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Module 11
Research Methodology




Writing a literature review.
Is there evidence or authoritative opinion from others to support the need for this
Review articles from both quantitative and qualitative journals, beyond those journals specific
to your discipline, to explore evidence or authoritative opinion from others to support the
need for our research. To the extent possible, look for articles with the same theoretical
perspective that you will use in your final project. If you choose your articles wisely and
spend time reviewing them carefully, you will be able to build a stronger argument and a
more meaningful reflection on the importance of researching your area of interest. Construct
a problem statement that will lead the reader from a shared context to the perception of a
problem, and on to a proposed solution. This problem statement should lead to a novel, clear,
useful and exciting message. Formulate a meaningful, clear, concise & manageable
problem statement for your area of interest.
If you choose your articles wisely and spend time reviewing them carefully, you will be able
to build a stronger methods section and a more meaningful reflection on the effectiveness of
your methods in the final paper. This assignment will be able to demonstrate your knowledge
of the basic epistemological underpinnings of research.

You will each propose a research project that will meet your needs in the course. Research
projects must include all the critical elements needed to meet the requirement of a good
Proposal. The final research project report should contain the following elements:

1. Abstract
2. Purpose and research questions
3. Subjectivity statement
4. Literature review
5. Description of participants and context
6. Explanation of data collection process
7. Explanation of data analysis

Subjectivity statement: Develop a written subjectivity statement describing why this research
is important to you and how it relates to your identity based on factors such as your personal
history, gender, race, ethnicity, cultural history, particular interests, political views, etc. In
some cases, it is appropriate to include how your identity relates to a particular epistemology
or theoretical orientation.

Response to research process: Reflect on the effectiveness and limitations of the methods you
used to address your research questions and study purpose, given the specifics of your
participants, research setting and personal subjectivity. Reflections can be integrated into
various sections of the final paper or discussed in this section. At the end of your final report,
review your original learning goals from your learning contract and describe the progress that
you have made for each by giving evidence or examples.

Assessment criteria:* please refer to assessment rubrics

Written assignments should show:

1. Understanding and use of the relevant literature

2. A critical engagement with ideas presented
3. Clear organization and structure with fluent and accurate writing
4. APA style citations

This Research Proposal Report will be able to demonstrate your competency and sufficient
understanding of the major paradigms of qualitative and quantitative research in order to
locate your research in these paradigms, and to provide a basis for further research. It will
also be able to assess your aptitude to recognize and assess quality and rigor in evaluating a
qualitative and quantitative research study . Your writing will also be able to assess your
capacity to critically reflect on both the content and process of a research project and to
identify potential ethical issues

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