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Quiz No:1

Submission Date (nov 9, 2020)




Course Code (MGT-303)

BS. Computer Science Section (A)

Submitted To

Asba Arshad

Department of Computer Sciences

There are so many ways in which entrepreneur can think differently but I am
discussing some of the most Important and basic ways of entrepreneur thinking.
1. They think about problem solving ideas.
Entrepreneurs often think about ideas which will solve big problems of the world.
Entrepreneurs are problem solvers.
However, when most people think what’s in it for me? Entrepreneurs grab the ideas and solve
This thought process helps them to become an extraordinary human being.
If you think you have ideas, make sure they are problem solving for other people.
2. They think execution is more important than idea.
Entrepreneurs are doers. They don’t keep thinking about anything. So, they go out and do it,
no matter what anyone think about it.
However, when most people are living in their head and sitting with lots ideas, entrepreneur
pick an idea and work on it until they achieve it.
Entrepreneurs believe that doing is more important than thinking about it.
They think less and do more than other people.
3. They think problem as an opportunity.
Entrepreneurs think that problem is an opportunity to grow. They deal with lots of problems
and make it an opportunity to grow as a person.
However, entrepreneurs create businesses around the problems. You can keep complaining
and let the entrepreneurs make money.
So, entrepreneurs don’t take problem as a problem. They take it as an opportunity.
4. They think big.
Entrepreneurs think big and when I say big, that means really big. They never think about
taking business on a local level. They are global minded people.
Entrepreneurs start their business with global mindset. It is impossible for them to think
Big success requires massive action and massive action comes from big thinking.
5. They think about starting small.
Entrepreneurs think starting small is the best way to learn the market and improve
Every single business, from Apple to Google, Amazon to Microsoft started from garage.
They grow consistently by taking baby steps and became world’s leading companies in the
world.Every company you know have started small and then they become big.
6. They think team is important.
Entrepreneurs give priority to their team mates. They know that it’s impossible to achieve
something great all alone. So, they create a mastermind group who can take their business to
next level.
They create a team and split the work among them. It helps them to focus on their vision and
mission to accomplish their goals.
7. They think about domination, not competition.
Entrepreneurs think about dominating a marketplace. They want to eat all the pieces of the
They find competition is unhealthy thing. It’s red ocean where all the fishes are fighting.
However, dominating a marketplace is healthy because it’s a blue ocean where there is no
other competitor.
Entrepreneurs are smart people and they never likes to be a part of the crowd.

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