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Radioactive Waste Management: Key To A Greener Future

-Saahila Mumtazah, SMPM Pabuaran

Assalamualaikum WR.WB.

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I am sincerely honored to deliver my speech in this

occasion, and may this speech would be an inspiration to all of us.

In the late 1950’s, a nuclear facilities in Russia, exploded. Causing a significant radioactive
contamination. And the main sources is a nuclear waste tank. The event, known as the
‘Kyshtym disaster.’ And was one of the worst nuclear accident in the history. Over 200
individuals lost their lives, while the environment suffered extensive harm. Sadly, this effects
is still continue to be seen, even today.

This story serves as a stark reminder of the dangers, of what we’re dealing with: ‘Radioactive
Waste.’ In consequence, what shall we do to manage the Radioactive Waste?

Honorable judges, distinguished audience, teachers, and my fellow students, I am Sahla from
Muhammadiyah Pabuaran Junior High School. Standing here before you today, to talk about
something that might not be on the forefront of everyone’s minds, but is crucially harmful for
our planet and future: ‘Radioactive Waste.’

Henrie becquerel, one of the most brilliant minds of his time, unveiled the remarkable
discovery of radioactivity during the 19th century. Radioactive, is a term used to describe a
substance that emits radiation. Radiation, is the release of energy in the form of particles, or
electromagnetic waves. Radioactive materials, ca be found in nature, such as uranium and
radon gas, or they can be created in the laboratories. When an atom is radioactive, it means
that its nucleus is unstable and can break apart. Releasing radiation in the process.

Nevertheless, what is Radioactive Waste? it is a product of nuclear reactions. It comes from a

variety of sources, such as nuclear power plants, medical treatments, scientific research, and
even naturally from the Earth’s crust. Regardless of where it comes from, it poses a
significant challenge to our environment, and to us, living beings.
The low-level waste, includes items that have been contaminated with radioactive materials,
or have become radioactive through exposure. This could include rags, tools, and medical

The intermediate-level waste, is higher in radioactivity than the Low-level waste. It often
includes resins, chemical sludge, and contaminated materials from reactors decommissioning.

Additionally, the High-level waste primarily spent fuel removed from nuclear reactors after it
has been used to produce electricity. This waste generates heat and is highly radioactive.

Now, visualize walking down a road close to the neighboring factory that emits numerous of
Radioactive Waste materials. The atmosphere surrounding the factory is saturated with
countless radioactive particles that are released into the air. We can unknowingly inhale them,
they can settle in our lungs, and causing severe damages to our organs.

The short-term effect of Radioactive Waste can lead to diarrhea or hair loss. However, the
long-term effect are far more concerning as it can result fatal illnesses. Continuous exposure
to Radioactive Waste has been associated with persistent genetic mutations and even cancer.
And that’s how ladies and gentlemen, Radioactive Waste affects us. Silently entering our
bodies and gradually causing fatal illnesses without us, even realizing it. Furthermore,
Radioactive Waste also posing a threat to agricultural land, fishing waters, and even our water

So, my dear judges and audience, it is our duty and responsibility to take the matter in our
hands to save our planet and the future generation. Well, you may now ask, “But how can we
help to manage the Radioactive Waste?” There are dozens of way to manage this issue. I will
give you three examples.

1. Choose the appropriate chemicals and methods that reduce the amount and
harmfulness of any waste materials.
2. Be mindful not to order more radioactive materials than you actually require.
3. Let’s restrict the usage of radioactive materials to a limited numbers of users and also
limit the areas where these materials are utilized.

And little by little, step by step, we will start to see the brighter future for our next generation.
Thus, what action should we take at this moment? We need more than just scientific methods,
we need more international cooperation and strong regulations, we need public awareness
and engagement. We need to understand that our action today, impact our world tomorrow.

As I conclude, bear in mind these words: “Our Future Glows Bright, Only When We Handle
The Light Right.” This is not just a slogan, but a mantra for a better future. Let’s make
Radioactive Waste management a priority, for the sake of our planet, and for the generations
to come.

Wassalamualaikum WR.WB.

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