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Military Institute of Science and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Course Title: Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques Sessional
Course Code: EECE 280

Experiment No. 01: Study of AND, OR and NOT logic gate circuits.

Circuit Diagrams:

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Required Components:
Diode 1N4007 - 2 Resistor 1KΩ - 2 Resistor 100KΩ - 1
Transistor BD-135 - 1 Resistor 10KΩ - 1 Digital Multimeter – 1

1. Set up the circuit of Figure 1 with Ra = 1KΩ, Rb = 1KΩ, and R1 = 100KΩ. Set Vcc as 5V.
2. Apply 0V and / or 5V as input to port Va and Vb.
3. Measure output voltage Vo for all input combinations.
4. Set up the circuit of Figure 2 with Ra = 1KΩ, Rb = 1KΩ, and R1 = 100KΩ
5. Repeat steps 2 to 3.
6. Set up the circuit of Figure 3 with R1=100K and R2=10K.
7. Apply 0V and / or 5V as input to port X.
8. Measure output voltage Z for all input combinations.
Experimental Data
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3
Va Vb Vo Va Vb Vo X Z
0V 0V 0V 0V 0V
0V 5V 0V 5V 5V
5V 0V 5V 0V
5V 5V 5V 5V
Using experimental data, analyze both the circuits with the help of truth table for positive and negative logic.
Report: Report should include the following points:
1. Objective of the experiment
2. Circuit Diagrams
3. Components required
4. Experimental Data
5. Analysis and discussion of the findings

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