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Kea Test Paper - 2 | Use the Computer Laboratory Safely Technology Name Part I « Answer all questions. Underline the most suitable answer. 1) Be. to everyone in computer laboratory at all times. 1. Respectful 2. Noisy 3. Annoying 4. Friend 2) Which device you can not see in computer laboratory’? 1. Printer 2. Bar code Reader 3. Projector 4, Scanner 3) Before entering to the laboratory, you must do the following, 1. Put your chair and keyboard in place. 2. Remove footwear and place outside the lab. 3. Supply power to devices without correct instructions. 4. Take foods, water into the laboratory 4) Which rule is correct regarding using food and drink in the lab? 1.1 can drink and eat in the lab. 2.1 can only drink water 3.1 can only eat no drinking. 4.Do not eat or drink in the lab. 5) Why should you aware of fire extinguishers in the computer laboratory? 1 For your safety. 2.For the safety of the computers. 3.For the safety of the devices. 4.All of the above. 6) If you see anything on the computer that makes you feel uncomfortable you should, L Ignore it. 2.Turm off your computer. 3.Tell your teacher immediately. 4.Click the help button. 7) Which one is correct regarding following activities in a computer laboratory? 1. Playing by rotating chairs. 2.Taking breakfast inside the lab. 3.Writing on the keyboard using pens. 4.Cleaning all the devices in the lab. 8) What does this picture represent? 1 Avoid running inside the laboratory. ! 2.Should be aware of the exit doors of the lab. 3.Be careful when you playing. 4.Avoid jumping inside the lab. 9) When leaving the lab what you should not do? 1. You must push your chair. 2.You must shut down your computer. 3.You must run towards the exit doors. 4.You must leave keyboard and mouse in proper place. 10) Select correct sequential order of turn on the computer. oF A c D 1.B,A,D,C 2.C,A,B,D 3.A,B,D,C 4.C,D,B,A 11) Make sure you have all programs before shutting the computer down. 1. Finish. 2. Close 3.Turm 4. Switch 12) Computer related morals, principles and values are called as, 1. Computer Abuse 2. Copyright 3. Computer Ethics 4, Hacking 13) Which one of the following is not a computer ethic? 1.Must not access the Internet without the permission. 2.Must avoid hacking computer activities. 3.Must access computer files of others. 4. Must not repair computer device without proper instruction. 14) While at the computer how should you sit? 1. straight 2. Back 3. Forward 4, Bent 15) If you not maintain this A mentioned posture what happen? 1L-Pain in backbone. 2.Problems in eyesight. 3.Pain in fingers and Elbows. 4.Strain in feet. 16) Which one is an example of E-waste? 1 Firmware 2.Computer Software 3.Liveware 4. Computer Hardware 17) What is known as E-Waste? 1. Environmental Waste 2. Earth Waste 3. Electronic Waste 4, Energy Waste 18) Which one is not include in 3R Method? 1. Recycle 2. Return 3. Reuse 4, Reduce 19) What is a good way to dispose of E-Waste? 1.Bum it in your home. 2.Throw it in 2.@Sym34ds, 4.GGhdfe98@ (4 x20 = 80 Marks) Part IT 1) Write 4 examples for Computer Ethics. 2) Name 5 materials that are consider as E-waste? 3) Mention 4 problems that can be occurs due to not maintaining postures correctly. 4) Select and write correct word for given blank using given list. (Computer Rules /7/ horizontally / UPS / vertically / reduce / 8 / Computer Ethics / monitor/ reuse) 1. A Password should have a minimum of. ... letters. 2. Set of Ethics related to use the computer properly known as, 3. Keep your leg: when using a computer. 4. “Repair broken items rather than buy new ones” called as in 3R method. 5. Last step of turn on the computers the.. on. should be turned (4 x5 = 20 Marks)

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