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Mid-Term Test

Grammar and Vocabulary ( / 40)

1 Circle the best option. ( / 10 pts)

0. The Enterprise is a faster ship than the Reliant. 6. Please me with my
a. fast ship as homework.
b. faster ship as a. help
c. faster ship than b. helps
1. A spider is than a bird. c. you help
a. ugly 7. your room before you
b. the ugliest play video games.
c. uglier a. Cleaning
2. Newspapers are than television. b. Cleaner
a. older c. Clean
b. oldest 8. that! It’s hot.
c. more old a. No touch
3. Soccer is than rugby. b. Don’t touch
a. popular c. Not touch
b. popularer 9. This is vacation of
c. more popular my life!
4. Soda is beverage in the world. a. worse
a. the most popular b. the worse
b. the more popular c. the worst
c. most popular 10. Cats are than dogs.
5. The sun is object in the solar a. good
system. b. the better
a. heavy c. better
b. heavier
c. the heaviest

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2 Match the sentences with the pictures. ( / 10 pts)
0. My best friend is a

very shy. c
1. There is some cheese in
the kitchen.
2. There isn’t any food in
the refrigerator.
3. There are some carrots
on the table.
4. I work in an
5. I am working in
my oƥce. c
6. This thing looks very
7. My parents are very i
funny people.
8. His sister is medium
height and blond. d
9. She is taller than
he is.
10. To get to my house, j
turn right at the

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3 Use the prompts to write sentences. ( / 10 pts)
0. what / be / his / name?
What is his name?
1. when / they / usually / go / to bed?

2. I / talk / to my friends / right now

3. Luke / no live / in Japan

4. Elizabeth / no study / right now

5. you / want / help me?

6. Jake / like / classical music?

7. we / no know / how to make a cake

8. they / come / to the party / Saturday

9. we / be / outgoing and intelligent

10. be / the coơee shop / modern?

4 Correct the errors. ( / 10 pts)

0. There aren’t some apples. There aren’t any apples.
1. There are some broccoli in my salad.
2. There isn’t some oranges for breakfast.
3. Some butter is there?
4. There aren’t any beef.
5. There is six bananas.
6. There are cheese.
7. Turns left at the bank.
8. My sister doesn’t listening to me.
9. That is best park in the city.
10. What is you doing?
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Listening and Reading ( / 10)
1 Listen and complete the information. ( / 5 pts)

balance yboarding inventor more popular the beach water

0. There is a new sport called yboarding .

muratart /
1. This is a sport people do at .
2. A yboard uses jets to push people into the air
or underwater.
3. Flyboarders need a lot of and acrobatics.
4. Surng and waterskiing are than yboarding.
5. Franky Zapata is the of the yboard.

2 Read and correct the false information. ( / 5 pts)

here are many reasons that people become friends. Friends are usually close in
Tage. They come from similar families. They share interests and hobbies. Maybe
they watch sports together or talk about art. One interesting inuence
on friendship is a psychological effect called reciprocity. This just means
that when someone likes you, you will probably like them, too.
Popularity and attractiveness can also be inuences. People like to
be friends with popular, attractive people. Sharing secret information
about yourself (at an appropriate moment) also increases friendship.
It shows trust and honesty.
The biggest inuence on friendship, though, is much simpler: location.
People become friends with the people they see every day, at work
or at school. Staying friends with people over long distances is a lot
more work.
0. Friends usually come from very diơerent families.
Friends usually come from similar families.
1. Friends don’t share interests and hobbies.

2. Reciprocity means you like people but they don’t like you.

3. Friends don’t usually care about popularity or attractiveness.

4. Sharing secrets shows that someone is dishonest and dangerous.

5. Long-distance friendships are easier than having friends at work or school.

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Speaking and Writing ( / 20)

1 Look at the pictures. What do you think happened in each? ( / 5 pts)

2 Work with a partner. Choose one of the pictures above and tell the story
you imagined in Activity 1. ( / 5 pts)

3 Answer the following questions and write your autobiography.

Remember to use the past tense. ( / 10 pts)
• When were you born?
• Where were you born?
• Who are your parents or relatives?
• What are three important events in your life so far?

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