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Answer to the question no. 1

Choosing the correct target segment for an advertising campaign is essential as it ensures that
your message resonates with the right audience. This then leads to higher conversion rates,
efficient resource allocation, brand loyalty, and a competitive edge. Data-driven insights and
cost-effectiveness also from precise targeting, fostering growth and adaptability.

Answer to the Question no. 2

Selecting multiple channels is always a good idea in my opinion. Because in advertising, we as

advertisers want to reach as many people as we can. And selecting multiple channels helps us
reach that goal.

Because people like to get their news or entertainment through different channels and our
segmented audiences have that kind of preferences as well. So, for us to capture those audiences
we need to choose different channels. This way the advertising campaign would be more
successful and efficient.

And for McDonald’s “The Great Spicy Speculation” Campaign The different channels are:

1. Paid Media: McDonald's had invested in both traditional and digital advertising channels
as paid media. This investment included promotions in television and radio commercials,
in-store promotions (e.g., kiosks), and digital ads on social networking sites and other
websites. Because of their popularity, these promotions required lots of monetary
investments to reach their target audience and promote the campaign.

2. Owned Media: McDonald's owned media included their physical locations (restaurants)
and their online presence, such as the official website and social media accounts. As
McDonalds is a real-estate company they also had their stores as their owned media.
They utilized their owned media to directly control and disseminate campaign
information, ensuring a consistent brand message.
3. Earned Media: Earned media are the pre-launch viral campaigns, 'The Great Spicy
Speculation,' leveraged user-generated content and social sharing. This created and
earned media as customers shared and discussed the campaign on social platforms.
McDonald's successfully generated buzz and engagement through customer interaction,
this qualifies as their earned media.

The combination of these paid, owned, and earned media channels allowed McDonald's to reach
a diverse audience and generate a significant impact with its 'How Spicy is McSpicy?' campaign.

Answer to the Question no. 3

For youths these days, social media is crucial for products. Because these days most of the
products that are aimed at youths are usually shown in those platforms due to their heavy
presence. Social media offers direct engagement, interactive content, precise targeting, and real-
time feedback. The shareability amplifies brand/product messages, taking advantage of user-
generated content. This dynamic landscape enables brands to connect authentically with the
youth, influencing their preferences and fostering loyalty.

And there are also icons,influencers,ambassadors present on the platforms as well to further
preach the brand image and the products to the youths.

And as for shared media/user-generated content and social media sharing, these can be
influenced by brands but these are not entirely controllable. Brands can encourage customer
sharing through incentives, contests, and high-quality content. However, the decision to share
ultimately rests with users of the social media platform and customers. Trying to gain much
control over these channels can often backfire to the brand itself.

Answer to the question no. 1 (a)

The Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach is gaining popularity in both large
and small companies for various reasons:

1. Consistency: IMC method ensures that a consistent brand message is shown across
various marketing channels, ensuring consistent brand identity, which is crucial for all
companies both small and large.

2. Cost-Efficiency: IMC optimizes marketing budgets by coordinating efforts, allowing

small companies to make the most of limited resources and large companies to efficiently
allocate budgets.

3. Maximized Impact: It leverages the synergy of multiple channels to create a more

significant and widespread impact on the target audience, benefiting companies of all

4. Customer-Centricity: IMC focuses on understanding and meeting customer needs, which

is vital for building relationships and loyalty, regardless of a company's size.

5. Adaptability: In today's dynamic market, IMC offers flexibility, enabling quick

adjustments in response to changes, providing both small and large companies with an

6. Data-Driven: IMC's data-driven approach allows companies to measure and evaluate

marketing efforts, making it a valuable tool for decision-making.

7. Competitive Edge: IMC can level the playing field for smaller companies and keep larger
ones competitive in an ever-changing market.

8. Global Reach: IMC can be tailored for international markets, helping companies expand
their reach while maintaining a consistent brand image.

9. Technological Integration: As technology evolves, IMC facilitates the integration of

digital and traditional channels, keeping companies up-to-date.
The IMC approach for marketing communications planning and strategy benefits businesses of
all sizes by providing consistency, cost-effectiveness, and a customer-centered approach. It
enables adaptability, offers a competitive edge, and allows companies to reach a global audience
while staying technologically relevant, making it a cornerstone of modern marketing strategy.

Answer to the question no. 1 (b)

Based on the provided guidance, if I were to craft a brand positioning and marketing strategy for
Rumyla's unique chocolate inspired by Shimla, here's how I would approach it.

Brand Positioning:
Rumyla's Chocolate Delights: Where Shimla Meets Chocolate Artistry

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Our chocolate is a first-of-its-kind fusion of Shimla's beauty and artisanal craftsmanship, making
it an exclusive and unreplicable delight.

Marketing Strategy:

1. Authenticity and Rarity: Emphasize the authenticity and limited availability of this
Shimla-inspired chocolate blend to highlight its exclusivity.

2. Craftsmanship and Expertise: Showcase Rumyla's dedication and chocolate-making

expertise, making her the face behind this unique creation.

3. Storytelling: Share the captivating narrative of Shimla's influence and the meticulous
process behind crafting each piece.

4. Visual Aesthetics: Use stunning visuals to capture Shimla's beauty and the chocolate-
making journey.

5. Limited-Time Offer: Create urgency by promoting the chocolate as a limited-time


6. Customer Engagement: Encourage customers to share their experiences and become part
of the brand's story.
7. Product Launch Event: Host an engaging launch event to unveil the chocolate, offering
insights into its creation and the story behind it.

This strategy positions Rumyla's Chocolate Delights as a unique, authentic, and exclusive
product, connecting Shimla's essence with chocolate artistry to offer a truly exceptional
indulgence, perfect for those seeking something extraordinary.

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