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Romero 1

Orlando Romero

Carey Perkins



Reflection Final Exam

Question 1: Throughout this term, my accomplishments in ENG101 have been both enlightening

and challenging. In terms of strengths, my process work evolved significantly, particularly in the

planning and revising stages. I became more adept at critically analyzing my own writing,

identifying areas of improvement, and incorporating constructive feedback. However, a notable

weakness was my initial struggle with topic selection in the essays, leading to less focused

narratives. This required extra effort in refining my ideas and clarifying the central themes. In the

final written texts, my strengths lie in developing a coherent argument and refining my use of

rhetorical elements. I successfully integrated ethos, logos, and pathos into my essays, enhancing

the overall persuasiveness of my arguments. However, a weakness persisted in maintaining a

consistent voice and tone, which occasionally affected the overall cohesiveness of my writing.

Question 2: The strategies I will take away from this semester are centered on effective planning

and continuous revision. I've learned that investing time in brainstorming and careful outlining

significantly improves the clarity and structure of my essays. Additionally, the importance of

seeking feedback, both from peers and the instructor, has become a cornerstone of my writing

process. This collaborative approach allows for diverse perspectives and helps me refine my

Romero 2

Question 3: Among the essays, I take particular pride in my Position Argument. The topic

selection process was challenging, but once I settled on a subject I was passionate about, the

writing process flowed more smoothly. This essay showcases my growth in constructing a

persuasive argument, incorporating rhetorical elements effectively, and maintaining a clear focus


Question 4: The essay I learned the most from was the Memoir or Literary Analysis. Discovering

the need for emotional depth in storytelling was a pivotal moment. My initial drafts lacked the

authenticity required to engage readers emotionally. Through revisions and feedback, I learned to

infuse more personal reflections, sensory details, and introspection, transforming my narrative

into a more compelling and relatable piece.

Question 5: This semester's writing journey has been transformative. Through the process of

drafting, revising, and reflecting, I've honed my skills in effective communication and critical

thinking. The ability to analyze rhetorical contexts and incorporate feedback is now ingrained in

my writing approach. ENG101 has not just refined my writing abilities; it has instilled in me a

deeper appreciation for the art of crafting a compelling narrative. Moving forward, I will carry

these lessons into future classes, armed with a more nuanced understanding of the writing

process and a commitment to continuous improvement.

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