence.
III. Doan ThienThuat, et al. (2012): 2 types
(Le HuyTruong, et al., 2015)
1. Direct object: Chúng tôi học ngoại ngữ.
II. Classification: 3 types:
2. Indirect object: Con vay tiền của anh ấy.
1. Indirect object: He gave me a nice present yesterday.
IDO denotes the receiver of the action, partner, topic of discussion, etc.
2. Direct object: He gave me a nice present yesterday.
Tôi nợ tiền của hắn ta.
3. Prepositional object: He is waiting for his girlfriend outside.
Nó muốn đi chơi với lớp chúng tôi.
II. Means of expression: by a word/a phrase/a clause
Chúng tớ đang nói chuyện về những người sợ ma.
IV. Means of expression: by a word/a phrase/a clause
The attribute in English The attribute in Vietnamese
(NguyenVan Hiep, 2014)
I. Attribute, the part of a sentence, usually precedes a noun or a noun phrase and Attribute classification is
modifies the meaning of that noun or noun phrase. 1. based on the epistemic modality which focuses on one’s knowledge or inference:
(Le Huy Truong, et al., 2015) Hẳn là cô ấy sinh ra trong một gia đình quyền quý.
II. Functions: modify the N/NP Đáng lí ra, cậu nên nói luôn sự thật ngay từ đầu.
III. Position: precede or follow the N/NP 2. based on the deontic modality which indicates social norms:
IV. Means of expression: Chi bằng chúng mình cưới nhau luôn đi.
1. By a word: She gave me a special thing after the class. Ai đời học hành tử tế vậy mà lại đi trộm cắp.

2. By a phrase:The way to conquer her heart is to buy a villa. 3. based on syntactic formation:
3. By a clause: All the books I have given to you are hers. -Word attribute (có lẽ, chắc chắn, tất nhiên, etc.)
- Phrase attribute (chẳng biết chừng, kiểu gì thì kiểu, nói của đáng tội, etc.)

The attribute in Vietnamese One attribute in an English NP

(Diep Quang Ban, 2019)

I. An attribute is a subordinate part of the sentence which goes with a noun and describes
the feature of that noun.
II. Classification: 2 types
1. Quantitative attribute (tất cả, hết thảy, cả, những, các, mấy, etc.)
Tất cả mọi người tập trung trên lớp sau 8 giờ nhé!
2. Descriptive attribute:
Trẻ em (ở) miền núi rất khỏe.
Chẳng ai thích ăn đồ đông lạnh.
One attribute in a Vietnamese NP Many attributes in a NP
English Vietnamese

a black Italian leather coat một chiếc áo khoác da, của Ý, màu đen

a black Italian leather coat 1. một chiếc áo khoác da, của Ý, màu đen
2. một chiếc áo khoác màu đen, bằng da, của Ý
3. một chiếc áo khoác của Ý, màu đen, bằng da
4. …

Many attributes in a NP CA of the attribute

(English & Vietnamese)
In English:
Explain the following factors:
- a very lovely, two-year-old baby
I. Functions
II. Position
InVietnamese: III. Means of expression (3 ways)
IV. Order and role of attributes in a NP
- một em bé 2 tuổi và rất thông minh
- một em bé rất thông minh, 2 tuổi
The adjunct in English
I. An adjunct is a word, a phrase, or a clause which functions as an adverb in the sentence. 9 types of adverbial clauses in English
(Le HuyTruong, et al., 2015)
II. Function: modify the meaning of the main verb.
1. Adverbial clause of time: I will buy some fruits for you when I go shopping.

III. Means of expression: 2. Adverbial clause of place: You can stay where you want.
1. By a word: I spoke softly to her. 3. Adverbial clause of manner: Do this as I showed you.
2. By a phrase: I spoke to her with a soft voice. 4. Adverbial clause of comparison: He is as intelligent as his sister is.
3. By a clause: If you like her, you should talk to her about your feelings. 5. Adverbial clause of reason: I choose coffee because I like it.
III. Positions: 6. Adverbial clause of result: He is so tired that he can’t stand.
1. Front-position 7. Adverbial clause of purpose: I arrived early so that I could catch a bus.
2. Mid-position (common) 8. Adverbial clause of concession: I tried to open it although I felt tired.
3. End-position (common) 9. Adverbial clause of condition: If I have money, I will travel around the world.
IV.Types of adverbial clauses: 9 types
(time, place, reason, result, condition, concession, purpose, manner, comparison)

The adjunct in Vietnamese The adjunct in Vietnamese

Adjunct classification is
(NguyenVan Hiep, 2014) (Diep Quang Ban, 2019)

1. based on the meaning: 8 types

I. Role of adjunct: subordinate part of a sentence
- Adjunct of time: Hôm qua, tôi tới thăm anh ấy.
II. Position: Front position (common); Mid position; End position
- Adjunct of place: Trong hiệu, một thiếu nữ đang mặc cả.
III. Classification: 7 types
- Adjunct of manner: Bằng một giọng ấm áp, anh kể chuyện cuộc đời mình.
- Adjunct of reason: Người ta kiện cáo nhau cũng chỉ vì ghen ăn tức ở.
- Adjunct of time: Hằng ngày, tôi phải đến bưu điện nhận thư cho ông tôi.

- Adjunct of purpose: Để nó khỏi ngượng, tôi chuyển sang câu chuyện khác. - Adjunct of place: Đằng xa, từng đoàn thuyền đánh cá nối đuôi nhau ra khơi.
- Adjunct of concession: Tuy biết vậy, tôi vẫn đi. - Adjunct of situation: Trong điều kiện này, mỗi người nên phải biết cách tự bảo vệ mình.
- Adjunct of condition: Nếu tôi là anh thì tôi sẽ không đi đâu hết. - Adjunct of reason: Vì họ, chúng tôi cố gắng nỗ lực hết mình.
- Adjunct of agent emphasis: Chúng tôi thất bại bởi nó. - Adjunct of purpose: Để mọi việc suôn sẻ, con cần sắp xếp thời gian hợp lý.
2. based on formation: 2 types - Adjunct of condition: Nếu biết anh không đến, tôi đã ở nhà.
- Marked adjunct: Ở trong lớp, giáo viên đang giảng bài. - Adjunct of concession: Tuy mệt nhưng tôi vẫn cố gắng hoàn thành công việc theo đúng hạn.
- Unmarked adjunct: Bước chân tới nơi này, tôi như lạc vào xứ sở thần tiên.
CA of the adjunct
(English & Vietnamese)

Explain the following factors:

I. Functions
II. Position
III. Means of expression (3 ways)
IV. Classification

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