LASER Assignment - 1

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda

Physics Assignment (Odd Term, A. Y.: 2019-20)

Group-I (3110011)
Branches: Mechanical and Civil
Module-5: LASER

1 Define.
1. Spontaneous Emission 2. Stimulated Emission
3. Active Medium & Active Centres 4. Optical Pumping
5. Optical Resontor 6. Metastable State
7. Population Inversion 8. Monochromaticity
9. Coherence

2 State the properties of LASER.

3 Explain in brief the process of absoption and emission. Also derive relations between Einstein’s

4 List and explain condtion for amplication of radiation.

5 Distinguish between Spontaneous Emission and Stimulated Emission.

Three level pumping schemes operate in pulse mode. Justify.

8 Explain briefly different types of pumping schemes.

9 Explain construction and working mechanism of Ruby Laser with neat necessary diagrams.

10 Explain construction and lasing action of He-Ne laser with energy lelvel diagram.

11 Discuss applications of LASER in various fields.

12 List various type of pumping methods.

13 Calcualte energy difference of metastable state and lower state of He-Ne laser for emitted
photon of wavelength 632.8 nm. Find number of photons require to emitting per seond to
produce laser of 10 mW. Also calculate population of metastable state with respect to lower
lasing statge.
Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda
Physics Assignment (Odd Term, A. Y.: 2019-20)
Group-I (3110011)
Branches: Mechanical and Civil
Module-5: LASER

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