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-Saahila Mumtazah, SMPM Pabuaran.

Assalamualaikkum WR.WB.

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for giving me your precious time, and I sincerely
hope that this speech would be an inspiration for all of us.

Honorable judges, esteemed audience, teachers, and my fellow students, I am Sahla from
SMPM Pabuaran. Stand before you today, to talk about something that is critically important
to our planet, yet tragically overlooked: Marine ecology.

Marine ecology in simple-terms, is a study of the relationship that exist between the marine
environment’s and sea creature’s inhabit.

Marine ecology, is not just about the mysterious deep-sea habitats, or the charismatic marine
mammals that we often picture. It is about understanding the interconnectedness of life in our
oceans. From the tiniest plankton to the largest whale, from the warmest tropical sea to the
coldest arctic ocean.

Marine ecology, is the heartbeat of our planet. It plays a pivotal role in regulating our planet’s
climate, absorbing a significant portion of the CO2 we produce. And supplying half of the
world’s oxygen. It is a critical part for our global ecosystem, upon which all life including

However, it is disheartening that I mush highlight the profound that our cherished marine, are
no longer a paradise. Marine pollution, has destroyed the underseas life. And you probably
know that humans, are the main culprits behind it.

We, humans, are causing a detrimental impact. Numerous individuals throw their trash on the
shoreline, resulting countless plastics drifting in the sea. As a consequence, the marine’s life,
are gradually fading away.

So, do these words served as a wake-up call to end our greediness? It is high time to be aware
of your actions, and spread the words to stop polluting the God’s gift for us. the ocean is not
just a vast, blue expanse. It is a living, breathing entity that needs our understanding, our
appreciation, and above all, our protection.

And as the youngsters always said; “Be the part of the solution, not the part of the pollution.”

Wassalamualaikum WR.WB.

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