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● They began a new unit of south america

● They are learning where they are and the capitals
● They love to sharpen pencils
● They are using their textbooks to fill out a map
● She gave them lines to each country to help be more organized but she also said they
didn't need to use them
● She puts on soft music while they are doing these maps to help concentrate
● She said she doesn't mind a little bit of table talk but the kids aren't really talking either
● They love to ask questions
● She put the pages on the board and students are still asking where they are
● She has a helper in the class for one student but she still goes around to help others
● Students come in and out of her room to go to different classes and do different things
which is weird to me since I was never aloud to leave the room without permission or
with another teacher
● They have an issue with capitalizing the countries and capitals
● When she was correcting them on the spelling and where they were a student started to
get frustrated with getting things wrong but she told the student it wasn't anything to be
upset about and they calmed down
● They had issues with technology and sound not working
○ So she distracted the students and did another activity while me and the other
teacher fixed it
● Dr. Nolan doesn't mind talking as long as they are working
● She walks around and checks on them periodically
● The side teacher printed out an article on something one student who needs more help
than others to help him learn it but also still be engaged in the activity before he left for a
● They are playing map games on their chrome books and she said if they get 100s on both
then they can get a reward. This helped them get the motivation to actually do the work

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