Stopwatch 2 Standard Test U3

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Unit 3 Test

Name ( /40)

1 Write each word in the correct category list. ( /16)

black blond blue braces brown chubby dark glasses green

long medium height medium weight red short x2 tall thin

Words that describe hair Words that describe eyes Words that describe the body
0. long 6. 9.
1. 7. 10.
2. 8. 11.
3. 12.
4 13.
5. 14.

2 Look and complete the sentences. There are two extra words in the box. ( /4)

intelligent / rude funny / kind serious / kind

shy / serious outgoing shy

0. My uncle is always making strangers laugh at parties.

He is funny and outgoing .
1. I know a famous writer. He knows a lot of things, but
he never lets anyone else talk! He’s
, but .
2. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh. You’re too
and .
3. Some people think Frankenstein’s monster is
evil. But really, he just wants to help people. He is
and .
4. Mike has a diƥcult time talking to girls. He is so

2 Unit
Unit 3 Test Plus
3 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 1

1 Circle the correct option. ( / 5)

0. Don’t call my dad right now. He reads / is reading.
1. I go / am going to see a movie, but I have to walk fast, I am late!
2. Tell me what you do / are doing on Saturdays.
3. A good teacher cares / is caring about her students.
4. Look! I see Mr. Jacobs over there. What does he do / is he doing?
5. I go / am going to the park every Wednesday to skate for an hour.

2 Write positive and negative sentences. ( / 5)

0. Are you going to class?
No, I’m not. I am going to the park.
1. Is your mother working in an oƥce?

2. Is the radio playing loud music?

3. Are your friends talking right now?

4. Are my dog and cat ghting?

5. Are we traveling by plane?

2 Unit
Unit 3 Test Plus
3 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 2
Listening and Reading

1 Read, listen and write the letters that describe each person. ( /5)
Hair Body Accessories / Behavior
long long long short medium tall glasses kind shy funny
brown blond black height

short short short thin medium chubby braces rude outgoing serious
brown blond black weight

0. B, I, J, Q 3.
1. 4.
2. 5.

2 Read and circle the correct option. ( /5)

Hi. Name’s Lambert.

I am a very social guy. I go out a lot. I like meeting friends, having coơee and
traveling. I always joke and have a lot of fun.
I’m Justine.
So, what can I say here? I am 23. I like sports. I work a lot, but I have no social life.
I guess that’s why I am using this site!
Krista here.
I am into art, music, anything cultural. Don’t contact me if you have no interest in
these things.
I’m Jacob.
I work in technology, but I also love movies. Let’s meet each other and see if we
get along.

0. What does Lambert’s prole show? 3. What do you think Jacob would like to talk
a. He is serious. b. He is outgoing. c. He is a about?
dancer. a. Video games b. Politics c. Fashion
1. What can you guess from Justine’s prole? 4. Who wants to have more free time?
a. She is shy. b. She is rude. c. She is tall. a. Jacob b. Justine c. Krista
2. Where do you think Krista would like to go 5. Who doesn’t want to meet just any kind of
on a date? person?
a. To a football game b. To ride motorcycles a. Jacob b. Justine c. Krista
c. To the ballet
2 Unit
Unit 3 Test Plus
3 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 3

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