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kajkkfdjl what is the specialtiy

kof human amnli

what is the pourbpose of ream loii fjkladsf jasdlkfdas
dsafdsalflkdsaj fds
fa;d“How can such persons, who have rendered unlimited service by explaining the
path of self-realization in relation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and
whose explanations are given forour enlightenment with complete conviction and
Vedic evidence, be repaid except by folded palmscontaining water for their
satisfaction? Such great personalities can be satisfied only by their
ownactivities, which are distributed amongst human society out of their unlimited
mercy.”[Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.22.47]
Mahāraja for presenting them in English.Gīta Subodhinī is nothing but aconcise
representation of theBhagavad-gīta based on the explanations ofthese
greatācāryas .I express my earnest gratitude to my belovedguru His Holiness
RadhanathSwami Maharaja for enlightening me on the ideal mood of scriptural
studyand encouraging me with his kind blessings. I am forever indebted toGauranga
Prabhu, my guide and source of inspiration in all my humbleendeavors. It is his
ardent desire to see the scriptures being studiedsystematically by the devotees,
and it is my great fortune to get anopportunity to be of some assistance to him in
this effort.I thank His Grace Bhūrijana Prabhu for his wonderful overview of
theGīta – ‘Surrender unto Me,’ published by the VIHE. I am deeply grateful to
ourdear teacher Gauranga Priya Prabhu, who provided a comprehensive studyguide for
theGīta , with an amazing analysis of Śrīla Prabhupāda’spurports. I thank Chaitanya
Charan Prabhu for his insightful talks on theGīta that inspired me. All the above
sources greatly contributed to myunderstanding of the flow of theGīta and thus in
the making ofGītāSubodhinī .My heartfelt thanks to Revati Vallabh Prabhu for his
encouragement in mywriting efforts and going through the manuscript, editing and
giving hisvaluable suggestions. I am grateful to Sakha Gadadhar Prabhu for
drawingthe Kṛṣṇa-Arjuna images in this book. I am very thankful to Sakha
SubalPrabhu, Vikas Prabhu and Hemarupa Chaitanya Prabhu for their kindassistance in
theappendix andthematic compilations .

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