Lesson Plan 2

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Content SS:CV:12:2.3 Describe roles and responsibilities of the United States and NH
Standards judicial systems
G How does our government play a role in our rights?

1. (remembering) Will students be able to remember different roles in our

government involving rights
2. (understanding)students will be able to understand different ways the
government is involved in rights and civic actions/ideas
3. (analyzing/applying) will students be able to see the differences our
government makes on civic ideas and rights

1. Students know the basic fundamentals of rights and civic

responsibility the government created

2. Students are able to know how the government impacts rights and
civil duties

3. Students do realize the differences in rights and civic duties and hoe
they also go hand in hand with one another

D2.Civ.1.9-12. Distinguish the powers and responsibilities of local, state, tribal,
national, and international civic and political institutions.
C3 Standards

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Given the building blocks from Bloom’s Taxonomy and the
standards outlined above, how could you connect teach these ideas with Multiple Intelligences in mind.
What could you do in the lesson to target each of these areas?
BLOOMs Taxonomy:
Create: students will develop ideas on how the government plays an active role.
Evaluate:students will justify their opinions on wether the government should have control
Analyze:students will analyze documents to gather information on the governments role
Apply: students will be able to apply this information into their everyday lives
Understand:students will understand the role the government in our rights
Remember: students will be able to define the different branches of government

Verbal Logical Spatial Musical

Students will be able Students will read Students will Old historical music will be
to speak on their and write during make signs of played during the activity
own ideas of what the lesson to what government
the government does improve branch they are
Bodily Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist
Students will move Students will read Students will If available we will go
around the room and write voice their outside to do activity
during activity individually opinions and
facts on the
DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Thinking about your topic, how can you bring diversity to the lesson.
Which groups below are obviously present? Which could you look for and either incorporate now or in a
later lesson?
Genders Races & Ethnicities Ages & Abilities
Can incorporate how Include who is in Generations Students will have the ability to
genders in the government of As a student voice their own opinions on the
government are color and the should you be matter of if the government
affecting some impacts they’ve had able to have a should play a role in our rights
peoples rights say?

Cultures & Religions Regions of the World Political Ideologies Wealth

If different religions Include different Does allowing the Does having money impact the
could impact how countries government to governments decision on our
the governments are governments and maintain rights rights.
involved in rights how that effects allow them to be far
(such as different their rights and equal to all
countries) (Such as abortions)

STUDENT PREPARATION: What do students need to do or know before this lesson?

Students will need pen and paper, and a slight knowledge of what rights are and an idea on
branches of government.



Opening Remember 10 mins.

Plan Students will pay attention to
Teacher begins by explaining the different teacher talking and be able to
branches in government and which ones are answer questions teacher may
involved in our rights. Then explain why they are have. Then students will
allowed to have a role in our rights and ask the explain whether they agree or
class either they agree that they should be disagree.

Plan Understand 17 mins.

Teacher will then show how different Students will listen to teacher
countries governments are impacting on the as she is lecturing about
rights of their people such as middle eastern different types of governments
countries and other countries who don’t and how different things can
have the same government as us. Then tie in effect them
how religion also had an impact on the
government and its rights created for their

Plan Analyze/Apply 20 mins

Teacher will hand out an article of the Students will read article and
different branches of government and will form ideas of what each
allow students to read about the 3 branches, branch is responsible for with
then as a class they will go over each branch rights.
and what the students think the role of each
government plays in rights.

Students will be given an assigned spot in a Evaluate/Create 10 mins

branch of government and they will have to Students will be split up into
know what its used for and what it had to do groups and will be given a
with our rights different branch of
government, in each group
students will come up with
ways each branch help creates
and maintains our rights as

MATERIALS: What materials will you need to carry out the lesson?
• https://www.usa.gov/branches-of-government
• White board (optional)


REFLECTION: After you’ve taught the lesson, reflect on the plan. What worked? What didn’t? How
will it be modified for next time?

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